
Latest Articles: Israel/Zionism

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Union Boss Randi Weingarten Refuses To Commit To Reopening Schools: "We're Going To Try"
Post Date: 2021-07-28 16:57:12 by Horse

Everything I learned on 9-11 (Meme)
Post Date: 2021-07-28 15:25:47 by Horse
Poster Comment:I would prefer the term Judaism Incorporated which preceded Zionism by a few thousand years.

Israel Blamed For Fresh Airstrikes Deep Inside Iraq
Post Date: 2021-07-27 08:32:07 by Horse
"Hostile drones targeted one of the bases of the [paramilitary] Division in Najaf province..." Poster Comment:If Russia does upgrade Syria to the S-400, then they will share it with Iran and this will never happen again. They might even stop the Israelis from violating Lebanese air space. It would be a Glorious Day if it ever happens. Please Mr Putin.

Is the Tide Finally Turning?
Post Date: 2021-07-27 06:45:37 by Ada
A desperate Israel seeks to silence critics Targeting and killing Palestinian children could not accomplish what a decision by an ice cream company has achieved. To be sure, the visual impact of Israel’s recent onslaught on Gaza turned many against that country’s war crimes and its ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians, but what the Israeli government really has feared most is an economic and cultural boycott such as the one that brought down the apartheid regime in South Africa. That blow came last week when Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, which is sold in the food shops in the illegal-under-international-law Israeli settlements on the West Bank, would no longer market its ...

George Soros Helping To Fund Mayor Garcetti’s Pet Project
Post Date: 2021-07-26 18:17:04 by Horse
To Give Cash Payments To Illegal Immigrants Flooding LA It looks that our favorite billionaire globalist George Soros is pushing Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti’s proposal to pay illegal aliens tax-funded money during the COVID-19 pandemic. Garcetti serves on the Leadership Board of the Mayors Migration Council, a Soros-funded global organization that promotes Garcetti’s scheme of paying illegal immigrants cash. Garcetti is collaborating with Patrick Gaspard, the president of George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, on pro-illegal immigration efforts, as well as with Soros’ activism network to make reparations to black people.

Israel Reportedly Tells US That Iran Is One Step Away From Obtaining Nukes
Post Date: 2021-07-26 10:26:39 by Horse
'Unusual Warning': Israel Reportedly Tells US That Iran Is One Step Away From Obtaining Nukes Tags: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS/PROPAGANDA IRAN ISRAEL Israel has long been sounding the alarm about Iran allegedly working to develop nuclear weapons. However, the Jewish State itself is widely believed to have obtained weapons of mass destruction a long time ago, with reports saying it could have at least 90 warheads at its disposal. Israeli officials have told the United States that Iran is allegedly on the threshold of acquiring nuclear weapons, Israeli media reported Sunday. According to The Times of Israel, which cited a Sunday report by Kan News, the country's foreign minister Yair ...

Report: Russia Moving to Curtail Israeli Airstrikes on Syria
Post Date: 2021-07-26 07:15:32 by Ada
Russia looking to upgrade Syria's air defense systems With several Israeli airstrikes against Syria seemingly every week, it has come to feel like the new normal. There are rarely serious engagements in Syria’s own war anymore, but airstrikes are consistent, and generally without Israel wanting to comment. It’s a tired problem for the region, and Syria’s close ally, Russia, appears to have had enough, and intends to take actions to limit ongoing Israeli raids. This is going to be done largely by way of upgrading Syria’s missile defenses. Russia has sold Syria some substantial missile defense systems over the years, with S-300s a big part of the arsenal. Israel is ...

Schopenhauer and Dostoevsky Quotes
Post Date: 2021-07-26 05:25:57 by Horse
“It is far holier to shoot a Jew than to go to the church,” Schopenhauer once said, before adding the famous words that have now become a German proverb: ”After you shake the Jew’s hand, count your fingers.” “If the Jews ever gain power in Russia, they will skin the Russians alive.” — Dostoevsky THE SECRET HOLOCAUST . . . 66 MILLION RUSSIANS DEAD!(Maybe Dostevsky knew what he was talking about.)

Post Date: 2021-07-26 05:22:16 by Horse
A grim life for the goyim in the death camps of the future, and even worse to follow, is here predicted by Jewish writer Ellie Katsnelson. Introductory note by Lasha Darkmoon This article is an edited abridgement by myself of a long comment sent in to the Darkmoon site on July 8, 2014 at 10:13 am. It was comment number 1 for a new article and immediately created a furor among our readers. Completely ignoring the article itself, our angry readers savagely attacked the controversial 5300-word off-topic comment instead, accusing its author, Ellie Katsnelson, of being a “demonic” Jewish supremacist and the ultimate “icon of evil”. Given the unprecedented interest caused ...

Pandemic Of The Vaxxinated by Brother Nathanael
Post Date: 2021-07-26 04:14:06 by Horse

Polish Protesters Shout "Jews are Behind the Pandemic!"
Post Date: 2021-07-25 21:46:31 by Horse

Pegasus: Israeli spyware scandal explained
Post Date: 2021-07-23 08:44:49 by Horse

Americans Who Want To Preserve Their Heritage Are ‘Like The Nazis Who Killed 6 Million Jews’
Post Date: 2021-07-22 10:40:09 by Horse
Samantha Vinograd, the new acting assistant secretary for counterterrorism and threat prevention in the Office of Strategy, Policy, and Plans at the Department of Homeland Security, is a former CNN analyst who says the thought of Americans preserving their heritage makes her “sick.” In a March 2019 interview with CNN, Vinograd attacked President Trump for speaking at CPAC about the significance of preserving our heritage. “His statement makes me sick, on a personal level,” Vinograd said. “Preserving your heritage, reclaiming our heritage, that sounds a lot like a certain leader that killed members of my family and about six million other Jews in the 1940s.”

