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Are People Who Hate Conspiracy Theories Crazy?
Post Date: 2015-01-13 00:15:48 by Itistoolate
Are People Who Hate Conspiracy Theories Crazy? Or are they simply oblivious to what's going on around them? Immortal Technique is doing more to educate America’s youth than all our history teachers put together The New York Times just published six short op-eds collectively entitled “Are Conspiracy Theories All Bad?” Amazingly, they’re not ALL bad. (The articles, not the theories.) Amidst the claptrap from figures like 9/11 cover-up criminal Cass Sunstein and airhead “social psychologist” Karen Douglas, the Times features decent short essays by Annie Jacobsen, Timothy Melley and Harriet Washington. But the whole exercise begs the million ...

Scheurer on BBC: Ex-CIA defends CIA torture (09Dec14)
Post Date: 2014-12-11 14:28:37 by Deasy
Poster Comment:Questionable statements: 1) Obama stopped the program in 2008. 2) The procedures work.

9/11 is *my* litmus test
Post Date: 2014-12-08 20:53:45 by christine

9/11 terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui claims Saudi involvement
Post Date: 2014-11-19 08:01:40 by Ada
Saudis deny connection to 9/11 attacks, note 9/11 Commission said they weren't involved Lawyers for 9/11 families say Moussaoui gave "relevant" and "critical" information At Moussaoui's trial, a psychiatrist said he is schizophrenic New York Click for Full Text!

Transcending Media Manipulation 34 with Lenon Honor
Post Date: 2014-11-17 08:24:01 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
Transcending Media Manipulation 34 with Lenon Honor

The 9-11 Flag From Ground Zero Is Missing | Brad Meltzer
Post Date: 2014-11-10 01:44:35 by GreyLmist
You know the photo. On September 11, 2001, three firefighters raised an American flag above the rubble at Ground Zero. One hundred feet away, photographer Thomas Franklin snapped a shot for the Bergen Record that, a day later, would be seen around the world, providing a ray of hope in a moment of darkness. But guess what? Today, that famous flag is missing. And it's not the only piece of history that's been taken. Where'd the flag go? You can help us find out. It began with firefighter Dan McWilliams. He's the one who first saw the flag hanging from the back of a yacht docked near Ground Zero. It was McWilliams's idea to raise the flag on the flagpole. A simple and ...

cartoon fuels US-Israel tensions, feeds 9/11 conspiracy theories
Post Date: 2014-10-31 05:33:44 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... A new cartoon showing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was behind the 9/11 attacks has heightened the recent tensions between the United States and Israel. Israeli artist Amos Biderman drew the cartoon that shows Netanyahu was the pilot of an airplane that hit the World Trade Center in New York on September 11, 2001. Israel’s newspaper Haaretz published the controversial cartoon on Thursday. "The message is that Bibi [Netanyahu] is arrogantly and want only destroying Israel's ties with the US and leading us to a disaster on the scale of 9/11," Biderman said in a tweet in Hebrew. "It was certainly not my intention to insult or upset ...

Israel did 9/11 - ALL THE PROOF IN THE WORLD
Post Date: 2014-10-26 10:46:49 by Horse
Poster Comment:See this before it is taken down again. Too many photos to copy.

Mainstream journalists expose 9/11 hoax
Post Date: 2014-10-23 10:16:41 by christine
Several leading American mainstream journalists say that the US government is lying about 9/11 and the so-called war on terror. Unfortunately, media owners and editors won't let them report their findings. Recently, Seymour Hersh, America's top mainstream investigative reporter, broke the news that the US government's claim to have killed Osama Bin Laden on May 2nd, 2011 is “a big lie. There is not one word of truth in it.” Hersh went on to harshly criticize his long-time employer, the New York Times, and other big media outlets: “We lie about everything, lying has become the staple.” He said all big US media outlets should be shut down for lying to the ...

