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I'm About to Turn 15 Years Old. I Was Born on 9/11
Post Date: 2016-09-07 21:08:52 by BTP Holdings
I'm About to Turn 15 Years Old. I Was Born on 9/11. I came into the world just outside New York City on America's darkest day. As Told To Sarah Rense Sep 7, 2016 At 6:30 a.m. on the morning of September 11, 2001, Heather and Glenn O'Neill drove to Norwalk Hospital in Norwalk, Connecticut. Heather was preparing to give birth to their second child and first daughter, Hillary. The sky was blue that morning, remarkably blue. "What a beautiful day to have a baby," Heather said to her husband. Heather, a landscape designer, and Glenn, a sixth grade social studies teacher, arrived at the hospital, started the epidural, and looked for something normal to pass the time. So ...

The Rest of the 9/11 Report
Post Date: 2016-09-02 19:55:47 by Ada
Months of pressure on the Obama administration demanding the release of the redacted “28 pages” of the 9/11 report, regarding possible Saudi Arabian involvement, finally bore fruit on July 15. To be sure, there were deletions from the text to protect names and sources, but the document produced by the White House was largely complete. CIA Director John Brennan provided some damage control prior to the release by arguing that much of the information contained in the redacted section consisted of “raw” and untested information, suggesting that it might not be completely reliable, while some who had seen the full document revealed through leaks that there would be no ...

Are You a Mind-Controlled CIA Stooge?
Post Date: 2016-08-31 08:22:08 by Ada
Do you smirk when you hear someone question the official stories of Orlando, San Bernardino, Paris or Nice? Do you feel superior to 2,500 architects and engineers, to firefighters, commercial and military pilots, physicists and chemists, and former high government officials who have raised doubts about 9/11? If so, you reflect the profile of a mind-controlled CIA stooge. The term “conspiracy theory” was invented and put into public discourse by the CIA in 1964 in order to discredit the many skeptics who challenged the Warren Commission’s conclusion that President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by a lone gunman named Lee Harvey Oswald, who himself was assassinated while ...

Post Date: 2016-08-29 10:19:30 by Horse
Poster Comment:This a a 21 page journal article on the physics of 911 and collapsing buildings. You might want to bookmark this article for later study. Or consider copying it to your PC.

Army Training Slide Lists Clinton as 'Insider Threat' Alongside Mass Shooters
Post Date: 2016-08-25 02:29:57 by NeoconsNailed
The image is a training slide regarding insider threats and the handling of classified information and featured photos of General David Petraeus, Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden, Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis, and Fort Hood Shooter Nidal Malik. The slide is titled, "Who is the threat? Insiders," and listed Hasan, Manning, Snowden, and Alexis together under a bullet point. The next bullet point was titled, "Careless or disgruntled employees" and featured Petraeus and Clinton. It was posted to a Facebook page called "U.S. Army W.T.F! Moments," on Sunday, and the Army verified its authenticity to the Washington Examiner. They noted that the slide was developed ...

Listen to George Carlin's Infamous 9/11 Cop Rant
Post Date: 2016-08-24 21:47:11 by BTP Holdings
Listen to George Carlin's Infamous 9/11 Cop Rant Getty Kevin Statham By Jack Holmes Aug 24, 2016 George Carlin's cynicism made people uncomfortable, but it never led him far from the truth. (Except, notably, in his rant against voting.) But while more than enough people can stomach tirades about corrupt politicians and the empty gluttony of consumer culture, far fewer can tolerate criticism of police officers—especially after 9/11. Vulture reports that a previously unreleased album of Carlin's will drop September 1. I Kinda Like It When a Lotta People Die was originally recorded on September 10, 2001, but Carlin decided to bury the tape up to his death in 2008. ...

Donald Trump the Illuminati’s #1 Target for 2016? Says He’ll Reveal 9/11 Conspiracy as President
Post Date: 2016-08-07 04:52:14 by Tatarewicz
(Before It's News) C. Ervana: Donald Trump commented that if he was elected president, he would reveal who really knocked down the World Trade Centers. Like JFK’s cryptic speech on secret societies delivered in 1961, I believe Trump’s threat to expose 9/11 places him in danger. Donald Trump went on to say it might have been the Saudis, which I believe was an attempt to redirect the conversation. It wasn’t the Saudis who knocked down the Two Towers. Poster Comment:What is there to reveal? Any interested, intelligent person already knows neocons along with Mossad organized the false flag to have America put an end to Saddam's encouraging Palestinian one-way bombers ...

