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55 Years Ago Israel Admitted To Killing 34 US Sailors, But ‘By Mistake’
Post Date: 2022-06-08 07:58:18 by Ada
The Navy "followed orders" to cover up the attack on the USS Liberty The murder of journalist Shereen Abu Akleh on May 11, 2022 is, sadly, not the first time Israeli forces have killed American citizens and gotten away with it. The Israeli bulldozer that ran over – and then backed up over – 23 year- old Rachel Corrie to ensure her back was broken on March 16, 2003 is another sad example. Today, we call to mind the most egregious example 55 years ago (June 8, 1967), when Israeli aircraft and torpedo boats attacked the USS Liberty in international waters, killing 34 and wounding more than 170 (total crew was 294). At the height of the attack, Seaman Terry Halbardier ...

Biden Rocks the Middle East
Post Date: 2022-06-07 08:33:27 by Ada
Partitioning Syria may be on the way That dwindling band of observers that continues to express concern over the catastrophe that constitutes United States foreign policy under President Joe Biden have come to realize how the Ukraine situation is being used as cover for interventions and other similar mischief in other parts of the world. Recent reporting, for example, reveals that the Biden Administration has decided “to reestablish a persistent US military presence in Somalia to enable a more effective fight against al-Shabaab” in spite of the fact that “there is absolutely no constitutional authority for President Biden to send troops into Somalia or drop bombs on ...

Opinion | Nobody Can Stop Israel's Descent Into Animalism
Post Date: 2022-06-07 08:18:04 by Ada
Given the Temple Mount’s centrality in present political events, it is worth recalling what Yeshayahu Leibowitz said decades ago. There is a wonderful YouTube clip in which he meets a group of students, mostly religious Zionists, who sounded then like they were on the political fringe but are now the new mainstream. AIPAC Wants to Defeat this Jewish Democrat. He’s fighting back The youths discuss the Temple Mount’s importance in the relationship between Israel and God. He dismisses them with the confidence of adults who don’t shirk the responsibility of educating the young. “The archaeological remains on the Temple Mount have no significance for the connection ...

148 Israeli Violations Against Palestinian Journalists In May: NGO
Post Date: 2022-06-05 02:18:45 by Horse
An Arab NGO has documented 148 Israeli rights violations against Palestinian journalists in the occupied Palestinian territories last month, Anadolu News Agency reports. In a statement on Wednesday, the Journalists Support Committee said the month of May witnessed a surge in attacks on Palestinian journalists by Israeli forces and settlers. It termed the attacks as "an attempt to prevent Palestinian journalists from covering Israeli assaults against Palestinians and their holy sites." According to the NGO, the Israeli violations varied from arrests, intimidation, shooting, verbal and physical assaults to car-ramming incidents. It said 11 journalists were detained by Israeli ...

Israel Uses US Weapons To Blow Up US Humanitarian Projects in Gaza
Post Date: 2022-06-04 14:13:31 by Horse
In its May 2021 war with Gaza militants, Israel used American weapons to destroy U.S. humanitarian projects and damage an American-owned Coca-Cola bottling plant, according to a report by The Intercept. Damaged or destroyed facilities included: Hospitals, water treatment and sanitation facilities funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) A dozen factories built with USAID money Dozens of schools operated by the U.S. State Department-backed United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) More than a hundred UNRWA facilities were struck, causing more than a million dollars in damage. The impact is far more than financial. As ...

Armed Jewish Extremists May Ignite a Regional War
Post Date: 2022-06-01 16:28:54 by Horse
Yesterday, thousands of Israelis have pushed through the Muslim quarter of the Old City in Jerusalem in a Flag March, marking its occupation by Israel in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. The march was organized by Jewish settler groups who demanded to perform religious rites in the Al Aqsa Mosque, which had been prohibited by an agreement in place since 1967 allowing non-Muslims onto the site during visiting hours, but they were barred from praying there. “Death to the Arabs…we will demolish Al-Aqsa” was chanted by the Jewish settlers in the Flag March yesterday. According to the Palestinian Red Crescent, 112 Palestinians were injured by Israeli occupation forces in Occupied ...

