
Latest Articles: Israel/Zionism

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Britain's Wealthiest Plutocrats Are Largely Foreign-Born and Jewish
Post Date: 2021-08-14 13:59:10 by Horse
The United Kingdom, the nation with the most billionaires per capita, is governed by a largely foreign, heavily Jewish plutocracy. Figures such as Richard Branson are commonly associated with British wealth, but his net worth pales in comparison to these individuals and families. A Sky News report on the wealthiest British citizens in 2021 reveals that individuals of Jewish ancestry, who make up a mere 1.7% of the UK’s population, are wildly overrepresented among the richest top 10. Topping the list is media and music mogul Sir Lenoard Blavatnik, who now controls a £23 billion Pound fortune. Blavatnik is an international Jew who was born in the Ukraine and holds both ...

Proof: The NWO Despises Israeli Jews
Post Date: 2021-08-13 11:37:55 by Horse
The New World Order is led by 30 Families and their 6,000 Minions according to David Schwartzkopf, the former CEO of Kissinger and Associates. They are obviously behind the mRNA vaccines which are enriching several Jewish men. Israel has a very high vaccination rate amongst the Jews but a mere 8.2% amongst the Palestinians in the Occupied West Bank. Guess who is getting both covid and an increase in heart attacks as well as acute coronary syndrome? Israel has learned from experience that the Pfizer vaxx only works for 6 months or so whereas covid survivors have natural immunity which lasts much longer and is far superior to mRNA injections. They also learned that the Pfizer jab does not ...

Data Shows Massive Spike in Covid, Deaths in Highly-Vaccinated Israel
Post Date: 2021-08-13 09:29:39 by Horse
OPPOSITE Happening in Sparsely-Vaxxed Palestine! 'Palestine: 8.2% of the population is fully vaccinated. Israel: 62% of the population is fully vaccinated. Guess which one is doing better?' Data out of Israel shows a large Covid outbreak despite more than half the country being fully vaccinated. At the same time cases and deaths are declining in the neighboring Palestinian territory, which has an extremely low vaccination rate. The data was catalogued by Naturopathic doctor Suneil Jain, who broke down the bizarre anomaly on social media Wednesday. "The data correlates with stats seen in Gibraltar and Iceland last month, where Covid cases unexpectedly ...

Israel Sees Surge in Cardiac Arrest And Heart Attack Emergency Calls
Post Date: 2021-08-13 07:49:31 by Horse
Israel experienced a surge in cardiac arrest and heart attack emergency calls among young people in the wake of their mass vaccination campaign, according to research from MIT professor Retsef Levi. Ran Israeli @RanIsraeli New concerning results, Israel 2021 (Prof. Retsef Levi) MDA Emergency calls: 25% increase in Cardiac arrests & Heart attacks (16-29). 83.6% increase in Heart attacks (Women 20-29). According to the study, this increase was correlated with Mass vaccination. Ran Israeli @RanIsraeli Deaths in Israel 2020 (0-19)->21% lower compared to previous years. Deaths in Israel 2021 (0 ...

For Whom the Bell Curves
Post Date: 2021-08-12 08:07:47 by Ada
85 is to 100 as 100 is to 115 A staple of the columnist’s life is mail embodying a weird obsession with Jews. It is a versatile obsession, suitable for any occasion. If I were to write a column on the economics of watermelon farming in rural Kansas for a conservative site, a high proportion of the comments would consist of angry denunciations of Jews, the Ziomedia, the ZOG, Jew bankers, Marx, the pernicious effects of Jews on watermelons, and the commie plot to destroy Western civilization, as if it were not competent to do it unaided. Given that Jews tend to prosper mightily in Western civilization, it is not clear why they should want to destroy it, but these are deep waters I will ...

Was the Tanker Attack an Israeli False Flag?
Post Date: 2021-08-10 08:11:46 by Ada
An incident that could lead to a much bigger war In the United States we now live under a government that largely operates in secret, headed by an executive that ignores the constitutional separation of powers and backed by a legislature that is more interested in social engineering than in benefitting the American people. The US, together with its best friend and faux ally Israel, has become the ultimate rogue nation, asserting its right to attack anyone at any time who refuses to recognize Washington’s leadership. America is a country in decline, its influence having been eroded by a string of foreign policy and military disasters starting with Vietnam and more recently including ...

Mahatma Gandhi Was Against the Creation of the "State" of Israel- Murdered in 1948.
Post Date: 2021-08-07 10:58:03 by Horse
Mahatma Gandhi “Palestine belongs to the Arabs in the same sense that England belongs to the English or France to the French. It is wrong and inhuman to impose the Jews on the Arabs... Surely it would be a crime against humanity to reduce the proud Arabs so that Palestine can be restored to the Jews partly or wholly as their national home”. Poster Comment:Click to SEE THIS AS A MEME.

