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Clinton, 9/11 and the Facts (LMAO--they're <i>still</i> trying to blame Clinton for everything)
Post Date: 2006-08-30 18:23:23 by Nostalgia
The fifth anniversary of the September 11 attacks is less than two weeks away, but the avalanche has already begun. Oliver Stone's film "World Trade Center" has been advertised in all corners and is being screened across the nation. CNN has announced that it intends, on the 11th, to rebroadcast all of the coverage of the attacks from 8:30 a.m. until midnight. If you don't have cable, they say, you can watch it for free on the CNN web site. ABC intends to mark the occasion in far more grand a fashion. Starting September 10th and ending September 11th, the network will show a miniseries titled "The Path to 9/11." According to reports from early screenings, the ...

Another Nail In The Coffin Of Intermet Freedom?
Post Date: 2006-08-30 12:06:57 by ruthie
BBC NEWS Support for porn ban but doubts remain The government's proposal to ban the possession of violent and extreme pornographic material has been widely welcomed. But will it be enforceable? Under new laws announced on Wednesday by Home Office minister Vernon Coaker MP, anyone caught with images "featuring violence that is, or appears to be, life-threatening or is likely to result in serious and disabling injury", could be jailed for up to three years. Groups representing adults who engage in more extreme but consensual sexual activities say the legislation represents a grey area. Derek Cohen, secretary of The Spanner Trust, which defends the rights of sadomasochists of ...

Washington hit by curse of the kid bloggers
Post Date: 2006-08-26 19:14:15 by Eoghan
AS the leader of the Republican party in the US Senate and a possible presidential candidate, Senator Bill Frist of Tennessee has a reputation for sober rectitude. The same cannot be said of his son Jonathan, a Vanderbilt University student who recently appeared on the internet wearing six cans of beer strapped to his belt. Nor has Jonathan’s brother Bryan done much to help his father’s attempts to strike a reasonable note about US involvement in Iraq. “I was born an American by God’s amazing grace,” wrote Bryan Frist in an online profile. “Let’s bomb some people.” While the Bible warns that the sins of the father may be visited upon their sons, the ...

Bum Rap at O'Hare Security Check-In: Penis Pump or Bomb?
Post Date: 2006-08-25 05:22:49 by Zoroaster
Subscribe Online August 24, 2006 Bum Rap at O'Hare Security Check-In Penis Pump or Bomb? By CounterPunch News Service Mardin Amin, an Iraqi arrested at O'Hare airport now faces serious felony charges of disorderly conduct. He could get three years in prison. A female security guard claims Amin uttered the word "bomb" when she was examining a small black squeezable object she'd taken from his bag. For his part, Amin, on his way to Turkey with his mother and his children, claims he was whispering to his mother that it was a "pump" ­ in fact a penis pump. The judge believed the security guard and now Amin faces the felony charges. CounterPuncher and Arabic-speaker ...

Post Date: 2006-08-24 09:41:54 by aristeides
Hail to the Chief I had the opportunity this afternoon to be part of a relatively small group who heard President Bush talk, extemporaneously, for around forty minutes. It was an absolutely riveting experience. It was the best I've ever seen him. Not only that; it may have been the best I've ever seen any politician. If I summarized what he said, it would all sound familiar: the difficult times we live in; the threat from Islamic fascism--the phrase drew an enthusiastic round of applause--the universal yearning for freedom; the need to confront evil now, with all the tools at our disposal, so that our children and grandchildren can live in a better and safer world. As he often does, the ...

The Genius Behind Bush
Post Date: 2006-08-23 23:20:42 by Ragin1
Poster Comment:

How England Conned the U.S. into WWII
Post Date: 2006-08-20 14:29:58 by YertleTurtle
It was 1940, the Nazis were in the ascendant, the Blitz at its deadliest, and Britain's last hope was to bring a reluctant United States into the war. So it was that the largest covert operation in UK history was launched. William Boyd sheds light on a forgotten spy ring "British Security Coordination". The phrase is bland, almost defiantly ordinary, depicting perhaps some sub-committee of a minor department in a lowly Whitehall ministry. In fact BSC, as it was generally known, represented one of the largest covert operations in British spying history; a covert operation, moreover, that was run not in Occupied France, nor in the Soviet Union during the cold war, but in the US, ...

