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Badeye: The Big 100,000 is Coming
Post Date: 2007-01-24 09:24:31 by Badeye After Five
First off, my 100,000th post on LP will be rolling around soon. To give you some perspective on this, if a normal person worked on this 8 hours per day, five days per week, and if he spent three minutes on each post, it would take him 2.5 full years to post this much crap up on the board. And we're not counting my posts on other boards here. So it's getting harder and harder to convince people I am focused on running a business while I jerk off on the internet all day. Fortunately, the people I have to bamboozle over on LP aren't very smart. I mean, how analytic are spud and Marguerite? Getting to the main point here, I have to go on LP at 9:00 and convince the morons that Bush looked ...

Ex-Church Official Guilty in (child) Porn Case
Post Date: 2007-01-22 21:44:43 by Zipporah
Ex-Church Official Guilty in Porn Case By JOHN CHRISTOFFERSEN Associated Press Writer January 22, 2007, 12:18 PM EST BRIDGEPORT, Conn. -- The former music director of a church where former President Bush once worshipped pleaded guilty on Monday to possessing child pornography. Robert F. Tate, 64, of Greenwich, admitted possessing between 150 and 300 pornographic images of children, some engaging in sexually explicit conduct. Prosecutors said some children in the images were younger than 12 years old. "Yes, your honor. I regret to say I did it," Tate told a federal judge. Court records accuse Tate of possessing digital images of a minor engaging in sexually ...

Post Date: 2007-01-22 14:06:31 by Tauzero
SUNDANCE WITH THE DEVIL RAPE AND TORTURE RULE AT THE MOST SHOCKING FILM FESTIVAL EVER SAMUEL L. Jackson chains a half-naked Christina Ricci to a radiator, a 12-year-old Dakota Fanning gets raped, Catherine Keener uses Ellen Page as a human ashtray, and worse - much worse. Yep, it's time for the Sundance Film Festival, which opens tonight with Robert Redford's celebration of indieworld serving an even greater than usual quota of tabloid-worthy shocking sex and human misery amid the snow and the swag emporiums of Park City, Utah. "Black Snake Moan," the Jackson-Ricci movie, has been generating buzz for months prior to its premiere, thanks to a pulpy poster depicting ...

Badeye: Everyone Except You Supports Bush.
Post Date: 2007-01-22 11:49:48 by Badeye After Five
Everyone except you loves and supports George W. Bush. The polls you are seeing are just a conspiracy by the MSM to make Bush and the long suffering Republican victims look bad. The MSM has also planted shills all around you to make it look like the general population agrees with your opinion of Bush. Don't buy into it. What you see and hear is all an illusion. Any swami worth his salt will tell you this. Reality is what Fox News and I tell you is real. On another subject, the handsome young mechanic who takes care of my hummer said he would give me a lube job today. I'm really excited.

NBC reacts to Bill O’Reilly’s bias criticism (says NBC News is a liberal-leaning network)
Post Date: 2007-01-19 15:47:34 by Ferret Mike
NBC News president says Fox host's campaign against network is ‘pathetic’ PASADENA, Calif. - Bill O’Reilly’s criticism of NBC News as a liberal-leaning network is “really kind of sad and pathetic,” the network’s news president said. Steve Capus attributed the Fox News Channel host’s criticism of the network to O’Reilly’s ongoing feud with MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann. O’Reilly has said NBC News, as an organization, has gone sharply to the left. He cited the network’s decision last fall to begin referring to the sectarian violence in Iraq as a civil war, a phrase the Bush administration has resisted. He made his displeasure ...

Badeye: Representative Bob Ney was Framed
Post Date: 2007-01-19 12:14:47 by Badeye After Five
Representative Bob Ney just got 30 months in jail and a $6000 fine. As he is a high ranking Republican and close associate of Bush, he can do no wrong. Therefore he is innocent. The facts upon which he was convicted are only exist in the liberal bias of the MSM and reality itself. I would give him a Hummer to make him feel better, but I don't know if guys in the joint are allowed to get Hummers. Are they?

