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Alas poor Feynman, I knew him well.
Post Date: 2006-02-18 20:00:49 by Hmmmmm
R.I.P. It's only a matter of time. Poster Comment:unlesswe need him for Alexa........Nah.

Cheney Gets [Standing] Ovation From Wyo. Legislature
Post Date: 2006-02-17 19:08:19 by Brian S
CHEYENNE, Wyo. - Vice President Dick Cheney returned to his home state Friday, getting a standing ovation from lawmakers shortly after the lawyer he accidentally shot made his first public comments about Saturday's hunting trip. "I want to thank you for that welcome home," Cheney told the Wyoming lawmakers. "It's a wonderful experience to be greeted by such warmth by the leaders of our great state. It's especially true when you've had a very long week. Thankfully, Harry Whittington is on the mend and doing very well." In Texas, the 78-year-old Whittington stood outside the Corpus Christi hospital where he has been treated, telling reporters he was sorry for all the ...

Photo of Austin Attorney Whittington at His Desk With the Owl Bldg Prominent in the Window Behind Him...Hmmmm
Post Date: 2006-02-14 12:44:03 by christine

Neo-Conservatives - Tackling the Tough Topics Facing America Today
Post Date: 2006-02-12 19:01:57 by Coral Snake
Neo-Conservatives Stink - Tackling the Tough Topics Facing America Today "Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God!" 51; William Tyndale NOT FOR SALE ** FREE**MAKE COPIES FOR OTHERS**FREE**NOT FOR SALE Issue # 32 Date: July 15, 2003 Editor: Darryl Eberhart ((NOTE: All emphasis throughout this newsletter, unless otherwise noted, is by the editor of "Tackling the Tough Topics (TTT)". Visit web site to see other issues of "Tackling the Tough Topics".)) ((NOTE: This issue is dedicated to the "true" conservatives in both the Republican and Democratic Parties 51; for at the national level, they are FEW in ...

Benjamin Shapiro, Manly Man!
Post Date: 2006-02-11 08:10:51 by YertleTurtle
It must be hard being Benjamin Shapiro. Standing in front of a full-length mirror in a jockstrap, making tuff faces, wondering why you're 21 and have twelvish biceps, being puzzled why the babes can't perceive the aura of coolness that billows around you like clouds of perfume...and then every damned time, without fail, your shriveled pair makes your strap plop down around your ankles. Honestly, what's a boy to do? Dry your eyes, I suppose, gaze with admiration and longing upon your Alexander poster of a buff Brad Pitt, hitch up a pair of tighty-whities (the ones with the special "Frank 'n' Beans" codpiece to avoid those embarassing and sometimes not-so-surreptitious public ...

Following Orders is No Excuse: Colin Powell's Career as a "Yes Man"
Post Date: 2006-02-08 21:48:43 by Coral Snake
Following Orders is No Excuse: Colin Powell's Career as a "Yes Man" PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS | February 8 2006 "A hoax on the American people, the international community, and the United Nations Security Council." That is how Secretary of State General Colin Powell's February 2003 Iraq WMD speech to the UN was described last Friday (Feb. 3) on PBS by one who ought to know, Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, chief of staff to Secretary Powell. In a February 2005 interview with Barbara Walters on ABC News "20/20" program, Powell himself declared his UN Iraq speech to be a blot on his reputation. Since departing the Bush administration, both Wilkerson and Powell have made it ...

George W. Bush And Japanese Gen. Tomoyuki Yamashita
Post Date: 2006-02-07 22:16:06 by Coral Snake
George W. Bush And Japanese Gen. Tomoyuki Yamashita By Dave Lindorff 2-7-6 It's pretty easy to trace the war crime of torture in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay back to the Oval Office. The memos are all there. But George Bush is guilty of worse war crimes than torture, bad as torture may be. He is also guilty of violating another Geneva Convention involving the protection of non-combatants. The U.S. military has violated a number of basic international rules of war in Iraq and Afghanistan, not even counting the biggest one--starting an unprovoked war of aggression. For starters, there was the much-touted "Shock&Awe" campaign of aerial bombardment of Baghdad, which ...