Very Encouraging. 4 out of 5 High Schoolers on a Bus have seen 'Loose Change' and know the U.S. Government was behind 9/11
Post Date: 2014-10-17 21:53:55 by Horse
I am sharing this story/information which is very encouraging to me. I believe people have to be willing to look at the truth in all matters to understand and be willing to give up their learned beliefs to understand the Truth of self. It begins with being willing to look at the truth of history and what this government has done. My daughter is a high school student. She rides a bus to and from school. During one of her bus rides, there were 5 students left on the bus and one began a conversation about what is happening in the U.S.. My daughter decided to ask in an off handed manner "Has anyone ever seen the video, 'Loose Change'?". She was shocked and amazed that 4 of ...

If the American people ever find out
Post Date: 2014-10-11 23:10:14 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
9 11 - Israel did it

Top 5 Strange 911 Coincidences
Post Date: 2014-10-01 18:37:41 by Itistoolate
Poster Comment:Can you think of others?

Obama Bombs Blind
Post Date: 2014-09-24 07:07:01 by Ada
Why Americans are still in the dark over the 9/11 Commission's view of the Saudis. By bombing ISIS units in Syria, the United States has turned a new page in its long-running conflict with the Arab world. I share the pessimism of those who predict the bombing won’t work, in which case this president or the next will come under intense pressure to commit ground troops in order to avoid a humiliating defeat. American allies in the region, who might be expected to contribute ground troops to the fight, have all refused—though jet planes from “several Arab allies” did strike targets in Syria. Presumably that’s an improvement over the Iraq invasion: the regional ...

Need a Job? classes in joining Homeland Secirity
Post Date: 2014-09-22 19:12:24 by Itistoolate
tinyurl.com/mau2vfc Poster Comment:you can also join the Mossad

Three Afghan soldiers reported missing from Cape Cod base
Post Date: 2014-09-22 08:41:02 by Jethro Tull
Three Afghan National Army soldiers are missing from a Cape Cod military base where they had been taking part in a training exercise. The Massachusetts National Guard reported that the three were reported missing by security personnel at Joint Base Cape Cod late Saturday, and said there is no indication that they pose a public threat. A statement identified the soldiers as Maj. Jan Mohammad Arash, Cpt. Mohammad Nasir Askarzada, and Cpt. Noorullah Aminyar. U.S. military officials told The Associated Press that the men arrived at Camp Edwards on Sept. 11 and were last seen at the Cape Cod Mall in Hyannis.-Snip Poster Comment:Just delightful. The three sand monkeys arrived here on 9/11 as ...

9-11 Attacks/C2C program summary
Post Date: 2014-09-22 05:06:07 by Tatarewicz
On the 13th anniversary of the 9-11 attacks, former professor of Mechanical Engineering at Clemson University, Dr. Judy Wood, appeared in the first half of the show, presenting evidence that the destruction of the WTC buildings was the result of directed energy technology. The Towers didn't collapse or burn up, they turned to dust in mid-air-- this is known because seismic charts don't indicate that the buildings slammed into the ground, she detailed. "There's no detectable S or P waves for any of the five events," which would be present in the case of a controlled demolition, she continued. In contrast to some involved in the '9-11 Truth' movement, Wood ...

WHAT REALLY IS THE MATRIX - the movie you didn´t see
Post Date: 2014-09-13 11:11:45 by Itistoolate

WCNY Minute : War of 1812 : Battle of Plattsburgh [September 11, 1814]
Post Date: 2014-09-11 20:59:26 by GreyLmist
From the Description section: The American victory at Plattsburgh stunned the British government, changing the course of the peace negotiations and the terms of the Treaty at Ghent. Imagine the result if the British had succeeded at Plattsburgh! Curiously, the Battles at Plattsburgh occurred on September 11th of 1814 Poster Comment:Actually, the Treaty of Ghent did nothing to settle issues that led to the war like the forced impressment/kidnapping of Americans into the service of a foriegn power. To this day Americans and our country are still being "impressed" into wars and serivitude for foreign systems of power: Neocons, Imperialists, Globalists, etc., etc., etc. ...

