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9/11 terror attacks ‘contrived event’ by US, Israel: Journalist
Post Date: 2014-09-09 03:10:51 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... An American journalist says former al-Qaeda leader “Osama bin Laden was not involved” in the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States. He said the 9/11 terrorist attacks were a “contrived event” secretly executed by neoconservatives in the Pentagon in cooperation with US and Israeli intelligence agencies. “9/11 was a contrived event involving collusion between the CIA, the neocons in the Department of Defense and the Mossad,” said James Henry Fetzer, an editor at Veterans Today and co-founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth. The retired professor from Madison, Wisconsin said reports that the CIA tortured al-Qaeda suspects close to the point of ...

911 Basics Ignored by Jonestown and Mass Media
Post Date: 2014-09-09 00:05:58 by Horse

9/11: The Shocking Truth Laid Bare (Israel did it.)
Post Date: 2014-09-08 21:04:10 by Horse
Poster Comment:Too many images to copy. This is a great one. Please go to source to read it.

UPDATE: Petition To Put 9/11 Probe On NYC Ballot Jumps Big Hurdle
Post Date: 2014-09-08 06:11:33 by Ada
A group that wants New York City voters to authorize a new investigation into the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 on 9/11 won a significant victory this week. The City of New York conceded that the High-Rise Safety Initiative has enough signatures to qualify its petition for an investigation of all high-rise building collapses since the 9/11 attacks. Any credible inquiry would include WTC Building 7. (For our earlier story on the initiative, please click here) The victory comes as part of a trial which started last month. The High-Rise Safety Initiative sued to overturn the City’s determination that not enough of the signatures it collected were bona fide, and that the ...

Neocons confess: "We did 9/11-anthrax"
Post Date: 2014-09-06 03:38:41 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... As the 13th anniversary of the crimes of September, 2001 approaches, the neoconservatives are shrieking from the rooftops – and effectively confessing that they were the real perpetrators of the 9/11-Anthrax false flag operation. (The neocons, you may recall, openly called for a "new Pearl Harbor" in September, 2000 – and got one exactly one year later.) Every year at this time, the neocons orchestrate and hype a series of public relations stunts designed to magnify fears of "radical Islam" and reinforce their crumbling 9/11-Anthrax cover story. But this year's propaganda campaign is so extreme that it represents a tacit confession: The neocons ...

9/11 is a chicken bone in the American throat How long will it take you to wake up? Will you ever wake up? Is it no longer possible for the world to awaken
Post Date: 2014-09-05 12:41:19 by Itistoolate
9/11 is a chicken bone in the American throat How long will it take you to wake up? Will you ever wake up? Is it no longer possible for the world to awaken Clay Douglas & John Kaminski July 14, 2014 9:00 AM

Ron Paul on 9/11: “I Believe That If We Ever Get The Full Truth, We’ll Find Out That Our Government Had It In The Records Exactly What The Plans Were, Or At Least Close To It”
Post Date: 2014-09-05 08:33:40 by Ada
Background: Overwhelming evidence shows that 9/11 was foreseeable. Indeed, Al Qaeda crashing planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon was itself foreseeable. And see this. No wonder the movement to declassify 9/11 information is gaining momentum. Click for Full Text!

9/11 False Flag Operation: HUGE Tipping Point As State-Sponsored Terrorism Is Exposed
Post Date: 2014-09-04 01:09:51 by christine
State Actors That Staged 9/11 Terrorist Attacks Disclosed, Plot Revealed, Justice Inevitable State of the Nation “The synthetic terror fabricated on September 11, 2001 is like a boomerang fashioned as a double-edged samurai sword. Just as the manufactured War On Terror has since produced ‘death by a thousand cuts’ in those countries targeted by the real Axis of Evil, the karmic boomerang will now return to those state actors who launched the 9/11 false flag operation .” – State of the Nation After thirteen long years of one revelation after another, it has now been established that the 9/11 terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington DC were perpetrated by ...

Anatomy of a Great Deception (Video)
Post Date: 2014-09-02 10:21:47 by christine

The Legend of 911 — 13 Years On
Post Date: 2014-08-31 18:10:38 by Horse
Poster Comment:Great video. Info even I have not seen.

Did Certain Foreign Governments Facilitate the 9/11 Attacks?
Post Date: 2014-08-29 08:04:59 by Ada
– and why is the US government keeping the evidence a secret? Some thirteen years after the event, the shadow of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in Manhattan and the Pentagon still darkens our world. The legacy of that terrible day has impacted not only our foreign policy, bequeathing to a new generation an apparently endless "war on terrorism," it also has led directly to what is arguably the most massive assault on our civil liberties since the Alien and Sedition Acts. Getting all the information about what happened that day – and why it happened – is key to understanding the course we have taken since. This was supposed to have been the ...

Putting A 9/11 Mystery On The Ballot
Post Date: 2014-08-18 11:12:29 by Ada
123I was standing blocks from Building 7 of the World Trade Center complex and staring directly at it when it collapsed. Working for the Los Angeles Times, I arrived that morning just in time to see an enormous cloud of dust and people running away. I had not yet known of the rapid and deadly descent of the South and North towers. That afternoon, I called in a series of reports to a staffer in the New York bureau. I was literally on the phone with the office at 5:21 p.m., describing the fires burning in the structure as the building began—and completed— its remarkably fast, smooth descent to the ground. I described the building neatly pancaking, and the Pulitzer Prize winner ...

