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Congress is Now Three Times as Jewish as the US is
Post Date: 2023-01-26 09:53:32 by NeoconsNailed
Via The Times of Israel More than 6 percent of the new Congress is jewish, with 34 jews among the total of 535 lawmakers in the US House of Representatives and Senate. Jews make up 2% of the US population, so Congress as a whole is more than thrice as jewish as the country in general, according to a new study by the Pew Research Center on religion in the new Congress, which was inaugurated Thursday. The number is even larger in the Senate, where eight, or 8%, of the 100 members are jewish. This Congress has four more jews than its predecessor, which had 30 jewish members. But it’s far from the most jewish Congress ever. That was the 1993 Congress, which boasted 51 jews — ...

Putin Fires Government Official Who Denounces Chabad
Post Date: 2023-01-25 10:05:13 by NeoconsNailed
Putin Fires Government Official Who Described Chabad as a Supremacist Cult Soviet Russian President Vladimir Putin has fired a top national security official named Aleksey Pavlov. A couple months back, Pavlov described the Chabad Lubavitch movement in Russia and Ukraine as a supremacist cult. No official reason was given for the Friday dismissal of Pavlov, but we can assume what caused when you consider the fact that Putin himself is a Chabadnik. Aleksey Pavlov is known for being a pro-war hawk and became infamous for calling for Ukraine to be de-satanized, claiming that the country is home to hundreds of “neo-Pagan” cults. Pavlov included in his list of cults the ...

Dr. E. Michael Jones: We Must Talk About The Jews Or We Will Lose This Country
Post Date: 2023-01-24 13:00:58 by Horse

How Converso Jews Used The ‘Holocaust’ To Shame The Catholic Church Into Accepting Vatican II ‘Reforms’
Post Date: 2023-01-24 12:07:10 by NeoconsNailed
(Jewish-Christian Relations.Net) Many Catholics are aware that Vatican II signified the overt Jewish takeover of the Church — but what many don’t realize is that the actual documents of Nostra Aetate were written by a rabbi, along with Jews who had recently “converted” to Catholicism — and that they used their unshakeable belief in the co- called Holocaust™ as the impetus to shame and manipulate the Vatican into accepting their radical revision of Church dogma vis a vis “The Jews”. On the 50th anniversary of Vatican II, liberal Catholic academic Joshua Furnal published the essay, “Abraham Joshua Heschel and Nostra Aetate: Shaping the Catholic ...

The Relentless Punishment of Critics of Israel
Post Date: 2023-01-24 08:32:28 by Ada
Powerful Jewish groups crush all opposition There were a couple of interesting articles that have appeared in the past several weeks that illustrate inter alia how the Israel Lobby operates when anyone dares to challenge America’s wag-the-dog relationship with the Jewish state. To be sure, the labels “antisemite” and “holocaust denier” are flung about with wild abandon as a first step, but there is a level of viciousness that goes well beyond that as the Zionists seek to ruin the reputations and employment prospects of those whom they target. The first piece concerns our old friend the actor Mel Gibson, who initially crossed swords with the Jewish Lobby back in ...

Israeli settlers destroy 350 trees in West Bank olive grove
Post Date: 2023-01-23 09:06:03 by Horse
Israeli settlers have destroyed 350 olive trees in groves near the village of Jit, to the east of Qalqilya, in the latest attack on Palestinian livelihoods in the West Bank. A group men from the Kedumim settlement felled hundreds trees on Palestinian land, many of which were over 13 years old, according to the farmer’s brother. The settlers snuck into the olive groves early on Sunday morning and set about destroying the trees before they could be stopped, local resident Ahmad Faruq Sedda told Palestinian news agency Wafa. Poster Comment:Israelis have Destroyed 1 mn Palestinian Olive Trees; Palestinians plant 10,000 new olive trees in the West Bank every year. So far this year, ...

