
Latest Articles: Israel/Zionism

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Same Old Same Old
Post Date: 2021-11-09 09:15:04 by Ada
Youngkin seeks the Jewish stamp of approval Every time one thinks that politicians in the United States might have actually have had a “come to Jesus” moment and will henceforth serve the people who pay to support them, something pops up to demonstrate that nothing has changed but the names of the folks who are selling most of us out. As a Loudoun County Virginia resident with children and grandchildren in the public school system who is active in the Fight for Schools movement, I was delighted when Glenn Youngkin defeated the truly despicable Terry McAuliffe to become the next governor of the state. McAuliffe not only engaged in constant race and class baiting in terms of how ...

Where is Cyni? What have you done with him?
Post Date: 2021-11-06 01:32:37 by NeoconsNailed

Rabbi And Grandmaster Freemason Explains How He Used His Dual Identity To Subvert Australia In 60 Short Years
Post Date: 2021-11-05 13:23:48 by NeoconsNailed
(Jerusalem Post) Rabbi Raymond Apple — a prominent and high ranking Freemason in Australia — wrote an essay in which he boasted about how smart and admired he is — and how he was able to take advantage of his dual identity as both a Jew and “Australian” to help transform Australia from a prosperous White Christian nation into an economically crippled, multiracial police state: There is a gap between the role of the rabbi in Israel and the Diaspora. On the whole, the Israeli rabbi is more of a Talmudist and teacher and less of a mentor and minister. The Diaspora rabbi tends to be a professional, concentrating more on people skills, ministering to a congregation and ...

Fed Up Parent At School Board Meeting Identifies The Elephant In The Room: ‘It’s The Jews’
Post Date: 2021-11-05 06:37:59 by NeoconsNailed
(Jewish News of Greater Phoenix via JTA) Jewish groups are circling the wagons and going into damage control after a parent at a school board meeting — while expressing her concerns over controversial COVID vaccine mandates and Critical Race Theory — stated what everyone knew but was too afraid to say — “It’s the Jews.” During the public comment portion of the meeting of the Chandler Unified School District board [in suburban Phoenix], a woman who identified herself as Melanie Rettler spoke for over a minute about critical race theory and vaccines — topics not listed on the meeting agenda but at the center of heated public debate nationwide. Her comment ...

Rabbi From Hell at Center of Gruesome Cult Murders
Post Date: 2021-11-04 15:14:15 by Ada
JERUSALEM—A Jerusalem judge says that Eliezer Berland, one of Israel’s most infamous cult leaders, who repeatedly slipped through the hands of law enforcement by fleeing the country and securing reduced jail sentences through plea deals, has implicated himself in two gory unsolved murders dating back to 1986. Following the arrests in recent weeks of seven of Berland’s followers, the defrocked rabbi, a convicted sex offender, was arrested on Monday at a prison in central Israel where he is serving an 18-month sentence for fraud. Israeli police claim that Berland, 83, was involved in two notorious cold cases: The kidnapping and suspected murder of ultra-orthodox Jerusalem ...

Right on schedule, Youngkin is a massive scalawag
Post Date: 2021-11-03 14:09:45 by NeoconsNailed
.....and maybe a filthy neocon. See the quotes on his hatred of gentiles, Southern heroes and Southern symbols -- and the kiss of death, an endorsement by Mike Pomposo. As usual both red and blue types are acting as if yesterday was a revolution but I'll believe it when I see it (which I won't, because it's not). Trust Daily Stormer every DAY for the real story, folks! NN Youngkin Wins Virginia and Jersey Too Close to Call as Things Get Dumber Click for Full Text!

Post Date: 2021-11-03 07:32:35 by Horse
Poster Comment:Covid was made in a lab at the University of North Carolina. The original virus was like SARS not very contagious. A poor candidate for a Pandemic. It needed to be made more contagious but that violated US law. So Dr Anthony Fauci sent $3.7 million in NIH grant money to a military lab in Wuhan China where it was made contagious. Fauci laundered this through Dr Peter Daszak’s Eco Health Alliance of New York, a Pentagon contractor, which had received $39 million in military contracts. Peter Daszak was in China working at the Wuhan lab when he submitted a $14 million proposal to DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.) He wanted to create weaponized form of MERS ...