"My Job Was To Sell The Iraq War"
Post Date: 2016-08-01 00:36:26 by Tatarewicz
Pravda Main Forum... David Klion ‏@DavidKlion Jul 29 (from Twitter) Buried in the latest account of Roger Ailes' sexual predations is a different aspect of his disgusting legacy As she was promoted through the ranks at Fox, Luhn worked harder and harder to please Ailes. She zealously promoted the networks right-wing agenda. "I was very proud of the product of how we handled 9/11. Very proud of how we handled the run-up to the Iraq War," she said. "My job was to sell the war. I needed to get people on the air that were attractive and articulate and could convey the importance of this campaign. It was a drumbeat." ...

Is the Saudi 9/11 Story Part Of The Deception? — Paul Craig Roberts
Post Date: 2016-07-22 11:38:11 by Ada
James Jesus Angleton, head of CIA counterintelligence for three decades, long ago explained to me that intelligence services create stories inside stories, each with its carefully constructed trail of evidence, in order to create false trails as diversions. Such painstaking work can serve a variety of purposes. It can be used to embarrass or discredit an innocent person or organization that has an unhelpful position on an important issue and is in the way of an agenda. It can be used as a red herring to draw attention away from a failing explanation of an event by producing an alternative false explanation. I forget what Angleton called them, but the strategy is to have within a false story ...

911: Short And Powerful Questions
Post Date: 2016-07-18 14:28:58 by Horse
I wrote this because I wanted us to have short and powerful questions about 911 we can use in our everyday conversations. The banks in Europe and America are near collapse. Traditionally, Depressions mean war. And then there is the vote in September in the UN General Assembly on Palestinian statehood. Israel has threatened war to prevent any change to their occupation of Palestinian territory. 1) The Seattle King Dome was demolished by a controlled demolition on March 26, 2000 . When the building hit the ground, it registered a 2.3 on the Richter scale at a nearby seismology lab. WTC 7 had 6 times as much force potential to strike the ground as did the Dome yet barely scored 0.6 on the ...

The Saudis Did 9/11
Post Date: 2016-07-18 07:56:45 by Ada
That's what the 28 pages tell us News reports about the recently released 28 pages of the Joint Inquiry into the 9/11 attacks are typically dismissive: this is nothing new, it’s just circumstantial evidence, and there’s no “smoking gun.” Yet given what the report actually says – and these news accounts are remarkably sparse when it comes to verbatim quotes – it’s hard to fathom what would constitute a smoking gun. To begin with, let’s start with what’s not in these pages: there are numerous redactions. And they are rather odd. When one expects to read the words “CIA” or “FBI,” instead we get a blacked-out word. Entire ...

Post Date: 2016-07-17 10:20:38 by BTP Holdings
9/11 TRUTH FINALLY APPEARS IN THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA: UNPRECEDENTED 9/11 C-SPAN VIDEO THE DAM IS ABOUT TO BREAK: 9/11 TRUTH SATURATES THE INTERNET If you haven’t already watched the following video of Richard Gage from ARCHITECTS and ENGINEERS For 9/11 TRUTH shown on C-SPAN, then only seeing is believing. This unparalleled breakthrough of 9/11 truth into the mainstream media is as consequential as it is explosive for both the real perpetrators and the entire nation. This irrefutable presentation on the collapse of Building #7 of the World Trade Center Complex is particularly damning because of the authoritative science offered as proof that the 9/11 Commission Report is a fraud. The ...