Badeye: I'm Not Buying the Downed Drone Story
Post Date: 2007-01-16 14:57:21 by Badeye After Five
If an American drone was really shot down in Iranian airspace, and it appears that it was, then there is no way to spin the story. This is per se monkey business on the part of Bush. Because the story can't be spun, and because the story is damaging to Bush and the GOP, I am forced to take a more extreme position and say that the incident simply didn't happen. I won't tell you why it didn't happen, just that it didn't. That's all you need to know. The story is posted here on the BN. Don't read it as I just made it false with my pronouncement. I am now going to focus on my hummer. Don't bother me for a while. ...

I've Got a New Name on LP! [So what else is new.]
Post Date: 2007-01-13 12:16:52 by tinfoil wonderballs
Another week another new screen name. I just don't feel comfortable unless I am sneaking back onto LP to post my silly blog articles.

Badeye: Am I the Real Badeye? [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2007-01-12 11:30:20 by Badeye After Five
There seems to be some question as to whether I am the real Badeye or not. I am, but I am just a little more relaxed over here. I have a mission on LP. I must fool the morons over there into unconditionallhy supporting Bush and Israel. So I have to be careful a little what I say. Even the mental midgets I am bullshitting can sometimes catch inconsistencies. I can relax over here and open up a little more. Hence, the apparent difference. I know the natural reaction is to assume that anything I say is a lie, and it usually is - that's how I make my living. But just this one time you can believe what I am saying. Have to go now. The guy who takes care of my hummer is going to give me a ...

Badeye: I'm not 'shilling for Bush' dumbasses, I'm mocking the POPE!!
Post Date: 2007-01-11 18:11:15 by Badeye After Five
And why not? The guy probably isn't even Jewish. By the way, did I tell you I got a hummer in the middle of the driveway out in front of my house? All the neighbors are talking about it.

CIA Helped Bush Senior In Oil Venture
Post Date: 2007-01-11 06:49:35 by noone222
A Real News Exclusive CIA Helped Bush Senior In Oil Venture By Russ Baker and Jonathan Z. Larsen | The Real News Project January 8, 2007 NEW YORK--Newly released internal CIA documents assert that former president George Herbert Walker Bush's oil company emerged from a 1950's collaboration with a covert CIA officer. Bush has long denied allegations that he had connections to the intelligence community prior to 1976, when he became Central Intelligence Agency director under President Gerald Ford. At the time, he described his appointment as a 'real shocker.' But the freshly uncovered memos contend that Bush maintained a close ...

Report of mysterious break-in on [Bush] presidential library site
Post Date: 2007-01-11 00:20:40 by Ferret Mike
Eviction, mystery and accusations are the latest events in the advance of the proposed Bush presidential library at SMU. Today federal agents marched in this morning with eviction notices in hand. The last two residents of the University Gardens condominiums got orders to leave this morning. But not before a mysterious break-in last night. Three days ago Gary Getton showed us some of his legal papers in his ongoing fight with SMU over eviction from the condo he rents. Last night, he says his property was burglarized. All that was stolen, he says, were his documents. He's suspicious. "We own a percentage of the condos and that's why we're staying and fighting pretty ...

How can you blame 'the Patriot Act' for not being accountable enough to give donors a 'paid to' option when sending checks? The Bizarro world of el pee fund raising
Post Date: 2007-01-09 23:55:42 by Ferret Mike
21. To: thoughtomator (#16) "I'll send you a check if that's ok." -- [thoughomator to Goldi] Are you okay with leaving the "Pay to" line blank? If so, that's fine. But if you send it with "Liberty Post" I'll wind up sending it back to you. Our friendly Patriot Act has made it so that I can't deposit anything made out to Liberty Post. And I don't publicize my name. Goldi-Lox posted on 2007-01-09 Poster Comment: I don't trust someone who claims to run an open to all views forum but censors it to fit her views not to steal and manipulate the fund raising process for her benefit. Goldi has censored news sources and banned without just cause. She has constantly sought on ...

