
Latest Articles: Israel/Zionism

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Who is William Pelham Barr?
Post Date: 2021-12-11 10:17:47 by NeoconsNailed
Trump’s selection of William Pelham Barr for U.S. Attorney General epitomizes the Crime Syndicate capture of America. Barr (b. May 23, 1950) comes from a family of multi-generational deep-state operatives. And, as you will see, Barr is a real on-the-spot Forrest Gump character when skulduggery is going down. For instance, Barr’s law firm, Kirkland Ellis, legally represented the infamous Jeffrey Epstein, which is no small detail. Yet, Barr hasn’t recused himself from Epstein-related matters. And if you haven’t noticed, the Epstein investigation has seemingly gone dark and silent since his dicey “suicide” at Metropolitan Correction Center in New York City. Read ...

Latest extrajudicial execution confirms ironclad Israeli support for murder of Palestinians
Post Date: 2021-12-11 09:33:07 by Ada
>b? In 2016 when Elor Azarya shot an incapacitated Palestinian in the head there was actually debate over the act among Israeli politicians. There was no such disagreement this weekend following Israel's latest extrajudicial execution. This Saturday, a Palestinian man stabbed an Israeli Jew close to the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem, inflicting moderate wounds. The man, identified as 23-year-old Mohammed Shawkat Salameh from the West Bank town of Salfit, then ran towards Border Police officers who shot him several times – notably twice when he was already laying on the ground, incapacitated, from a distance of about 5 meters. Haaretz covered the act and the responses widely. The ...

Elite Jewish Law Professor Admits ‘Separation Of Church And State’ Is A ‘Jewish Conspiracy’ To Undermine ‘Christianization’ Of America
Post Date: 2021-12-10 10:28:15 by NeoconsNailed
(Forward) If there is one thing Jews like to do amongst themselves is openly brag about Jewish power and their domination of certain professions — and none more than the legal profession and law school faculties which — according to a prominent Jewish law professor — are “dominated” by “elite” Ivy League-trained Jews: Lawyers: Are they good for the Jews? It doesn’t take a statistician to observe that there are a lot of Jews in the legal profession, and even more in the legal academy. But why are there so many Jews in the American legal world, and what significance, if any, do the numbers have? To address these questions, and many others, more than ...

Notre Dame 'is being turned into a woke theme park'
Post Date: 2021-12-10 10:06:08 by NeoconsNailed
Cathedral is being revamped with a 'discovery trail' and 'Christianity for dummies' exhibits, claim critics Under new plans, a 'discovery trail' will lead visitors through 14 themed chapels The final chapel will be dedicated to the environment, others are for Africa, Asia Trendy art murals will cover walls, with sound and lighting used for 'emotion' Scripture will be beamed onto walls in foreign languages, including Mandarin Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:Gee, that fire's looking awfully convenient -- and is only the most famous case of imported mudsters damaging and destroying churches in Europe (now underway in the US too). Yeah, I'm ...

Kyle Meets with Psychotic Vax Maniac Donald Trump
Post Date: 2021-12-09 12:38:16 by NeoconsNailed
I saw this picture and thought “I hope Trump didn’t try to vax him!” Seriously, at this point, that is all Donald Trump is: he’s a vaxer. That is his entire identity. Whenever I see Donald Trump, I see nothing other than a man who is trying to inject me and my family with a deadly poison. And that is exactly how he’s chosen to identify himself – the Vax Man. New York Post: Kyle Rittenhouse met with Donald Trump at the former president’s Mar-a- Lago club after the teen was acquitted of all charges in his homicide trial last week. The meeting between the two was disclosed during Trump’s hour-long interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity on ...

More than half of Israelis support attacking Iran without US backing, poll says
Post Date: 2021-12-09 11:38:47 by Horse
Slightly more than half of Israelis say they would support their country attacking Iran without a "green light" from the United States, according to a poll released on Wednesday by the Israel Democracy Institute. The results come as world powers are locked in increasingly difficult negotiations with Iran over its nuclear programme. European diplomats have accused Tehran of backtracking on compromises it made earlier this year in a draft agreement that set the stage for the current round of talks. Poster Comment:US CIA Director said Iran has no nuclear weapons program. They do use nuclear power to produce electricity. The Israelis are insane. They lost the 2006 war against ...

Israel and US Jointly Preparing for Major Attack on Iran
Post Date: 2021-12-09 09:41:49 by Ada
One thing is universally true in politics: after you start a war, your approval ratings skyrocket. This is particularly true after you claim the enemy killed your people, which has happened every time the US has started a war since at least the sinking of the Maine. The list is China, Russia, and Iran. That is in order of importance to ZOG. China is obviously the most difficult enemy, so hitting them first is pretty much off the table. At least it would be if all of these people were not insane. It’s been looking lately like they want to do Russia first, but they also have this Israeli pressure to do Iran first. RT: Israel and the US will discuss the possibility of a joint ...

