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Pop Star George Michael and partner bring British art to Texas
Post Date: 2008-04-06 11:14:47 by CadetD
2 Comments If this exhibit represents fine-art, guess I'm a little challenged. Especially disgusting is the "Saint Sebastian-Exquisite Pain" item, discribed early in the article.

yardbirds - for your love
Post Date: 2008-04-03 20:59:19 by Dakmar

Obama takes the lead in Pennsylvania (Ding Dong The Witch is Dead)
Post Date: 2008-04-02 17:01:45 by Horse
Barack Obama 45 Hillary Clinton 43 Barack Obama has taken the lead in Pennsylvania, a remarkable turnaround after trailing Hillary Clinton by 26 points in a PPP poll in the state just two and a half weeks ago. Obama's steep rise could be a reflection of a growing sense among Democratic voters that a continued divisive nomination process will hurt the party's chances of defeating John McCain this fall. An Obama upset in Pennsylvania would be virtually certain to force Clinton out of the race. Obama has his customary large advantage with black voters (75-17) and is keeping it relatively competitive with white voters (49-38) He leads across all age groups except senior citizens ...

The Obama Agenda [mine, really]
Post Date: 2008-03-31 19:50:44 by a vast rightwing conspirator
This is what Obama needs to do to make me happy: - He beats the Clintons - He beats McCain/the Bushes/the Neofreaks Everything else that he may be doing is just bonus freebies. I believe that, with sufficient support, Obama could fulfill my minimal agenda.

The Crash, The Disowning of McCain and the New War with Iran
Post Date: 2008-03-31 16:50:04 by ...
The following is my take on the current situation we now face. I'm not sure if it's correct, but it's good and scary if it's even partially correct. I would be interested in some feedback on the theories presented below. What is happening in the economy seems simple, it's just that it can't be discussed without stepping on Republican toes losing access to government. Hence the double talk and murk we see from our news sources. Seven years ago, at the onset of the Bush administration, consumers had assumed a debt load that was very close to their maximum debt load. This was long term debt, i.e., mortgages, car loans, education loans and such. Debt that would extend ...

11-year-old Sara on drums, awesome play!
Post Date: 2008-03-26 21:33:25 by Dakmar
Poster Comment:Outstanding performance, but couldn't someone adjust the toms and cymbals closer just a little?

Author Struggles to Stay Removed from Slave Trade
Post Date: 2008-03-23 20:59:53 by YertleTurtle
With $50 and a plane ticket to Haiti, one can buy a slave. This was just one of the difficult lessons writer Benjamin Skinner learned while researching his book, A Crime So Monstrous: Face-to-Face with Modern-Day Slavery. Skinner met with slaves and traffickers in 12 different countries, filling in the substance around a startling fact: there are more slaves on the planet today than at any time in human history. Skinner speaks with Anthony Brooks about his experience researching slavery. Though now illegal throughout the world, slavery is more or less the same as it was hundreds of years ago, Skinner explains. Slaves are still "those that are forced to work under threat of violence ...

My wish for all
Post Date: 2008-03-23 11:44:03 by iconoclast
A happy and blessed Easter to you all.

YertleTurtle Gets Whopped by the Recession
Post Date: 2008-03-21 17:18:56 by YertleTurtle
A month ago I got an $80 a week raise. Today they informed everyone all of us would be getting a $50 a week paycut, because it was time to renegotiate a lot of business contracts and it was not good all around. This is the first time in my life I have gotten a paycut, and it was a big one. Thanks to the federal government, which can't seem to do anything right.

Obama's Angle
Post Date: 2008-03-18 14:28:04 by Tauzero
Obama's Angle, and Why He Might Win Those readers who know me from market discussions should know that I am by no means bullish on America. Those who are familiar with my views on race should know that I would never celebrate an Obama victory. But the Mandela Bull Market may be an instructive precedent. First rule: Follow The Money. Obama gets much of his backing from anti-Zionist Jews like Soros and other lefty "progressives." Israel, as an honest-to-god nation state -- and a democracy, in the true original Greek sense of the word -- is to some of them an embarrassment, to others an outrage. (N.B. Those who say that Israel is not a democracy are abusing, for their own ...

Successful YouTube Video - just a thought
Post Date: 2008-03-09 09:28:38 by a vast rightwing conspirator
I don't have the tech ability to put something like this together but, perhaps, someone could post a video like this: On a split screen, you could have MLK doing his "I Have a Dream" act while, on the other half, you could have Hillary's comical show where she was mocking Obama's 'hope' speech. Martin Luther King: "I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together." Hillary the Humorist: "The sky will open ... the light will come ...

No More Ron Paul And His Silly Principles
Post Date: 2008-03-05 13:25:43 by Brian S
It is wonderful to see that the Republican Party has chosen John McCain as its probable nominee. We won't have to listen to Ron Paul talking about freedom and restoring the Constitution and a sound monetary system anymore. We can now move on as a nation with open borders, higher taxes, runaway inflation, more manufacturing jobs moving out of America, higher gas prices, a national ID card where our government can keep track of us 24 hours a day, a private banking system called the Federal Reserve system that can cause boom or bust at any time, a 100-year war with Iraq, our troops in every nation. We won't have to listen to Paul wanting to restore the republic that our forefathers ...

