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Pascal's Wager = Your Vote for Obama (You've Got Nothing to Lose)
Post Date: 2008-05-29 23:39:01 by Arator
To paraphrase Blaise Pascal, a great philosopher: Let us weigh the gain and loss in wagering that Obama will do as he's promised, and end the war in Iraq, repeal unconstitutional laws/executive orders, close Gitmo, end torture, etc. Let us estimate these two chances. If you gain, you gain all. If you lose, you lose nothing. Wager then, without hesitation, that he will. Poster Comment:Given the stakes for our nation, you'd have to be a fool not to vote for Obama.

Turtle in a state of shock
Post Date: 2008-05-28 16:43:12 by Turtle
Turtle will never assume anything again. As the old cliche goes, when you do that, you make an ass of you and me. I made an hour and a half international call to the Philippines. Never made one before. Just dialed it on my home phone. The phone bill came in today. $700. I told them no, never, I'll settle for $50. Let's see what they say. I just moved and had that phone turned off, and now have a cellphone, so they'll never get the money. I don't care if they put it on my credit, they'll never see a cent.

Anyone see "Recount" on HBO? Any opinions?
Post Date: 2008-05-28 11:48:52 by scrapper2
Just curious - anyone see Recount? Any opinions? Even if the Gore/Lieberman ticket had won, would America be any different today? I'm thinking specifically about the Iraq invasion - would we have done it under Gore/Lieberman? What about domestic spending ( no child left behind and pork barrel) and policies like shamnesty for illegals and manufacturing outsourcing toleration and greed glitches like the hedge fund speculation on oil and real estate meltdown- would things be different under Gore/Lieberman?

Does this ever happen to you?
Post Date: 2008-05-16 17:44:44 by Critter
I can't make any serious comments on any of the articles I have been seeing here for the last few weeks, cuz the only serious comment that might be made might have to include some kind of an allusion to a threat of violence or overthrow of government. I even had to be careful how I worded this. lol Isn't it grand to live in a free country with free speech protections?

Obama's Achilles' heel (My Title)
Post Date: 2008-05-14 11:26:52 by Jethro Tull
Obama's appeal to working-class whites faltering, polls showAP Online; May 4, 2008; ALAN FRAM; 983 Words Barack Obama's problem winning votes from working-class whites is ... Obama among working-class whites. They ... lead among white college graduates ... underscore Obama's continued ... in which working-class whites have ... present a problem ... Obama's appeal to working-class whites faltering more and more, polls showAP Worldstream; May 3, 2008; ALAN FRAM; 978 Words Barack Obama's problem winning votes from working-class whites is ... Obama among working-class whites. They ... lead among white college graduates ... underscore Obama's continued ... in which ...

Bush choosing Cheney for VP
Post Date: 2008-05-13 12:00:56 by Jethro Tull
Why did he choose someone who never intended to run himself for the presidency? Is this unprecedented in modern politics? With all the talk about who is going to choose who for VP, the consensus reached by the talking heads is that O and M need to choose a successor. This is rather obvious and it makes the Cheney pick all the more peculiar. I mention this b/c we are more than 6 months out from the election, which is a lifetime in politics. I'm no longer shocked by anything political, and should another 9-11 occur, or we attack Iran, this selection just might be delayed, or god forbid, postponed.

I just got informed that there is a rumor being spread in 4um's PM that I have plans to ban Obama supporters. It's not true. [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-05-11 12:31:42 by christine
All viewpoints are welcome. Free speech is and always will be alive and well on 4um. How about those of you spreading the rumor and/or speculating put it out here on the board so that I have the opportunity to defend and dispel the myths.

One Possible Solution to 4um's Bozo Controversy [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-05-10 17:58:01 by Arator
I have recently become aware of a recent 4um controversy that has apparently caused a schism in the forum and I would like to offer one possible solution to the problem for the forum to consider. On the one hand, bozoing inhibits exchanges between posters (and might be abused via registration of fake ID's just to run up the bozo count on targeted posters and make them think that they are more generally disliked than they really are). On the other hand, bozoing allow users to disassociate themselves from posters who they would rather not be associated with (for whatever reason). Christine recently opted to balance these two goods by lowering the per-poster bozo count to 10 (believing ...