In Between Taliban and COVID
Post Date: 2021-08-06 07:57:26 by Ada
Does it take a genius to gather that the colossal failure of the USA’s war in Afghanistan is identical to the disastrous ‘war against COVID’? It’s certainly clear that it is pretty much the same people who devised the fatal strategies that led to a grandiose defeat in these two unnecessary conflicts. We deal with people who adhere to the concept of war of destruction. These are people who do not seek peace, harmony or reconciliation neither with nature nor with other segments of humanity. Our pandemic ‘strategists’ believed that it was within their powers to wipe SARS CoV 2 from the face of the earth. They were similarly convinced that the Taliban could be ...

All in the Family - Freud - Bernays - Randolph
Post Date: 2021-08-02 17:11:36 by Horse
Poster Comment:Edward Bernays is the founder of modern PR and advertising. He convinced women to smoke to sell more cigarettes. He also convinced everyone to take a toxic waste (fluoride)and add it to their drinking water. As the depiction above says his nephew runs Netflix.

Ex-Manager of Soros’ Fund Accused of Beating and Raping Women in Sex Dungeon
Post Date: 2021-08-02 09:24:57 by Horse
Lawsuit alleges horrifying accounts of abuse by Wall Street Soros acolyte Howard Rubin. Howard Rubin graduated from Lafayette College with a degree in chemical engineering, but instead of working in this specialty he went to Las Vegas to become a card counter. Reports say he earned thousands of dollars there, which he used for his education at Harvard. After getting an MBA, he focused on Wall Street and worked at the Salomon Brothers. A “nice” and “nebbish Jewish guy” – this is how a trader at Soros Fund Management described his former colleague Howard Rubin, who has been accused of abuse by several women. According to the New York Post, citing court documents ...

Rothschild's Ex-Wife Found Dead, Hanging From Doorknob At Home
Post Date: 2021-08-02 08:34:10 by Horse
Annabelle Neilson dies aged 49-years-old - police say death is 'not suspicious' Rothschild's ex-wife Annabelle Neilson was found dead in her London home The ex-wife of elite banker Nataniel Rothschild has been found dead at her home in Chelsea, London. 49-year-old Annabelle Neilson's body was discovered hanging from a doorknob in the bathroom of her $4.1 million mansion on Thursday, but news of her sudden and tragic death has only just been made public. Police have yet to confirm the cause of her death, and haven't ruled out drug or alcohol use, but say they are "not treating it as suspicious." Neilson was previously married to Nathaniel Rothschild - son of ...

Opinion | The Media Yawns at the Israeli Army's Death Squads
Post Date: 2021-08-02 08:31:42 by Ada
Jul. 31, 2021 11:15 PM Israeli terror is at it again. The Israel Defense Forces’ death squads chalked up another successful week: four bodies of innocent Palestinians piled up between the two Fridays. There doesn’t seem to be a connection between the four incidents in which four sons were killed, but the link cannot be broken. In all these cases, soldiers chose shooting to kill as the preferred option. In all four cases another way could have been chosen: Arrest them, aim for the legs, don’t do anything or simply don’t be there at all. But the soldiers chose to kill. It’s probably easier for them that way. The cost of kosher: How Israel plans to end the ...

Biden Picks Deborah Lipstadt for 'Anti-Semitism' Envoy
Post Date: 2021-08-01 16:31:08 by Horse
Joe Biden has decided that Deborah Lipstadt needs to be in charge of ridding the world of “anti-semitism” (aka jews being held to account for their criminal conspiracies). You might remember Debbie for her many lies regarding the biggest hoax of the 20th century. JTA reports: President Joe Biden is set to nominate Deborah Lipstadt, the Emory University Holocaust historian, to be the State Department’s antisemitism envoy. The White House alerted top Biden supporters of the pick, which has been expected for weeks, on Thursday night, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency has learned. Lipstadt is perhaps best known for defeating Holocaust denier David Irving after he sued her in a ...

The Sleeping Goy
Post Date: 2021-08-01 16:17:41 by Horse

Israel Giving Booster Shots to Over-60s Because First Two Shots Didn’t Work
Post Date: 2021-08-01 09:53:49 by Ada
The “booster” is not a new shot – it’s just a third dose of the same vaxx! Oh your vaxx didn’t work??? Solution is more vaxx! AP: Israeli health authorities began administering coronavirus booster shots Friday to people over 60 who’ve already received both does of a vaccine, in a bid to combat a recent spike in cases. The decision was announced Thursday by the Israeli prime minister, Naftali Bennet, making Israel the first country to offer a third dose of a Western vaccine to its citizens on a wide scale. "Israel is a pioneer in going ahead with the third dose for older people of the age of 60 and above," Bennet said during Friday’s ...

Israeli settlers cut electricity supply to Palestinian homes with chainsaws
Post Date: 2021-07-31 11:14:01 by Horse
Israeli settlers on Friday used chainsaws to cut wooden electric poles supplying power to Palestinian homes in the occupied West Bank, according to a local official. Ghassan Daghlas, who monitors settlement activity in the northern West Bank, told Palestinian news agency Wafa that a group of settlers used chainsaws to chop down six wooden electric poles in the town of Burin, south of Nablus. The poles supply electricity to a house located on the outskirts of the town, which led to a power blackout in the area.

