
Latest Articles: Israel/Zionism

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We Need Great Historians Like David Irving - Our Knowledge of WW2 Is Completely Wrong
Post Date: 2021-10-10 13:02:53 by Ada
"The history of WW II is incorrect ... it glorifies the victors and demonizes the vanquished ... Irving’s histories are far more accurate than those written by court historians ... (who) teamed up with Zionists to smear and demonize the best historian of our time." This article from our archives was first published on RI in June 2018 The author is an economist who served as assistant Treasury secretary in the Reagan administration, was associate editor at the Wall Street Journal, and is a former professor at Georgetown University. (Full bio). Now retired, he is a prolific columnist for his personal site, with a very large following on the internet. He writes frequently ...

Sanders Demands $1bn in Gaza Aid
Post Date: 2021-10-10 10:14:44 by Horse
in Exchange for ‘Yes’ Vote on Iron Dome Funding US Senator Bernie Sanders said that he would back additional funding for Israel’s Iron Dome but that he also demanded the same $1 billion aid commitment for Gaza, as a necessary counterweight to the US’ overwhelming military support for Israel, according to Israeli media. Giving Israel an extra $1 billion in emergency funding would be “unconscionable” and “irresponsible”, Sanders wrote in a letter to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, prior to a vote over the $1 billion emergency funding bill for Israel’s Iron Dome, ‘Jewish Currents’ revealed.

Conflict Of Interest?
Post Date: 2021-10-06 10:04:03 by Horse
AG Garland's Family Getting Rich Selling Critical Race Theory Materials To Schools "By 2017 Panorama Education had raised $32 million in venture capital to data mine children and implement social transformation into schools." Poster Comment:Garland is Jewish. CRT blames White privilege and not Jewish slave traders and slave owners.

WATCH: Jewish Settlers Steal Olive Crops from Palestinians
Post Date: 2021-10-05 10:32:32 by Horse
Palestinians have complained that Jewish settlers have stolen the olive crops from their lands located near the illegal settlements, the official Palestinian news agency WAFA reported on Monday. Khalil Taqtaq, a landowner from Salfit, in the north of the West Bank, told WAFA that a local farmer reach his land near the illegal settlement of Arial on Sunday. The farmer, 26 trees on more than 50-dunum plot of landwho owns found out that the Jewish settlers had stolen the crops from his olive trees, according to WAFA. Shehab @ShehabPal #Palestine - Israeli settlers steal the Palestinian olive crops in Wadi Abdel Rahman area in Salfit. ...

Israeli Settler attacks on Palestinians more than double in two years
Post Date: 2021-10-05 10:11:57 by Horse
Israeli settler attacks on Palestinian villages and properties in the occupied West Bank have more than doubled in the first half of 2021, compared with the same statistics over the past two years, Haaretz reported on Sunday. The spike may be linked to a change in tactics from authorities following the death of teenage settler Ahuvia Sandak, who died in a car crash fleeing Israeli police, and the killing of 52-year-old mother Esther Horgan by Palestinians in December 2020. To avoid confrontation, Israeli authorities created what officials described as a "permissive atmosphere", including allowing settlers to "let off steam", according to the Israeli newspaper. In 20 ...

Funding Both Sides: How Jewish Money Controls British Politics
Post Date: 2021-10-05 10:07:38 by Horse
It’s very easy to criticize Boris Johnson, the current prime minister of Britain and leader of the so-called Conservative party. Johnson is dishonest, devious and a dedicated shabbos goy. He serves Jews rather than Whites and Israel rather than Britain. But there is one pit of depravity that Johnson has never plumbed and one crime against decency that has never besmirched his soul. He’s not now and never has been a lawyer. His dishonesty is natural, not nurtured, and he did at least try to reform Britain’s lawyer-and-humanities-graduate-infested government bureaucracy. He’s surrendered now and appointed a Jewish swamp-creature called Dan Rosenfeld as his Chief of Staff. ...

