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[Ted] Haggard Leaves Colorado
Post Date: 2007-04-19 13:23:13 by Ferret Mike
A portrait of Ted Haggard hangs in the world prayer center on the campus of New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colo. in this 2006 file photo. Haggard moved Wednesday from his longtime home in Colorado Springs to Phoenix, where the disgraced minister will join the same church that helped fallen televangelist Jim Bakker. Haggard resigned as president of the National Association of Evangelicals last year, after a former male prostitute alleged a three-year cash-for-sex relationship. (AP Photo/David Zalubowski, FILE) DENVER — The Rev. Ted Haggard moved Wednesday from his longtime home in Colorado Springs to Phoenix, where the disgraced minister will join the same church that helped ...

The Party of Brownshirts
Post Date: 2007-04-16 05:14:10 by YertleTurtle
Neoconservatives have turned the Republican Party into a Brownshirt Party. Look at the evidence. While real patriots flee the party, the remaining supporters cling to power by asserting dictatorial dominance for President Bush. The Republican Attorney General denies that the US Constitution provides habeas corpus protection to American citizens. Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney, Republican candidates for the 2008 presidential campaign, believe the president has the power to imprison US citizens indefinitely without warrants or trials. The "conservative" Federalist Society favors concentrating more power in the executive. Neoconservative ideologues claim the right to impose American ...

Britain's Fight Against Drugs "a Total Failure'
Post Date: 2007-04-15 20:16:37 by YertleTurtle
Government attempts to persuade thousands of young people to stay away from drugs have failed and done nothing to curb the soaring popularity of illegal substances, a devastating report will warn this week. The number of young people using cocaine and cannabis has increased rapidly over the past 20 years despite high-profile campaigns, such as the £9m 'Frank' initiative aimed at 11 to 15-year-olds, according to an in-depth examination of official efforts to tackle Britain's chronic drug problem. It is also expected to claim that Britain's 'unusually severe drug problem compared with that of our European neighbours' is linked to social and economic deprivation, ...

'Nappy-Headed Ho
Post Date: 2007-04-14 21:00:10 by rack42
Apperently, free enterprise doesn't think that "Nappy-headed Ho" is too sensitive.

Paul Wolfowitz: "Wildly off the Mark"
Post Date: 2007-04-13 17:14:08 by aristeides
Paul Wolfowitz: "Wildly off the Mark" When General Eric Shinseki, then the Army Chief of Staff, told reporters a month before the Iraq war began that "something of the order of several hundred thousand soldiers" would be needed to stabilize post-war Iraq, then Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz snapped to reporters that the general was "wildly off the mark." Wolfowitz went on to say: "I am reasonably certain that [the Iraqis] will greet us as liberators; and that will help us to keep requirements down." In March 2003, Wolfowitz ebulliently declared, "Like the people of France in the 1940s, they view us as their hoped-for liberator." ...

Judge Gone Wild! [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2007-04-11 06:59:53 by Paul Revere
PENSACOLA, Fla. (AP) — The founder of the Girls Gone Wild video empire was taken into custody by federal marshals early Tuesday to face a contempt of court citation after initially defying a federal judge. Joe Francis was booked into the Bay County Jail in Panama City, said Ruth Sasser, a spokeswoman for the sheriff's office. "His attorneys continue to work toward a settlement," Ronn Torossian, a Francis spokesman, said in a statement e-mailed to The Associated Press. Francis, 34, makes an estimated $29 million a year from videos of young women exposing their breasts and in other sexually provocative situations. He appeared Tuesday afternoon before federal Magistrate ...

We Only Mock What We Love
Post Date: 2007-04-11 06:20:36 by Ada
So, Don Imus is carpeted for inappropriate behavior. I object. He should have been suspended for going down on his knees and apologizing to Al Sharpton, the greatest race hustler of them all. Who the hell are these people trying to kid ? Not so long ago, another hustler who also calls himself a reverend, Jesse Jackson, was screeching “Hey, hey, ho, ho, Western Civ has got to go....” He also called New York “Hymietown” and was given a pass by the third member of the Imus shake down troika, Abe Foxman. Let’s face it. Imus is an unpleasant fellow—one could never take him to a gentleman’s club, for example—but he didn’t say anything black radio ...