Americans Rethinking 9/11
Post Date: 2014-09-11 18:18:59 by christine
Did you know that a 3rd building fell on 9-11? That bill board is today over Times Square. It was placed there through donations to a campaign called Rethink 9/11. In fact, that group has placed posters and signs across the world, from Australia, to Canada, from San Francisco to right here in New York City. So what is Rethink 9/11? Wouldn’t only a fringe group of people would still question 9/11? Perhaps not, because today we will tell you about new polling that shows a majority of those polled either question the official 9/11 story or don’t believe it at all. Is that possible? The first step toward truth, is to be informed. Here in New York City, today at the site of the ...

"Dancing Israelis" Arrested On 9/11 Later Sued The Govt, But Lost Their Case
Post Date: 2014-09-11 10:45:29 by Artisan
In 2004, four of the infamous "Dancing Israelis" filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against Attorney General John Ashcroft and wardens of the Federal Bureau of Prisons. They claimed that their detention was illegal and that their civil rights were violated, suffering racial slurs, physical violence, religious discrimination, rough interrogations, deprivation of sleep, and many other offenses. The lawsuit also stated "As Israelis and as Jews, plaintiffs themselves are sworn enemies of al-Qaida and Osama bin Laden." Their lawyer announced "the law suit will serve as an important public forum to debunk the lie that Israel or the Mossad was behind the 9/11 terrorist ...

Karen Kwiatkowski: The US Government Has Lost Credibility at Home and Abroad After 9/11
Post Date: 2014-09-11 08:17:26 by Ada
According to Karen Kwiatkowski, the United States government is being seen by millions of people across the world as an emperor with no clothes, and its military adventures, especially following the September 11, 2001 events under the umbrella of War on Terror, have reduced its credibility to a great extent. “As time passes, more and more people around the world are willing to look at the facts of 9/11, and increasingly they see major flaws and omissions in the US government’s narrative. This situation simply adds to a generalized lack of credibility of the US government, at home and abroad,” she said. As we approach the 13th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks after which the ...

Elliot In The Morning: Erik Nelson (9/10: The Final Hours)
Post Date: 2014-09-10 20:26:50 by GreyLmist
16.5 min. interview of Erik Nelson, who made the retrospective documentary, "9/10: THE FINAL HOURS": Documentary Description: 9/10: THE FINAL HOURS takes us moment by moment through the day before everything changed, before the “war on terror” became a part of the world's everyday vernacular. We'll hear from those who worked inside the World Trade Center, whose snap decisions resulted in narrow misses of the attack, as well as men and women who confronted the terrorist mastermind of the operation, Mohamed Atta, during his sudden — and still unexplained — detour to Portland, Maine. http://channel.nationalgeographic.com...Poster Comment:Waving Hi to ...

9/11: A Conspiracy Theory
Post Date: 2014-09-10 19:21:51 by Horse

Why’s This Clock Set To 9:11 Here? 9/11 Eve 2014 – Countdown To ISIS False Flag? Don’t Be Fooled Again, America!
Post Date: 2014-09-10 09:33:53 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
Why’s This Clock Set To 9:11 Here? 9/11 Eve 2014 – Countdown To ISIS False Flag? Don’t Be Fooled Again, America! With major police drill Urban Shield 2014 just concluding in California, Red Pill Revolution warns us not to be fooled again as we arrive at 9/11 eve. Is it only a coincidence that the clock on the Urban Shield 2014 website is set to 9:11? With a Washington DC based military contractor called ISIS specializing in exercises and ROLE PLAYING (yes, you can ask them right here!), we have to wonder, is an ISIS false flag attack on America set for 9/11? If ‘ISIS’ does attack, will America fall for it once again?

Lonely sentinels keep watch over ill-fated 9/11 trial
Post Date: 2014-09-10 07:33:25 by Tatarewicz
. Rita Lasar, left, and Debra Burlingame, right, both lost brothers in the Sept. 11 attacks. The women are worlds apart politically but share a fascination with the trial of the accused attackers. On a May morning more than two years ago, Rita Lasar and Debra Burlingame waited in silence as the lights dimmed in a movie theater on an Army base deep in Brooklyn, N.Y. The hundreds of seats in the Fort Hamilton theater are, on other occasions, filled with soldiers and their families watching blockbusters. But today, the nearly empty theater has been repurposed to show close family members of 9/11 victims the opening day of the long-awaited trial of the five men accused of masterminding the ...

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