‘New Form’ of Ice Cream ‘Terrorism’: How Ben & Jerry’s Has Exposed Israel’s Anti-BDS Strategy
Post Date: 2021-07-31 09:07:50 by Ada
Ben & Jerry’s decision to suspend its operations in the occupied Palestinian West Bank is an event that is proving critical to Palestinian efforts, which ultimately aim at holding Israel accountable for its military occupation, apartheid and war crimes. By responding to the Palestinian call for boycotting apartheid Israel, the ice cream giant has delivered a blow to Israel’s attempts at criminalizing and, ultimately, ending the global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign. What differentiates Ben & Jerry’s decision to abandon the ever-growing market of illegal Jewish settlements in the West Bank from previous decisions by other international ...

Israel begins lockdown on 8 August 2021 for only the unvaccinated (Video)
Post Date: 2021-07-30 18:15:56 by Horse
A tweet reply says, "It's not a lock down. This is a requirement for tests of the unvaccinated, and this time at their expense and not at the expense of the state." Poster Comment:They are also beginning to give the third Pfizer jab to anyone 60 and over because they found those spike proteins do not stick around long.

Rothschil Rag The Economist at its most pernicious.
Post Date: 2021-07-30 17:21:27 by Horse

TheGilad Atzmon: Globalization of the Twelve Tribes of Israel
Post Date: 2021-07-30 00:31:13 by Horse
Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid spoke on Wednesday at the seventh Global Forum for Combating Antisemitism. He said that antisemitism was part of a broad family of hatreds, and that antisemites start by attacking Jews but “always” move on to focus their hate and violence on other groups as well. Lapid insisted that antisemitism was akin to other hatreds, such as ones held by those “who participated in the slave trade.” Presumably the ignoramus isn’t aware that some historians assert that there were Jews prominent in the African slave trade. Lapid also pointed at the “Hutu massacres of Tutsis in Rwanda.” Someone should mention to him that the 1948 ...

A Catastrophe Unveils Itself
Post Date: 2021-07-30 00:25:53 by Horse
On July 9, we learned that Pfizer planned to ask U.S. and European regulators to authorize an urgent booster dose of its COVID-19 vaccine, “based on evidence of greater risk of infection six months after inoculation and the spread of the highly contagious Delta variant.” On the same day we also learned that the FDA and CDC weren’t very enthusiastic about the idea. In a joint statement both institutions announced that “Americans who have been fully vaccinated do not need a booster COVID-19 shot at this time.” The European Medicines Agency (EMA) also said that “it was too early to determine whether more than the two shots that are currently required ...

Israel Becomes First Country In World To Push 3rd COVID Shot For Already Vaccinated
Post Date: 2021-07-29 22:52:06 by Horse
In what's a likely sign of things to come elsewhere, Israel is now pushing a third jab, or follow-up booster for those who've already received their two vaccine rounds, for the elderly people over the age of 60. Israel's prominent Haaretz newspaper revealed Thursday the country will be the first in the world to start doing so after government approval, writing that Israel "will start offering a third COVID vaccine shot to people over 60 starting on Sunday, after the Health Ministry approved the move on Thursday." "The booster shots will be given to those over 60 who received their second dose at least five months ago. Israel is the first country to announce that ...

ADL Pressures PayPal To Cut Off Services To Anyone Who Criticizes Jews Or Israel
Post Date: 2021-07-29 17:24:55 by Horse
The Anti-Defamation League has “joined with” PayPal to research how “extremists” use financial platforms to fund activity that may oppose Jewish supremacy and support for the state of Israel: The partnership will focus on “uncovering and disrupting the financial pipelines that support extremist and hate movements” by targeting “actors and networks spreading and profiting from all forms of hate and bigotry,” according to an ADL news release published Monday morning. Their findings will be “shared broadly across the financial industry and with policymakers and law enforcement,” according to the release. The ADL’s Center on Extremism ...

New destructive, wiper malware used in Iranian railway attack
Post Date: 2021-07-29 16:45:44 by Horse
In a new report by SentinelOne, security researcher Juan Andres Guerrero-Saade revealed that the cyberattack on Iran utilized a previously unseen file wiper called Meteor. A wiper is malware that intentionally deletes files on a computer and causes it to become unbootable. Unlike ransomware attacks, destructive wiper attacks are not used to generate revenue for the attackers. Instead, their goal is to cause chaos for an organization or to distract admins while another attack is taking place.

New FBI Initiative Will Put "Hate Crime" Quotas On Local Law Enforcement
Post Date: 2021-07-29 07:53:42 by Ada
The Department of Justice and the FBI have a message for local police departments: start charging more white people with hate crimes or invite an investigation. Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta told an assembly of FBI agents yesterday that they are now tasked with hounding police departments in their district if they do not register any "hate crimes." Gupta and FBI Deputy Assistant Director of the Criminal Investigative Division Jay Greenberg have declared "hate crimes" by "racially motivated violent extremists" (a euphemism generally reserved for right-wing white men) to be a national threat priority -- a rare designation. According to Greenberg, ...

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