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9/11 Truther Willie Nelson to sing at Republican National Convention
Post Date: 2012-08-06 20:15:50 by Artisan
In a priceless touch of irony, 9/11 truth advocate Willie Nelson will be cheered by the Republican neocon establishment as he sings for them in Florida later this month. Mainstream political sites such as Politico and Breitbart have reported on the fact that legendary entertainer Willie Nelson will perform at the Republican National Convention. But neither has dare made mention of the fact that Nelson, a multi-generational favorite and cultural icon, is an avid advocate of 9/11 truth, insisting that the attacks of September 11, 2001 were an implosion that hasn't been properly investigated. Breitbart described Nelson as "the pot-smoking, tax troubled troubadour" who "leans ...

FBI Admits Pentagon Dinner Guest al-Awlaki Worked for Them
Post Date: 2012-08-05 09:44:35 by Ada
Pentagon dinner guest and Osama bin Laden fill-in Anwar al-Awlaki was in FBI custody but the agency let him go, FBI assistant director Mark Giuliano has told the House Appropriations Committee. The incident occurred in October, 2002, at the JFK airport. The American born cleric was a top CIA target and named a serious threat by the head of Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service at the time. Former FBI agents explained that the release was likely because the agency wanted to track him or work with him as a contact. A more likely explanation is that al-Awlaki worked as an operative for the agency. Anwar al-Awlaki was allegedly killed in October of 2011 by a CIA Predator drone in Yemen. ...

If You Have Any Doubts About 9-11
Post Date: 2012-07-30 15:30:43 by tom007

'After 9/11 NSA had secret deal with White House' , VIOLATING THE CONSTITUTION
Post Date: 2012-07-09 22:37:02 by Itistoolate
RT talks to a former National Security Agency executive in the US who sacrificed his career to blow the whistle on wrong-doings inside the NSA.

More Believable than the official 911 story
Post Date: 2012-07-09 02:01:15 by farmfriend
I see these on facebook. what a crack up. ="" src="http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g288/farmfriend/911%20funnies/starwars911.jpg" />

Ex-FBI Employee Claims She Saw Angels at Flight 93
Post Date: 2012-07-04 06:44:02 by Ada
A former police officer who retired from the FBI due to post-traumatic stress disorder linked to her role in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terror attacks has written a book about seeing legions of angels guarding the Pennsylvania site where a hijacked airliner crashed. Lillie Leonardi served as a liaison between law enforcement and the families of the passengers and crew members killed in the United Airlines Flight 93 crash. She arrived on the scene about three hours after the crash. Although Leonardi's book, "In the Shadow of a Badge: A Spiritual Memoir," centers on her vision of angels, she argues her life has been changed more by what she didn't see that day. ...

Dr Judy Wood Pt 1, 2, 3, 4 ... - DEW & 9/11 - March 16 2010 (VIDEO)
Post Date: 2012-06-25 13:02:10 by Itistoolate
Dr Judy Wood Pt 1, 2, 3, 4 ... - DEW & 9/11 - March 16 2010 (VIDEO) The data told us what destroyed the twin towers. The data told us that directed-energy weapons must exist. We were not aware that the US military had directed-energy weapons. After we concluded that some sort of energy weapon was used, we looked for evidence that such weapons exist and found it. - Dr. Judy Wood

The most dangerous 911 video ever!
Post Date: 2012-05-28 18:28:48 by Itistoolate
What are you waiting for? Now is the time to STAND UP for yourself, to be BOLD, be CREATIVE, be RADICAL To Dream BIG, IMAGINE, Feel the fear but DO IT! Anyway its time to Question Expert Authority, ASK hard questions, PROPOSE and DEMAND solutions. To Participate and AGITATE. DISOBEY if you must. To VISUALISE and Organise. To KILL the fear spreading Media - EDUCATE and INFORM yourself and Others. NOW is the time to invest in HOPE. To cultivate LOVE To Give Thanks for what we have and to help those that Haven't. We Must DANCE, PLAY, ENJOY ourselves. TRANSFORM your situation no matter how bad it is. It can be done, EAT WELL, REST, MEDITATE. PROTECT yourself. BECOME a SOUL WARRIOR. ...

