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Methodical Illusion: The 9/11 Con Begins to Crumble — Rebekah Roth (Flight Attendant) [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2015-03-23 10:33:47 by christine
Rebekah Roth has, in my opinion, blown the lid off of the lies surrounding the events on 9/11. Facts which are outlined in her recently released book, Methodical Illusion; a book, as of this writing, that is #1 on the Amazon Best Seller List for its category.--NorthWestLibertyNews Poster Comment:Roth’s research reveals ALL of the 911 cell phone calls from the passengers to their families and friends were actually made on the ground after the 4 planes landed at a remote military airfield and listen to what her research reveals about passenger 9B. This is a must listen. I agree with NorthWestLibertyNews's opinion that Rebekah has blown the lid off the 9/11 lies.

Israel did 9/11 - All the Proof in the World
Post Date: 2015-03-22 16:49:08 by Horse

Presidents, Prime Ministers, Congressmen, Generals, Spooks, Soldiers and Police ADMIT to False Flag Terror
Post Date: 2015-03-19 12:06:21 by Ada
Not Theory … Admitted Fact There are many documented false flag attacks, where a government carries out a terror attack … and then falsely blames its enemy for political purposes. In the following instances, officials in the government which carried out the attack (or seriously proposed an attack) admit to it, either orally or in writing: Click for Full Text!

Son of Carl Sagan is a 9/11 truther: ‘It’s a cover up, basically’
Post Date: 2015-03-14 09:35:54 by Ada
In an interview with Internet broadcast 9/11 Free Fall, the son of the late Carl Sagan claimed that there is a massive conspiracy to “cover up” evidence that the collapse of the World Trade Center tower in 2001 was an inside a job. The interview was highlighted by Gizmodo on Thursday. Jeremy Sagan, the son of Sagan and his first wife, biologist Lynn Margulis, told Free Fall host Andrew Steele that he grew more suspicious about the collapse after watching video at a friend’s house, months after the attack that killed almost 2,700 people in New York City that day. “Well, on first seeing it— I mean anyone seeing it can see that there’s something suspicious ...

The Washington Times: 'Israelis and Zionists' played key role in 9/11 attacks
Post Date: 2015-03-11 01:02:52 by Tatarewicz
Pravda.Ru The Washington Times: 'Israelis and Zionists' played key role in 9/11 attacks. Louis Farrakhan The Rev. Louis Farrakhan, the Nation of Islam leader, stated that Israelis and Zionist Jews played a key role in the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the United States. "We now know that the crime they say is at the root of terrorism was not committed by Arabs or Muslims at all. It is now becoming apparent that there were many Israelis and Zionist Jews in key roles in the 9/11 attacks," Mr. Farrakhan said. "Now look, if they can prove me wrong, like I said, I'll pay with my life," he said, according to The Washington Times. "We know that the World Trade ...

Post Date: 2015-03-05 21:02:01 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
Reversed Speech allows you to LISTEN to the unspoken thoughts of politicians, generals, and spies. Try it. You'll be amazed! ken-welch.com/911/Bush_Admits_911_A_Lie

Repost. Have We Been Deceived About What Happened on 9/11? Christopher Bollyn
Post Date: 2015-03-05 11:06:42 by christine
Poster Comment:If you have not watched this before, I implore you to watch it now. I am convinced that Bollyn has solved the who done it of 9/11.

Post Date: 2015-02-19 14:52:58 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
Bin Laden's Greatest Hits! Only for a Limited Time! Bin Laden's Greatest Hits! Only for a Limited Time! from DoUseeWhatEyec on Vimeo.

Well well, I guess eventually all the lies finally catch up ..
Post Date: 2015-02-16 10:29:58 by Katniss

Christopher Bollyn on Rense 2/10/15 Audio
Post Date: 2015-02-14 16:56:11 by christine

911 Hidden in Hollywood - Part 1
Post Date: 2015-02-14 15:05:44 by Itistoolate
911 Hidden in Hollywood - Part 1 911 Hidden in Hollywood - Part 1 sur WAT.tv sélectionnée dans Replay TVPoster Comment:Go FULL SCREEN TO SEE HOW THEY WARN YOU ABOUT WHAT'S COMING

Pravda: Putin Threatens to Release Satellite Evidence of 9/11
Post Date: 2015-02-10 20:20:51 by Ada
Pravda: US fears Russian publication of satellite photos of the tragedy of 9/11 Россия обнародует доказательства причастности американского правительства к (Editor’s note: Russian satellite evidence proving the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center using “special ...

Post Date: 2015-02-09 20:45:25 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou

Post Date: 2015-02-09 10:09:09 by noone222
Poster Comment:The trailer is "hot" ... shows PNAC developing attack of 9-11.

Saudi Fingerprints on 9/11?
Post Date: 2015-02-07 08:55:54 by Ada
Claims that Saudi Arabia was behind the 9/11 attacks on America have been circulating since 2001. The Saudis have denied all such claims even though 15 of the 19 aircraft hijackers were Saudi citizens. This week, allegations of Saudi involvement reignited as one of the men convicted in the 9/11 plot, Zacarias Moussaoui, reasserted the allegations. Moussaoui, who is in US maximum security prison, charges senior Saudi princes and officials bankrolled the 9/11 attacks and other al-Qaida operations. He may have been tortured and has mental problems. Among the Saudis Moussaoui named are Prince Turki Faisal, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, two of the kingdom’s most powerful and influential men. ...