Limbaugh’s Civilian talk
Post Date: 2006-08-01 23:51:03 by Zipporah
Limbaugh’s Civilian talk By: John Amato @ 6:50 PM - PDT This is the audio that Billmon was writing about. O’Reilly’s been broaching the same topic. Can civilian deaths be tolerated? As if that should be part of any equation. The answer is no. Iraq falls under that category as well since most of the media has for some reason stopped paying attention to it. Audio-MP3 Rush: "Until civilians — frankly, I’m not sure how many of them are actually just innocent little civilians running around versus active Hezbo types, particularly the men — but until those civilians start paying a price for propping up these kinds of regimes, it’s not going to ...

Howlin and nopardons support kiddie porn book perv Scooter Libby in his Fitzmas perjury trial!!!
Post Date: 2006-08-01 00:29:26 by Coral Snake
(Coral Snake) Here is the stuff: To: A Citizen Reporter; AliVeritas; alnick; AmeriBrit; AmericaUnited; arasina; BlessedByLiberty; ... Scooter ping!!! 2 posted on 07/31/2006 8:06:29 PM PDT by Howlin (Pres.Bush ought to be ashamed of himself for allowing foreign countries right on our borders!!~~Zook) [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies | Report Abuse ] (Coral Snake) Howlin brings the rest of the bots over in support of the perv. To: Howlin And who's to say that the reports didn't have a memory problem, or are just lying? Did you notice that bit about old Val being in the CIA, as "classified info"? That sure was NOT a well kept secret and does NOT mean that she ...

Monks Plead Not Guilty to Sex Charges
Post Date: 2006-07-31 23:54:39 by Zipporah
Tuesday August 1, 2006 4:16 AM AP Photo TXEG103 Associated Press Writer JOHNSON CITY, Texas (AP) - Four monks pleaded not guilty to charges alleging a boy was sexually assaulted at a Texas monastery that draws thousands of visitors every year, officials said Monday. Authorities raided the Christ of the Hills Monastery last week in search of ``instruments of child abuse,'' Blanco County District Attorney Sam Oatman said. The four monks, plus another serving a 10-year prison sentence for indecency with a minor, were charged after a young man claimed he had been assaulted at the monastery beginning in 1993, when he was a teenager. Oatman said another accuser has come forward, and ...

Post Date: 2006-07-21 15:12:03 by aristeides
July 18, 2006 -- While Israeli bombs and missiles obliterate Lebanon and her people, the Washington Post's Dana Millbank, a favorite messenger boy for the Bush neocons, launched his own attack against Lebanese-American White House Press Corps Doyenne Helen Thomas, in a scathing review of her new book, Watchdogs of Democracy: The Waning Washington Press Corps and How It Failed the Public. Thomas has been one of the few White House correspondents to try to hold George W. Bush and his three lap dog Press Secretaries accountable for their actions. Millbank does not hide the fact that he detests Thomas and her politics in calling for a more even-handed U.S. approach to the Middle East. Millbank ...

Bush - Stoned? Drunk? Medicated? Retarded? Presidential Tester for the Pharmaceutical Industry? You Decide........
Post Date: 2006-07-20 01:15:00 by Esso
Bush is fried. He's either drinking, smoking pot, medicated, or some combination of all of them. Either that or the man has taken a one-way trip to crazy town. Watch his gibberish at the G8, especially the bizarre stuff about how long the plane flights to various countries are. If you take out the comments of the other leaders (because they actually sound intelligent and not like drunken bar talk) and just read what Bush says, he sounds just like someone who is more than half looped. "Gotta go home. Gotta do sumthin tonight. Get ona plane. Go home. It's a long flight. How long is your flight? That's a long flight. Your country is big. His country is big too." Retarded or stoned, ...