Houston Restaurant Owners Are Sleeping In Their Businesses, Armed, To Keep Out Burglars Because Of Citys Lax Bail Policies
Post Date: 2023-01-22 02:27:17 by Horse
Restaurant and bar owners in Houston are sleeping in their establishments, armed, in order to protect them from robbers. Poster Comment:DA is a friend of George Soros.

German court seeks to force COVID-19 vaccine on Holocaust survivor
Post Date: 2023-01-17 11:24:55 by NeoconsNailed
The court ruled to forcibly vaccinate Holocaust survivor Inna Zhvanetskaya and then commit her to a psychiatric ward. A court in the German city of Stuttgart, in the state of Baden- Württemberg, is seeking to force COVID-19 vaccinations for an 85-year- old Jewish composer and a Holocaust survivor, sparking outrage among German journalists and one Jewish community leader. A regional court has overruled the decision. Austrian-based German-language website Report24 first reported on Tuesday of the case of Holocaust survivor Inna Zhvanetskaya. She was born in Ukraine in 1937. Holger Fischer, the attorney for Zhvanetskaya, said on his Telegram account on Thursday that a regional court in ...

40 percent of Americans think Israel treats Palestinians like Nazis treated Jews
Post Date: 2023-01-17 09:15:34 by Horse
If you don’t want to socialize with people who support Israel, or you think Israel treats Palestinians the way Nazis treated Jews, you’re antisemitic, according to a new survey of antisemitism from the Anti-Defamation League. The survey goes further than ever in the effort by the Israel lobby to brand “highly negative” views of Israel as bigotry. Released last week, and promptly seconded by the American Jewish Committee, it reports that 40 percent of Americans believe that Israel treats Palestinians as Nazis treated Jews — a remarkable indication of Israel’s sinking reputation in the U.S. Americans’ belief in antisemitic ideas of Jewish ...

El Judio Hoy
Post Date: 2023-01-14 10:24:58 by Horse
Poster Comment:Spanish Fascists still alive. They name names.

Bill Gates Vows To Pump mRNA Into Food Supply (news segment)
Post Date: 2023-01-13 04:47:05 by NeoconsNailed
As the globalist elite continue finding it harder and harder to convince humanity to submit to Covid jabs and endless boosters, they are having to find cunning new ways to force their jabs on us. Rather than admitting that humanity has woken up to the truth about the disastrous experimental Covid-19 jabs, Bill Gates, who is not a doctor, is doubling down and taking it upon himself to vaccinate the world by stealth. ------- Yeah, all that farmland he's bought up. Don't forget, he literally owns the health industry. Honestly I'd support a law that nobody could have a total worth over 2b because these super-rich are criminally insane and destructive of our well-being. And ...

Post Date: 2023-01-12 07:42:38 by Horse
Jerry Nadler Argues Taking Babies to Hospital who Survive Abortions to Save Them – “Endangers” the Baby

Neocon Successes Afloat Until They Sink
Post Date: 2023-01-12 07:00:01 by Horse
The Bank of England hath the benefit of interest on money it created out of nothing. William Paterson 1694, 1stGov of the Bank of England. John Wilkes Booth killed President Lincoln paving the way for the end of the non-interest bearing Greenback. Wilkes was the name of unrelated neighbors in Baltimore. Booth is from the Jewish holiday Festival of Booths. Booth pere was a Jewish silversmith in London who wanted his son to become a lawyer, not an actor. Last year American taxpayers paid $706 billion in interest that would never have been due if the Greenback were still in use as there would be no national debt and no interest paid on that fictional debt. Interest bearing currencies like ...

Hero Customer Who Shot Armed Robber At Houston Taco Joint Ordered To Face Grand Jury By Soros-Funded DA
Post Date: 2023-01-10 16:05:35 by Horse
The Soros-funded prosecutor let the career criminal he put down out on bond...

