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Linda Ronstadt, Before and After Carbohydrates
Post Date: 2008-08-28 15:48:24 by Turtle

Post Date: 2008-08-27 15:25:40 by iconoclast
Ladies and gents, I feel the urge this afternoon to elaborate a bit on factors underlying my full throated, heart felt support of Barack Obama, so often scorned here. I fully realize it violates one of my favorite earthy propositions (Henry Ford II's "never apologize, never explain"). Let me first say that I fully understand a goodly amount of the revulsion at the prospect of a black President. Many of my fellow Americans and good friends have been turned off for decades by an irritating exposure to welfare queens, affirmative action, and the downward spiral of the black underclass. I feel your pain, sincerely. But if I may, and without condescension, I venture to suggest ...

Bye Bye Barry [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-08-20 15:55:42 by statusquobuster
Bye Bye Barry Joel S. Hirschhorn The final results are in on this historic November day. Despite the hundreds of millions of dollars he raised, Barack Obama has lost the 2008 presidential election. American voters have boldly spoken truth to arrogance. Turned out that all those pre-election opinion polls that showed Obama’s inability to get over 50 percent support were prescient. Much of the public was never comfortable with Obama, though he clearly was so comfortable acting like he already was president. Hillary and Bill Clinton are probably drinking champagne and having the sweetest time since Bill won his first presidential election. Hillary must now bite her lip repeatedly and ...

Crossfade - Cold (Good night, Gracie! ~(;^/)
Post Date: 2008-08-20 02:47:24 by Rotara
Poster Comment:A cousin of mine is a member of the band. I bet you didn't know that! Take care everyone! God Bless America!

Dreams from My Father Is an Excellent Read (says I) [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-08-16 18:40:09 by a vast rightwing conspirator
To make it short, it's a book Obama wrote when he was about 32. Some 14-15 years ago. To my surprise, it's more than readable. It's captivating. His writing is thoughtful, uninhibited, unafraid - zero cliches or slogans. The style is flawless, the prose is almost musical in quality. Overall, it's a pleasure to read. I bought the book a couple of days ago because I was in this bookstore and the Obama Nation 10-pounders were on display, wall-to-wall. That reminded me that some Obamophobe at this site suggested that I read some of Obama's own works so I could really see that kind of man he really is. I thought that his first book would be best because he wrote it at a time ...

searching for a list
Post Date: 2008-08-14 19:18:35 by farmfriend
On one of the forums I'm on, someone posts a list of all the things blamed on global warming. Pretty funny and wish I'd save it. Could really use it now. Anyone have a clue?

Puppy Mill Survivior
Post Date: 2008-08-12 17:25:10 by Turtle
Poster Comment:Dogs that come out of puppy mills are usually physical and emotional wrecks. This pug showed every puppy mill survivior trait -- terror of human hands, won't play or make eye contract, etc. The new owner really turned this dog around.

America deserves national health care
Post Date: 2008-08-06 19:47:12 by Pissed Off Janitor
I, for one, now welcome a national health care plan for America. I've come out against it before, but over the last 7 years of my medical troubles I've finally seen the truth. America needs it. No, deserves it. We deserve it. We deserve it the same way a spoiled child deserves a good spanking or how an idiot who spends he free time throwing rocks at a bee hive deserves to be stung +50 times by a swarm of angry bees. You may ask, "Gee POJ, what finally convinced you that all loving and all knowing FEDGOV can give us better health care?" I'd be tempted to say that it was when the VA wanted to rip the breathing assisting machine away from my grandfather, because of a ...

You know it's a cover-up of high crimes when...
Post Date: 2008-08-02 12:23:30 by Arator
...they roll out Gerald "Oswald, the archetypal lone nut patsy, did it" Posner to sell it to the public. I just posted the following to this thread on HuffPo: Wake up, America! Are you gonna fall for another "lone nut" patsy-based coverup staged and scripted by criminals in government? Even if you accept the "official story", we now know that the source of the anthrax was Ft. Detrich, our government's top bioweapons lab, not Islamic terrorists, as our rogue government had led us to believe. Having conceded that critical point, the government would now have you believe that: 1) a lone nut homicidal maniac can get past its extensive psychological ...

Norman the Pug Dec '04-July '08
Post Date: 2008-07-25 13:36:59 by Turtle
Norman the pug went downhill so fast I had no other course but to put him to sleep today. He was unconscious for 24 hours, stopped eating, and barely drank anything when he woke up for a minute. He had kidney disease, some sort of tumor pressing on his heart, possible liver problems, and epilepsy. He was barely breathing and his heart was erratic. I decided not to torment him anymore.

Der Spiegel has spoken! names Obama as #44
Post Date: 2008-07-25 01:23:55 by scrapper2
Check out these headlines - what a laugh! - the Germans are gloating that America will finally meet its end - our Stalingrad, our Normandy - America will be beaten down to its knees by putting all its hopes in Chauncey Gardiner better known as Barack Obama, a man who came from obscurity, a man whose policies are as vague as his motto of "change". The Germans are savoring our defeat. They have waited a good long time and now they see their fond dreams materialize before their very eyes in Berlin, no less. All hail Barack Obama, Citizen of the World, Banker's Grandson, President in Waiting. Headlines from Der Spiegel: "People of the World, Look at Me" "No. 44 ...