Post Date: 2006-07-17 11:05:39 by aristeides
July 17, 2006 -- George W. Bush had this Middle East peace advice for British Prime Minister Tony Blair at the G8 Summit in St. Petersburg, Russia: "You see, the ... thing is what they need to do is to get Syria, to get Hezbollah to stop doing this shit and it's over." Meanwhile, Blair has other things on his mind -- he's been outed in a British newspaper as a bi-sexual and he's facing a huge scandal over selling peerages in the House of Lords and New Year's honors in return for campaign contributions to his "New Labor" Party -- deals arranged by his arrested chief fundraiser Lord Michael Levy. Bush's comments were picked up by an open microphone. Bush also told Blair ...

Author Who Uncovered Satanic Worshipping And Child Sacrificing In The Mormon Temple Has Wriiten Sen. Orrin Hatch A Letter, Demanding The Lying Stop
Post Date: 2006-07-16 05:02:22 by Coral Snake
Author Who Uncovered Satanic Worshipping And Child Sacrificing In The Mormon Temple Has Wriiten Sen. Orrin Hatch A Letter, Demanding The Lying Stop A. True Ott, excommunicated from the LDS Church, is demanding the government come clean with the American people, including honesty about 9/11 and the bogus war on terror. 13 Jul 2006 By Greg Szymanski A. True Ott has been a thorn in the side of LDS church officials for his candidly shocking comments about uncovering satanic worshipping and child sacrificing in the bowels of the Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City. The LDS hierarchy has denied Ott's allegations as well as mounting a campaign against him, including death threats and ...

Why ClownPosse got the Axe
Post Date: 2006-07-13 16:30:58 by Coral Snake
The reason ClownPosse got the axe last night acan in all probability be traced to their new investagator, screen name Columbo who replaced Mojo/Dung Beetle after his banning at the ClownPosse site. For months Columbo has been investegating an organization tied to the Freeper Canteen threads of FreeRepublic called Proud Patriots. Proud Patriots on paper is basically a charity designed to privately support the troops in Afgahanistan and Iraq however Columbo was looking into itas basically just another FreeRepublic money grifting scheme for FreeRepublic and therefore Jim Robinson. This theory came to encompass three 'bot discussion boards as it developed, those were ClownPosse, LibertyPost, ...

Clown Posse, kicked off the net AGAIN!!!
Post Date: 2006-07-12 21:53:47 by Coral Snake
See their announcement HERE:

Micros$oft SHILL Golden Eagle (Lead Loon) Back at FreeRepublic promoting Bill Gates's NWO "Charity"!!!
Post Date: 2006-07-12 00:07:36 by Coral Snake
To: ShadowAce Just pointing out Gates donations go to mostly worthwhile causes and not directly for abortions as you attempted to claim According to that article Gates gives more for world health problems than the entire US government. How much do you Linux guys that want all software to be free give? A single dime? Who then? 22 posted on 06/29/2006 9:16:19 AM PDT by Golden Eagle (Buy American. While you still can.) [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 21 | View Replies | Report Abuse ]

FreeRepublic gives Post Exposing Depleted Uranium Munitions the "Viking Kitties".
Post Date: 2006-07-10 02:06:26 by Coral Snake
Free Republic gives the "ZOT" and the "Viking Kitties" to a thread exposing Shrubya's war crime of using a WMD ("Depleted" Uranium) in his Neo-Con wars. See the actual FreeRepublic thread here:

Man claims Jackson hired him to adopt boys
Post Date: 2006-07-08 08:11:40 by Zipporah
11 minutes ago Businessman F. Marc Schaffel leaves the Santa Monica Superior courthouse Wednesday, June 28, 2006, in Santa Monica, Calif., after jury selection began in his lawsuit against pop singer Michael Jackson. Schaffel claims the pop star owes him $3.8 million (euro3 million) in royalties, expenses and other debts. (AP Photo/Nick Ut) A former associate suing Michael Jackson for $1.6 million suddenly claimed on the witness stand Friday that he once was dispatched to help the pop star adopt boys in Brazil, but the singer's attorney denounced the story as a smear. Even the lawyer for former Jackson associate F. Marc Schaffel said he was shocked when Schaffel blurted out the claim ...