Chris Bollyn: Israel behind the 9-11 attacks-- and Iraq wars
Post Date: 2015-02-05 20:28:40 by christine
Poster Comment:Chris will be in Austin tomorrow night as part of his Solving 9-11 tour. My husband and I will be attending.

Bag of Sh!t
Post Date: 2015-02-05 09:54:23 by christine
investmentwatchblog.com/f...owl-loss-on-911-truthers/Poster Comment:@#!@*%!!!

Plane Crash
Post Date: 2015-02-05 00:15:57 by christine

Zacarias Moussaoui, the so-called 20th September 11 hijacker, has fingered members of Saudi Arabia’s royal family as major al-Qaeda donors
Post Date: 2015-02-04 13:57:57 by Ada
.The New York Times reports the Saudis deny the accusation and dismiss Moussaoui as mentally deranged. They say the allegation was rejected by the 9/11 commission. Moussaoui made similar claims in November. Despite the Saudi denial, there is plenty of evidence Saudi Arabia, the United States, and Pakistan organized, funded and trained the so-called “Afghan Arabs” that would ultimately become al-Qaeda and the Taliban. A number of high level U.S. officials have admitted as much. Jimmy Carter’s National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski told Le Nouvel Observateur in 1998 the U.S. organized and supported Bin Laden and the Mujahideen that would become al-Qaeda. Former CIA ...

The Lost and “Found ID” Oddity in Terror Cases—Stupid or Sinister?
Post Date: 2015-02-03 06:14:52 by Ada
One intriguing—if barely discussed—aspect of the Paris massacre was the quick progress authorities made in their investigation. According to CNN, this was thanks to a staggering error—by one of the two now-dead alleged perpetrators. The man, Said Kouachi, reportedly left his identification card in the abandoned getaway vehicle. “It was their only mistake,” Dominique Rizet, police and justice consultant for CNN-affiliate BFMTV, opined. Click for Full Text!

Airline whistleblower solves 9/11 [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2015-02-02 18:45:43 by christine
The truth-seeking community – and the airline industry – are abuzz over Rebekah Roth’s new book Methodical Illusion. It’s poised to break into the top 1,000 worldwide, selling so fast that Amazon may even have tried to stop its rise to bestseller status by falsely claiming “sorry, out of stock.” We’ve seen this situation before…such as on September 8th, 2013, when the RT documentary 9/11 and Operation Gladio started to go viral and suddenly disappeared from search engines – as emails containing its url began falling into a big black hole in cyberspace. So what’s all the excitement about? Why would the people whose job is to “disable ...

Vicar investigated over ‘9/11 Israel did it’ posting
Post Date: 2015-02-01 09:40:41 by Artisan
Anglican cleric accused of anti-Semitism after Facebook posting giving credence to conspiracy theory blaming Israel for 9/11 Dr Sizer, who is a prominent campaigner against Israeli policy in Palestine, insisted that even though he strongly disagreed with many of the things others said, he was there as an “ambassador for reconciliation” The Rev Stephen Sizer Photo: stephensizer.com The Church of England is investigating a Surrey vicar accused of actively promoting claims that Israel was behind the September 11 terrorist attacks. The Rev Stephen Sizer, who has a long history of disputes with Jewish community leaders over blog postings voicing his strident views on Israel and ...

Field McConnell - Boeing Uninterruptible Auto Pilot Used On 9/11 Planes, Impossible To Hijack! [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2015-01-24 14:13:06 by Horse

Lawyer Says United, American Owe WTC Developer Billions
Post Date: 2015-01-16 07:16:02 by Tatarewicz
The developer rebuilding the World Trade Center in New York told a federal appeals court that he is entitled to recoup billions of dollars from two airlines, even though he has already collected USD$ 4 billion in insurance money for the September 11, 2001, attacks that destroyed the site. Lawyers for Larry Silverstein and his World Trade Center Properties urged the 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals in New York to overturn a lower court ruling barring him from pursuing damages against United Continental Holdings and American Airlines Group, whose planes crashed into the twin towers. But the airlines said the insurance money was more than enough to compensate Silverstein for the fair market ...

C’est La Guerre
Post Date: 2015-01-14 16:50:08 by BTP Holdings
"Crazy, this…" a friend, John Forde, writes from Paris. "Even the Charlie Hebdo survivors," referring to the sardonic magazine shot up by gunmen last week, "are a little baffled. One of the cartoonists was out the day of the shooting because he hates editorial meetings and says it sickens him. The magazine is getting loads of support after so many years of scorn. "Mimi [Jack's wife] got up early this morning to get one after some friends who are out of town asked her to pick up one for them, too. At 7:30 a.m., she came across one press kiosk after another that was already sold out. Some had a 'reservation' list for copies 50 or 100 names ...

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