AIPAC porn problem
Post Date: 2021-11-02 20:23:33 by Horse

Donald Trump Nostalgic For Good Old Days When Israel ‘Literally Owned Congress’
Post Date: 2021-11-02 13:19:42 by NeoconsNailed
(JTA) Former President Donald Trump recently told a Jewish radio host in Seattle that until recently Israel “literally owned Congress,” a fact that has triggered accusations of antisemitism against other politicians who have made the very same observation: The comments came during Trump’s Oct. 29 interview with Seattle-based talk show host Ari Hoffman as Trump was reviewing his Middle East policies, including the Abraham Accords, the normalization agreements between Israel and four Arab countries, and his pullout from the Iran nuclear deal. Trump, as he discussed U.S. policy in the region, pivoted to what he believed was the “biggest change” he had seen recently. ...

Why A Conservative Conference in Florida?
Post Date: 2021-11-02 09:33:25 by Ada
Organized and paid for by Israel One sometimes wonders how roughly two per cent of the US population acting on behalf of a foreign country that is regarded by most as a pariah apartheid state has managed to gain significant influence over both political parties and most of the instruments of government. The answer is actually quite simple and was enunciated by dissident Congresswoman Ilhan Omar when she said “It’s all about the Benjamins, baby.” Yes, it’s money, and Israel and its Lobby have a lot of it, derived from the contributions of Jewish billionaires and organizations as well as bogus charities and clandestine funding from the Israeli government itself. America ...

If Americans Knew
Post Date: 2021-11-01 19:15:22 by Horse
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the world's major sources of instability. Americans are directly connected to this conflict, and increasingly imperiled by its devastation. It is the goal of If Americans Knew to provide full and accurate information on this critical issue, and on our power – and duty – to bring a resolution. To see a detailed presentation on this issue go here. To learn who promoted the disastrous Iraq War see this. Poster Comment:These images do not copy even after I opened them on another window. Please go look at the stats, Israelis killed vs Palestinians, homes destroyed.

Bon Jovi, Bryan Adams join growing list of vaccinated musicians testing positive for COVID-19
Post Date: 2021-11-01 13:54:44 by NeoconsNailed
New Jersey rocker Jon Bon Jovi and Canadian singer Bryan Adams canceled separate appearances on Saturday night after testing positive for COVID- 19. They join a number of artists who have contracted the virus despite vaccination. “Jon is fully vaccinated and feeling fine,” wrote Bon Jovi’s publicist in a statement. The musician was scheduled to perform at a three-night “Halloween weekend getaway” at the Loews on Florida’s South Beach, which would have included an acoustic storyteller performance, a Q&A and one- on-one photo opportunities for fans. Concertgoers, who were asked to provide proof of vaccination or a negative test result, had already filed ...

Drill for 2,000 rockets a day and internal strife:
Post Date: 2021-10-31 14:10:50 by Horse
Drill for 2,000 rockets a day and internal strife: IDF preps for war Home Front Command and RAHEL to carry out joint war-time drill starting today. 2,000 rockets expected to be fired per day by Hezbollah. Israel’s Home Front Command and National Emergency Authority (RAHEL) will hold a week-long drill starting on Sunday simulating a large-scale war in which civilians are evacuated from northern border communities and security agencies will deal with massive rocket barrages sent by Hezbollah. The drill will take lessons that have been learned from past events in the North, as well as those from the May fighting between Israel and terror groups in the Gaza Strip – Operation ...

ADL Writes Letter Begging Fox News
Post Date: 2021-10-30 08:06:14 by Horse
To Stop Tucker Carlson’s January 6 Documentary Before It Airs ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt is begging for Fox News to stop the release of Tucker Carlson’s January 6 exposé Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt is frantically pleading with Fox News to stop the release of Tucker Carlson’s upcoming Patriot Purge documentary and hide it from public view. In a letter written to Fox Corporation Executive Chairman and CEO Lachlan Murdoch, Greenblatt called Patriot Purge “dangerous misinformation,” and desperately pleaded with Murdoch to “reconsider airing” the program because it has the potential to make people angry with our public officials and ...

Post Date: 2021-10-29 18:13:55 by Horse
Poster Comment:This is a book so you need to use the arrow keys at the bottom of the screen to read the next page. This is a Nation of Islam study on Jews and the African slave trade. It is famous.

Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution
Post Date: 2021-10-29 13:11:57 by NeoconsNailed
From: "Brasscheck TV" To: "Nelson" Subject: Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution =================== BrasscheckTV Report =================== Most Brasscheck readers know that Standard Oil, GM, Ford, Chase Manhattan, IBM and others provided the Nazis with ESSENTIAL technological and financial support before and in some cases during World War II. Not as well known is the enormous support the Bolsheviks received. Anthony C. Sutton is the expert on the subject and we found this rare interview with him on the subject. Click here to view the video - Brasscheck TV P.S. We can't make this unique news service available without the help of our subscribers. Please ...

