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Desk Empty...Mind Empty...Bush Talks To A Dog
Post Date: 2006-12-11 21:31:42 by Itisa1mosttoolate

Democrats Would Raise Taxes on Lowest Income Earners by 50% [Another Hysterical Blog Article and Another New Screen Name!!!!!]
Post Date: 2006-12-11 10:06:15 by tinfoil wonderballs
It's true. Not that you'll be hearing it in the media, which by the way, makes it even more true. The party that feigns compassion while maligning real progress would raise taxes on the lowest income earners by 50%. Average income earners would also pay thousands of additional dollars in taxes every year. Am I making this up? No. The Democrats want to do away with all of the Bush tax cuts and after years of labeling them "tax cuts for the rich" they believe that the public can't differentiate between truth and fiction. But the fact is that those "tax cuts for the rich" were first implemented for the poor and middle classes, who now pay a far smaller share of ...

Dennis Hastert's Aide Was 'over-involved' w/ Pages
Post Date: 2006-12-08 18:40:21 by Zipporah
Dennis Hastert's Aide Was 'over-involved' w/ Pagesby LieparDestin Fri Dec 08, 2006 at 03:06:13 PM PSTThe Ethic Committees REPORT on 'FoleyGate' is full of interesting tidbits. For example The Info That Rep. Kolbe knew about graphic IM's in 2001, and also told a page involved to 'not talk to anybody' about the IM's. But it gets better. Well I dont know if a story about predatory behavior can be defined as 'better' but, it definately gets more interesting. LieparDestin's diary :: :: TPMmuckraker points out this rather large nugget about Dennis Hasters counsel Ted Van Der Meid: According to [House Clerk Jeff Trandahl], he raised his concerns ...

Cheney's Gay Daughter Said Pregnant
Post Date: 2006-12-06 13:21:08 by Eoghan
Mary Cheney, the openly gay daughter of Vice President Dick Cheney and his wife, Lynne, is pregnant. Mary Cheney, 37, and her partner of 15 years, Heather Poe, 45, are expecting a baby, said Lea Anne McBride, a spokeswoman for the vice president. The baby is due in late spring. "The vice president and Mrs. Cheney are looking forward with eager anticipation to the arrival of their sixth granddaughter," McBride said. The vice president's other, older daughter, Elizabeth Cheney, is on leave as deputy assistant secretary of state after having her fifth child with her husband in July. Mary Cheney was an aide to her father during the 2004 campaign, as was Elizabeth, and now is ...

Pastor John Hagee spearheads Christians United for Israel
Post Date: 2006-12-03 06:18:41 by noone222
CUFI aims to set up working groups in all 50 states, lobby Congress and become a Christian AIPAC Although charismatic televangelist Pastor John Hagee thinks that the Rev. Pat Robertson's suggestion that Israel's Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's stroke was payback from God for withdrawing from Gaza was "insensitive and unnecessary," he nevertheless appears to share Robertson's concern that Israel may be giving up too much land to the Palestinians. To prevent the Bush Administration from ramrodding the Israelis into turning over even more land, Hagee, the pastor of San Antonio's Cornerstone Church, and the head of a multi-million dollar evangelical enterprise, ...

Man Accused of Spray-Painting Three Goats
Post Date: 2006-12-02 08:30:56 by Kamala
Man accused of spray-painting three goats 'Obviously it's not an occurrence you see every day,' officer says MAHOPAC, N.Y. - A man broke into a barn on Thanksgiving morning, spray-painted three pet goats and scattered pages of pornographic magazines on the floor, apparently to harass the property owner, police said Tuesday. Drew Gagnon, 37, of Mahopac, was arrested the next day and was charged with burglary, criminal trespass and animal cruelty, said Lt. Brian Karst, of the Carmel police force, which covers Mahopac. The man who drove Gagnon to the barn, Douglas Bisio, 34, of Mahopac, was charged with criminal facilitation, police said. "Obviously it's not an ...

