
Latest Articles: Israel/Zionism

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Historians reveal Israel's use of poison against Palestinians
Post Date: 2022-10-13 21:22:34 by Horse
The details of Israel's secret use of biological weapons and poison against Palestinians during the 1947/48 ethnic cleansing campaign has been revealed in a recent article by historians Benny Morris and Benjamin Kedar. The 84-year-old Kedar is professor emeritus at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the more well-known Morris is famed for his work as one of Israel's "New Historians". This group of Israeli scholars, including Professors Ilan Pappe and Avi Shlaim, dismantled the occupation state's official narrative about its creation in 1948 and the birth of the Palestinian refugee crisis. However, unlike his fellow historians, Morris went on to become a rather ...

Israels Operation Breaking Dawn killed 49 Palestinians. These are their stories.
Post Date: 2022-10-09 13:11:58 by Horse
During the three-day Israeli assault on Gaza between August 5 – 7, 2022, now known as Operation Breaking Dawn, 49 Palestinians were killed, including 17 children. Since the end of fighting, the Mondoweiss team identified every airstrike conducted by the Israeli air forces and undertook the project of memorializing the Palestinians who were martyred in the Israeli attack, including interviewing many of their families. While Israeli airstrikes were still ongoing in Gaza, moving from place to place became a deadly mission, and even venturing outside of your home could expose you to deliberate and indiscriminate Israeli bombing. The Israeli military regarded anything that moved on the ...

Jewish Ritual Murder Books
Post Date: 2022-10-04 02:05:16 by Horse
Poster Comment:URL goes to a page with books from Barnes review.

Poland Formally Claims $1.3 trillion in WWII Reparations from Germany
Post Date: 2022-10-03 16:46:50 by X-15
JUST IN - Poland's nationalist-conservative ruling party formally claims $1.3 trillion of World War II reparations from Germany on German Unity Day. Poster Comment:If Germany says they can make payments on that claim then there's going to be a whole bunch of pissed off kikenvermin in Israhell who will claim that they thought they had squeezed Germany dry. OY VEY!!!!!

Rights group: Israel holding 800 Palestinians without trial
Post Date: 2022-10-03 07:41:54 by Horse
Israel is holding nearly 800 Palestinians without trial or charge, the highest number since 2008, an Israeli rights group said Sunday. The group, HaMoked, which regularly gathers figures from Israeli prison authorities, said that 798 Palestinians are currently being held in so-called administrative detention, a practice where the prisoners can be held for months, do not know the charges against them and are not granted access to the evidence against them. The group said the number of those held in administrative detention has risen steadily this year, as Israel conducts nightly arrest raids in the occupied West Bank in response to a spate of attacks against Israelis earlier this year.

Israeli settlers attacked 15 mosques since January: Official
Post Date: 2022-10-03 07:40:22 by Horse
September that Israeli troops and extremist settlers have stormed and attacked 15 mosques since the start of the year. The minister highlighted that these provocative actions come as a direct result of Tel Aviv’s policy which allows settlers to carry out violent and destructive acts with impunity, stressing that such behavior could trigger a religious war. Last year alone, the Palestinian Authority (PA) recorded more than ten attacks on different mosques across the West Bank, as well as the damaging of several others in the Gaza Strip as a result of Israeli aerial bombardment. The most commonly attacked religious site in the West Bank is Al-Aqsa Mosque, located in the occupied ...

Igor Shafarevich and the Jews
Post Date: 2022-09-30 17:36:59 by X-15
One way to become an unwitting dissident is to assume that the truth will set everyone free. Igor Shafarevich, in his 1989 essay “Russophobia” (my review here), spoke the truth about the overwhelmingly negative impact the Jewish Left has had on Russia, and he received merciless defamation from the Jewish Left in return. Much of this abuse came from the mostly Jewish “Third Wave” of Russian émigrés who were known for their undue and quite racist insults of Russians during the 1970s. (Russians being either brutal, slavish, or messianic were the most prominent stereotypes.) The essay uncovered the Jewish complicity in the October Revolution and its bloody ...

This is What Got Katie Halper Censored & Canceled By The Hill: Israel Is An Apartheid State
Post Date: 2022-09-30 09:29:15 by Horse
Poster Comment:Jews and ADL tried to claim that Israel is not an Apartheid state.