Media join fray over kosher plant, but are consumers paying attention?
Post Date: 2006-07-07 19:27:24 by Eoghan
Arlene Holtz grew up right behind her grandfather’s kosher butcher shop in downtown Philadelphia. It was there that she learned to be mindful of the mitzvot — among them the laws of keeping kosher. But when news broke that the killing practices at the Agriprocessors plant, America’s largest kosher slaughterhouse, may have been less than ideal — even, some have claimed, less than kosher — Holtz began to think twice about her fidelity to kosher meat. “I believe the ideas behind kashrut are good,” says Holtz, 59. Strictures on what sorts of meat can be eaten and how the animals must be killed were intended to ensure humane treatment of the animals, she ...

Colin Powell taken ill at Clinton dinner
Post Date: 2006-07-07 10:36:36 by noone222
What strange bedfellows ... Clinton's and Bush's Secretary of State ... Poster Comment:ASPEN, Colorado (AP) -- Former Secretary of State Colin Powell was briefly hospitalized early Friday after he fell ill at a restaurant where he was dining with former President Clinton and others, police said. Aspen police Sgt. Bill Linn said the four-star general told him it appeared to be a combination of altitude sickness and something he ate. "He is conscious and in very good spirits," Linn said shortly before Powell was released from Aspen Valley Hospital at 1:45 a.m. Linn said Powell asked him to speak with reporters. Powell's Alexandria, Virginia-based secretary, Peggy Cifrino, did not ...

Doug from Upland caught with his hand in the cookie jar!!!
Post Date: 2006-07-06 19:57:00 by Coral Snake
It seems that Doug from Upland the eBay CyberSpace PIRATE for JimRob has been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He promises that ALL proceeds for his eBay junk auctions go to FreeRepublic either through the SnookerThon when it is Running or through direct donation when it is not. Well lets just let the math be our guide on this: Here are the results of Douggie's last completed "auction" at eBay. Osama thank you card sent to treasonous NEW YORK TIMES Item number: 220002307068 Bidder or seller of this item? Sign in for your status Email to a friend Bidding has ended for this item If you are a winner, Sign In for your status. Sell an item like this or buy a similar item ...

Post Date: 2006-07-06 19:15:51 by rowdee
HODE, Ky. — Two eastern Kentucky men are charged with animal cruelty in the deaths of each others' cats. David A. May, 20, and Arlon K. White, 27 — who each kept a cat at a trailer court in Hode, near the Kentucky-West Virginia border — allegedly killed the animals last week, Martin County Deputy Sheriff Arthur Bowen said Wednesday. May allegedly knocked White's cat off his car and shot the animal with a rifle, Bowen said. When White went to May's mobile home for an explanation, he allegedly grabbed May's cat around the neck with both hands and choked it, then threw the body across a driveway and told May, "'Now we're even,"' Bowen said. Bowen said he told both ...

Tolerance Strikes Again
Post Date: 2006-07-04 11:03:56 by Zoroaster
The Reactionary Utopian Tolerance Strikes Again June 15, 2006 Another media typhoon: “Metro Board Member Fired for Comment on Gays.” I’m glad I don’t have to unpack that headline for Grandpa Sobran, who went to his reward in 1959, when the world was more or less normal. Today you may lose your job for using the word normal. Grandpa Sobran deserves to be remembered for one priceless remark. When my father asked him, around 1938, why he thought there would be another war, he explained, “You can’t have two bulls in the same pasture.” That simple, pregnant comment contained a presumption about normality that is no longer acceptable: that bulls like ...

Doug from Upland's Latest eBay Grift
Post Date: 2006-07-04 03:16:22 by Coral Snake
Douggie's independent eBay SnookerThon continues along with the REAL THING. latest "auction" HERE: While the text of this "presentation" is certainly Douggies I would be willing to take BETS that the images came from COPYRIGHTED SOURCES other than Douggie himself. Can you say (pirate), I'm sure you can.

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