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Post Date: 2011-11-07 17:00:01 by Itistoolate
In M J last video-2009, They Don't Care About Us the lyrics go: "Jew me, Sue me" and "Kick me, Kike me," Michael Jackson Warns Of 2012 Illuminati Conspiracy - Michael Jackson warns of 2012 Illuminati conspirac Video

US lawyer Ed Fagan seeks Nazi gold in Czech Republic, as well as bond settlements
Post Date: 2011-11-02 10:41:40 by X-15
Larger-than-life US lawyer Ed Fagan is seeking two types of treasure in the Czech Republic: As well as his already publicized efforts to follow up claims on a series of interwar Czechoslovak bonds, he is also on the trail of Nazi gold thought to be hidden in the country during the dying days of WWII. Fagan, together with a business partner, in the US state of Florida, expects by the end of December to dig at one of three sites south of Prague where they believe that Nazi treasure shipped out of Berlin in April 1945 might have been hidden. “The ground will be hard, so it will be good to dig,” Fagan told Czech Position on Tuesday, just after presenting his bond demands to the ...

Origins if Libya's anti-Qaddafi revolution
Post Date: 2011-10-31 05:25:03 by Tatarewicz
Cynthia McKinney Once again, Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya peels away the veneer of legitimacy and deception enveloping the U.S./NATO genocide currently taking place in Libya. In his first article, Nazemroaya makes it clear that there never was any evidence given to the United Nations or the International Criminal Court to warrant or justify United Nations Resolutions 1970 and 1973 or current U.S./NATO operations inside Libya. In his second article detailing this very sad story, Nazemroaya exposes the relationships between the major Libyan protagonists/NATO collaborators and the U.S. Congress-funded National Endowment for Democracy. Incredibly, when leading Members of Congress publicly ...

"Very pleased we have entered into relations again with American Government" -Rothschilds, 1878
Post Date: 2011-10-28 17:24:56 by bluegrass
"The present is a mystery only to those who've slept through history." For most, the events and concerns of the present day are a Gordian knot of impenetrable confusion. Schools, the mass media and our own politicians appear to do all they can to add to the muddle by not informing the public of our own history. This writer ascribes it to widespread ignorance, not to any conspiracy on the part of the airheads in media and politics. We've all slept through history, now we must do our best to wake each other up. In a 1787 letter to Thomas Jefferson, John Adams said: "All the perplexities, confusion and distress in America arise, not from defects in their Constitution ...

War Plan, Seven Countries In Five Years
Post Date: 2011-10-25 16:41:34 by Itistoolate
Wesley Clark, September 30th, 2006 General Wesley Clark: Because I had been through the Pentagon right after 9/11. About ten days after 9/11, I went through the Pentagon and I saw Secretary Rumsfeld and Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz. I went downstairs just to say hello to some of the people on the Joint Staff who used to work for me, and one of the generals called me in. He said, "Sir, you've got to come in and talk to me a second." I said, "Well, you're too busy." He said, "No, no." He says, "We've made the decision we're going to war with Iraq." This was on or about the 20th of September. I said, "We're going to war with ...

Anti-Democratic Knesset Bills
Post Date: 2011-10-25 04:05:13 by Stephen Lendman
Anti-Democratic Knesset Bills - by Stephen Lendman Knesset summer session bills grievously harm civil and human rights if passed. Basic freedoms are at risk, including speech, assembly, association, and right to dissent. On October 16, a Haaretz editorial addressed one measure affecting press freedom headlined, "Free press in Israel is in danger," saying: Knesset extremists want to silence it "through the threat of libel suits that would jeopardize the economic foundations of the media outlets." Last week, Knesset Law and Justice Committee chairman David Rotem (Yisrael Beiteinu party) approved MK Yariv Levin's (Likud) bill for first reading. It calls for more ...

Post Date: 2011-10-24 06:04:40 by Tatarewicz
It sat there on your parents' shelf, or maybe your grandparents', alongside the six volumes of Winston Churchill's chronicle of World War II and the 11 volumes of Will and Ariel Durant's "The Story of Civilization." It had two distinctions. One was the menacing swastika on the spine of the book. The other was that it was the only one of those 18 volumes that anyone in your family ever actually opened. It is William L. Shirer's "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich," and more than a million people did more than buy it or open it. They read it. It may be, aside from the Bible, the biggest book ever read by a big audience, and that audience devoured ...

