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Church fires photog over Scalia picture: Freelancer pays for ‘right thing’
Post Date: 2006-03-31 10:48:31 by aristeides
Church fires photog over Scalia picture: Freelancer pays for ‘right thing’ By Jessica Heslam Friday, March 31, 2006 - Updated: 07:16 AM EST A freelance photographer has been fired by the Archdiocese of Boston’s newspaper for releasing a picture of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia making a controversial gesture in the Cathedral of the Holy Cross on Sunday. Peter Smith, who had freelanced for The Pilot newspaper for a decade, lost the job yesterday after the Herald ran his photo on its front page. Smith said he has no regrets about releasing it. “I did the right thing. I did the ethical thing,” said Smith, 51, an assistant photojournalism professor at ...

Veteran lawmaker makes suggestive comments to freshman
Post Date: 2006-03-28 13:06:50 by Zipporah
SPRINGFIELD -- A veteran state senator made sexually suggestive comments to a freshman colleague Monday during the ritual "hazing" that occurs in debate over a rookie's first bill. Republican Cheryl Axley of Mount Prospect was offering legislation on road maintenance by township governments when Assistant Democratic Leader Rickey Hendon of Chicago suggested that Axley go "on a township road with me later on tonight." The presiding officer of the chamber, Sen. Debbie Halvorson of Crete, said the question was inappropriate and told Axley she was not obliged to answer. Hendon then replied, "Madame President, don't deny me my opportunity, here. I mean, she looks like ...

Post Date: 2006-03-27 19:15:29 by aristeides
March 23, 2006 -- White House insiders report that an influential group of extreme right-wing gay Latino power brokers has been given almost total control over U.S. foreign and business policy decisions affecting Latin America. A number of members of the Young Hispanic Republican Association report that they have been sexually preyed upon by members of the influential Latino power brokers after accepting administration appointments, including positions on the White House staff. The gay Latino group, led by an individual nicknamed "El Padrino" (the godfather) and which has close ties, including gay relationships, with top GOP officials in the Republican National Committee, Small ...

Former First Lady Barbara Bush Earmarked Hurricane Donation for Son Neil's Company
Post Date: 2006-03-25 15:55:28 by Eoghan
Former First Lady Barbara Bush gave relief money to a hurricane relief fund on the condition that it be spent to buy educational software from her son Neil's company. The chief of staff of former President George H.W. Bush would not disclose the amount earmarked for purchases from Ignite Learning. Since Barbara Bush's gift, the Ignite Learning program has been given to eight public schools with high numbers of Hurricane Katrina evacuees, the Houston Chronicle reported. "Mrs. Bush wanted to do something specifically for education and specifically for the thousands of students flooding into the Houston schools," Jean Becker said Thursday. The money was donated to the Bush-Clinton ...

Barbara Bush's Katrina donation ignites debate
Post Date: 2006-03-24 23:25:28 by Peetie Wheatstraw
As Barbara Bush spent two hours championing her son's software company at a Houston middle school Thursday morning, a watchdog group questioned whether the former first lady should be allowed to channel a donation to Neil Bush's Ignite Learning company through Houston's Hurricane Katrina relief fund. "It's strange that the former first lady would want to do this. If her son's having a rough time of it, couldn't she write him a check?" said Daniel Borochoff, founder of the American Institute of Philanthropy, a Chicago-based charity watchdog group. "Maybe she isn't aware that people could frown upon this." Some critics said donations to a tax-deductible charitable fund ...

Hurricane donation earmarked for Bush firm
Post Date: 2006-03-24 22:52:41 by Peetie Wheatstraw
HOUSTON -- Former first lady Barbara Bush gave relief money to a hurricane relief fund on the condition that it be spent to buy educational software from her son Neil's company. The chief of staff of former President George H.W. Bush would not disclose the amount earmarked for purchases from Ignite Learning. Since Barbara Bush's gift, the Ignite Learning program has been given to eight public schools with high numbers of Hurricane Katrina evacuees, the Houston Chronicle reported. "Mrs. Bush wanted to do something specifically for education and specifically for the thousands of students flooding into the Houston schools," the former President Bush's chief of staff Jean Becker ...