Israel blocks entry of x-ray machines to Gaza
Post Date: 2023-01-06 15:48:26 by Horse
Highlights @highlightsnews1 Israel blocks entry of x-ray machines to Gaza

Actor Mel Gibson Targeted By the Elite - Revelations of the Dark Elite Club!
Post Date: 2023-01-06 05:14:47 by noone2222

Post Date: 2023-01-05 12:12:45 by Horse
Sam Bankman-Fried Has a Clinton Judge, Soros-Related Biden-Appointed Prosecutor, and His Case Is in the Corrupt SDNY Sam Bankman-Fried was arrested on multiple counts of fraud after billions of dollars went missing from his cryptocurrency exchange FTX. It’s still unknown how much money went missing.

How To Take Over The World, An Early Warning Cartoon
Post Date: 2023-01-03 10:29:25 by Horse

Israeli Strikes Shut Down Damascus Airport Days After Netanyahu Govt Sworn In
Post Date: 2023-01-02 10:46:08 by Horse
A major Israeli attack on the Syrian capital has killed two soldiers and wounded two others, and has put the country's main international airport temporarily out of commission.  The early Monday morning attack reportedly involved Israeli jets firing two missiles at Damascus International Airport, causing significant enough damage to force the airport's closure while it undergoes repairs. The timing is interesting given the new Netanyahu government was just sworn-in at the end of last week, and is filled with hardline anti-Iran hawks who will likely escalate the proxy war across the region. "It caused material damage in a nearby area, the army said, without giving ...

Here, various CHABAD rabbis explain why the CHABAD godhead (Satan) is about to “totally destroy” both America and Europe, first by cultural genocide and then by actual genocide
Post Date: 2023-01-01 23:37:54 by AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt
Here, various CHABAD rabbis explain why the CHABAD godhead (Satan) is about to “totally destroy” both America and Europe, first by cultural genocide and then by actual genocide: “When Jews openly call for white genocide, of course Big Brother does not deem that “hate speech” so it “naturally” does not merit being banned from YouTube. Big Brother’s actual definition for “hate speech” is MUCH MORE SERIOUS, because such “hate speech” ...

Netanyahu: "Despicable" UN Vote Has No Bearing On Israel
Post Date: 2023-01-01 10:01:35 by Horse
General Assembly votes to seek International Court Of Justice opinion on Israel's occupation Poster Comment:Israel is above the law.

Muammar Gaddafi: JFK Killed By Israel Over Nukes
Post Date: 2022-12-31 02:34:31 by Horse

FTX Founder Reportedly Cashes Out $684K After Being Released On Bail
Post Date: 2022-12-30 09:42:54 by Horse
SBF has allegedly cashed out $684,000 from a crypto exchange in Seychelles while being under house arrest, according to an on-chain investigation... Poster Comment:In a Gentile court the judge would have seized all of SBF's assets and all real estate bought with loans from customers' money and called in all loans.

America Went from Promoting Self-Determination to Promoting Self-Extermination to the World
Post Date: 2022-12-29 07:45:46 by Ada
Why? — Because Power in the US went from Anglo-American Rule to Jewish- American Rule Are goyim capable of having their own gods? Christianity. Originated from Jews. Communism. Originated from Jews. Holocaustianity. Originated from Jews. Wherever goyim turn, it’s about relying on Jews for prophetic power. Still, direct Jewish control is worse than self-control with Jewish- derived ideas. After all, despite its origin, the goyim fashioned Christianity in their own way. Same with communism. Even though key Marxists were Jewish, it became bigger than Jewish Power. But then, both Christianity and Marxism were conceived to be universalist despite their ethno-Jewish origins. In ...

Incoming PM Netanyahu Vows West Bank Settlement Expansion A 'High Priority'
Post Date: 2022-12-28 18:27:46 by Horse
Incoming Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is busy forming what's being widely perceived as the most hardline and right-wing government in the country's history. Netanyahu is set to be formally sworn into office on Thursday, along with his top ministers. He has already promised to put settlement expansion in the Palestinian West Bank highest on the list of priorities. His Likud party released the new governing coalition's policy guidelines Wednesday, which opens by vowing to "advance and develop settlement in all parts of the land of Israel – in the Galilee, Negev, Golan Heights, and Judea and Samaria."  inlAll of these are the biblical and ...

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