Bush the Christian (?)
Post Date: 2007-04-09 05:55:43 by YertleTurtle
Few Americans look beyond the headlines on the war in Iraq, but a lot of believers nonetheless have confidence that George Bush is doing the right thing there. After all, they say, "he’s such a good Christian." The notion that Christian faith preserves us from error does run deep among some believers, and clearly Karl Rove expects them to be part of the 20 million evangelical votes he thinks George Bush needs to win in November. But their well-intentioned confidence overlooks the sober common sense of the church as it has been expressed over many centuries. John Henry Cardinal Newman put it as simply as anyone: "Being a great theologian doesn’t make you more holy. ...

Big Pharma's Role in Street Drugs
Post Date: 2007-04-08 07:47:28 by YertleTurtle
Most consumers think that street drugs are in an entirely different class than prescription drugs, and they believe that pharmaceutical companies would never manufacture or sell street drugs. But guess what? As you'll read here, drug companies actually invented many of the street drugs now considered to be the most devastating, including heroin and meth ("ice"). Here are seven facts you probably never knew about the connection between street drugs and pharmaceutical companies: 1. Heroin was launched as a medicine by Felix Hoffman, an employee of Bayer, only a few days after he invented aspirin. Bayer immediately applied for a trademark on the term "heroin," then ...

Bush refuses to say homosexuality is immoral
Post Date: 2007-04-03 10:47:36 by aristeides
Bush refuses to say homosexuality is immoral by John Aravosis (DC) · 4/03/2007 10:35:00 AM ET So much for the religious right. Bush just demurred when asked about this on TV.

Experts Speak, Make Fools of Themselves
Post Date: 2007-04-03 07:37:50 by YertleTurtle
"Man will never reach the moon regardless of all future scientific advances. -- Dr. Lee DeForest, "Father of Radio &`Grandfather of Television." "The bomb will never go off. I speak as an expert in explosives." -- Admiral William Leahy, US Atomic Bomb Project "There is no likelihood man can ever tap the power of the atom." -- Robert Millikan, Nobel Prize in Physics, 1923 "Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons." -- Popular Mechanics, forecasting the relentless march of science, 1949 "I think there is a world market for maybe five computers ." -- Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943 "I have traveled the ...

O'Reilly Mafia Threatens O'Donnell Over Sex Scandal
Post Date: 2007-04-02 13:41:52 by christine
Rosie O'Donnell, currently under attack after she questioned the official story behind 9/11, has revealed that Fox News bully Bill O'Reilly threatened to "go after" her and her colleagues after they mentioned O'Reilly's sex scandal on The View. ABC has now gagged O'Donnell from mentioning the subject on all future broadcasts. The policy of mafia-like intimidation directed at anyone who discusses 9/11 truth on behalf of O'Reilly is a common and disturbing theme. Within the past two weeks, O'Reilly has threatened both Charlie Sheen and Mark Cuban that he'll be "looking out" for them if they continued their involvement in the upcoming release of the Loose Change Final Cut movie. On ...

Thoughts on the Antichrist: The Inversion of Values
Post Date: 2007-03-31 19:56:33 by Ada
[T]he Antichrist presents himself as a pacifist, ecologist and ecumenist. He convokes an ecumenical council and seeks the consensus of all the Christian confessions, conceding something to each one. The crowds follow him, except for tiny groups of Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants. Chased by the Antichrist, they tell him, “You have given us everything except for the one thing that interests us, Jesus Christ.” —Giacomo Cardinal Biffi, meditation at Lenten Retreat for the Papal Household, February 2006. Giacomo Cardinal Biffi is not a man to shy away from controversy. For the better part of the past decade, the deeply conservative former archbishop of Bologna has been the ...