Video of Israeli extremists attacking elderly Palestinian woman sparks outrage
Post Date: 2022-05-31 10:14:51 by Horse
A video showing Israeli extremists kicking and pepper-spraying an elderly Palestinian woman has attracted widespread outrage after going viral online. Several ultra-nationalist Jewish men carrying Israeli flags can be seen hitting the woman before one pepper-sprayed her face, videos show. This leads to a bigger scuffle where a Palestinian man defends the woman before the extremists escape the scene.

ADL Caught Falsifying Statistics to Frame White Americans VIDEO
Post Date: 2022-05-30 20:55:46 by Horse
The Anti-Defamation League’s data claiming right-wing extremists are responsible for the vast majority of “extremist-related killings” is a total fraud.

What is Loxism?
Post Date: 2022-05-30 01:18:19 by Horse
Loxism is the hatred of White people by Jews. It is the most pervasive form of racial hatred on the planet, and yet it is never mentioned by the mainstream of society. It is the driving force behind global events, and yet we are threatened with imprisonment or social ostracization for mentioning it. Jewish hatred of the White race has led to the spread of homosexuality, feminism, atheism and other forms of aggressive assault on our culture. It has led to a looting of our nations. It has led to an organized invasion by non-White hordes, controlled and commanded by Jewish agents. Loxism has reshaped the entire world. And yet, it goes unmentioned.

Jerusalem Rabbi Arrested for Rape Told Women It Was a 'Spiritual Act'
Post Date: 2022-05-27 11:59:24 by Horse
Israel Police arrested on Wednesday a Jerusalem rabbi in his 50s and two possible accomplices on suspicion of raping women in his congregation, following a lengthy undercover investigation. The rabbi, who worked to make people more religious, is suspected of sexually assaulting women in his community for several years, telling the victims that it was a "spiritual act" to comply to his sexual demands. The police even suspect that he sexually assaulted a woman on her wedding day, explaining that this would allow her to marry in sanctity.

Democrats and the young favor Palestinians over Israelis– new Pew poll
Post Date: 2022-05-27 11:54:10 by Horse
Pew today released a new survey that confirms other polls showing that Democrats and the young are turning against Israel. More Democrats hold favorable views of Palestinians than of Israelis by 64 to 60 percent. The gap is similar among those under 30: 61 to 56 percent. The numbers are starkly different on the right and among the old. Republicans have high favorability ratings of Israelis — 78 percent — and low favorability of Palestinians, 37 percent. Among those over 65, the numbers are similar: 78 percent have favorable views of Israelis, while only 47 percent have favorable views of Palestinians. The Pew Research Center survey of 10,000 Americans in March suggests that ...

Israeli Officials Furious Over Leak to NYT About Killing IRGC Colonel
Post Date: 2022-05-27 07:09:44 by Ada
NYT reported that Israel told the US it killed the colonel in Tehran Israeli officials were infuriated on Thursday over a leak to The New York Times about an assassination of a senior member of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). The Times reported Wednesday that Israel informed the US that it was responsible for the killing of IRGC Col. Hassan Sayyad Khodaei, who was gunned down in Tehran Sunday. The Times report cited an intelligence official but didn’t specify which country the official was from. According to Ynet, the Israeli security establishment believes it was an American official, and Israeli officials are demanding answers out of the US as the leak ...

Israel & Turkey Escalate Against Syria
Post Date: 2022-05-26 23:51:32 by Horse

Israel Informs US It Killed Iranian IRGC Colonel, Officials Infuriated Over Media Leak
Post Date: 2022-05-26 23:34:47 by Horse
NY Times reported "Israel has informed American officials that it was behind the killing."
Post Date: 2022-05-26 11:50:08 by Horse
Poster Comment:Good Holohoax site. Worth reading.

On the 40th Anniversary Of The Israeli Plan To Attack Iran
Post Date: 2022-05-25 06:57:29 by Horse
Later this month the US will join in an Israeli mock attack on Iran by offering mid-air refueling to Israeli jets. This is nonsense. Israel has been claiming since 1988 that Iran is months away from developing nuclear weapons. There is no such program. Iran has a nuclear power plant but has neither nuclear weapons nor a program to make them. If Israel were ever to attack Iran, the response of Iran, Syria and Hezbollah would devastate Israel. It would be akin to Israeli self-immolation. And the US military would become engaged in a hot war they could not win without nuclear weapons. My mother used to say, “England is always willing to fight to the last American.” We could ...

