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Richard Gage New 10-minute Showcase Video
Post Date: 2013-01-03 00:12:22 by Horse

Prominent libertarian Thomas DiLorenzo voices support for 9/11 truth
Post Date: 2012-12-26 17:43:39 by Artisan
This article has set a long time in the rafters but I finally had time to compile a relevant account of the following matter, which should be of interest to free-market types, conspiracy researchers, 9/11 truthers, and liberty-minded folks of all stripes. On April 6, 2012, economist Thomas DiLorenzo was a guest on Dr. Kevin Barrett's radio show on AmericanFreedomRadio.com [The hour-long DiLorenzo interview begins in the 2nd hour of the 2-hour MP3 here.] Dr. DiLorenzo needs no introduction to the liberty-oriented audience, but here are some links: Wikipedia Media Feed for Thomas J. DiLorenzo -Ludwig Von Mises Institute DiLorenzo's LewRockwell Archives Dr. Kevin Barrett made ...

Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World [Paperback] [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2012-12-25 11:33:05 by tom007
6 Star Starting Point for National Counterintelligence Outing of Zionist Traitors in US Government and Industry April 29, 2012 By Robert David STEELE Vivas HALL OF FAMETOP 500 REVIEWER Format:Paperback I hate electronic books for many reasons, including being an old guy that still thinks in hand - eye - brain terms, so let me start by saying this is the first e-book that for me has been a pleasure to read. Plenty of white space, clearly separated chapter, a great inter-spersal of photographs, and finally -- my most important touch point -- really superb sources at the end of each chapter, with many of them actively linked. As the #1 Amazon reviewer for non-fiction, reading in 98 ...

Flight 93 disinfo posted outside government toilets in Pennsylvania
Post Date: 2012-12-17 19:13:57 by Artisan
http://libertyfight.com/2012/flight_93_propaganda_posted_outside_public_commodes_in_PA.htmlOff Interstate 76 in Pennsylvania is a 'service plaza' with restrooms, a few food joints and fuel pumps. What makes the otherwise mundane rest area unique is a giant plaque commemorating Flight 93. The plaque includes the absurd government narrative of United Airlines Flight 93, which purportedly was taken over by four Muslim fanatics who, armed with nothing more than boxcutters, managed to outwit and overpower the crew and forty passengers before the passengers revolted and fought back. The plaque includes the long-disproven claim that passengers learned of the attack through "phone ...

Alex Jones Compars Judy Wood 911 Analysis to "Space Beams" [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2012-12-01 09:57:34 by abraxas

Post Date: 2012-11-28 15:25:42 by Ada
It is so amusing to see mainstream commentators condemning Egypt’s president, Mohamed Morsi, for assuming dictatorial powers. Their critiques are well-taken, as I observed in my blog post of yesterday, “Morsi’s Democratic Dictatorship.” But what’s amusing about the mainstreamers is how they can so quickly identify and condemn dictatorial conduct on the part of foreign rulers but maintain an absolutely obsequious blind spot when it comes to the dictatorial actions by their own ruler. Recall President Bush’s assumption of dictatorial powers after the 9/11 attacks. Those powers included the authority to arrest Americans without warrants, cart them away to ...

911 and Thermite, The official Conspiracy Theory? [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2012-11-23 15:54:13 by GreyLmist
From the Description Section: Thermite does not turn steel to dust. Thermite does create a lot of flames. Each tower weighed 500,000 tons, no-one has seen anything like the quantity of flames that thermite would have created. Many more anomalies too. Burned out vehicles alongside unburnt paper (a lot of it) left intact. [sic] Thermite is simply Aluminium and Iron Oxide, two substances which were in great quantity in the Towers. Poster Comment:Jones' Thermite Theory evidently not published as peer reviewed.