Forward: The "secret" Jewish history of John Lennon (+Dr. Oz)
Post Date: 2021-12-09 09:19:32 by NeoconsNailed
Had he not been gunned down on Dec. 8, 1980 by a deranged “fan” lying in wait for him outside of his Upper West Side residence in Manhattan, John Lennon may well have been a well-preserved 81 years old right now, still happily married to Yoko Ono and living in the Dakota. The ostensible founder and leader of the Beatles, the most beloved critically and commercially successful band of the rock era, Lennon left behind a complicated legacy befitting his complicated, mercurial and at times tormented personality. While Lennon was known to make Jewish jokes on occasion — often as part of his relentless if well-intentioned teasing of Beatles’ manager Brian Epstein — he ...

Mass Murdering Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Accepts The World Jewish Congress Theodor Herzl Award
Post Date: 2021-12-08 19:52:35 by Horse
Poster Comment:Albert Bourla is Jewish.

Twitter Nukes Most Popular Ghislaine Maxwell 'Trial Tracker' Account With 525K Followers
Post Date: 2021-12-08 12:37:02 by Horse
'Violating our riles against platform manipulation and spam...' Poster Comment:The trial must be suppressed because she and her late father were both Israeli spies.

More shocking specifics: "What are the Real Costs of Going Green?"
Post Date: 2021-12-08 12:18:55 by NeoconsNailed
............“I weigh one thousand pounds, and as you see, I am about the size of a travel trunk.” NM’s lights showed he was serious. “I contain twenty-five pounds of lithium, sixty pounds of nickel, 44 pounds of manganese, 30 pounds cobalt, 200 pounds of copper, and 400 pounds of aluminum, steel, and plastic. Inside me are 6,831 individual lithium-ion cells. It should concern you that all those toxic components come from mining. For instance, to manufacture each auto battery like me, you must process 25,000 pounds of brine for the lithium, 30,000 pounds of ore for the cobalt, 5,000 pounds of ore for the nickel, and 25,000 pounds of ore for copper. All told, you dig up 50 ...

How Two Rabbis Stole Christmas Traditions To Invent Hanukkah As A Competing Jewish Holiday
Post Date: 2021-12-08 11:53:19 by NeoconsNailed
( Two Cincinnati rabbis — who felt that Jews in America needed a holiday of their own to compete with Christmas — are responsible for contriving and popularizing Hanukkah in America, according to Dianne Ashton, a professor of religion studies at Rowan University: In an editorial published by the independent media website, The Conversation, Ashton explains that outside of America, Hanukkah is regarded as a minor Jewish holiday. In the decades after the Civil War, Rabbi Isaac M. Wise of Plum Street Temple and Rabbi Max Lilienthal of Mound Street Temple introduced Hanukkah festivals to their congregations and promoted them in their publications to Jews across the ...

Pence defends decision to certify presidential election results
Post Date: 2021-12-08 07:18:33 by NeoconsNailed
Mike Pence says he’ll never see ‘eye to eye’ with Trump about 2020 election but says he ‘did the right thing’ Former vice-president Mike Pence is sticking by his decision to certify the 2020 presidential election results, even though it has earned him the ire of die-hard MAGA supporters and former president Donald Trump alike, who has defended 6 January rioters who were chanting “Hang Mike Pence!” =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Can't get the rest of the text -- my password is inaccessible -- but the facts are painfully obvious. The moment Tromp hired this Indiana governor nobody had ever heard of I knew some kin of fix was in. Ditto Boy George Bush tapping PA gov ...

Food for Thought
Post Date: 2021-12-08 03:05:00 by Horse
"The state of Israel must invent dangers, and to do this it must adopt the methods of provocation and revenge... And above all, let us hope for a new war with the Arab countries so that we may finally get rid of our troubles and acquire our space." -- From the diary of Moshe Sharett, Israeli's first Foreign Minister from 1948-1956, and Prime Minister from 1954-1956.

Jewish Demons Produce Gutter Trash Christmas Cartoon
Post Date: 2021-12-06 11:15:48 by Horse
Poster Comment:My comment at the site: I wrote this: Israel Killed JFK And Has Ruled America Ever Since. The Talmud taught the Jew that it was legal to rob the Gentiles as soon as we get control of their government. Israel Shahak: The Laws Against Non-Jews In 2 Minutes I also wrote this: Quotes About Jews You Will Never Hear In Schools

Reuters Jews Post Unhinged 4,000-Word Screed Demanding Further Censorship of The Gateway Pundit
Post Date: 2021-12-05 09:23:31 by Ada
When I saw this 4,000-word hate screed against pro-Trump and anti-hoax site The Gateway Pundit on the front of Reuters, it brought back memories of when I was constantly in the media, with every single Jew calling for my silencing. I was of course banned from everything. All the way. I’ve managed to maintain an astonishingly large readership despite this, but they’ve stopped talking about me because there really isn’t any other way to censor me and anything they write about me is likely to be part of a psychological operation I’ve done against them. But TGP is still sort of not totally banned. I’m not sure about the extent of the censorship against them, but ...