Does Hillary now help McCain beat up Obama ?
Post Date: 2008-05-09 19:10:36 by Jethro Tull
Now that the D nomination process is over, does Hillary now help McCain beat up Obama (behind the scenes) so that he can’t win the general election in November, assuring McCain the presidency? She would then be the favorite to run against an ancient McCain in 2012. It seems like a real Clintoid possibility, especially given that she and McCain are best buds.

Badeye: I have a lot of money and I got a hummer
Post Date: 2008-05-09 18:53:23 by Badeye After Five
Hi folks. It's been a long time since I gave you any attention and I know you all are starving for it. Things are going great. Got a hummer out in front of my house and the neighbors are all a twitter over it. I am still more rich and successful than all the rest of you put together, but I'm also humble enough talk to some of you guys as long as you agree with everything I say. Right now I am hoping that Bush attacks Iran and then stays on as President for life after the chaos. If this doesn't work out, then I will bad mouth McCain until late October and then vote for the guy. Of course, anyone who disagrees with me is dumb and naive. And I am sure you can all see this. I am ...

There is only one race -- the human race!
Post Date: 2008-05-08 17:49:25 by Turtle
The average black brain is five cubic inches smaller than the white brain, and the average Asian brain one cubic inch larger than the white brain.

Twenty Six Miles from der Homeland
Post Date: 2008-05-08 10:34:40 by Artisan
Catalina Island is touted as a sunny getaway 'twenty six miles across the sea' yet still has all the charming trappings of der homeland: elevated alerts, search and seizures, & nanny state rules ;-) Catalina in the 1950's: Catalina today:

I’m beginning to think McCain will be less dangerous to my freedom than Obama [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-05-08 07:57:19 by Jethro Tull
As a realist I know either McCain or Obama will be the next president, and although I won’t be voting, I’m coming to the conclusion that McCain will be less of a train wreck to my personal freedom than Obama. Obama, like McCain, offers endless war, so their foreign policy is a draw. In fact I give points to McCain for his honest 100 year comment. Obama’s nutty obsession to hunt down al Qaeda, a creation of the US government, was all I needed to know about his foreign policy. His speech to AIPAC was the cap stone. On the domestic front, both are awful, but Obama is much worse on guns. His dalliance with Black Theology is equally bad news. One look at the over animated ...

Three Cheers for Barak Obama! Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah! [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-05-07 19:38:37 by Arator
He's done what no one expected or thought possible - he's driven a stake through the heart of the Clinton machine. One crime family down, one to go. Bush-family proxy and crazed neocon Armageddonist, Senator John McCain, should be easy pickens. Now, what's this I've heard about RP+Obama supporters no longer being entirely welcome by some 4um posters? Say it ain't so! ;^) Tactical differences should not divide freedom-lovers. We share the same goals. So what if we disagree on how to get there? Purist non-voters like JT and chrissy would never vote for Obama, even if their abstention results in the neo-fascist GOP remaining unpunished and in power. Others (like me), ...

MEET THE CHRISTIAN PARTY ***racism alert***
Post Date: 2008-05-07 17:01:51 by nolu_chan
MEET THE CHRISTIAN PARTY by nolu chan May 7, 2008 (and The Fathers Manifesto) [Old Friend #24] The following facts are what The Gallup Organization does NOT want you to know about their abortion poll, why they went through a tortured exercise in data manipulation to conceal the following facts about American opinion, why their poll results showing that almost half of Americans view abortion as murder are now missing from their web site, and why they had their lawyers demand that the Fathers' Manifesto Web Site be shut down (which they were successful at doing) My Old Friend quoted the above, and proceeded to quote the entire 9-page piece of crap from the The Christian Party website. ...

Attention 4um Members [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-05-04 22:40:24 by christine
I have to be honest, I'm completely distressed at what's happened to this forum. The fighting and the distrust between those for and those against Obama has gotten to the point where, in my opinion, it's destroying the forum. What's the point of having an open free speech venue when everyone is bozo'ing everyone else? When I read my mission statement and what Freedom4um was created to be, I don't even recognize the place anymore. There will be changes made in the near future as I decide what is best for the continued growth of this forum.