Sanchez investigation wraps up today
Post Date: 2007-03-31 10:19:48 by aristeides
Sanchez investigation wraps up today By John Hoellwarth- Staff writer Posted : Friday Mar 30, 2007 16:49:07 EDT The Corps on Friday was slated to wrap up an investigation into allegations that a corporal in the Individual Ready Reserve who appeared in gay porn films before enlisting solicited more than $12,000 from private organizations by asking them to fund a deployment to Iraq he never made, according to e-mails from the investigating officer forwarded to Marine Corps Times. Reserve Col. Charles Jones, a staff judge advocate called to Marine Corps Mobilization Command in Kansas City, Mo., on temporary orders that expire Saturday, informed Reserve Cpl. Matt Sanchez of the allegations ...

Enjoy The Sideshow
Post Date: 2007-03-31 10:08:46 by christine
That Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez lied to Congress now seems obvious. It is also clear that now Congress wants Gonzalez, Karl Rove and others to testify under oath about the matter. At issue, of course, is the White House firing of eight U.S. attorneys. While everyone (especially Republicans) seems preoccupied with the fact that U.S. attorneys serve at the pleasure of the President and may be fired at his discretion, they conveniently overlook the circumstances surrounding their dismissal. While President Bill Clinton fired all the U.S. attorneys almost immediately after taking office, Bush's White House apparently fired these U.S. attorneys after they had faithfully served his ...

U.S. attorney touts child protection measures: U.S. attorney touts child protection measures
Post Date: 2007-03-29 09:53:46 by aristeides
U.S. attorney touts child protection measures Sutton said he's had positive job reviews By Steven Kreytak AMERICAN-STATESMAN STAFF Saturday, March 24, 2007 U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton of Austin on Friday interviewed with local media to tout recent prosecutions of sexual predators in his district and a Justice Department initiative to educate teenage girls and their parents about the dangers of sharing personal information online. The press initiative came as things heat up in Washington over Attorney General Alberto Gonzales'firing of eight U.S. attorneys. Sutton, whom President Bush appointed for the Western District of Texas in 2001, said he has received positive feedback on ...

TYC's rapid expansion called 'formula for chaos' (BUSH RESPONSIBLE FOR TEXAS SCANDAL)
Post Date: 2007-03-28 16:52:04 by aristeides
TYC's rapid expansion called 'formula for chaos' Web Posted: 03/10/2007 11:24 PM CST R.G. Ratcliffe Austin Bureau AUSTIN — The roots of the current crisis at the Texas Youth Commission go back a dozen years to a campaign commercial that featured a threatening handgun and a somber-voiced announcer telling Texans that "violent juvenile crime is up." Getting tough on juvenile crime was one of the cornerstones of the campaign that elected George W. Bush governor in 1994, and he fulfilled that promise by almost tripling the size of the state's youth corrections system. "The bottom line is young people need to understand there will be severe ...

Dobson Offers Insight on 2008 Republican Hopefuls ("I DON'T THINK HE'S A CHRISTIAN")
Post Date: 2007-03-28 16:03:44 by aristeides
Dobson Offers Insight on 2008 Republican Hopefuls Focus on Family Founder Snubs Thompson, Praises Gingrich By Dan Gilgoff Posted 3/28/07 Focus on the Family founder James Dobson appeared to throw cold water on a possible presidential bid by former Sen. Fred Thompson while praising former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who is also weighing a presidential run, in a phone interview Tuesday. "Everyone knows he's conservative and has come out strongly for the things that the pro-family movement stands for," Dobson said of Thompson. "[But] I don't think he's a Christian; at least that's my impression," Dobson added, saying that such an impression would make ...

Post Date: 2007-03-28 15:22:31 by aristeides
March 27, 2007 -- BREAKING STORY. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' "loyal Bushie" U.S. Attorney for Western Texas covered up a major pedophile scandal with the connivance of the Justice Department's Criminal Section of the Civil Rights Division. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, already under pressure for firing several U.S. Attorneys not considered "loyal Bushies," now faces another scandal. Albert Moskowitz, the Chief of the Criminal Section of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, sent a letter dated September 27, 2005, to the Superintendent of the Texas Youth Commission's West Texas State School youth detention facility declining the ...