Ron Paul: Idiot or Coward? [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-03-04 16:29:42 by honway
If Ron Paul does not have the capacity to evaluate the available information and conclude that there is a U.S. government cover-up concerning 9/11,then he is an idiot. If Ron Paul has concluded correctly that there was a U.S. government cover-up concerning 9/11 and was afraid to tell it like it is in his campaign, then the man is a coward. Either way, the people remaining in the United States that support the U.S. Constitution are not served well by a flag bearer that is either an idiot or a coward. If the man really is an idiot, I am glad his 15 minutes are over. If he is a coward, I regret the missed opportunity. Had he stood before the American people and guaranteed a full and complete ...

William Burroughs-Government Script
Post Date: 2008-03-01 21:26:31 by Dakmar
Poster Comment:my little willy's sugar skull? yikes!

Wages Peaked in 1973
Post Date: 2008-02-20 20:49:43 by YertleTurtle
According to the Christian Science Monitor, US wages (adjusted for inflation) for non-management employees in private industry peaked in 1973. Last year, these average weekly wages were $116 lower (~$6,000 less a year) than they were 30 years ago. What’s keeping the average family above water is having two wage earners. The boom years of the bubble led to a bust for CEOs as well rank-and-file workers (many still out of work). Forbes reporeted this week that CEO compensation for the top 500 companies in the US was up only 8 percent last year; average compensation was $16.5 million. The range was $39 million to 148 million with seven unreported (including Cisco, Apple and DirecTV). ...

The Boy With Green Hair
Post Date: 2008-02-15 01:30:45 by kiki
is anyone familiar with this movie from 1948? I have a reason for asking but it's probably not worth typing out if nobody knows it.

Looking for Obama article
Post Date: 2008-02-12 13:24:40 by farmfriend
I saw a comparison between Obama and Hilter I thought was great but now I can't find it. Does anyone remember it or have a quick link?

Michael Medved and the American Free Press
Post Date: 2008-02-08 19:45:51 by Vitamin Z
I happened to be listening to fraud conservative and staunch McLame shill Michael Medved's show yesterday, and he mentioned an article in the latest American Free Press. Apparently the AFP is collecting funds to stop Medved, and Medved was contemplating how exactly they would go about stopping him. Also, Medved was again railing against Nazis, Ron Paul, holocaust deniers, blah blah blah and also called the Constitution Party the "Constipation" Party and said that the NAU folks are kooks and losers. I don't normally read this publication (The AFP) regularly, so I was wondering if anyone knew where to find this article about Medved without registering or signing up for ...

Will my vote be counted? (vanity)
Post Date: 2008-02-05 16:23:17 by farmfriend
So I go to my polling place today to vote and I walked away wondering if my vote would be counted. Apparently there weren't enough working voting machines, they use optical readers, so it was throw your ballot in the box and they would be scanned in later. Sure they will.

Who does Hillary! look like?
Post Date: 2008-02-02 21:14:08 by angle

Summertime - The Zombies
Post Date: 2008-02-01 23:29:51 by Dakmar
Poster Comment:hush pretty baby, don't you cry...

It Starts Good, Then A Turd Can Grow Into A Huge Pile Of Elephant Crap
Post Date: 2008-02-01 05:54:13 by Uncle Bill
Free Republic Invaded By Kooks Against Bush To: Professional Bush is so clever that he's got all the right-wingers thinking he's a liberal. And this strategy is just to garner the swing voters who tend to be lefties. But there's more of them than there are right-wingers so it's a good gamble. Then after he wins the Presidency then he's gonna make a major swing back to the right (he is a conservative, after all), laugh at his liberal supporters and welcome the right-wing back into his compassionate conservative fold. He's so clever that he's just about the first guy on the planet to manage fooling all the people all the time. 23 Posted on 10/08/1999 00 ...

Happy B-Day Freedom4um!
Post Date: 2008-02-01 05:41:15 by Kamala
Thanks for the site Christine, Zip and your work Neil. 3 years old. Feb 1st 2005.

vanity: 401k help please!
Post Date: 2008-01-29 23:32:47 by kiki
ok, I have this 401k from a job I had a few years back. I left the job and left the 401 account, and kinda forgot about it. my current job doesn't have a plan. I'm horrible with money and have a good deal of high interest credit card debt. so last week, I was home sick and bored and actually opened a 401 statement and was shocked on several levels. first, I was surprised at how much money was in it, not a fortune (about 68k) but way more than I ever paid into it. second, in the last quarter of last year it lost a little more than 6%. so I thought why am I carrying debt and paying all this interest while this money is sitting there, gradually being depleted? I called and told them ...

Worst Presidents Ever
Post Date: 2008-01-19 13:25:55 by YertleTurtle
In chronological order. Lincoln, War Between the States. Woodrow Wilson, WWI, Federal Reserve FDR, WWII, New Deal LBJ, Vietnam, Great Society Bush, Afghanistan, Iraq, United State bankruptcy. I suspect Bush will go down in history as the worst President ever.

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