An Open Letter to the Obamophobes [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-05-04 19:22:53 by a vast rightwing conspirator
I keep hearing from a number of thoughtful and well-meaning members of this forum statements such as this one: "most Os have yet to put together a rational argument for his candidacy, save white guilt." I am not going to comment on the honesty of the charge but I am going to address it. It should settle the issue definitively and it should turn all rational and America-loving Obamophobes into enthusiastic supporters of Dr. Barack. My friend, the rationale has been provided to you, more than once: the alternatives to Dr. O are either Hillary or McCain. We can hardly afford one of the 2 in the White House. If you (and it's a generic 'you') insist on being so ...

Desolation Row
Post Date: 2008-05-03 14:58:24 by Dakmar
Poster Comment:They're selling postcards of the hanging They're painting the passports brown The beauty parlor is filled with sailors The circus is in town Here comes the blind commissioner They've got him in a trance One hand is tied to the tight-rope walker The other is in his pants And the riot squad they're restless They need somewhere to go As Lady and I look out tonight From Desolation Row Cinderella, she seems so easy "It takes one to know one," she smiles And puts her hands in her back pockets Bette Davis style And in comes Romeo, he's moaning "You Belong to Me I Believe" And someone says," You're in the wrong place, my friend You ...

John Lennon sings Buddy Holly
Post Date: 2008-04-28 20:40:18 by Dakmar

Indiana primary important for the first time I can recall
Post Date: 2008-04-28 19:55:26 by Dakmar
Well, thusfar since Saturday it's been one know on the door, a flier left under my welcome mat, and a phonecall for Barack Obama, vs a phonecall from Hillary campaign which once the guy said Hillary I chimed in "I'm voting for Ron Paul and I don't like Hillary at all!" in most abrasive tone I could muster, poor old guy apologised and hung up. Saturday a young black woman canvassed me, wanted to give me Obama lit but I told her not to waste it on me, I was voting for Ron Paul. I thanked her for volunteering. Same with the phone solicitor, they were cordial, I was cordial. I'm trying to figure out if I was rude to Hillary's caller because he pissed me off, or ...

Women Drivers Are a Serious Health Risk to Men
Post Date: 2008-04-14 20:58:55 by YertleTurtle
33,696 men drivers and 20,156 women drivers were involved in the traffic fatalities of 41,967 American citizens in 1997. 28,538 of these fatalities were men. Being a woman driver increases the probability of an injury or fatal accident by between 33% and 56%. At worst, a man who drinks and drives increases his probability of an injury or fatal accident by 4%. Traffic accidents would decrease between 15% to 22% if only men drove, saving up to 9,159 lives per year and up to 330,000 lives over the next 30 years. Crash repair costs would be between $30 to 44 billion/year lower. Between 4,823 to 6,266 additional men die in traffic accidents each year because of the dramatic ...

A Tazer I Agree With
Post Date: 2008-04-13 19:59:03 by YertleTurtle
Poster Comment:Cops are completely out of control with the Tazers but here is how they should be used.

Rufus the Stunt Bum
Post Date: 2008-04-13 08:30:03 by YertleTurtle

2 4um members join TLBSHOW and B Yeltsin on my s__tlist - what took me so long? [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-04-11 06:55:52 by a vast rightwing conspirator
This has been my favorite site for a couple of years now, maybe longer and, until recently, I found just about every one here to be honest, intellectually curious and generally open to debate. I value the most people who refuse to wear ideological straight jackets and are willing to overcome the inevitable intellectual and moral inhibitions imposed by life within any social structure. Not everyone or probably no one can do this all the time but there is a difference between those who open themselves to the new and fresh even infrequently and those who choose to never leave their dogmatic cocoon or are always the follower of some 'movement' or leader. I don't find ...

Obama. I want him to win. [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-04-07 17:21:13 by christine
so that either the O'philes or the O'phobes get the Op to say "I told you so." ;)

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