Take It From Balls: Bush is Always Right and He Never Lies
Post Date: 2006-03-24 10:03:13 by Fun and Happy Balls
As you know, millions of dollars worth of investigation were never able to prove that Saddam had WMD before the war. In desperation Bush has now released several huge crates of unverified Arabic documents to the FR moonbats in an effort to help the moonbats create a new meme: There really were WMD in Iraq - but an evil and elaborate conspiracy is hiding this fact. Moonbat blogs are now screaming that Bush was right all along. Many of these I wrote myself. I am now posting them in LP breaking news as "proof" of this "new" revelation. The average sheep isn't going to notice that the blogs never mention which document proves Bush correct or why this document is to be ...

Links to articles exposing Scooter Libby's kiddie porn/bestiality novel.
Post Date: 2006-03-21 01:16:34 by Coral Snake
Links to articles exposing Scooter Libby's kiddie porn/bestiality novel. ...

B'nai Brith's ADL - Pro-queer, anti-Boy Scouts
Post Date: 2006-03-15 20:22:01 by bluegrass
Unlike other nonprofit groups, a Boy Scout branch in Berkeley, Calif., must pay city marina fees for its boating activities because of the national organization's discriminatory policies, the California Supreme Court ruled on Thursday. Because the Boy Scouts of America bans gays and atheists from membership, the affiliated Berkeley Sea Scouts are not in compliance a 1997 nondiscrimination law and thus are not eligible for the fee waiver, the court ruled. The group argued that the city's denial of the waiver violated free speech and freedom of association rights. "What the California Supreme Court said was that private clubs can discriminate, but the taxpayers don't have to fund that ...

Should Brer' Be Banned? [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2006-03-15 01:28:44 by Anonymous Dead Indian
Brer' has been less than honest in his dealings with the people on this forum. He has falsely attributed quotes, feelings and beliefs to people and then attacked people for for the stawmen that he himself hung on them. He has mischaracterized material posted by others and then attacked the poster on the basis of this strawman. In addition, he lacks basic social skills. He seems incapable of participating in rational discussion without resorting to sneers and other nasty tactics. As far as I can see, there has been almost no rational debate out of the guy. As I noted on a thread this evening, he contributes nothing and causes problems. Should Brer' be tossed out on his butt or should he ...

If Anyone's Satanic It's Pat Robertson Hypocritical 'Christians' do Christianity no favors
Post Date: 2006-03-15 01:06:06 by Coral Snake
If Anyone's Satanic It's Pat Robertson Hypocritical 'Christians' do Christianity no favors Paul Joseph Watson/Prison | March 14 2006 Pat Robertson is back on the news treadmill after telling his viewers that Islam wants to take over the world and is not a religion of peace, and that radical Muslims are "satanic." Robertson's past comments underscore the fact that nobody other than Robertson himself has done more to desert so-called Christian principles. Firstly, no matter how idiotic, Robertson has a right to say whatever he likes under the 1st Amendment. This isn't a 'hate speech' issue. The issue is that Robertson is a complete hypocrite and he is aiding the ...

Decadent Elite Laugh At Torture During Gridiron Club Dinner Russert dresses in drag, sings 'rendition' song
Post Date: 2006-03-15 00:19:38 by Coral Snake
Decadent Elite Laugh At Torture During Gridiron Club Dinner Russert dresses in drag, sings 'rendition' song Paul Joseph Watson/Prison | March 14 2006 The mainstream press is having a hearty chuckle about the capers and the chicanery witnessed at the annual Gridiron Club dinner, a get-together of media and government elites. The highlight was an "amusing" rendition of a torture song by a dragged-up Tim Russert. I for one don't find it funny that a bunch of war criminals and their sycophantic collaborators are cackling and patting each other on the back about the 'hilarious shortcomings' of the administration. Ahhh isn't Cheney cute for shooting a man in the ...