Limbaugh said he learned about women from his cat, which "gets loved," "petted," and "fed" and "doesn't have to do anything for it"
Post Date: 2006-12-01 21:54:07 by aristeides
Limbaugh said he learned about women from his cat, which "gets loved," "petted," and "fed" and "doesn't have to do anything for it" On the November 30 edition of his nationally syndicated radio show, host Rush Limbaugh proclaimed: My "cat's taught me more about women, than anything my whole life" because his pet cat "comes to me when she wants to be fed," and "[s]he's smart enough to know she can't feed herself. She's actually [a] very smart cat. She gets loved. She gets adoration. She gets petted. She gets fed. And she doesn't have to do anything for it." Limbaugh has previously stated, on the ...

Post Date: 2006-12-01 19:11:46 by aristeides
December 1-3, 2006 -- WMR's Capitol Hill sources report that a combination of GOP members of Congress, their senior staffs, and pro-GOP lobbyists have cooperated to cover up the scandal known as "PageGate." Although the story about former Rep. Mark Foley's on-line dalliances with underage male pages engulfed a number of other senior GOP House leaders, including the office of Speaker Dennis Hastert, and was the subject of a House Ethics Committee inquiry, an FBI investigation, and a Florida law enforcement probe, the support given by GOP lobbyists to legal defense funds for key staffers, in order to defray legal expenses, has resulted in a mutual cover-up of major ...

Borat: Puppets on a String
Post Date: 2006-12-01 17:28:54 by Zoroaster
Borat: Puppets on a String Simon Jones – November 21, 2006 There were only 2 scenes in Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan that were truly funny IMHO and only one of them even vaguely original. 1/ Borat Sagdiyev buys an icecream truck to cross the US in search of his true love Pamela Anderson, a Baywatch bimbo. He buys a bear to protect him and then going through a suburb can't turn the icecream music off. Children run to the truck, the back window opens by chance and the bear lunges at them, growling fiercely and terrifying the children. 2/ At what appears to be an unscripted autograph session for Pamela in a shopping mall, ...

Well-known GOP activist held in sex-predator sting
Post Date: 2006-12-01 13:32:33 by aristeides
Well-known GOP activist held in sex-predator sting By Christine Clarridge Seattle Times staff reporter Larry Corrigan, a well-known activist in local Republican politics as a backer of U.S. Rep. Dave Reichert and King County Prosecuting Attorney Norm Maleng, was arrested Wednesday in an Internet sting for allegedly trying to arrange sex with a 13-year-old girl. Corrigan was the director of financial operations at the prosecutor's office for more than 25 years and was deputy treasurer in Reichert's 1997 and 2001 runs for King County sheriff. He was also a supporter without an official role in Reichert's congressional campaigns. According to the Seattle Police Department, ...

Why Pastor Ted Wanted That Meth (increased sexual pleasure from a drug taken anally)
Post Date: 2006-11-25 14:22:36 by Ferret Mike
The Reverend Elmer Gantry was reading an illustrated pink periodical devoted to prize-fighters and chorus girls in his room at Elizabeth J. Schmutz Hall late of an afternoon when two large men walked in without knocking. "Why, good evening, Brother Bains -- Brother Naylor! This is a pleasant surprise. I was, uh -- Did you ever see this horrible rag? . . . I was thinking of denouncing it next Sunday. I hope you never read it. --Sinclair Lewis, "Elmer Gantry" In 2001, President Bush appointed Donald Rumsfeld as Defense Secretary. In 2006, the electorate voted him out of office. Exit polls showed that Americans had not only lost confidence in Rummy and his boss over the ...

Drug Industry Mourns Santorum's Pending Departure
Post Date: 2006-11-25 14:17:55 by Mekons4
"We're going to have tough days ahead of us," Ken Johnson, spokesman for the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, told the Washington Post. A post-election e-mail to executives at the drug company GlaxoSmithKline details just how tough. "We now have fewer allies in the Senate," says the internal memo, obtained by the Post. The company's primary concerns are bills that would allow more imported drugs and would force price competition for drugs bought under Medicare. The defeat of Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA) "creates a big hole we will need to fill," the e-mail says. Sen.-elect Jon Tester (D-MT) "is expected to be a problem," it ...