Buffalo NY Man Learns Of 'Daddy' Bush's Ties With Illegal Virgin Islands Drug Smuggling While Finding Out His Family Deeply Connected To Illuminati
Post Date: 2006-02-07 21:45:10 by Coral Snake
Buffalo NY Man Learns Of 'Daddy' Bush's Ties With Illegal Virgin Islands Drug Smuggling While Finding Out His Family Deeply Connected To Illuminati By Greg Szymanski 2-6-6 The darkness and evil surrounding the Illuminati knows no boundaries or limits. With the cut of a knife or the stroke of a crooked accountant's pen, these purveyors of destruction won't be content until every last soul on earth is either wiped out or safely put to rest under their power. In cult terms, these people are demons dressed in black with murder and mayhem the order of the day. In reality, they are cowards dressed in suits with business, government and the entertainment their working tools. "Their goal ...

Norman Podhoretz, the Booger on Jackie's Sleeve
Post Date: 2006-02-07 12:03:45 by YertleTurtle
I wish I could remember where I read this, or who wrote it. Back in the '60's, after JFK's death, Norman Podhoretz, who is grotesque in a Betty Friedan sort of way, hallucinated that Jackie was interested in him. One day he cornered her and pressed his suit with her. She looked at him as if he was a booger on her sleeve and said, "Mr. Podhoretz, just who do you think you are?" Not long afterward, the jilted Poddy began his trek from the Left to the Right.

Neo-Coward [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2006-02-03 19:28:54 by Esso
97. To: WhiteSands, Brian S (#53) FREEDOM4UM Here is where they gather. I've already reported the forum to the office of Homeland Security. They scare me. Aaron posted on 2006-02-02 16:43:21 ET Reply Trace

Republican Chickenhawk Who Never Served Masquerades as Veteran in Fraudulent Military Uniform
Post Date: 2006-02-03 00:13:37 by h-a-l-f-w-i-t-t
Veterans Call on Beauprez to Apologize By Alan Franklin - Feb 2nd, 2006 at 10:34 am MST You can rate this post. Register or login now and tell us what you think. UPDATE: sign the petition: ask Beauprez to apologize. Thursday, February 2, 2006 CONTACT: Michael Huttner (303) 991-1900 Denver - Veterans called on Congressman Bob Beauprez to apologize for publicly parading in a military-issued uniform when selective service records revealed that Beauprez avoided ever serving. "We are calling on Mr. Beauprez to apologize for misleading us," stated retired Sergeant Jim Hudson, a Vietnam Veteran. This photo of Congressman Bob Beauprez was taken at the Front Range Airport in Watkins, ...

Chapter Two, Wherein Trash21230 Relapses to LP and Hates Himself in the Morning
Post Date: 2006-02-01 22:54:22 by h-a-l-f-w-i-t-t
26. To: Goldi-Lox (#17) The one time I check into this site over the past month and I see this. Goldi, your selective enforcement of the BN "rules" is a laugh. When I was still active daily on this site, I pinged you numerous times to articles that were NOT breaking news. The biggest violators were blackhorse and Brian S, and you NEVER did a damned thing. Just pointing this out for the record. I surely don't expect you to do anything about it. Bye again. Trace21230 posted on 2005-11-23 02:12:03 ET Reply Trace Kids! Be sure not to miss the pic of the world's ugliest dog on the thread! Let the record ...

Ky. Church Abuse Deal May Be $85 Million
Post Date: 2006-02-01 08:42:04 by Zipporah
Wed Feb 1, 4:55 AM ET Acknowledging that no amount of money can make up for what sexual abuse victims lost, a judge approved a settlement of up to $85 million between the Roman Catholic Diocese of Covington and parishioners who were molested by clergy. Special Judge John Potter said in a 15-page ruling Tuesday the abuse prevented many victims from reaching their full potential later in life. "Because each child experienced the abuse before he or she had a chance to develop or otherwise indicate the probable trajectory of his or her life," Potter wrote, "there is no way to predict what the future would have held for that child absent the abuse." The settlement, one ...