Strange Illuminati Numbers: Former FBI Agent Jailed For 33-99 Years For Uncovering White House Connection To Illegal Drug Trafficking. Family Says Orders Must Have Come Down From "Daddy" Bush Himself To Have Agent Framed
Post Date: 2006-03-13 20:23:09 by Coral Snake
Strange Illuminati Numbers: Former FBI Agent Jailed For 33-99 Years For Uncovering White House Connection To Illegal Drug Trafficking. Family Says Orders Must Have Come Down From "Daddy" Bush Himself To Have Agent Framed By Greg Szymanski 3-12-6 Richard Taus played it right and played it straight for 10 long years as an FBI agent. He swore to uphold the Constitution, obey the law and protect the American people from enemies both foreign and domestic. What a shock, though, when he found out others in the department, including higher-ups in the Justice Department and the White House were playing a completely different game, playing a highly deceitful and illegal game of ...

Skull and Bones Designed US Supreme Court House Worships Death
Post Date: 2006-03-12 12:02:49 by Eoghan
The United States is one of the few countries in the world that has both legal abortion and legalized executions or the death penalty in operation. Many countries have legalized abortion such as Canada or Sweden. Other Countries may have the death penalty such as Saudi Arabia or Jordan which executed 2 accused Al Qaeda members on this day. VERY FEW NATIONS HAVE BOTH AS LEGALIZED ACTIVITIES. The governments that have both are usually Stalinistic in nature such as Cuba, China and North Korea. Thus, the US Government and most of the States that comprise the Union have legalized death penalties and all States and the Federal Government have abortion legal. All States that are intersected by the ...

Time For 'Ex-Gay' Hordes To March On Washington
Post Date: 2006-03-08 22:47:46 by ...
(Weekly Column) I know this is hard to believe, but the "ex-gay" group Exodus International is the next Starbucks. The organization, according to its executive director Alan Chambers, is expanding so fast that it will soon have storefronts on every corner where forlorn homosexuals can pray away the gay. In 2003, Chambers claimed that there are "thousands of former homosexuals." By 2004, he announced that he knew "tens of thousands of people whom have successfully changed." Last week, Chambers stunned the world when he boasted to The San Francisco Chronicle that there are "hundreds of thousands" of ex-gays. This must have been shocking news to the ...

Little Manchurian Candidates
Post Date: 2006-03-08 21:20:36 by Coral Snake
Little Manchurian Candidates From Charlotte Iserbyt 3-8-6 Matt - This article is dynamite, and I really appreciate your sending it to me. I will print it out, and will forward it. I read every single word and wept. Such tragedy; really brings tears to one's eyes. The people inflicting this emotional and mental torture on little children are pure evil. And to think that the federal government provides them with our money to inflict the torture under the guise of scientific research based reading instruction! And, so few good parents have the faintest idea... Thank you, Matt, so much... Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt ...

Sperm Sisters
Post Date: 2006-03-01 19:24:25 by Peetie Wheatstraw
March 1, 2006 -- Some women find friends at book clubs or church socials, but the Internet is spawning a new kind of sisterhood — between women who share the same sperm donor. A group of 11 bold, independent women from around the country have recently met online and forged this new kind of relationship after discovering their children were sired by the same donor from a Virginia fertility clinic: known only as donor 401. "It's an emotional connection. We have a common base," one of the moms, Carla Schouten, 43, of San Jose, Calif., told The Washington Post. "Most of us are single. We all desired children and we were all attracted to the same donor." On the site ...

Prayers for the Assassin the Website
Post Date: 2006-03-01 15:16:02 by The 7th MJS2U2
The Novel is based on a Islamic takeover in America in 2040, check out the website.