Sibel Edmonds’s Secrets
Post Date: 2012-11-23 08:21:54 by Ada
Classified Woman: The Sibel Edmonds Story, Sibel D. Edmonds, 352 pages Sibel Edmonds is no stranger to longtime TAC readers. I wrote an article exploring some of her claims back in January 2008, a blog item in August 2009, and Kara Hopkins and I did an interview with her for the November 2009 issue of the magazine. It was featured on the cover as “Who’s Afraid of Sibel Edmonds?” Edmonds has recently written a book entitled Classified Woman detailing her journey from FBI translator to whistleblower, finally emerging as an outspoken advocate of free speech and transparency in government through her founding of the National Security Whistleblowers’ Coalition and her ...

the 9/11 video that was aired once and never aired again
Post Date: 2012-11-21 16:06:54 by Itistoolate

This might be the best 9/11 documentary I have seen. It connects the dots and answers many questions I've had for years. Definitely worth 45 min time expenditure.
Post Date: 2012-11-20 00:11:22 by christine

911 Dr Judy Wood Presentation Part 2
Post Date: 2012-11-18 00:23:20 by Horse

911 Dr Judy Wood Presentation Part 1
Post Date: 2012-11-17 23:36:24 by Horse

911 What Happened - Not How It Happened - Dr Judy Wood [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2012-11-16 10:10:44 by Horse

VIDEO: North Tower Exploding
Post Date: 2012-11-13 14:18:33 by wakeup

Suspect: AMEC, ... did renovations to Pentagon, WTC b.7
Post Date: 2012-11-12 05:16:02 by GreyLmist
On its own Web site, AMEC, a London-based military contractor, announces it was contracted to fortify the West wing of the Pentagon and to clean up the wreckage at both the Pentagon and Silverstein's WTC. http://www.amec.com/earthandenvironmental/...asp?pageid=1107 Emergency Response/Cleanup – World Trade Center At the World Trade Center, AMEC’s around-the-clock activities began hours after the attacks and included strategic and logistical planning, debris-removal management, health and safety planning, environmental monitoring and testing, data management and daily interaction with federal, state and local emergency and regulatory agencies. And from Portland Independent ...

A Brief Summary: WTC Destruction & High Temperature Aftermath: ONLY Nuclear Bombs and the China Syndrome Fit All the Evidence [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2012-11-03 10:28:04 by wudidiz
Thursday, October 23, 2008 A Brief Summary: WTC Destruction & High Temperature Aftermath: ONLY Nuclear Bombs and the China Syndrome Fit All the Evidence NOTE: PLEASE DISSEMINATE THIS DEFINITIVE SUMMARY ON THE NUKING OF THE WTC AS WIDELY AS POSSIBLE!by The Anonymous PhysicistIn attempting to ascertain what caused the destruction of the WTC on 9/11/01, and the great heat and molten metal observed for up to six months afterward, one must account for ALL the phenomena involved in WTC destruction, and the aftermath-- and not just one or two factors. Only nuclear bombs and the resulting China Syndrome can account for ALL phenomena observed. The overview and numerous supporting ...

9/11 - North Tower Spire Disintegrating - Different Angles
Post Date: 2012-11-01 12:53:20 by wudidiz

Mini-Neutron Bombs: A Major Piece of the 9/11 Puzzle [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2012-10-30 10:32:57 by wudidiz
Mini-Neutron Bombs: A Major Piece of the 9/11 Puzzle by Don Fox, Clare Kuehn, Jeff Prager, Jim Viken and Dr. Ed Ward (with Dennis Cimino and Jim Fetzer)   There are a half-dozen or more theories about how the Twin Towers were destroyed, where, as The Vancouver Hearings have established, the “official account”–that the buildings collapsed, due to the intense heat of the jet-fuel based fires, which caused the steel to lose its strength and lead to a cascade of floors falling upon one another–is the least defensible and most effortlessly refuted of them all.   Here I am going to summarize the evidence for each and explain why the most defensible and difficult to ...

9/11 Anthology - No Planes and Media Fakery Research +
Post Date: 2012-10-29 15:05:23 by GreyLmist
9/11 Anthology - No Planes and Media Fakery Research + Currently 57 short videos. Duration in Play all format: 3:55:31.

