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9 11 Fake Video Stars: The J Star Clones – Why Covert Operation’s Cointel Must Have ‘Fake’ Video and ‘No Planes’ [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2013-05-05 20:49:50 by Original_Intent
9 11 Fake Video Stars: The J Star Clones – Why Covert Operation’s Cointel Must Have ‘Fake’ Video and ‘No Planes’ US Government Problem: Video of the planes needed to actually fly into the WTCs are readily available to the public. US Government Solution: Promote the Videos as ‘fake’ based on ‘pixel’ BS – This solves the ‘evidence’ problem while never noting that the planes are NOT commercial airliners – which are not structurally capable of performing the tasks and look nothing like the photographic proof that commercial airliners are ‘not in the picture’ and US Government Military Planes are ‘in ...

Important 9/11 Investigation Reveals Undeniable Truth
Post Date: 2013-05-02 00:00:09 by christine
Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:I have not watched this yet, but I plan to. It looks very good.

Need examples of 'false-flag terror' for a 13 year old new to the topic
Post Date: 2013-04-28 14:54:11 by Artisan
WHat would you suggest as the best examples or resources (videos, links, etc whatever) to explain general govt crruption and false flag terror to a 13 year old kid.? I am gonna include Pearl Harbor JFK gulf of tonkin OKC Waco 911 7/7/7? govt sterilizing people govt poisoning people govt murdering people (waco. kent state, .... what else?? it all started with discussion of boston event but then a fundamental lack of understanding is present in both the kid and his parents, so i want to do it right. a thorough treatise, if you will. Any suggestions /topics are welcomed Thanks!

NY Police Commissioner Ray Kelly: "All Terrorism Is Theater"
Post Date: 2013-04-27 14:26:37 by Artisan
New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, in a recent TV interview discussing the Boston bombings, affirmed what false-flag aficionados have known for years: that "all terrorism is theater"...At 5:13 of this clip when Kelly refers to the "bombs that were used in Boston," it sounds as if he says "the bombs that WE used in Boston." Ron Dermer, a top aide to the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu, sees the Boston bombing as a "big boost" that is going to make the average American more pro-Israel and even more eager to increase aid to them." Netanyahu himself previous said that the 9/11 terror attacks were good for Israel, ...

They hid 9/11 planes landing gear between 2 buildings [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2013-04-26 17:29:58 by PSUSA2
Flippin thru the channels and saw this. The "no planes it was all a holograph truthseekers" were getting a little too close to the truth for the PTBs comfort. So, "they" stashed it between 2 buildings. Carry on.

Vandalism At San Jose PG&E Substation Called ‘Sabotage’
Post Date: 2013-04-20 06:22:42 by GreyLmist
[Pic: The scene of a shooting and oil spill at a San Jose PG&E substation on April 16, 2013. (CBS)] SAN JOSE (CBS SF) - In apparent acts of “sabotage” in the South Bay early Tuesday, someone cut fiber optic cables, knocking out some 911 service, and then fired a rifle at a PG&E substation, Santa Clara County’s sheriff said. The vandal’s objective appears to have been “shutting down the system,” Sheriff Laurie Smith said at a news conference at the substation Tuesday afternoon. “We don’t have a suspect,” she said. “It seems like the same perpetrator or perpetrators to me.” [Video: $250,000 reward offered for info leading to ...

One of our listeners from West, Texas sent this video in.
Post Date: 2013-04-19 01:45:34 by purplerose
I watched this video twice. I've been reading that perhaps a missle hit this fertilizer plant causing such major damage to the area in West, Texas. Is that possible?

A picture of the Boston bomb (AP)
Post Date: 2013-04-17 08:45:07 by Jethro Tull
Poster Comment:"If you see something, say something." Can anyone tell me how this was missed by the multiple layers of law enforcement that was present at the marathon?

Family Guy boston bombing
Post Date: 2013-04-16 23:58:23 by RickyJ
Watch it while you can. it won't be up long. I have downloaded it.

A Kangaroo Court at Last
Post Date: 2013-04-16 08:11:33 by Ada
Defense attorneys spied on, files missing, emails accessed – what next? Kangaroo Court: 1.) a mock court in which the principles of law and justice are disregarded or perverted For years, activists have been referring to the military tribunal system at Guantanamo Bay as a “kangaroo court.” Evidence pouring in from the island compound and from the U.S Military Commissions office in Washington indicate this invective may have finally found its mark. Why? For one, the government admitted last week that “hundreds of thousands” of defense lawyers’ emails were turned over to the prosecution, ostensibly “by accident.” This, after it was reported a day ...