C2C - Unmentionalble 9/11Israeli false flag
Post Date: 2012-05-22 02:25:49 by Tatarewicz
Weekend Edition May 21, 2012 Coast Insider Audio 9-11: Truth & Enigmas On Sunday night with John B. Wells, publisher and investigative writer Sander Hicks discussed his journey to shed light on the official story of 9/11, as part of the grassroots truth movement that has sprung up in the last decade. He characterized the search for truth, and struggle for justice as a kind of "David and Goliath" story, pitting truth seekers against a massive US war machine. Just after the 9-11 attacks, the country was whipped up into a frenzy of hatred against the Muslim population, even though there was never any real proof that bin Laden and al Qaeda were behind the attacks, Hicks asserted. ...

WORLD PREMIERE TOUR “9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out” Final Edition
Post Date: 2012-05-21 10:29:26 by christine
Purchase Tickets Now! AE911Truth is proud to announce the completion of the Final Edition of our milestone documentary, 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out, and we are taking the film on the road with a whirlwind World Premiere Tour across the U.S., starting on May 21. The director of Experts Speak Out, AE911Truth founder Richard Gage, AIA, will personally introduce this groundbreaking film at top venues in 30 cities nationwide and take questions from the audience after each screening. Tickets are on sale now, so make sure to buy yours before the events sell out. Join us in one of 30 cities near you on this tour, which begins in San Diego, CA, and covers 24 states from coast ...

Conspiracy Files: 9/11 - The Third Tower (complete)
Post Date: 2012-05-06 16:36:41 by Horse

ACLU seeks broad public access to secret testimony in 9/11 trial at Guantanamo
Post Date: 2012-05-05 08:54:18 by Ada
WASHINGTON — The public should be allowed to hear the five alleged 9/11 conspirators describe what the CIA did to them in secret overseas prisons, the American Civil Liberties Union said in a motion filed at the Guantanamo war court late Wednesday. "The eyes of the world are on this military commission," the civil liberties group wrote in its motion. It was posted on the court website uncensored and included graphic references to water torture from a leaked International Red Cross report. At issue is the court system that employs a 40-second delay of the proceedings, time enough to let an intelligence official hit a white-noise button if any of the men describe what CIA ...

Terrorism, Saudi Arabia and the International Community
Post Date: 2012-05-01 16:10:25 by tom007
Terrorism, Saudi Arabia and the International Community Translated By David Basom 23 April 2012 Edited by Lydia Dallett Iran - Hemayat - Original Article (Persian) Amid the various domestic and international events in recent days – many of which, from a legal standpoint, are also worth contemplating by the nation’s legal community – some news from WikiLeaks about Saudi Arabia provided an opportunity to mull over Saudi Arabia’s illicit connections, even if it was only to confirm the dozens of previously published reports on the subject. In the aforementioned news report, which many of the distinguished audience have probably seen, the U.S. Secretary of Defense ...

Were real persons murdered on 9/11?
Post Date: 2012-04-30 05:52:17 by Tatarewicz
The question is an absurd one except to those of us who have spent part of our lives exploring contradictions and mysteries posed by official narratives regarding events of that world-changing day. Increasingly, the question is becoming, “How many real persons died as a result of alleged events that occurred in connection with the destruction of buildings in New York City’s World Trade Center Complex on September 11, 2001?” A logical tentative answer is provided by Mr. Simon Shack, the brilliant creator of SeptemberClues.info website and supported by members of his CluesForum.info, two online resources that call into serious question reports of that day’s victims. ...