In Attempt to Dodge Suit, White House Argues Funding War Makes War Legal
Post Date: 2016-07-17 02:10:11 by Tatarewicz
Source: Common Dreams A lawsuit filed earlier this year charging President Barack Obama with waging an illegal war against the Islamic State (or ISIS) was met on Tuesday with a motion from the Obama administration asking the court to dismiss it. In its motion to dismiss (pdf), the administration argues that Congressional funding for the war amounts to Congressional approval for it. The lawsuit (pdf) was filed in U.S. district court by Capt. Nathan Michael Smith, an intelligence official stationed in Kuwait, in May. Smith has been assigned to work for "Operation Inherent Resolve," the administration's name for the nebulous conflict against the terrorist group ISIS. ...

US officials afraid of being charged over 9/11 attacks: Analyst
Post Date: 2016-07-16 03:34:52 by Tatarewicz
Press TV has conducted an interview with Scott Bennett, a former US Army psychological warfare officer, about the impact of new revelations about the Saudi role in September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. The following is a rough transcription of the interview. Press TV: Why do you think that some forces in the US government have persevered for so long to keep this document from going public? Bennett: Well, I think they have hidden it for so long because they know that politicians, banks, the Bush administration, Colin Powell, David Petraeus, the military, a whole net of fish are going to be caught up in this and they're going to be exposed for corruption and incompetence or treason. ...

28 Pages Reveal Evidence of Saudi Govt Involvement in 9/11
Post Date: 2016-07-15 17:27:48 by Ada
Hijackers Had Contact With Likely Saudi Intelligence Officers The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence has finally released the notorious “28 pages” from the 9/11 Report, which had been kept classified, and which detail more or less exclusively with the culpability of the Saudi Arabian government in the attacks. Though the White House claimed, even after the release, that the pages “proved” the Saudis had nothing to do with it, they did anything but that, providing considerable evidence that the hijackers had contact with two probable Saudi intelligence officers in advance of the attacks, and had received support from those officers. The information ...

Congress To Release Classified "28 Pages" Detailing Saudi Involvement In 9/11 As Soon As Friday
Post Date: 2016-07-14 15:17:57 by Horse
Four months ago, Saudi Arabia went "nuclear" when it emerged that Congress was preparing legislation which would allow plaintiffs to sue the Kingdom for its involvement in the September 11, with Saudi officials going so far as threatening to liquidate their holdings of US reserves. In the subsequent weeks, the legislation was quietly killed, however an open topic remained: the classified "28 pages" that were part of the 2002 Congressional report which allegedly disclose Saudi involvement in the worst terrorist attack on US soil ever. To be sure, this wouldn't be the only smoking gun: as we posted in April, another report, also known as "Document 17" linked ...

SyrianPerspective posters on 9/11
Post Date: 2016-07-11 07:43:47 by Tatarewicz
Saladin Perhaps irony will help Americans see how AIPAC encroaches on their liberty. AIPAC should be outlawed, and all pro-zionist Israeli dual citizens in the US establishment tried for treason. Can't wait for the awesome moment the truth comes about Mossad planning and involvement in 9-11. Likes(12) Dr. N.G.Maroudas The truth came out long ago, that the Bush regime and some Israeli collaborators must have committed the terrorist atrocity on 911. The "dancing Israelis" in a fake work van who were arrested - then mysteriously shipped out of the USA - dancing and clapping when they saw those buildings collapse in free fall. The "Israeli installation artists" ...

FEMA Investigator’s Shock 9/11 Claim: ‘Vault Contents Emptied Before Attack… They Knew It Was Going To Happen’
Post Date: 2016-07-03 14:06:10 by Horse
The attacks of September 11th, 2001 will forever be mired in doubt and suspicion by millions of people who saw the events live on their televisions. Almost immediately following the attacks theories began to emerge. Were the hijackers operatives for a Western intelligence service? How did a passport from one of the terrorists survive completely unscathed, only to be found later amidst the rubble of the Trade Centers? How did WTC Building 7 collapse even though it was never struck by an airplane? Why was President George H.W. Bush meeting with members of the Bin Laden family at the very moment of the attacks? Were the planes that hit the buildings actually commercial airliners or were they ...