Whatever the US Government Is Planning, It Is Already Practicing
Post Date: 2013-03-11 09:25:35 by Ada
One thing we have learned since 9-11 is that government agencies practice whatever schemes they have in mind before they occur. Take for instance the events that took place prior to the attack on the Twin Towers in New York on 9-11-2001. The US Marines already had a biological response team named "America’s 911 Response Force," a name for this military unit that was coined a year prior to the events that unfolded on 9-11-2001. This same unit of 350 US Marines practiced handling a crisis on the streets of New York City on September 11, 1998. The drill even included handling the unexpected collapse of the World Trade Center towers. Believe it or not, this US Marine force even ...

Cheney Admits that He Lied about 9/11
Post Date: 2013-03-09 10:59:22 by Ada
What Else Did He Lie About? The New York Times’ Maureen Dowd writes today: In a documentary soon to appear on Showtime, “The World According to Dick Cheney,” [Cheney said] “I got on the telephone with the president, who was in Florida, and told him not to be at one location where we could both be taken out.” Mr. Cheney kept W. flying aimlessly in the air on 9/11 while he and Lynn left on a helicopter for a secure undisclosed location, leaving Washington in a bleak, scared silence, with no one reassuring the nation in those first terrifying hours. “I gave the instructions that we’d authorize our pilots to take it out,” he says, referring to the jet ...

Saudi Royal Ties to 9/11 hijackers via Saudi Family
Post Date: 2013-03-03 18:29:19 by Ada
WhoWhatWhy has found evidence linking the Saudi royal family to Saudis in South Florida who reportedly had direct contact with the 9/11 hijackers before fleeing the United States just prior to the attacks. Our report connects some of the dots first laid out by investigative author Anthony Summers and Florida-based journalist Dan Christensen in articles jointly published in the Miami Herald and on the nonprofit news site BrowardBulldog.org. In early September of this year, Summers and Christensen reported that a secret FBI probe, never shared with Congressional investigators or the presidential 9/11 commission, had uncovered information indicating the possibility of support for the ...

Post Date: 2013-02-18 13:27:53 by Lysander_Spooner
www.economicpolicyjournal...readers-digest-files-for- ">www.economicpolicyjournal...readers-digest-files-for- bankruptcy.html ROTFLMAO......EFF Readers Digest and their BS "PANCAKE" Theory of 911, they were POS, and always were just another arm of the USSA GUNverment.

Symbol of French Republic defaced in art attack [ 9/11 related]
Post Date: 2013-02-09 02:57:15 by scrapper2
(Reuters) - A woman has defaced Eugene Delacroix's painting "Liberty Leading the People" with a black marker as it hung in an outpost of the Louvre gallery in northern France. Police arrested a 28-year-old woman on Thursday for writing "AE911" across the bottom of a painting so closely identified with the French Republic that its image once graced the 100-franc note and it has been reproduced on postage stamps. Painted in 1830, the work was on loan from the main Louvre in Paris to the new Louvre-Lens gallery in northern France inaugurated last December by President Francois Hollande. "AE911Truth" is the name of a website called "Architects & ...

Maj Gen Albert Stubblebine - The Lies Of 9/11
Post Date: 2013-02-06 21:42:11 by Southern Style
Maj Gen Albert Stubblebine will be on Rense tonight to discuss the lies of 9/11.

Former pilot and 9/11 conspiracy theorist shoots and kills 2 teen children, then himself [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2013-02-05 21:53:12 by wudidiz
Former pilot and 9/11 conspiracy theorist shoots and kills 2 teen children, then himselfXeni Jardin at 6:41 pm Mon, Feb 4 Slaying victims Alex and Macaila Marshall with their father, Phillip Marshall. Phillip (alternately, "Philip") Marshall, 54, a career airline pilot who claimed to have once served as a contract pilot for the CIA and DEA during the Iran-Contra affair, shot and killed his two teenage children, and the family dog, then killed himself. The apparent murder-suicide was discovered at the family home in an upscale gated golfing community in Murphys, California. According to local news reports, teen friends of Alex Marshall, 17 (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), and ...