Iran promotes Kamala's approval of student accusing Israel of 'genocide'
Post Date: 2021-10-05 07:38:25 by BTP Holdings
Iran promotes Kamala's approval of student accusing Israel of 'genocide' Iranian state media tweeted clip of exchange By Art Moore Published October 2, 2021 at 12:41pm Vice President Kamala Harris delivers remarks at CentroNía childcare center, Friday, June 11, 2021, in Washington, D.C. (Official White House photo by Lawrence Jackson) Vice President Kamala Harris' affirmation of a university student who accused Israel of "ethnic genocide" was featured by the social media account for the Iranian state television channel Press TV. The female student at George Mason University in Virginia, who described herself as part-Yemeni, part-Iranian and “not ...

Food for Thought
Post Date: 2021-10-03 23:00:03 by Horse
"Thanks to the terrible power of our International Banks, we have forced the Christians into wars without number. Wars have a special value for Jews, since Christians massacre each other and make more room for us Jews. Wars are the Jews' Harvest: The Jew banks grow fat on Christian wars. Over 100-million Christians have been swept off the face of the earth by wars, and the end is not yet." -- Rabbi Reichorn, speaking at the funeral of Grand Rabbi Simeon Ben-Iudah, 1869

A Brief History Of Unprosecuted Israeli Foreign Agent, Smuggling And Spy Cases
Post Date: 2021-10-01 02:59:01 by Horse

Food for Thought
Post Date: 2021-10-01 02:49:23 by Horse
"We shall have world government whether or not you like it, by conquest or consent." James Warburg

Kentucky Rep Thomas Massie Calls Out AIPAC
Post Date: 2021-09-28 11:35:55 by Horse
For 'Foreign Interference' In Our Elections Kentucky Rep Thomas Massie, the only GOP congressman with the balls to vote against giving Israel an additional $1 billion from US taxpayers last week, has called out the American Israel Public Affairs Committee for "foreign interference" in our elections. Massie on Monday highlighted a new ad AIPAC is running on Facebook attacking him for daring to put America First. "How is THIS not foreign interference in our elections?" Massie said.

Let's Arm the Gazans!
Post Date: 2021-09-28 09:11:20 by Ada
Victims of aggression need America’s help! Well, here we go again. The Israelis, in collusion with no less than 420 criminals in the US Congress, have again ripped off the US taxpayer. I stop short of calling the congresscritters “traitors” because the US Constitution, which defines the word, requires that one actually be cooperating with a declared enemy of the United States to be so described. Israel is not yet an enemy as defined by a declaration of war from that same Congress, which is instead intent on showering our goods and even our freedoms on the Jewish state. Indeed, Israel has so corrupted our political system that it receives far more in benefits from the ...

Videos: Israelis Rise Up Against Vaccine Passports
Post Date: 2021-09-27 08:35:19 by Horse
After Being Told MORE Shots Needed To Be Considered ‘Fully Vaccinated’ It is now expected to be announced that at least FOUR vaccinations will be needed to be considered 'fully vaccinated' Protests have finally erupted in Israel as it has slowly dawned on people there that the goalposts for vaccine passports keep being shifted by the government. It is now expected to be announced that at least FOUR vaccinations will be needed to be considered ‘fully vaccinated’ and able to engage in society. Over the weekend marches took place in the streets of Tel Aviv against the so called ‘Green Pass’: ...

‘Anti-Semites Get Their Wish’: Democrats Yank Money For Israel Defense
Post Date: 2021-09-27 08:02:41 by BTP Holdings
‘Anti-Semites Get Their Wish’: Democrats Yank Money For Israel Defense Democrats have decided to retract the $1 Billion from the government funding package allotted for Israel’s missile defense. Anti-Semite progressives have gotten their wish with this decision. They protested against it because these Jew-hating progressives support terrorism and do not want Israel to have an Iron Dome missile defense system that will protect the lives of the Israeli’s against extremist Islamist terrorist organizations. The provision was stripped before the procedural vote because the House Leadership wanted to please its left flank. Due to the Left’s longstanding disdain for ...

Tucker Carlson Reacting To The ADL Calling For Him To Be Fired:
Post Date: 2021-09-26 13:48:25 by Horse
The Columbia Bugle 🇺🇸 @ColumbiaBugle Tucker Carlson Reacting To The ADL Calling For Him To Be Fired: "F*ck Them." Poster Comment:He was a bad boy because he talked about replacement theory.

Israel. Vaccine Injury Testimonies.
Post Date: 2021-09-26 13:41:47 by Horse
Poster Comment:English subtitles. Posted this for those of you who don't think the Jews are getting real shots, just saline. Pfizer does have a third of the mRNA nucleosides that Moderna has.