Do You Know What Freedom Really Means? ( YouTube Vid) [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-07-24 21:57:10 by christine
Do You Know What Freedom Really Means?

Poll: When will Obama don the beanie and repeatedly [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-07-23 10:43:11 by Jethro Tull
tap his noggin at the Whining Wall? My guess is at app. 3PM, EST, today. Picture pending.

Does John McCain Remind You of Elmer Gantry?
Post Date: 2008-07-22 18:34:30 by James Deffenbach
This is something I have been thinking about since McKook is always yammering, "My friend(s)!" And he is as phony as a three-dollar bill, just like Elmer Gantry. I was just wondering if anyone else had thought about the similarity.

Rehab Anyone ???
Post Date: 2008-07-13 12:02:33 by noone222
Poster Comment:They try to make me go to "REHAB" ... I said no, no, NO !!!

FYI New apps for iPhone allows you to tune into any radio station
Post Date: 2008-07-12 12:58:18 by robnoel
I just downloaded Nullriver app from iTunes cost $4.95 not thinking it would actually pick up Republic Broadcasting Network but it works great ergo it should pick up any station anywhere in the world....if you don't have a iPhone you may now have a excuse to slurge $200.00

Post Date: 2008-07-09 12:43:04 by HOUNDDAWG

Post Date: 2008-07-02 05:46:50 by HOUNDDAWG
...And, I simply adore that about them! Baby Did a Bad Bad Thing-Chris Isaak Poster Comment:The "bad baby" featured in the video is French supermodel Laetitia Casta. I wonder if she can do The Watusi? I mean, I could never love a girl who can't do The Watusi. How about you guys?

In Da Pen Dunce ...
Post Date: 2008-06-29 08:36:10 by noone222
Wasn't that long ago, (about 5 years) that I found myself cited for "refusing to identify" myself to 5 New Mexico State cops. These jerks, allegedly acting upon an anonymous tip, first arrived in force at an outdoor fireworks display at Eagles Nest, New Mexico on July 4th, because the music was too loud or some such nonsense. They demanded that everyone provide them with some I.D. [At least that's what I'm told. I have no recollection of even seeing a cop until the point where I came out of my alcohol induced trance wherein I noticed I was cuffed and in the backseat of a State Police Car.] According to witnesses with at least some memory of what occurred, my response ...

The friggin Pope
Post Date: 2008-06-27 23:26:04 by angle
In this Dec. 21, 2005 file photo Pope Benedict XVI sports a fur-trimmed hat, 'camauro' as he arrives in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican for his weekly general audience. The devil may wear Prada — but the pope does not. According to Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano' Thursday, June 26, 2008 edition, the bright red loafers that Pope Benedict XVI wears are not designed by the Milanese fashion house, as has long been rumored.Does this fellow look like a man who communes with God?

BLUE RODEO - Lost Together
Post Date: 2008-06-24 08:49:31 by WTF?
BLUE RODEO - Lost Together

Question about uploading video. Any experts?
Post Date: 2008-06-22 16:36:12 by Artisan
Ok, I'm a novice at computer tech and video stuff and have a few simple questions. I have some videos on dvd disk and want to upload them to my computer, and then to windows movie maker, and then to the internet via youtube. I originally put these vids on dvd disk via my DVD RECORDER. some of the footage originated from VHS tapes, and others originated from my videocam. When i put the contents of the dvd on my computer they show as 2 folders: VIDEO_RM and VIDEO_TS. I can watch the vids on my computer but 'm having a hard time isolating the actual video to save to my computer. I believe the vids themselves are in the VIDEO_TS folder, but everytime I try to save them or upload to ...

Muppet Genocide
Post Date: 2008-06-15 16:34:34 by Rotara
Again, as a new feature for weekend (and Monday morning) visitors to the John Larroquette Project, here’s an old favorite from the JLP vaults… The more I reflect on it, the more it becomes clear that Muppet Babies was a seriously screwed up show. The show’s concept: nine freakishly deformed orphans hang around their one-room orphanage and indulge themselves in unhealthy delusional fantasies about the outside world. Nanny was supposed to be taking care of these little circus freaks, but she rarely bothered to make an appearance until the end of the episodes. She would scold them for a bit and resolve plot twists as the show’s own deus ex machina. I don’t know what ...

Detained by Montgomery County Police For Buying Sugar
Post Date: 2008-06-15 15:59:29 by Rotara
I was detained by the police today and accused of stealing. I was also illegally detained against my will by several Wal*Mart employees preceding the detention by police. My crime? Leaving Wal*Mart with four bags of sugar (that I had just purchased) without showing a receipt, because I was not given one by the Wal*Mart cashier. I was threatened with being taken to jail, threatened with physical violence as I attempted to leave, and had to defend myself and my property while Wal*Mart security attempted to rip it from my hands, breaking my bags and causing one of my items to break open on the pavement. After I was released (having been completely innocent all along), I was lectured by the ...

Ding, Dong the Witch is Dead!
Post Date: 2008-06-04 19:59:35 by Arator
The Clintons have completed their kharmic self-destruction, joining the Bushes on history's trash heap. MSNBC reports that her own supporters were so outraged by her ungracious self-serving performance that they have forced her to get out. Word from the Obama camp is that Clintonian corruption is the deal breaker when it comes to veep. Hillary is done. Thank you Barack Obama, for helping us to end to the 25-year-long Bush-Clinton reign of error.

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