Cavegirls were first blondes to have fun
Post Date: 2006-03-01 07:27:58 by YertleTurtle
THE modern gentleman may prefer blondes. But new research has found that it was cavemen who were the first to be lured by flaxen locks. According to the study, north European women evolved blonde hair and blue eyes at the end of the Ice Age to make them stand out from their rivals at a time of fierce competition for scarce males. The study argues that blond hair originated in the region because of food shortages 10,000-11,000 years ago. Until then, humans had the dark brown hair and dark eyes that still dominate in the rest of the world. Almost the only sustenance in northern Europe came from roaming herds of mammoths, reindeer, bison and horses. Finding them required long, arduous hunting ...

A poly life: Monogamy with more partners
Post Date: 2006-02-27 13:10:55 by Peetie Wheatstraw
NEW YORK -- John and Sue have an offbeat marital arrangement. For the last five years of their marriage, Sue has spent three nights a week with her boyfriend, Fred. And that's not even the strange part. As it turns out, John openly shares Sue -- and their king-size marital bed -- with Fred. Confused? Consider this: During the rest of the week, Fred sleeps at home with his wife, Peggy, and their male lover, Bill. John, a 71-year-old San Francisco-based researcher, also has relationships outside his marriage to Sue. He has three current girlfriends, Fred has two and John's wife has four boyfriends. He even refers to Sylvia, the sister of one of his wife's lovers, as "my sister in ...

Oh, Get Over It! Grandpa'll Be Fine After His Face Heals!
Post Date: 2006-02-26 11:30:16 by h-a-l-f-w-i-t-t
Yes, I was a Clinton-hater. Yes, I believed Juanita Broaddrick. But nobody who is honest with himself can any longer ignore the outrageous double standard imposed by Bush/Cheney apologists. And nobody can be as highhanded and foppish when applying that double standard as can the godfather of "conservatism", William F. Buckley. Killer Cheney Feb 20, 2006 by William F. Buckley This commentator rations himself to only one prediction every 15 years. Mine now is that there is going to be a devastating backlash in the months and years ahead in the matter of Cheney and the quail shoot. Some critics of the administration are arguing as if Iraq were a subsidiary concern. What has been ...

Rumsfeld Zeros in on the Internet
Post Date: 2006-02-25 02:05:37 by Coral Snake
Rumsfeld Zeros in on the Internet Mike Whitney | February 24 2006 Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld was warmly greeted at the recent meeting of the Council on Foreign Relations. The CFR is the hand-picked assemblage of western elites from big-energy, corporate media, high-finance and the weapons industry. These are the 4,000 or so members of the American ruling class who determine the shape of policy and ensure that the management of the global economic system remains in the hands of U.S. bluebloods. As the Pentagon57;s chief-coordinator, Rumsfeld enjoys a prominent place among American mandarins. He is the caretaker of their most prized possession; the high-tech, taxpayer-funded, ...

Globalists and NWO Elitists PROHIBITED From Owning Guns UNDER THEIR OWN NAZI LAW!!!!
Post Date: 2006-02-24 19:57:14 by Coral Snake
In the process of applying for a C & R (Curios and Relics) Federal Firearms License I found a very interesting part of the form that clearly shows that DICK CHENEY was PROHIBITED from purchasing or possessing the shotgun he used in his "accidental" shooting incident!!!! It seems that people who have RENOUNCED THEIR AMERICAN CITIZENSHIP are Prohibited from purchasing or owning firearms OF ANY TYPE or applying for any kind of FFL under the Gun Control act of 1968. People who officially give their loyalties to the Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderburgs, TriLaterla Commission, Globalism, Globalization, International Corporations, Global Community, Club of Rome, Bohemian Grove, ...

What does Love mean?
Post Date: 2006-02-19 15:32:58 by Itisa1mosttoolate
What does Love mean? A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds, "What does love mean?" The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined. See what you think. "When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love." Rebecca- age 8 "When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth." Billy - age 4 "Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out ...

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