Iran Blames Israel, Vows Revenge, For Brazen Motorcycle Assassination Of IRGC Colonel
Post Date: 2022-05-23 19:44:33 by Horse
Most significant killing since top nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh's death in 2020... Poster Comment:Israel is deliberately trying to start a war with Iran.

Unprecedented: US Air Force To Join Israelis In Mock Attack On Iran
Post Date: 2022-05-23 19:28:46 by Horse
IDF has “greatly accelerated” preparations to bomb Iranian nuke facilities Poster Comment:This is insane. Israel lost to Hezbollah in 2006. They have been preparing for war against them ever since. They are not capable of defeating Hezbollah. Now they want to take on Iran, Syria and Hezbollah? I war gamed it. The only way to win would be to sacrifice Israel and what is left of Central Command and all US ships in the Persian Gulf and several in the Mediterranean. Of course the Israelis would have to use nuclear weapons against Iran, Syria and Lebanon. The radioactive fallout would make the US and the Israelis very unpopular worldwide. The Saudis would be decimated. The Yemeni Army ...

Biden’s trip to Israel is getting trickier by the day
Post Date: 2022-05-22 07:29:05 by Ada
At what point will Washington acknowledge that our “special bond” is helping forestall peace and hurting US interests in the region? President Joe Biden is expected to make his first visit to Israel since taking office in late June. The past week has certainly given him more than enough to fill his agenda when he arrives. When Al-Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh was gunned down in Jenin, the usual war of narratives began. Even though all eyewitness accounts unambiguously report that it was Israeli soldiers who killed Abu Akleh, and Israel’s theories trying to either blame Palestinians or blur the realities were debunked by several sources, the U.S. continues to support ...

House Passes Resolution Increasing Censorship Under the Guise of Fighting Antisemitism
Post Date: 2022-05-21 01:19:05 by Horse
While the focus of the latest chapter in the fight for free speech has shifted to smear tactics employed against Elon Musk, a more concerning ramification of his tentative acquisition of Twitter is that it may serve as a catalyst for the dissolution of online anonymity and free speech protections. Musk himself hasn’t done much to quash that concern. In response to the European Commission’s passage of the Digital Services Act, Musk clarified that despite his ardent advocacy of free speech even he had a limit on what would constitute as such. According to Musk what he means is “By ‘free speech’, I simply mean that which matches the law.” For lawmakers that view ...

BRICS Expansion Plans Shocks The World - Will Israel Be Joining?
Post Date: 2022-05-20 22:13:46 by Horse
Poster Comment:De-dollarization continues. Israel on the list of nations offered membership to Israel.

Arrogant Jewish Quote
Post Date: 2022-05-20 01:35:45 by Horse
Former Israeli army spokesman Avi Benayahu has already opined that "Let's assume Shireen Abu Akleh was shot dead by IDF. No need to apologize for that."

Gilad Atzmon on Ukraine, Zelensky and Israel
Post Date: 2022-05-18 12:02:33 by Horse

US to Participate in Israeli Military Simulation of Large-Scale Attack on Iran
Post Date: 2022-05-18 11:52:00 by Horse
According to a report from Israel’s Channel 13, the US will participate in planned Israeli military exercises that will simulate a large-scale attack on Iran later this month as part of Israel’s month-long Chariots of Fire drills. The Channel 13 report said that the US Air Force will take part in the exercises with refueling planes that will join Israeli jets as they simulate entering Iranian territory and carrying out repeated airstrikes. The simulated attack on Iran will start on May 29 over the Mediterranean Sea. According to The Times of Israel, it marks the first the Israeli Air Force will practice a large-scale assault on Iran.

Israel to simulate striking Iran in massive IDF drill
Post Date: 2022-05-17 19:31:17 by Horse
The Israeli military will simulate striking targets far from Israel’s borders with a large number of planes while simultaneously acquiring new targets on various fronts in real-time during its largest military drill in history. It will also simulate a future Israeli strike against Iran and its nuclear facilities. According to the IDF, the drill is unique and unprecedented in scope and will enable the army to maintain a high level of readiness in an ever-changing region. It aims to improve the military’s capabilities in an intense, multi-front and prolonged war on all its borders. During the drill, the Air Force will also drill on striking targets far from Israel’s borders ...

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