Clinton (North Carolina) minister faces sexual charges against 12-year-old
Post Date: 2006-01-27 23:40:45 by Red Jones
Clinton minister faces sexual charges against 12-year-old By Chris Berendt Friday, January 20, 2006 1:11 PM EST Thomas Lindell Robinson WARSAW — A Clinton man and pastor of a church in Duplin County has been charged with having sexual relations with a 12-year-old girl who frequented the church’s day care operated by the pastor’s wife, according to Duplin County Sheriff’s authorities. The sex acts reportedly occurred on multiple occasions from March to December 2005 and the girl is now pregnant and expecting to give birth within the next week, authorities said. Thomas Lindell Robinson, 56, of 2041 Old Warsaw Road, Clinton, has been charged with first-degree rape of a ...

The curious rise of anti-religious hysteria
Post Date: 2006-01-27 15:26:51 by Architecture - 3000 !
The curious rise of anti-religious hysteria It is the Anglo-American cultural elites' insecurity about their own values that encourages their frenzied attacks on religion. by Frank Furedi The verdict of my son's 10-year-old mates was that it was 'not bad', but a little bit 'boring'. Maddie, a sassy nine-year-old, said it was 'okay for young kids' but it was not in the same league as King Kong. In a few years' time, these kids will recall the unexceptional film that was Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe and wonder why it attracted so much adult controversy. The intense and venomous attacks on the Disney-produced Narnia film are truly puzzling. The novelist ...

Post Date: 2006-01-25 18:16:08 by christine
"I think people are using (pedophilia) for political purposes." -- Sen. Rick Santorum, Republican Click for Full Text!

MPAA finds itself accused of piracy
Post Date: 2006-01-24 23:55:29 by rack42
PARK CITY, Utah — The Motion Picture Assn. of America, the leader in the global fight against movie piracy, is being accused of unlawfully making a bootleg copy of a documentary that takes a critical look at the MPAA's film ratings system. The MPAA admitted Monday that it had duplicated "This Film Is Not Yet Rated" without the filmmaker's permission after director Kirby Dick submitted his movie in November for an MPAA rating. The Hollywood trade organization said that it did not break copyright law, insisting that the dispute is part of a Dick-orchestrated "publicity stunt" to boost the film's profile. Scheduled to debut at the Sundance Film Festival on Wednesday ...

More Bohemian Grove Photos emerge including an appearance by Prince Philip
Post Date: 2006-01-23 00:43:54 by Coral Snake
See the pics: HERE!!!

The Passion of the Left: Hating Christians
Post Date: 2006-01-22 10:26:15 by Architecture - 3000 !
The Passion of the Left: Hating Christians January 21st, 2006 If viewers happened to be tuned into CSPAN several weeks ago, they were in for quite a spectacle. CSPAN was re-airing a conference that took place in May of 2005 with the ominous title, “Examining the Real Agenda of the Far Religious Right.” Sponsored by the New York Open Center, the conference was anything but open-minded. Instead, participants launched into a litany of complaints against the so-called Christian Right that bordered on bigotry. I half expected it to end with a pitchfork armed mob breaking down the doors of a local church. Perusing the Open Center’s website, one will find the sort of New Age ...

Questions for Daniel C. Dennett' ... The Nonbeliever
Post Date: 2006-01-22 09:53:27 by Architecture - 3000 !
Questions for Daniel C. Dennett' ... The Nonbeliever Interview by DEBORAH SOLOMON Published: January 22, 2006 Q: How could you, as a longtime professor of philosophy at Tufts University, write a book that promotes the idea that religious devotion is a function of biology? Why would you hold a scientist's microscope to something as intangible as belief? Allan Penn Daniel C. Dennett. I don't know about you, but I find St. Paul's and St. Peter's pretty physical. Q: But your new book, "Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon," is not about cathedrals. It's about religious belief, which cannot be dissected in a lab as if it were a disease. That itself is a ...