Post Date: 2022-09-30 09:09:41 by Horse
Israel wants the world to believe that it is a majority Jewish state with a 20% Arab minority and that the Arab population enjoys a good standard of living and full equal rights. And while this is easy to disprove, it is still part of the mainstream discourse on Israel. It is true that at around two million people, the Palestinian citizens of Israel represent about twenty-one percent of Israeli citizens. However, Israel counts its Jewish citizens regardless of where they reside throughout the country – including the West Bank and East Jerusalem – and all Jewish Israelis are citizens. In contrast, Palestinians are only counted as citizens in certain parts of the country so that ...

Report: Israel Approves Use of Drones to Assassinate Palestinians in West Bank
Post Date: 2022-09-30 09:00:11 by Horse
The Israeli army has green-lighted the use of armed drones to carry out assassinations against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, Israeli media reported on Thursday. Israeli Army Chief Aviv Kochavi gave his approval to use the armed drones for assassinations and “to carry out strikes should armed gunmen be identified as posing imminent threats to the troops,” The Jerusalem Post reported.

Post Date: 2022-09-26 10:52:47 by Horse
WIKILEAKS DOCS SHOW TOP HOLLYWOOD PRODUCERS WORKING WITH ISRAEL TO DEFEND ITS WAR CRIMES As Israel was launching a deadly assault on Gaza, killing thousands of civilians and displacing more than 100,000 people, many of America’s top TV, music and film producers were organizing to protect the apartheid state’s reputation from widespread international condemnation. Together, the Sony Archive – a cache of emails published by Wikileaks – prove that influential entertainment magnates attempted to whitewash Israeli crimes and present the situation as defending itself from an impending “genocide”, liaised with Israeli military and government officials in order to ...

AIPAC Has Complete Control Of Both Parties
Post Date: 2022-09-25 10:05:09 by Horse
Poster Comment:60 years. Did you notice that? Because Israel killed President Kennedy for opposing their nuclear weapons program. And Judaism Incorporated wanted the US to go into the Vietnam war and lose it. LBJ Had a Jewish grandmother. But I digress. By dragging out a No Win war they got the younger White generation hooked on drugs. Bankers now launder a trillion dollars a year in drugs, illegal weapons and trafficked women and children plus another $500 billion in political bribes offshore. I wrote this: Israel Killed JFK And Has Ruled America Ever Since.

Post Date: 2022-09-22 11:33:01 by Horse

Activists suing DeSantis over Martha's Vineyard flights received over $1.3M from George Soros network
Post Date: 2022-09-22 00:26:32 by Horse
The activist group at the center of a class-action lawsuit against Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and other Florida officials for migrant flights to Martha’s Vineyard has received nearly $1.4 million from George Soros’ Open Society network. Lawyers for Civil Rights, a nonprofit immigrant advocacy group, filed the lawsuit on behalf of Alianza Americas, according to a press release Tuesday that described the latter group as "a network of migrant-led organizations supporting immigrants across the United States." Alianza Americas has received a total of $1,383,947 from George Soros' Open Society Foundations between 2016 and 2020, according to grants. The grants came from ...

Before and after the Holocaust: Jewish population numbers in 1933 and 1948
Post Date: 2022-09-21 13:27:25 by Horse
For over a century, the Jewish World Almanac has been widely regarded as the most authentic source for the world’s Jewish population numbers. Academics all over the world, including the editors of the Encyclopedia Britannica, used to rely on the accuracy of those numbers. Here is what the World Alamanacs of 1933 and 1948 had to say about the world population of Jews. In other words, according to the World Almanac the world population of Jews increased (!) between 1933 and 1948 from 15,315,000 to 15,753,000. If the German government under Adolf Hitler had – as alleged – murdered six million Jews those losses should have been reflected in the Jewish population ...

Israeli Forces Plug Two Water Wells with Cement in West Bank
Post Date: 2022-09-21 12:18:24 by Horse
Israeli forces on Tuesday plugged with cement two underground water wells in the occupied West Bank, deeming them useless, the official Palestinian news agency WAFA reported. The water wells were providing drinking water for residents in the villages of al-Ras and Kafr Aboush, south of Tulkarm. The head of Al-Ras village council, Muhammad Majdoub, told WAFA that the occupation forces plugged a well in the eastern area of the village with concrete without a prior warning.

Israel Extends Administrative Detention of Female Palestinian Journalist
Post Date: 2022-09-21 12:13:36 by Horse
Israeli occupation authorities on Monday extended the administrative detention of Palestinian journalist Bushra Al-Taweel for the third time in a row, for a period of three months, the Middle East Monitor reported. Twenty-nine-year-old Al-Taweel, a resident of the city of Ramallah, was arrested on March 21 at the Zatara military checkpoint, south of Nablus, in the northern occupied West Bank.