Operation Gladio Returns?
Post Date: 2011-10-18 10:58:34 by christine
The corporate media is famous for only telling you part of the story. In the news item below, published by The Australian, we are told that there is a possible terror campaign afoot in Germany and it is reminiscent of the Baader-Meinhof operations in the 1970s and may represent “a far-left campaign of violence.” In fact, there was no “far-left campaign of violence” in the 1970s. The violence was orchestrated by the CIA and MI6 through NATO under Operation Gladio. Known as stay-behinds these armies were given access to military equipment which was supposed to be used for sabotage after a Soviet invasion. Instead it was used in massacres across mainland Europe as part ...

400,000 BCE: Blade Production Began Far Earlier Than Originally Thought Archaeologists Find
Post Date: 2011-10-18 00:40:44 by abraxas
400,000 BCE: Blade Production Began Far Earlier Than Originally Thought Archaeologists Find Monday, October 17, 2011 3:04 Archaeology has long associated advanced blade production with the Upper Palaeolithic period, about 30,000-40,000 years ago, linked with the emergence of Homo Sapiens and cultural features such as cave art. Venus of Laussel, an Upper Paleolithic (Aurignacian) carving. Now researchers at Tel Aviv University have uncovered evidence which shows that "modern" blade production was also an element of Amudian industry during the late Lower Paleolithic period, 200,000-400,000 years ago as part of the Acheulo-Yabrudian cultural complex, a geographically limited ...

The Warning
Post Date: 2011-10-16 22:48:57 by Itistoolate
To save Americans money

America Is Still A British Colony
Post Date: 2011-10-14 15:02:37 by wudidiz
This is a show Gordan Comstock did on February 28, 2011. America Is Still A British Colony Part 2 Part 3 Poster Comment:AMERICA'S SUBJECTION TO BRITAIN, IN A NUTSHELL (Text)

grisly end: 800-year-old remains of witch discovered in Italian graveyard… with seven nails driven through her jaw
Post Date: 2011-10-02 17:42:15 by X-15
These are the 800 year old remains of what archaeologists believe was a witch from the Middle Ages after seven nails were found driven through her jaw bone. The grim discovery was made during a dig on what is thought to be a 'witches graveyard' after another woman's skeleton was found surrounded by 17 dice - a game which women were forbidden from playing 800 years ago. Experts say they believe the women are aged around 25 - 30 years old and were found buried in a simple shallow grave in the ground with no coffin or shroud. The macabre remains were found during a dig close to the sea at Piombino near Lucca in Italy's Tuscany region and the woman had seven nails through her ...

Where did they go?
Post Date: 2011-10-01 10:45:27 by Itistoolate
The "Bird Flu" The North American SUPER Highway from Mexico to Canada The North American Union All the posters @ 4um ?

New World Order plan to take over Arab and African countries
Post Date: 2011-09-30 22:12:01 by Itistoolate
New World Order plan to take over Arab and African countries

These are the Children of YHVH (pronounced "Yah-Way") The White Western European people and nations, including the United States And Iceland, who are the Sons and Daughters of YAHWEH who are of the House of Jacob-Israel and are the House of Judah.
Post Date: 2011-09-23 19:23:12 by Itistoolate
These are the Children of YHVH (pronounced "Yah-Way") The White Western European people and nations, including the United States And Iceland, who are the Sons and Daughters of YAHWEH who are of the House of Jacob-Israel and are the House of Judah. (not the Jews of today) Reuben is Holland , Simeon is Spain, Judah is the Germanic States, Germany, Ireland, Scotland and White Russia, (Judah had twin sons). Zebulun is France, Issachar is Finland, Dan is Denmark, Gad is Italy, Asher is Sweden, Naphtali is Norway, Benjamin is Iceland , The House of Joseph got a double portion; Ephraim is England, - Manasseh is the United States with the Eagle and the 13 olive branches and the 13 ...

Regions Of Saturn (Legions of SATAN)
Post Date: 2011-09-21 11:27:22 by Itistoolate
Regions of Saturn is a short video production which highlights an important historical truth in respect of what was recorded by Jonathan Williams (1750-1815) in his 1781 book, 'Legions of Satan'. Williams, a dedicated American patriot, wrote of a warning that had been given to George Washington by General Charles Cornwallis after Washington, along with his French allies, had secured the surrender of Cornwallis at the Battle of Yorktown, on 19th October, 1781. History has since accredited Cornwallis as being responsible for the loss of British-held colonies to continental forces. The removal of Legions of Satan from the U.S. Library of Congress ought to ring alarm bells within all ...