Captain Philip Marshall Dead
Post Date: 2014-08-18 01:34:55 by Itistoolate
Captain Philip Marshall Dead Conspiracy, Murder or Suicide

The Walls Are Crumbling Down Around 9/11; Why?
Post Date: 2014-08-07 23:34:24 by James Deffenbach
An absolutely monumental shift is in process that most have not recognized yet. The truth, or at least some truth, is about to be shown to the American masses about 9/11. I say American masses because everywhere I’ve gone in the world outside of the United States, with few exceptions, almost everyone knows that the U.S. government conspiracy theory on 9/11 is for people with tinfoil hats who are either completely zombified or are under mass hypnosis. Most of the rest of the world looks on the U.S. like “The Truman Show” and can’t believe how many people in the show don’t realize it’s not real. Before we delve into what is about to happen, let’s just take ...

American Blackout (National Geographic)
Post Date: 2014-08-03 20:33:41 by Jethro Tull
Poster Comment:They're starting to show their hand. Time to get ready for an extended stay at home.

Nuke Cancer from 9/11 Revealed
Post Date: 2014-08-03 11:32:43 by Southern Style
Nuke Cancer from 9/11 Revealed Posted by: TLB Staff Published July 26, 2014, filed under GOVERNMENT, Tyranny By Gordon Duff and Press TVA new and terrifying 9/11 conspiracy has hit the news. We are now confronted, not only with startling proof that 9/11 was a “nuclear event,” but that there have been thousands of unreported deaths in New York, radiation cancers and nearly 70,000 being kept alive with experimental stem cell therapy and physically devastating “chemo.” One of the biggest medical cover-ups in history was exposed this week when Wall Street brokers suffering from cancer after 9/11 made the news. While telling their story, the New York Post revealed that 70,0 ...

C-SPAN Gives Richard Gage the Stage to Share 9/11 False Flag EVIDENCE With Millions
Post Date: 2014-08-02 21:43:24 by christine

Architects And Engineers For 9/11 Truth Answers Callers Questions On C-SPAN!
Post Date: 2014-08-01 15:33:10 by Horse

Good 9/11 Article
Post Date: 2014-07-26 14:18:03 by Lod
rt.com/usa/911-attack-job/Poster Comment:I haven't read it all, but this promises to be a good series of deconstruction of the official fable.

9/11 Commission: 10th Anniversary of a Bootlicking National Disgrace
Post Date: 2014-07-24 05:35:07 by Ada
Ten years ago, the 9/11 Commission released its report on the challenges to the nation. Tom Kean and Lee Hamilton, the chairman and vice chairman of the commission, have a platitude-laden piece this morning in USA Today: “The “generational challenge” against terrorism we anticipated 10 years ago has entered a new and dangerous phase. America cannot afford to let down its guard.” But the 9/11 Commission let down its guard for the American people long before they issued their final report. The commissioners were content to be deceived by the Pentagon, CIA, and other federal agencies. When their inquiries were stonewalled, they groveled like lapdogs – vindicating the ...

Classic WHO: FBI knew about 9/11 Saudi hijacker but lied about it to protect national security
Post Date: 2014-07-22 17:29:34 by Ada
Here’s one of our most popular—and explosive—pieces of original reporting, which we first ran in June 2013. AndyBushThe FBI apparently has known for a decade about links between powerful Saudi interests and the alleged 9/11 hijackers, and has been forced to tacitly admit that it lied about it for all of these years. In case the import is not clear, let us state emphatically: this is a huge development. *** In court filings seeking to stave off a media Freedom of Information request, the FBI has stated that releasing documents relating to this issue will harm “national security.” As proof of the sensitivity of the matter, the FBI gave the judge a document dated ...

It is hard to believe but there are actually four different versions still on you tube
Post Date: 2014-07-21 15:25:45 by Itistoolate
tinyurl.com/9yus2vg tinyurl.com/q78zr6e tinyurl.com/pn83mj6 tinyurl.com/ptj7aks

Rebel leader gives bizarre account of plane crash ("a significant number of the bodies weren't fresh")
Post Date: 2014-07-18 17:15:24 by Jethro Tull
Video herePoster Comment:A top pro-Russia rebel commander in eastern Ukraine has given a bizarre version of events surrounding the Malaysian jetliner crash — suggesting many of the victims may have died days before the plane took off. The pro-rebel website Russkaya Vesna on Friday quoted Igor Girkin as saying he was told by people at the crash site that "a significant number of the bodies weren't fresh," adding that he was told they were drained of blood and reeked of decomposition. The Malaysia Airlines Boeing-777 was shot down Thursday, killing all 298 people aboard. The plane was flying 10,000 meters above an area where Ukrainian forces have been fighting separatist ...

3 Congressmen Call for Release of Secret 9/11 Documents After Reading Them
Post Date: 2014-07-17 22:34:01 by Itistoolate
All of the Chairs of the 9/11 Commission and the Congressional Investigation Into 9/11 Say It’s “Implausible” that the 9/11 Hijackers Acted Without Government Backing Congressman Thomas Massie read the 28 classified pages of the Joint Intelligence Committee Inquiry into 9/11 (the joint Senate and House investigation into 9/11) and immediately called for them to be released to the public: By way of background, the former Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, outside adviser to the CIA, and Co-Chair of the congressional investigation into 9/11 – Bob Graham – says: I have personally talked to the other cochair of the Congressional Joint Inquiry, a man who ...

Careless background checks may lead to dangerous living conditions (For Amnesty Kida)
Post Date: 2014-07-17 12:21:45 by Horse
While much of the focus in the illegal immigrant surge has been on border security, the federal government does a poor job of ensuring relatives who claim children who enter the U.S. illegally are giving them the care they need, according to internal audits that suggest problems remain despite years of warnings. The Obama administration says its priority is to make sure the children get a fair hearing and protections to which they are entitled — but the recent surge has so overwhelmed officials that they are cutting corners in background checks, meaning some children are turned over to parents who cannot provide for them or, in the worst of cases, could be endangering them. One ...

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