Mark Foley Back in Florida
Post Date: 2006-11-21 22:20:04 by Ferret Mike
Mark Foley has interrupted his stay at an Arizona rehabilitation facility to return to West Palm Beach, Fla., to attend private funeral services for his 85-year-old father, who had been ill with cancer. Foley also faces possible state criminal charges in Florida as a result of an ongoing investigation by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, ABC News has learned. "The Florida Department of Law Enforcement is conducting an active criminal investigation into incidents, which may have occurred in Florida with regards to inappropriate communications between Mr. Foley and former House pages," a spokesperson told ABC News today. The Florida state criminal investigation was ...

Someone trying to log keystrokes here
Post Date: 2006-11-15 05:15:16 by YertleTurtle
I was just trying to write a letter here using Mail, and my firewall told me someone was trying to log my keystrokes. I denied the attempt, and my connection disconnected and wouldn't connect. I had to restart the computer, and it happened again. I was using IE, so I restarted with Opera, and the problem is gone. I find it interesting that someone, or some program, was trying to read what I wrote to someone here. I've never had this happen before in my life.

Post Date: 2006-11-10 23:32:18 by Ferret Mike
Yes, it’s true. Sean Hannity has a website for conservative minded folks to date each other. It is called HANNIDATE. Gays are meeting each other there and (gulp) having sex. All this gay sex is thanks to Sean Hannity. HANNIDATE is the web version of Sean’s popular dating segment that he does on his conservative talk radio show. It turns out that Sean is not as conservative as everyone thinks. He might be against gay marriage, but he’s not above lending a helping hand for gays to have out-of-wedlock one-night stands. (I consider this helping hand a reach-around) This makes Sean Hannity the most gay-friendly FOX NEWS host in the world. In fact this may make him a social ...

Ford Poised to become Longest Living President
Post Date: 2006-11-10 14:25:14 by noone222
Gerald Ford is poised to break Ronald Reagan's record as the longest-living US president on Sunday, 121 days after his 93rd birthday. Ford, who served as president for three years following the resignation of Richard Nixon in 1974, played down the significance of the milestone in a statement released by his office. "The length of one's days matters less than the love of one's family and friends," he said. "I thank God for the gift of every sunrise and, even more, for all the years He has blessed me with Betty and the children, with our extended family and the friends of a lifetime." Ford has been hospitalized numerous times this year, most recently in October, and ...

Cash-for-honours scandal closes in on Blair
Post Date: 2006-11-09 15:59:06 by aristeides
Cash-for-honours scandal closes in on Blair by Michael Thurston Wed Nov 8, 7:23 PM ET LONDON (AFP) - A probe into damaging cash-for-honours charges closed in on Prime Minister Tony Blair, as it emerged that police had contacted every member of his cabinet except the Labour leader over the affair. Chancellor Gordon Brown was the first reported to have received a letter seeking explanation of his role in the simmering scandal, which allegedly saw huge payments in return for formal titles, or peerages. But the mystery deepened later in the day after party sources said that every member of Blair's government had also heard from detectives asking what they knew about crucial donations to ...

Jewish Man Upset He Had To Vote At Church: Crucifix Hung Above Ballot Box
Post Date: 2006-11-08 11:41:37 by bluegrass
MIDDLETON, Wis. -- In Wisconsin, a Jewish man whose polling place was at a Catholic church said he was disturbed to see a crucifix hanging over a ballot box. Dr. Zeev Bar-Av of Middleton said issues on Tuesday's ballot such as gay marriage and the death penalty "are essentially on the national divide on religion and non-religion." The 65-year-old Middleton man said, "If there is a place where church and state should be separated, the polling place should be it." Wisconsin Elections Board executive director Kevin Kennedy said the state and municipalities struggle to come up with adequate polling places, and churches have plenty of parking. He adds that polling places ...

Henry Kissenger Picks His Nose and Eats His Boogers
Post Date: 2006-11-05 11:26:49 by YertleTurtle
Poster Comment:If the pictures were reversed Dr. Strangelove here could claim he's taking gum out of his mouth and storing it in his nose.