Polish archbishop admits spy past
Post Date: 2007-01-06 16:48:17 by Ferret Mike
The newly appointed archbishop of Warsaw has admitted he had worked with the communist-era secret services, appearing to retract earlier denials in a row which has led to calls for him to resign. Bishop Stanislaw Wielgus said on Friday: "By the fact of this entanglement I have damaged the church." In a statement issued by the PAP state news agency, Wielgus said he would respect any decision made by the Pope. "I damaged the Church again when in recent days, amid a hot media campaign, I denied the facts of this cooperation." Struggle against Communisn Wielgus was named by Pope Benedict to succeed the retiring Cardinal Jozef Glemp, a figurehead of the long ...

Bill O'Reilly invites activist on show, then calls guest a 'lunatic'
Post Date: 2007-01-05 21:42:03 by Zipporah
Bill O'Reilly invited a member of the anti-war activist group World Can't Wait on to his show to discuss why a Democratic press conference had been disrupted on Wednesday, but after arguing about "facts" as opposed to "opinions" the Fox News Channel host called his guest a lunatic. "If you weren't a lunatic, ninety percent of America would agree with you," O'Reilly said. O'Reilly claimed that the majority of Americans and Democrats do not support withdrawal, and targeting Democrats before they even have had a chance to address anything didn't make sense. The pundit also argued that "far left" activists must believe that ...

White House Counsel Harriet Miers Resigns, Negroponte to Shift Seats
Post Date: 2007-01-04 22:46:39 by Ferret Mike
A key member of President Bush's inner circle stepped down Thursday — the second administration shake-up in 24 hours — when Harriet Miers turned in her resignation as chief counsel. White House Press Secretary Tony Snow said the president reluctantly accepted her resignation, which takes effect Jan. 31. Miers said she planned to return to the private sector. Miers' resignation follows news that National Intelligence Director John Negroponte will step down from his post to become deputy secretary of state. In April 2005, Negroponte became the nation's first manager of all 16 intelligence agencies the U.S. operates. Negroponte, 67, has held a series of tough posts ...

Imus, Barnicle Fantasize About Republicans on Gallows: Cheney Would 'Wet His Pants'
Post Date: 2007-01-04 12:36:53 by Ferret Mike
Imus: "I was – I tried to imagine how various members of the current administration would behave were they subjected to the gallows as Saddam Hussein was. Um, and I can see Rumsfeld –" Barnicle: “He wouldn't take it. No blindfold for Rumsfeld.” Imus: "That's what I was thinking, you know. ‘F-you.' You know, you go to the gallows with the noose you want, not the noose you– or the noose you have, not the noose you want–" Barnicle: "That's exactly right." Imus: "Or Whatever. But Cheney–" Barnicle: "Just as that trap door opens, he'd drop an f-bomb to all of them." Imus: ...

Coral Snake's Bites - Special Edition (Sick thread at FreeRepublic)
Post Date: 2007-01-02 03:27:32 by Coral Snake
Now that Santa Coral is back at the North Pole and Marshal Hotherp is back in the year 1881 it's time to get down to SERIOUS business. On my arrival home from vacation I encountered this thread on FreeRepublic: Special Bite ----------> FreeRepublic We will not be displaying a link to the KEY for this special bite because there is just ONE KEY symbol that adaquately describes the prevailing attitude of this thread, cats, cats and more white persian cats. This is just about the most insane, sick, disgusting Freeptard, pure evil thing I have EVER seen on FreeRepublic. Basically the thread is about a boy in Pakistan who accidentally hanged himself while emulating Saddam ...

2DTV - Banned George Bush Advert - Why It Was Banned
Post Date: 2006-12-31 00:52:49 by Ferret Mike
-- Poster Comment:For those of you who don't know - 2DTV was a UK TV series which followed in the steps of Spitting Image using cartoon characters with impersonators for the voiceovers. If you rummage through YouTube you'll find loads of related stuff from all three series including the one where the WH has become a bouncy castle to keep Dimson happy.