Boondocks Episode 10
Post Date: 2006-01-21 23:36:20 by rack42
Boondocks Episode 10 THE RETURN OF THE KING When Martin Luther King comes out of a coma after 32 years and finds himself thrust into the 21st century and life in the post-September 11 era, his "turn the other cheek" philosophy quickly takes him from beloved national hero to despised terrorist sympathizer. I don't like Boondocks. I just happened to see the last 5 minutes. I'd do a capture and offer it for BitTorrent, but I don't have the disk space. Repeat of the episode is at 2:00 am Eastern for those interested. [Sorry, but perhaps there should be a "Cultural" catagory?

Republican Rep. Bob Ney Loves Iranians
Post Date: 2006-01-16 10:58:21 by h-a-l-f-w-i-t-t
I'm just so confused! I thought the Iranians were evil, and were our enemies! And... President Bush? Consorting with people who are in with "Syrian-born businessmen"? Say it ain't so! LOBBYING: THE WEB WIDENS By Mark Hosenball, Michael Isikoff and Holly Bailey Jan. 23, 2006 issue Ohio Rep. Robert Ney personally lobbied the then Secretary of State Colin Powell to relax U.S. sanctions on Iran. Who asked him to? A convicted airplane broker who had just taken the congressman and a top aide on an expense-paid trip to London, NEWSWEEK has learned. Ney's lawyer confirmed to NEWSWEEK that federal prosecutors have subpoenaed records on Ney's February 2003 trip paid for by Nigel ...

"A Bipartisan Scandal" (Yeah... RIGHT!)
Post Date: 2006-01-13 19:17:21 by h-a-l-f-w-i-t-t
I know most here despise democrats and republicans equally. Myself, I used to despise democrats, but am not above using them to (I hope) mark for destruction the republican party. The republican party needs to be completely eradicated, and the ground salted under it. January 11, 2006 "A Bipartisan Scandal" I'm not, frankly, all that familiar with a lot that's going on over at Capitol Hill, but it seems like to me that [Abramoff] was an equal money dispenser, that he was giving money to people in both political parties. George W. Bush Fox News Interview December 14, 2005 When you look at this scandal, there's no question both Democrats and Republicans received money . . . The ... Laughs At Murder of Journalist
Post Date: 2006-01-12 21:21:20 by christine
Is it something to laugh about when an innocent person is out taking a walk and gets beaten to death by a couple of thugs? Well, many posters over at seem to think that it is. Yesterday morning it was reported that New York Times editor David Rosenbaum was murdered while taking a walk in a supposedly safer part of his Washington town. He was robbed and murdered. But apparently, he deserved it, according to many in the ultra-politicized compassion crew over at Why? Because he worked for a liberal paper and apparently wasn’t supportive enough of the President. Very occasionally I will visit this neo-conservative news site that posts articles of ...

Dyncorp and Halliburton Sex Slave Scandal Won't Go Away Halliburton, Dyncorp lobbyists stall law banning human trafficking and sex slavery
Post Date: 2006-01-02 18:32:00 by Coral Snake
Dyncorp and Halliburton Sex Slave Scandal Won't Go Away Halliburton, Dyncorp lobbyists stall law banning human trafficking and sex slavery Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones | January 1 2006 Almost a year after Representative Cynthia McKinney was told by Donald Rumsfeld that it was not the policy of the Bush administration to reward companies that engage in human trafficking with government contracts, the scandal continues to sweep up innocent children who are sold into a life of slavery at the behest of Halliburton subsidiaries , Dyncorp and other transnational corporations with close ties to the establishment elite. On March 11th 2005, McKinney grilled Secretary Rumsfeld and General ...

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