Haggard's “Muscle Stud:” The Ads That Lured Bush's Spiritual Advisor...
Post Date: 2006-11-05 06:44:14 by Zipporah
Haggard's “Muscle Stud:” The Ads That Lured Bush's Spiritual Advisor... Haggard's "Muscle Stud:" The Ads That Lured Bush's Spiritual Advisor...November 4, 2006 07:00 PM'); return false;">The gay prostitute at the center of the scandal over Evangelican leader Rev. Ted Haggard appears here in an ad promoting his services. According to the escort, Mike Jones, Haggard originally found Jones using the site More pictures can be seen here, on his personal website, which boasts, "I offer a deep tissue and swedish style massage with the pleasure of the man in mind. If ...

Who's to blame for Pastor Haggard's fall from grace? His fat, lazy wife...
Post Date: 2006-11-04 20:21:37 by Brian S
Colorado Springs' New Life Church just announced that it has fired Pastor Ted Haggard for his "sexually immoral conduct." The much publicized meth and gay hooker scandal has elicited a little bit of soul searching and a lot hemming and hawing from Haggard's fellow Evangelical leaders, but perhaps the most ridiculous response came yesterday from Pastor Mark Driscoll of Seattle's Mars Hills mega-church-wannabe. Writing in his personal blog, Driscoll offers his fellow pastors "some practical suggestions" on how to avoid the type of temptation that consumed Pastor Haggard. And near the top of his list? "Most pastors I know do not have satisfying, free, sexual ...

Dick in Butts, Haggard in trouble, and Dobson in the shower. (WMR)
Post Date: 2006-11-03 23:21:05 by robin
November 3,4,5, 2006 -- GOP's Dick in Butts today. Amid the male prostitution tryst scandal involving evangelical Christian leader Rev. Ted Haggard, the recently-resigned President of the National Association of Evangelicals and pastor of the Colorado Springs New Life Church, Vice President Dick Cheney will stage a media event today at Butts Army Air Field in Haggard's hometown of Colorado Springs. Not surprisingly, James Dobson of the Colorado Springs-based Focus on the Family, has come to Haggard's defense. Dobson, it will be recalled, once had this bit of advice for fathers of sons: ". . . the boy's father has to do his part. He needs to mirror and affirm his son's maleness. He can ...

Post Date: 2006-11-03 06:16:50 by YertleTurtle
A world leader can make a huge mistake such as leading their nation to an unjust war, then, after the reasons for the war are shown to be invalid, not be able to bring themselves to admit that the mistake that the war was wrong or be “big enough” to reverse policy and stop the war. Instead, they continue to maintain that the war was right all along, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. They defend their error, fail to reverse course, and allow many more to die needlessly. This happens often in history. One thinks of Napoleon’s foolish invasion of Russia. Hitler did the same a century later. One thinks of Vietnam. One thinks of Iraq. Psychiatrists call it ...

Michael Collins Piper's gay Jewish lover?!
Post Date: 2006-11-02 18:57:58 by Itisa1mosttoolate
Piper, a homosexual who has had a long-term relationship with a Jewish lover named "Phil," obviously worked closely with Makufka and Guliani to force Bollyn out of American Free Press. A long-time insider at AFP and close personal friend of Willis A. Carto repeatedly told Bollyn that Phil is Piper's controller from the Zionist organization, the Anti-Defamation League. Phil and Piper have been seen walking down Pennsylvania Avenue hand-in-hand. Click for Full Text! We need a "Kay Grigs" or "Israel Blackmail" catagory

President of National Association of Evangelicals accused of 3-year sexual relationship with gay hooker, and of taking drugs
Post Date: 2006-11-02 12:04:45 by aristeides
President of National Association of Evangelicals accused of 3-year sexual relationship with gay hooker, and of taking drugs by John in DC - 11/02/2006 11:03:00 AM And he's virulently anti-gay. This guy was on TIME's list of the 25 most influential evangelicals in America. It doesn't get any bigger than this. And he's from Colorado. Wonder what Marilyn Musgrave has to say about this? From 9News in Denver: A gay man and admitted male escort claims he has had an ongoing sexual relationship with a well-known Evangelical pastor from Colorado Springs. Mike Jones told '9 Wants to Know' Investigative Reporter Paula Woodward he has had a "sexual business" relationship with Pastor Ted ...

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