Jewish Terror Timeline
Post Date: 2021-09-25 17:02:29 by Horse
Unique history of Jewish attacks on the world, updated frequently. Persecution or Prosecution? Jewish Tyranny and Anti-Semitism Through the Ages. by Victor Wolzek

The Eternal Problem Must Be Solved Now
Post Date: 2021-09-25 10:13:32 by Horse
Poster Comment:The eternal problem is the Jew and Gentile relationship.

Israel Now Forces Citizens To Get 'Booster' Jabs Every Six Months
Post Date: 2021-09-24 11:08:05 by Horse
Israelis will require a booster shot every six months in order to maintain their vaccine "green pass" On Wednesday, the Israeli Ministry of Health announced updates to the country's "green pass" vaccine passport system. Israeli "green pass" status was already only good for six months following a second dose. Now, green pass status is set to expire six months after a COVID-19 booster shot as well, meaning that Israel will now be requiring bi-yearly vaccination. Israel currently requires vaccine passports for sporting events, hotels, tourist attractions and just about every public setting. Citizens who can provide proof of recovery from COVID-19 receive ...

Rep. Matt Gaetz: Why Is An Israeli Consulate Official Involved In An Effort to Extort My Family Of $25M?
Post Date: 2021-09-24 09:53:42 by Ada
Florida Rep Matt Gaetz (R) on Thursday questioned why Israeli consulate official Jake Novak was reportedly involved in the $25 million extortion scheme targeting him and his father. “Why is [Jake Novak] @jakejakeny (an Israeli Consulate Official) involved in an effort to extort my family?” Gaetz asked on Twitter. “@FBI should ask him.” Gaetz linked to a story from Politico released Thursday where the finally got around to covering the Israeli consulate official’s involvement in the extortion scheme five months late. Click for Full Text!

House Democrats Strip Funding for Israel's Iron Dome to Keep Government Funded
Post Date: 2021-09-22 17:32:51 by Horse
Under pressure to approve a stop-gap spending bill to avoid a government shutdown, one of the last hurdles to pass the legislation in the house was unexpectedly a matter of foreign and not domestic policy making. On Tuesday, a cadre of progressive democrats triumphed in their charge to remove $1 billion of taxpayer dollars in the bill that was earmarked to fund a replenishment of Israel's Iron Dome missile interception system. Removing the foreign aid from the spending bill was a tipping point, given that it narrowly passed by a vote of 220-211. Had democratic house leadership remained steadfast in keeping the provision included, they would have not only risked an imminent government ...

Maurice Samuel Quote
Post Date: 2021-09-21 13:19:29 by Horse

Lebanon urges UN action as Israel moves forward with gas drilling plans
Post Date: 2021-09-21 12:57:02 by Horse
Lebanese officials expressed outrage on Saturday after a gas producer announced it had been awarded a contract to begin drilling for supplies near Israel's disputed maritime border with Lebanon.

Another Look at 9/11: Ask Not ‘What Happened?’ but ‘Who Did It?’
Post Date: 2021-09-16 12:15:57 by Ada
The evidence of Israeli involvement is substantial, based on the level of the Jewish state’s espionage operations in the U.S., Phil Giraldi writes. The twentieth anniversary of 9/11 last Saturday has raised many of the usual issues about what actually happened on that day. Were hijacked airliners actually crashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon or was the damage in New York City attributable to explosives or even some kind of nuclear device? These are fundamental questions and the so-called “Truthers” who raise them have been inspired by their reading of the 585 page 9/11 Report, which is most charitably described as incomplete, though many ...

J. B. Campbell: Jewish Damage
Post Date: 2021-09-14 00:48:43 by Horse
We have lived, most of us, under the threat of Jewish nuclear incineration ever since they dropped two of their bombs on Japanese civilians in 1945. Now we learn that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were protected by the Jews from conventional bombing for the whole war so as to be able to test the effects of radiation on normal, previously undamaged cities. Hollywood, modern art and pornography are the great Jewish contributions to our culture and have made it what it is. Psychiatry is Jewish medicine. When Sigmund Freud sailed from Europe for America in 1909, he remarked to his Jewish colleagues on the cruiser, “The Americans think we are bringing them a panacea. We are bringing them a ...

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