Mitt Romney Originally Planned to be in NYC on 9/11
Post Date: 2012-10-27 21:14:19 by tom007
Mitt Romney Originally Planned to be in NYC on 9/11 10 Did Benjamin “9/11 is very good” Netanyahu warn his friend Mitt Romney to stay away from Ground Zero on 9/11? Change of Schedule Saved Mitt Romney From Being Near the World Trade Center on 9/11 -Shoestring 9/11 blog Mitt Romney, the Republican presidential candidate, was originally going to be at a public event near the World Trade Center on the morning of September 11, 2001, but a late change to his plans meant the event was rescheduled and he was out of harm’s way when the 9/11 attacks occurred. Romney is therefore one of a number of prominent individuals known to have avoided danger–and possible death–due ...

Occupy AIPAC Speaker Says Jews Behind 9/11
Post Date: 2012-10-21 20:50:47 by Itistoolate
Saturday, 20 October 2012 Occupy AIPAC Speaker Says Jews Behind 9/11 .  by Ben Shapiro One of the speakers at Occupy AIPAC has a long history of anti-Semitic statements, and was a backer of former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke. From 5:30-7:30 on Saturday, Occupy AIPAC presented “AIPAC: What it is, who its allies are, why it’s dangerous and how to stop it.” One of the speakers as Jeffrey Blankfort. Blankfort is a program director with KZYX in Mendocino, and considers “Zionism to be a mental illness which makes otherwise decent folks behave like Nazis or Afrikaners.” But wait, there’s more: Blankfort appeared on Hesham Tillawi’s radio ...

Sacrifice at Pearl Harbor
Post Date: 2012-10-17 14:05:33 by Lysander_Spooner
Exposes Pearl Harbor, 911 and The Bankers in one Video.

9/11 Illusions, Special Effects, and Other Magic Tricks
Post Date: 2012-10-13 15:44:20 by wudidiz
9/11 Illusions, Special Effects, and Other Magic Tricks 9/11 Illusions, Special Effects, and Other Magic Tricks   by Jack White (with Jim Fetzer)   Jack White was a legendary photo and film analyst who made magnificent and enduring contributions to the study of JFK, which I archived in three books with color-photo sections by him, namely:  Assassination Science (1998), Murder in Dealey Plaza (2000), and The Great Zapruder Film Hoax (2003).  He was my dear friend.  He also contributed a color-photo section to The 9/11 Conspiracy (2007), where our last collaboration was on this series of studies for a new book on 9/11 that I was editing, ...

NO PLANER COINTELPRO Operation Becoming Transparent [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2012-10-06 10:54:21 by FormerLurker
COINTELPRO, an acronym for Counter Intelligence Program, was a series of covert operations conducted by the FBI starting in the mid 50’s and continuing until 1976 when it was exposed by the investigations The Church Committee. One of the primary methods of COINTELPRO consisted of forging pseudo-movement groups as a means of conducting Psychological Warfare operations to spread disinformation, disrupt, and divide existing movements. These ‘psy-ops’ tended to foment suspicions among the targeted movements and try to dissuade sympathies from people outside the targeted movement. Today, COINTELPRO has reared its ugly head again, with infiltrations popping up everywhere from ...

Pam GellerÂ’s view of civilizational clash with Islam finds a home in the GOP
Post Date: 2012-10-02 10:19:56 by tom007
Pam Geller’s view of civilizational clash with Islam finds a home in the GOP by Alex Kane on September 27, 2012 15 28Facebook 14Twitter 1StumbleUpon 0Reddit 0Google Israel Jihad Pamela Geller’s racist, right-wing Zionist ads have been denounced across the board, including by the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, the Council on American Islamic Relations and Jewish Voice for Peace. But one place where Geller’s message of civilizational clash and conflict with Islam has a home in is the base of the Republican Party. A new poll shows that the views Geller and the rest of the Islamophobia network in the U.S. push have currency among 64% of Republicans. The Guardian gets a ...

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