Israel to Attack Iran? Washington Gives the Green Light to the 'Military Option'
Post Date: 2021-10-29 09:48:51 by Ada
Some might recall candidate Joe Biden’s pledge to work to rejoin the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) which was a multilateral agreement intended to limit Iran’s ability to develop a nuclear weapon. The JCPOA was signed by President Barack Obama in 2015, when Biden was Vice President, and was considered one of the only foreign policy successes of his eight years in office. Other signatories to it were Britain, China, Germany, France, and Russia and it was endorsed by the United Nations. The agreement included unannounced inspections of Iranian nuclear facilities by the IAEA and, by all accounts, it was working and was a non-proliferation success story. In return for ...

Food for Thought
Post Date: 2021-10-28 19:45:11 by Horse
“One of the more common meme that I’ve seen white supremacists spread around recently has been “diversity is a code word for the white genocide”. The concept here is that diversity is only promoted in white nations and that the end goal is to eliminate white people altogether by flooding all white countries with non-white people until there are no white people left. Well, guess what, white supremacists? This is exactly right. Diversity IS about getting rid of white people and that’s a good thing”. – Emily Goldstein, Jewish professor "The answer to the ...

There Are NO Blue States
Post Date: 2021-10-28 10:08:13 by NeoconsNailed
Most Americans think we are headed into some form of “civil war” between BLUE and RED states, as the nation is divided, angry, and motivated to fight, more than at any point in our history. But the simple truth is, there are no BLUE states in the USA. There are only a handful of BLUE cities, all of them run and controlled by democratic socialists, and all of them on the verge of total collapse from gross mismanagement. If we did have a “civil war” today, that war would be 84% (RED) counties in this country verses 16% (BLUE), at best. Including the most massive election fraud in the history of mankind, Biden still only won 477 counties in 2020, 396 counties LESS than ...

Statues of Historical Figures Who OPPOSED Slavery Now Face Removal
Post Date: 2021-10-28 00:53:26 by NeoconsNailed
Statues and busts of historical figures who OPPOSED slavery now face being removed in England and Scotland because such men “might now be called racist” anyway. Yes, really. A statue of William Pitt, an abolitionist who once branded slavery a “curse of mankind,” could be removed by Edinburgh council. Britain’s youngest Prime Minister and a close friend of iconic abolitionist William Wilberforce is accused of having been “involved in sustaining the slavery-based economy and preventing the abolition of the slave trade.” Why? Because Pitt didn’t manage to completely eliminate slavery during his premiership and favored a gradual approach to abolition. ...

Alexander (((Levine))) Hamilton: gay jewish Rothschild Agent
Post Date: 2021-10-27 13:05:39 by Horse

The Last Jab by Brother Nathanael
Post Date: 2021-10-27 10:32:41 by Horse

"Doctor" Fauci Has Been Abusing Animals For 40 Years
Post Date: 2021-10-26 13:26:17 by NeoconsNailed
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the division of the National Institutes of Health run by Anthony Fauci, funded a recent experiment in Tunisia in which lab technicians placed sedated beagles’ heads in mesh cages and allowed starved sand flies to feast on them alive. Then they repeated the test outdoors, with the beagles placed in cages in the desert overnight for nine consecutive nights, in an area of Tunisia where sand flies were abundant and ZVL, the disease caused by the parasite that the sand flies carry, was “endemic.” The experiment was just one of countless tests done on animals with the funding of the NIH, and of NIAID in particular, over ...

The Paranormal Peter Sellers (free documentary)
Post Date: 2021-10-26 12:02:32 by NeoconsNailed
A bizarrely jewish story from the annals of filmdom. The facts are bad enuff that the skeptics can't successfully gainsay 'em. People testifying include his son (oddly from an attic), his biographer/friend, his lady medium, his prophet Maurice Woodruff (I used to watch his prime-time show on WNEW) his colleague Simon Williams of Upstairs/Downstairs fame (weirdly from what looks like a cheap bordello) ad inf. He's never been my favorite actor but is worshiped by many. I did enjoy his multiple roles in The Mouse That Roared. His freakish superstitions and color phobias (shared with Peter O'Toole) wrought havoc with studios and his personal relationships. You can't look ...

(Jewish) CDC Director:
Post Date: 2021-10-26 10:49:20 by Horse
Unvaccinated Police, Government Workers To Be Sent For "Education And Counseling" “There is a plan, should these people not want to be vaccinated...”

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