More Disinformation from Israel
Post Date: 2022-09-20 07:29:26 by Ada
Biden caves to Jewish pressure, as usual Joe Biden ran for president in 2020 with a pledge to restore the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) with Iran, which Donald Trump had withdrawn from in May 2018 under pressure from Republican Party Jewish donors, most notably underwritten by an estimated $100 million coming from now deceased Sheldon Adelson’s Las Vegas casino fortune. The JCPOA might plausibly be regarded as the only major diplomatic success for the Barack Obama Administration, which featured Biden as Vice President, and it was good for the US due to its curb on proliferation, as well as being a benefit for the entire Middle East region as it made less likely a ...

J*w*sh Ritual Murder (The Full Original Banned Documentary)
Post Date: 2022-09-18 23:59:31 by Horse

Facebook Spied On Private Messages Of "Conservative Right-Wing Individuals", Then Reported To FBI For Domestic Terrorism
Post Date: 2022-09-16 13:14:22 by Horse
"It was done outside the legal process and without probable cause..." Poster Comment:Facebook and the government are both Jewish.

A Lebanon-Israel War Was Just Made Much More Likely
Post Date: 2022-09-16 02:04:24 by Horse
A vessel that Tel Aviv has contracted to extract gas from the Karish field, which is located in a disputed maritime zone, is set to begin extracting within weeks. In the event that no maritime border agreement is signed, Lebanese Hezbollah has vowed to attack Israeli oil and gas facilities and the latest announcement is a clear provocation. In early June, the Lebanese State warned Israel over exploiting the gas at the disputed Karish field, where a 'Energean' owned vessel had been contracted to work by Tel Aviv. On June 5, Lebanon's President, Michel Aoun, stated that extraction without the demarcation of maritime borders "constitutes a provocation and a hostile act", ...

Exclusive: Proof that Israel found serious safety problems with the COVID vaccines then deliberately covered it up
Post Date: 2022-09-15 14:00:18 by Horse
This is the most IMPORTANT article I’ve written to date. Steve Kirsch This is the most important article on my Substack (which has over 700 articles). This one article has enough information regarding both harms and corruption that it should bring down the house of cards if there is just one honest person in a position of authority in the world. The single most important point is this: We now have proof of: Serious side-effects of unknown duration, perhaps irreparable Causality: these were not just “coincidences” Government corruption to hide these harms Correlation between vaccine doses and deaths from multiple independent studies on multiple independent datasets No ...

Israeli Attack Halted Syria Aid Flights for Two Weeks
Post Date: 2022-09-15 13:37:39 by Horse
While a lot of the Syrian war has quieted down, one thing that consistently happens is Israel attacking targets in the country. Nominally these targets are “Iranians” they’re trying to hit, but often the result is just infrastructure damage. A UN Commissioner confirmed this Wednesday, saying one of Israel’s June attacks on Damascus Airport did so much damage to the facility that the UN had to halve all humanitarian flights into the city for two solid weeks. Such an attack was “extremely serious” in keeping aid deliveries stalled for two weeks. Israel has not commented on the matter, nor are they expected to. Humanitarian problems in Syria are in great ...

Israel pressuring Biden to accept terrorist designation for Palestinian NGOs
Post Date: 2022-09-15 13:33:39 by Horse
Last week an Israeli delegation was in Washington, D.C. trying to pressure the Biden administration into accepting its terror designation for six Palestinian human rights groups. “Israeli officials told me the delegation that went to Washington last week included officials from the Shin Bet domestic intelligence agency, the Foreign Ministry and the Ministry of Defense financial intelligence unit that was spearheading the designation of the NGOs,” reported Axios’ Barak Ravid. According to Ravid, Israeli officials met with the State Department, CIA and the office of the Director of National Intelligence to present them with updated intelligence about the six groups. ...

Israeli settlers attacked a Palestinian man, breaking both his arms. Then the army arrested him.
Post Date: 2022-09-14 09:38:44 by Horse
While he was working on his land, a group of Israeli settlers armed with sticks, metal pipes, and M16s attacked Hafez Huraini and his son Muhammad. Hafez was badly injured, and both of his arms were broken. When a Palestinian ambulance arrived to evacuate him, the settlers slashed the tires, but the Israeli soldiers arrested Huraini, claiming he had hurt one of the settlers.

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