9/11 Commissioners Slam Blatant Obstruction of Justice
Post Date: 2013-02-02 09:49:24 by tom007
9/11 Commissioners Slam Blatant Obstruction of Justice The 9/11 Commissioners publicly expressed anger at cover ups and obstructions of justice by the government into a real 9/11 investigation: The Commission’s co-chairs said that the CIA (and likely the White House) “obstructed our investigation” 9/11 Commissioner Bob Kerrey said that “There are ample reasons to suspect that there may be some alternative to what we outlined in our version . . . We didn’t have access . . . .” 9/11 Commissioner Timothy Roemer said “We were extremely frustrated with the false statements we were getting” 9/11 Commissioner Max Cleland resigned from the Commission, ...

9/11 Military Trial Judge - Like 9/11 Commission - Frustrated by Government Shenanigans
Post Date: 2013-01-31 19:41:48 by tom007
9/11 Military Trial Judge - Like 9/11 Commission - Frustrated by Government Shenanigans George Washington's picture Submitted by George Washington on 01/31/2013 13:53 -0500 FBI Florida MSNBC NBC New York Times Testimony White House Huffington Post reports: A judge expressed frustration on Monday that an unknown U.S. government entity censored his courtroom audiovisual feed, cutting public access to pretrial hearings for five accused Sept. 11 plotters. “If some external body is turning the commission on or off based on their own views of what things ought to be, with no reasonable explanation … then we’re going to have a little meeting about who turns that light on ...

'Zero Dark Thirty' Is Osama bin Laden's Last Victory Over America
Post Date: 2013-01-27 14:55:15 by tom007
'Zero Dark Thirty' Is Osama bin Laden's Last Victory Over America POSTED: January 16, 1:26 PM ET Comment 568 Zero Dark Thirty Christopher Stanley, Jessica Chastain, and Alex Corbet Burcher in Zero Dark Thirty. Columbia Pictures I went to see Zero Dark Thirty this weekend with great anticipation. I've always loved Kathryn Bigelow's movies – I'm a fan to an almost embarrassing degree. Like most people I liked the Busey-Keanu surf-and-bromance film Point Break, but I also loved the The Weight of Water, as well as Strange Days, The Widowmaker… Bigelow's movies are visually engrossing, innovative and smart, and I couldn't wait to see what she did with ...

POWERFUL: Belgian MP Exposes War on Terror Lie and 9/11 False Flag
Post Date: 2013-01-26 20:48:45 by christine
On January the 17th, 32-year-old Belgium MP Laurent Louis, considered one of the most controversial and demonized national political figures, delivered the most powerful truth ever told in a political arena. First, he explained why he voted against the Belgian support to war in Mali, that it was based on lies and rooted in neo-colonialism. Then he expressed his disgust and wrath against the criminal foreign policies of the Western elite and its submission to foreign financial and interests groups, before scolding his colleagues who voted for interventionist war with “fuck you’s”. Finally, he says that the war on terror is a lie and that 9/11 was a false flag to justify ...

Rogue CIA elements responsible for Swartz death: Gordon Duff
Post Date: 2013-01-20 00:48:39 by tom007
Rogue CIA elements responsible for Swartz death: Gordon Duff Sat Jan 19, 2013 6:52PM GMT 11 69 94 Download | Embed “There is no coverage in the mainstream media at all and we have found no possible excuse to this death…. We believe rogue elements within the Central Intelligence Agency are responsible.” US analyst, Gordon Duff Related Interviews: 'CIA responsible for Swartz murder' An American analyst says the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is responsible for the recent murder of the American dissident blogger Aaron Swartz, Press TV reports. “There is no coverage in the mainstream media at all and we have found no possible excuse to this death…. ...

"Leaked" ? Video Cruise Missile Hits Pentagram
Post Date: 2013-01-16 07:50:44 by noone222
Poster Comment:Don't ask me where it came from ... but it was the first time I'd seen it.

Docs Indicate FBI Knew Terrorist Anwar al-Aulaqi Purchased Airline Tickets for 9/11 Hijackers
Post Date: 2013-01-05 18:20:17 by scrapper2
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it has received documents from the U.S. State Department indicating that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was aware on September 27, 2001, that Anwar al-Aulaqi, the U.S. born terrorist assassinated by a U.S. drone in Yemen on September 30, 2011, had purchased airplane tickets for three of the 9/11 terrorist hijackers, including mastermind Mohammed Atta. Subsequent to the FBI’s discovery, al-Aulaqi was detained and released by authorities at least twice and had been invited to dine at the Pentagon. According to a September 27, 2001, FBI transcription, obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit ...

Building 7
Post Date: 2013-01-05 02:08:57 by farmfriend
I had not seen this video before. The first half is the BBC gal that we have all seen but at 1:40 starts the new video. What do you think?

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