Hansjorg Wyss The Jewish Left-Wing Swiss 'Dark Money Donor' Is Buying Up U.S. Media
Post Date: 2021-12-05 08:33:27 by Horse

ADL Ignores Waukesha Attacker's Anti-White Extremism,
Post Date: 2021-12-03 10:52:43 by Horse
Claims He's Not A Follower of Any 'Extremist Ideology' The Waukesha attacker is not a follower of any "extremist ideology" so long as you ignore all his anti-white extremism. "According to our experts, the suspect who drove into a Christmas parade in Waukesha. WI, killing 6 & injuring dozens more shared antisemitic content on social media in 2015, but he does not appear to actively subscribe to an extremist ideology," the Anti-Defamation League said in a post on Thursday.

South Carolina “Republicans” Kill Vaccine Mandate Prohibition in Special Session
Post Date: 2021-12-03 07:36:20 by NeoconsNailed
Happening right now on the Rick driver show, Linking from SO it's not the my imagination all this time I've been saying South Carolina Is The Most "Liberal" Red State In The Country liberal-red-state-in-the-country/ A national conservative group has ranked South Carolina’s “Republican-controlled” General Assembly as the most liberal GOP legislature in America – a news flash that will come as no surprise to regular readers of this news outlet. According to state ratings compiled by the American Conservative Union Foundation (ACUF), ...

Twitter accuses Biden of child sexual exploitation
Post Date: 2021-12-03 07:00:36 by NeoconsNailed
Joe Biden is at it again, and it's not funny. We'll show you how he got one little girl to join him on stage for a big sniff. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Cases not years old are hard to come by in YT but this is just from Aug. 15. Here you go -- Biden Smells Oakland Baby's Hair On Super Tuesday He's not in fact sniffing this time, just whispering "You're one hot chick. Meet me in the Lincoln bedroom at 9". Get other titles there -- 'Joe Biden has misstep after promising to respect personal space', 'Joe Biden jokes about having child's permission to touch him'. Ha, ha, 'Biden's Awkward ...

How Foreign Drug Operations Are Taking Over California’s Desert Towns
Post Date: 2021-12-02 09:54:17 by NeoconsNailed
Desert towns in California have seen a dramatic increase of illegal marijuana plantations, operating through means of water theft, human trafficking, and violence. Due to Proposition 64: The Adult Use of Marijuana Act, which lowered penalties on illegal marijuana growers, the black market in California is out of control. My guest today is Jorge Ventura, an investigative reporter, who has dug deep into this issue and produced the documentary “Cartelville,” which shows the extent of these operations. Today, he will explain how the cartels are taking over the desert towns in southern California and their impact on communities. Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:Because of ...

Holocaust Remembrance from Space!
Post Date: 2021-12-01 08:45:15 by NeoconsNailed
Comments Sign In or Create Account to post a comment Unlocking_Freedom (+3) Unlocking_Freedom 77 days agoso we (germans) invent the rockets to get into space, so some Jew to tell us lies from there! swampmoose (+2) swampmoose 77 days agoThat's a mighty messy place. Apparently OSHA has no jurisdiction there. Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:I hoped to bring this to you from the magnificent, but NO browser can (or will) bring it up at the moment. But isn't it great? Space has never heard any Holycostery before, and it's not doing so now -- because the ISS is FAKE! We can still hate this haughty "JB" tho, if so inclined.

Jew Jim Cramer Demands Biden Mandate the Death Vaxx
Post Date: 2021-12-01 08:19:30 by NeoconsNailed
The Jew Jim Cramer who has made a living lying to people about stocks on national television, is demanding Joe Biden require everyone in America take the deadly vaxx injections. He compared these shots to the polio vaccine which is like comparing apples to oranges. The mRNA shots are totally different from any other vaccines that has ever been rolled out. Also, the number of adverse reactions that have been reported should have prompted the government to take these shots off the market months ago. There has never been a series of vaccines as deadly as these. But on the subject of polio, I believe that the polio vaccine was another hoax. The original vaccine was developed by a Jew named ...

Omicron Fails to Live Up to the Hysteria
Post Date: 2021-11-29 19:14:04 by NeoconsNailed
Paul Joseph Watson video. A commenter: "Even normies I live around were laughing at the headlines and the idea of another lockdown." Click for Full Text!

Jews Prove They Are Not ‘Privileged’ Or ‘Powerful’ By Forcing UK Newspaper To Apologize For Claiming They Are
Post Date: 2021-11-26 06:30:47 by NeoconsNailed
(The Jewish Chronicle) At the behest of powerful Jewish supremacist groups in the U.K., the editor of The Metro newspaper has been forced to issue a formal apology — along with a printed a correction — after publishing a letter from a reader who implied Jews could not be victims of racism as they were part of the “privileged majority“: The newspaper’s Metro Talk page on Tuesday 23rd November featured a letter from a reader named Vytautas in Sheffield that attempted to make the point that the term ‘racism’ cannot be applied to minorities who make prejudicial statements. The letter read: “Racism should not be misconstrued for prejudice – this ...

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