The Wannabe Ninjas
Post Date: 2006-12-29 19:44:31 by YertleTurtle
The time: right about now. The location: these days, just about any place in the United States. The characters: an accountant, a Chevy Cavalier, a poodle, and several police dressed completely in black, just like ninjas in a cheap kung fu film. Wannabe Ninjas: BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! Accountant (getting out of car): What the heck is this? (He looks down and counts all the holes in him.) You idiots just shot me 54 times! I’m not going to survive this, you know! And I’ve got a wife and two young daughters! Head Wannabe Ninja: You’re a drug dealer! Accountant: I am not! I’m an accountant! See the horn-rimmed glasses, the pocket protector and the tidy little mustache? ...

Steamy D.C. sex blog scandal heads to court Ex-Senate aide sues former lover after details of affair appear on Web
Post Date: 2006-12-28 17:31:42 by Zipporah
WASHINGTON - When Robert Steinbuch discovered his girlfriend had discussed intimate details about their sex life in her online diary, the Capitol Hill staffer didn’t just get mad. He got a lawyer.Soon, though, the racy tidbits about the sex lives of the two Senate aides faded from the front pages and the gossip pages. Steinbuch accepted a teaching job in Arkansas, leaving Washington and Jessica Cutler’s “Washingtonienne” Web log behind.While sex scandals turn over quickly in this city, lawsuits do not. Steinbuch’s case over the embarrassing, sexually charged blog appears headed for an embarrassing, sexually charged trial. Lurid testimony about spanking, handcuffs ...

Talk Host Gallagher: ‘Round Up’ Olbermann, Damon, And ‘Put Them In A Detention Camp’
Post Date: 2006-12-20 18:28:20 by Eoghan
Yesterday on Fox News, talk radio host Mike Gallagher said the U.S. government should “round up” actor Matt Damon, “The View” host Joy Behar, and MSNBC anchor Keith Olbermann and “put them in a detention camp until this war is over because they’re a bunch of traitors.” Gallagher was upset over Behar’s comment that Time magazine should have chosen a controversial “Hitler-type” like Donald Rumsfeld as its Person of the Year. Gallagher said Damon should also be incarcerated because he “attacked George Bush and Dick Cheney”; he didn’t explain why he wanted to imprison Olbermann. Watch it: Earlier this year, Gallagher was one of ...

Bush Says Victory in Iraq is Achievable [Bush is Still an Idiot, Still GOP Supreme Leader and Spokesperson.]
Post Date: 2006-12-20 13:37:41 by Morgana le Fay
President Says 'Difficult Choices and Additional Sacrifices' Lie Ahead President Bush acknowledged today that 2006 has been a disappointing year for U.S. troops and the Iraqi people, as the optimism of a newly elected government in Baghdad gave way to a successful strategy by "the enemies of liberty" to foment sectarian violence. And he warned that "difficult choices and additional sacrifices" lie ahead in 2007. In a year-end news conference at the White House, Bush also said he is leaning toward increasing the "permanent size" of the Army and Marine Corps to meet the challenges of a long struggle against Islamic extremists. But he said he has not ...

Jeb Bush Jr. Now Caught Having Sex With Champagne Bottle
Post Date: 2006-12-13 23:12:23 by Morgana le Fay
Because politicians’ kids will never be smart, Facebook will continue to provide endless photos of these elite youngsters showing an appalling lack of class, decency, sobriety or Christian Ethics. Here’s everybody’s third-favorite child of Jeb Bush, John Ellis “Jebby” Bush Jr., simulating or perhaps actually performing a sex act on a champagne bottle. This is the second time he’s been caught having sex in publi

Pastor Quits After Revealing Same-Sex Relations [Another One!]
Post Date: 2006-12-12 01:35:47 by Trace21231
The senior pastor of a suburban Denver evangelical church resigned Sunday after admitting to having had sexual relations with men. The move apparently came after the pastor was confronted by another minister in his church who had been alerted by an anonymous caller, The Denver Post reported. The resignation of the pastor, the Rev. Paul Barnes, from the pulpit of the 2,100-member Grace Chapel megachurch in Englewood came by way of a tearful, 32-minute videotaped address to his congregation. His departure occurred a month after the Rev. Ted Haggard quit as president of the National Association of Evangelicals and senior pastor of New Life Church in Colorado Springs when a former male ...

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