Texas governor knew about teen sex scandal: Said he learned of it in newspaper but spokesman admits awareness 2 years ago
Post Date: 2007-03-28 11:12:43 by aristeides
Texas governor knew about teen sex scandal Said he learned of it in newspaper but spokesman admits awareness 2 years ago Posted: March 28, 2007 1:00 a.m. Eastern By Jerome R. Corsi © 2007 While Texas Gov. Rick Perry claimed to reporters he learned only last month of the teen sex scandal rocking the state's juvenile justice system, his office admitted to WND it knew of an investigation that began two years ago. Perry told reporters he became aware of the Texas Youth Commission scandal last month, after news reports broke in Texas newspapers detailing Texas Ranger Brian Burzynski's probe into the charges. But WND's investigation shows ...

Giuliani's Closet
Post Date: 2007-03-28 06:56:43 by Ada
Rudy Giuliani’s closet is filled to overflowing, and its contents are dropping out all over just as he ratchets up his presidential bid. And there’s a lot more than bones in those dark recesses: go here for the full (450 pages!) story, but I’ll give you the short (and spicy) version: It’s all about the “weirdness factor,” as a secret study done by the Giuliani election team and leaked to the “Smoking Gun” website puts it. There’s the matter of his first marriage, to his cousin, Regina Peruggi: Rudy claims that for 14 years he didn’t know that she was a twig on his very own family tree, but if you buy that, you’re no doubt still waiting ...

Fitzgerald, Gonzales to Rub Shoulders on Roundtable
Post Date: 2007-03-27 15:35:28 by aristeides
Fitzgerald, Gonzales to Rub Shoulders on Roundtable By Paul Kiel - March 27, 2007, 12:17 PM From The Chicago Tribune: Attorney General Alberto Gonzales is likely to face questions about the allegedly mediocre status of U.S. Atty. Patrick Fitzgerald when he arrives here Tuesday for a scheduled round table discussion and press conference. Gonzales is supposed to be at the Dirksen U.S. Courthouse to discuss the "Project Safe Childhood" campaign designed to protect kids from online predators. But he's likely to be asked to field inquiries about Fitzgerald being ranked as undistinguished on a chart sent to the White House from the Justice Department in 2005, as well as the ...

Texas, Addressing Sexual Abuse Scandal, May Free Thousands of Its Jailed Youths
Post Date: 2007-03-26 15:50:22 by aristeides
Texas, Addressing Sexual Abuse Scandal, May Free Thousands of Its Jailed Youths By RALPH BLUMENTHAL Published: March 24, 2007 HOUSTON, March 23 — Battered by a sexual abuse scandal in its juvenile justice system, Texas may soon free most of the 4,000 jailed youths who have served their minimum sentences but who are still being held, in many cases for reasons that are undetermined. Under plans announced Friday by the special master whom Gov. Rick Perry appointed to supervise the tarnished Texas Youth Commission, the cases of all juveniles who have served more than the nine-month minimum — 93 percent, by some accounts — will be reviewed by a panel of civil rights advocates, ...

Immigrant children removed from shelter (MORE ABUSE OF JUVENILES IN TEXAS)
Post Date: 2007-03-26 15:27:02 by aristeides
Immigrant children removed from shelter By ALICIA A. CALDWELL Associated Press Dozens of child immigrants in a federal shelter in south Texas have been moved out amid allegations that a staff member sexually abused the youngsters. The last child left the state-licensed Away From Home Inc. shelter in Nixon, Texas, on March 7, amid an FBI probe into reported sexual abuse of young detainees, all illegal immigrant children traveling alone. It was unclear whether the federal government would cancel its contract with Away From Home or whether it would ever be used again, said Joshua Trent of the Office of Refugee Resettlement, which handles juvenile immigrants. Like the scandal involving ...

TYC (TEXAS YOUTH COMMISSION) abuse dates back to 1999
Post Date: 2007-03-26 14:56:48 by aristeides
TYC abuse dates back to 1999 By Michelle West Violence and corruption detailed in documented complaints against the now embattled Texas Youth Commission date back to at least 1999. Documents obtained by The Daily Texan through the Public Information Act reveal reports and letters describing an agency woefully dysfunctional and dangerous for those living and working in its facilities. The request returned 150 pages of correspondence dating back to President George W. Bush's governorship. These records, mostly handled by the office's constituent services, are documented communication between the governor's office and the commission and parents, youths and employees pleading for ...

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