The New Pearl Harbor - Best 9/11 Documentary
Post Date: 2016-06-08 18:12:46 by christine
On September 11, 2001, a couple of egg-shell aluminum tubes partially filled with jet fuel (i.e. kerosene) crashed into two brilliantly engineered buildings clad and framed in columns of structural steel. An hour or so later each of those buildings “collapsed” without resistance at near free-fall speed into their own footprint, exploding into dust on their way down. Those aluminum tubes had nothing to do with the destruction of those towers. The simple historical fact is, Israel/Mossad took those towers down. Here is a photo you may not have seen: https://sites.google.com/site/wtcexpl… This building is not “collapsing”, not “pancaking”, but violently ...

US Government Intentionally Destroys 9/11 Evidence
Post Date: 2016-06-06 08:07:07 by Ada
Presumption of a Cover-Up … Judges and lawyers know that – if someone intentionally destroys evidence – he’s probably trying to hide his crime. American law has long recognized that destruction of evidence raises a presumption of guilt for the person who destroyed the evidence. So what does it mean when the US government intentionally destroyed massive amounts of evidence related to 9/11? Judge and Prosecutor Destroy Evidence For example, it was revealed last week that the judge overseeing the trial of surviving 9/11 suspects conspired with the prosecution to destroy evidence relevant to a key suspect’s defense. And see this. (The Defense Department has also ...

Interesting notes from SyrianPers. posters
Post Date: 2016-06-05 08:07:20 by Tatarewicz
Faithful Reader says: Watch the money.....Nato is toothless. Russia sits calmly waiting. China is organizing. India is buying silver by the millions of tons & buying oil in rupees. They have left the dollar. The Saudis are turning against the petro dollar too, finally, and patching up things with Russia. This Syrian invasion can't last too much longer. The US economy is devastated. By cutting off the outside black operation income sources, as China & Russia are doing, the US can't fund this war. Or any war. We're already in WW 3, right now. The US doesn't even have spare parts for their equipment. They have to use mercenaries because the pay is provided by ...

9/11 REDUX: “Truth” Goes Viral
Post Date: 2016-06-01 08:22:07 by Ada
The entrepreneur who wants to “once and for all” settle the debate over how the towers fell on 9/11 is facing obstacles and skepticism from both sides. In a video introducing his now-defunct 9/11 Redux campaign on the crowdfunding site Indiegogo, Paul Salo pledges to fly an empty, auto-piloted Boeing 767 filled with jet fuel into an abandoned building — to see if it will result in the building’s collapse. Many skeptics of the official narrative for what transpired on 9/11 are wary of Salo’s capacity to prove anything, despite his stated intention to be as true as possible to the physics of the tragic incident. One expert who asked not to be identified told ...

‘Black Lives Matter’ Mobs Rip Down Memorial To Murdered 9/11 Heroes
Post Date: 2016-05-30 16:47:15 by BTP Holdings
‘Black Lives Matter’ Mobs Rip Down Memorial To Murdered 9/11 Heroes Liberals denounce 9/11 heroes as ‘perpetrators of state violence,’ then call for more state power. A mob of Black Lives Matter liberals swarmed a memorial of murdered police officers and firefighters, ripping it to shreds and calling the 9/11 heroes “perpetrators of state violence”. Dartmouth University’s College Republicans had erected a small billboard which listed the names of police officers and firefighters who were killed in the line of duty – including 60 police officers and 343 firefighters killed on 9/11. The memorial, “…outraged Black Lives Matter supporters ...

Al-Qaeda Linked Leader Visits US – To Lobby US Government!
Post Date: 2016-05-30 09:52:54 by Ada
Most Americans would think that after 9/11 and the four trillion dollar, 15 year “war on terror” that followed, the US government might actually wish to prevent individuals from visiting the country who are affiliated with al-Qaeda. Sadly, they would be wrong. The McClatchy News Service reports that Labib al Nahhas, an official in the al-Qaeda-affiliated Islamist fighting group Ahrar al Sham, was granted a visa to enter the US for a brief visit. In a recent State Department press briefing, one journalist questioned Department Spokesman Mark Toner about the purported visit. “Were US officials aware of this visit?” asked the journalist. State Department Spokesman Mark ...

WTC 7 Demolished on 911
Post Date: 2016-05-29 18:10:34 by Rotara
whatreallyhappened.com/WRHA R TICLES/cutter.html

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