Full Court Press to Deny Palestinians Statehood
Post Date: 2011-09-21 04:34:49 by Stephen Lendman
Full Court Press to Deny Palestinians Statehood - by Stephen Lendman Palestinians deserved and were ready for statehood 63 years ago. Washington, Israel, other detractors, and naysayers say not now. Libya's illegitimate Transitional National Council (TNC) puppet regime got theirs in less than 63 minutes. Palestinians overwhelmingly want what imperial America and Israel intend to deny them. In fact, they're applying hardball pressure for it right now. Palestinians have other ideas. On September 18, Haaretz writers Ron Ben-Tovim headlined, "Majority of Palestinians believe UN statehood bid will succeed," explaining: They also think Israel and America will respond ...

Two Seedline Explained, Part 1
Post Date: 2011-09-20 07:31:18 by Itistoolate
Two Seedline Explained, Part 1 - Christogenos 02-13-09 Bill Fink, Pastor Eli James (Satanic vs. Adomic) Two Seedline Explained, Part 1 - Christogenos 02-13-09

Fascinating 1936 Footage Of Car Assembly Line
Post Date: 2011-09-15 21:40:20 by Flintlock

Allegedly Foiling Jerusalem Terrorist Attacks
Post Date: 2011-09-09 04:55:13 by Stephen Lendman
Allegedly Foiling Jerusalem Terrorist Attacks - by Stephen Lendman Here we go again. We've seen it all before strategically timed, especially in America. A previous article explained, accessed through the following link: It said: With or without bin Laden, bogymen threats are plentiful. Since WW II alone, America's had numerous ones, including communists, Al Qaeda, Saddam, WMDs, the Taliban, Gaddafi, and a host others yet unnamed, as well as numerous "foiled" domestic ones. Among others, they include: -- a fake shoe bomber; -- fake underwear bomber; -- fake Times Square bomber; -- an earlier ...

Systematic Israeli State Terror
Post Date: 2011-09-08 04:47:47 by Stephen Lendman
Systematic Israeli State Terror - by Stephen Lendman Despite his own cross to bear, Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan got it right calling Israel responsible for "state terror." In fact, it's official policy, ongoing for decades against non-Jews, especially Palestinians without letup. According to the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR), from August 18 - 24 alone, Israel launched 41 air strikes against Gaza, killing 17 Palestinians, including two children and a doctor, wounding 20 others, and destroying or damaging a number of facilities attacked. During the same period, Israeli forces conducted at least 27 military incursions into Palestinian West ...

25 Top Lies of the Last Century
Post Date: 2011-09-07 06:58:05 by Itistoolate
25 Top Lies of the Last Century Friday, June 24, 2011 A Texe Marrs Exclusive Report. Famous industrialist Henry Ford once stated, “History is bunk!” Now, Texe Marrs proves him right, unmasking the colossal lies fed to the world by the politicians, liars and scoundrels who write the “official” establishment history books. Among the fascinating subjects examined in this report: (1) Japan actually offered to surrender before the U.S. savaged Hiroshima and Nagasaki with atomic bombs; (2) U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy told the truth about Communist spies infesting the government bureaucracy in high places. (3) President John F. Kennedy was not assassinated by a lone nut ...

Lawlessness and Injustice Define America and Israel
Post Date: 2011-09-05 04:26:10 by Stephen Lendman
Lawlessness and Injustice Define America and Israel - by Stephen Lendman Rogue state lawlessness and contempt for humanity define both nations. At home, America is plagued by police state laws, contempt for human and civil rights, out-of-control corruption, banker occupation, corporate control of Washington, record budget and national debt levels, as well as depression-sized unemployment, poverty, homelessness, hunger and despair. Abroad, America wages permanent wars on humanity, killing millions for wealth, power, and unchallengeable global dominance at the expense of suffering billions. The rancid stench of Washington's war on the world permeates everywhere, threatening human and ...

Who are we Whites? Who are the Imposter Israelites? Pastor Bertrand L. Comparet
Post Date: 2011-08-29 11:56:04 by Itistoolate

Which organization is know as the "Order of Death"?
Post Date: 2011-08-28 17:29:56 by Itistoolate
Which organization is know as the"Order of Death"?

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