Data from Israel Shows 84% of New COVID Cases are with Vaccinated
Post Date: 2021-07-22 09:59:32 by Horse
Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) joined Maria Bartiromo on Mornings with Maria on Wednesday morning. This is after Senator Rand Paul announced he was calling on the DOJ to criminally charge Dr. Tony Fauci for lying to Congress. Dr. Fauci funded dangerous gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China, and the lied about it during testimony in front of the US Senate. There is video from 2018 of Dr. Fauci announcing that he is reinstating gain-of-function research and defending its use. The man is a compulsive liar and megalomaniac. During their conversation this morning Senator Johnson also reported on the failings of the COVID vaccines. Senator Ron Johnson: The American people deserve the truth. ...

Post Date: 2021-07-21 04:16:52 by Horse
Poster Comment:She said that there is evidence of a Palestinian genocide by the Israelis. She is on telegram.

Youngsters “Disabled For Life” By Israel’s Shoot-To-Cripple Policy In Gaza
Post Date: 2021-07-19 21:11:20 by Horse
And the response by Western leaders to the wanton slaughter and Israeli snipers’ use of high velocity dum-dum rounds on civilians? Some are happy to leave the rogue state to investigate itself. Writing in the BMJ (British Medical Journal) the head of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in Gaza, Dr Nafiz Abu-Shaban, reports that the death and injury toll by sniper fire, as at 18 May, was 117 dead, including 13 children, and 12,271 injured, of whom 6,760 had been admitted to hospital, including 3,598 with bullet wounds. The numbers will be considerably higher by now. Worse still, according to Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) who operate in Gaza, the Israelis have been using ammunition that ...

Jewish Disney Debauches Your Children by Brother Nathanael
Post Date: 2021-07-19 21:08:17 by Horse

Jews Enlist US Government to Intervene In Chilean Politics
Post Date: 2021-07-16 20:14:43 by Horse
As Palestinian-Descendant Rises to Frontrunner In Presidential Election Polls Jews in America are demanding the United States intervene in Chile’s internal politics in the run up to their presidential election next November. Daniel Jadue, a descendant of Palestinian refugees and member of the Chilean Communist Party, is currently the frontrunner in polls. Jadue is an unapologetic anti-Zionist who has in the past directly confronted the Jewish power structure of his country. Gerardo Gorodischer, president of Chilean Jewish lobby, has successfully recruited Democrats and Republicans in the US Congress to call on Secretary of State Antony Blinken — a Jew himself — to meddle ...

Advice from chief rabbi in 1492
Post Date: 2021-07-16 19:30:55 by Horse
In 711 AD the Moors killed the last Christian king of old Spain. When the Moors attacked their cities, the Jews threw open the gates so the Berbers could slaughter the Christians. For more than 7 centuries Jews served the Muslims of Spain as spies, slave traders and torturers. In 1492 rather than kill the Jews, the Christians simply asked them to leave. Many Jews stayed after converting to Catholicism. Torquemada was a convert as was Pope Alexander VI and his children Caesar and Lucretia Borgia. I received the following from an email list: In 1492 CE, Chemor, chief Rabbi of Spain, wrote to the Grand Sanhedrin, which had its seat in Constantinople, for advice, when a Spanish law ...

Jews Enlist US Government To Intervene In Chilean Politics As Palestinian-Descendant Rises To Frontrunner In Presidential Election Polls
Post Date: 2021-07-16 09:06:59 by Ada
Jews in America are demanding the United States intervene in Chile's internal politics in the run up to their presidential election next November. Daniel Jadue, a descendant of Palestinian refugees and member of the Chilean Communist Party, is currently the frontrunner in polls. Jadue is an unapologetic anti-Zionist who has in the past directly confronted the Jewish power structure of his country. Gerardo Gorodischer, president of Chilean Jewish lobby, has successfully recruited Democrats and Republicans in the US Congress to call on Secretary of State Antony Blinken -- a Jew himself -- to meddle in Chile's internal affairs and prevent Jadue from becoming president. Jadue has in ...

Brother Nathanael: Invasion Of The Nation Snatchers
Post Date: 2021-07-16 06:45:01 by Horse

Brother Nathanael: Satan At The Wailing Wall
Post Date: 2021-07-16 06:41:00 by Horse

Are You A Philo-termite? (Meme)
Post Date: 2021-07-15 13:31:27 by Horse
Consider: Termites have invaded and destroying the foundation of your house. This termite problem must be solved without being against termites. Philo-termite - A person who supports or is favorably disposed towards termites. Will being philo-termites stop the destruction? NO

The Truth About The Revolution (E. Michael Jones)
Post Date: 2021-07-14 04:12:45 by Horse
Poster Comment:Jews on both sides in BLM. George Soros gave BLM $33 million. 400 Jewish organizations signed letters of support for BLM.

Why Israel is trying to steal Silwan from Palestinians
Post Date: 2021-07-13 11:55:05 by Horse
Israeli troops demolished a butcher shop in Silwan and a home in the Ras al-Amud neighborhood on 29 June. The bulldozers made two boys and their parents homeless and destroyed the income sources of nine people. This attack on Palestinian families, their homes and livelihoods is part of Israel’s violent colonization of occupied East Jerusalem, particularly the Silwan neighborhood. When Palestinians in the area protested the demolitions, occupation forces attacked them with tear gas and rubber-coated steel bullets, injuring at least 19 and detaining nine. Israel has intensified its colonization in Silwan in recent weeks – but methodical conquest of the neighborhood goes back ...

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