911 Coincidences, Pt. 4
Post Date: 2012-04-19 18:56:20 by Eric Stratton
Poster Comment:I'd not seen that last video segment before. I wonder what happened to that hotel manager.

9/11 Official Tale
Post Date: 2012-04-16 10:50:34 by christine
Directed by a beardy-guy from a cave in Afghanistan, nineteen hard-drinking, coke-snorting, devout Muslims enjoy lap dances before their mission to meet Allah...Using nothing more than craft knifes, they overpower cabin crew, passengers and pilots on four planes...And hangover or not, they manage to give the world's most sophisticated air defense system the slip. Unphased by leaving their "How to Fly a Passenger Jet" guide in the car at the airport, they master the controls in no-time and score direct hits on two towers, causing THREE to collapse completely...Our masterminds even manage to overpower the odd law of physics or two... and the world watches in awe as ...

Someone Would Have Talked? Someone Would Be Crazy
Post Date: 2012-04-11 12:55:26 by Ada
Would covert operatives whose work involves subverting democratic governments abroad—including violent coups such as the one that brought down Chilean President Salvador Allende in 1973—hesitate when ordered to participate in comparable activities at home? We’re constantly told that no such thing could happen in the good ole USA (certainly not in the deaths of JFK, RFK, MLK, for example), if for no other reason than that it is impossible to keep such plots secret. Or, in the common parlance: “Someone would have talked.” The logic goes: since no one has come forward to describe their role in such plots, therefore no plot has existed. In fact, nothing could be ...

9/11: Follow the Money find the criminals
Post Date: 2012-04-02 23:59:25 by Eric Stratton

Broken News
Post Date: 2012-04-02 23:50:21 by Eric Stratton
Poster Comment:Someone here posted this. Starting at the 20:15 mark, is that Bldg. 7 in the middle of the screen? I think it is. If so, then I'm wondering why they had absolutely no footage of it collapsing from that angle? Obviously the reason would be that it would be too obvious. In fact, there probably was some, so where is it! Then again at 27:40, one can plainly see the nose cone coming out the other side, but where did it go? It had momentum, yet what, disintegrated in some fire? Sure. BTW, otherwise I'm not sure this is worthy of watching since it's really nothing new to us here.

Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth Canadian Tour
Post Date: 2012-04-01 04:35:46 by Tatarewicz
The case for an independent investigation of 9/11 WTC destruction is being presented to Canadian audiences by US architect Richard Gage. While Gage's highly-informative, dramatic video presentations are of monumental importance to Canadian foreign policy in that billions of taxpayer dollars are being spent on Canadian forces fighting Israel's enemies in Afghanistan, audiences have been very small, largely because local, pro-Israel media has avoided publicizing meetings. In Edmonton, only CBC gave Gage a pre-meeting interview which appears to have brought out of most of the 75 attendees. Vancouver - 113, Victoria - 135, Calgary 45 and Lethbridge 15 and 22. Rest of Canadian Tour: ...

Re: WTC Tower 7: Examining Conspiricist Claims
Post Date: 2012-03-31 10:12:48 by Eric Stratton
Poster Comment:I was just thinking, I wonder if any of the good people that work for the Gestapo/KGB (i.e. the CIA) or Motherland Sekurity in the soon to be Cyber Sekurity Center established by the same Zio-loving psychos and ignoramuses, ... [hi y'all!] ... ever watch any of these videos and are somewhat surprised at what they see. Ah well, I guess we'll never know. LOL Anyway, nothing to see here, move along, ... just another building that was gutted by fire and stood.

TSA Nabs Suspected Al Queda Terrorist At Chicago Airport
Post Date: 2012-03-19 20:11:30 by Eric Stratton
Poster Comment:This shit gets to be like a Monty Python skit more and more with each passing day.

Inside 9/11 - Who controlled the planes?
Post Date: 2012-03-17 09:43:03 by Ada
Why made all four hijacked planes on 9/11 long detours? How did the hijackers know about "radar holes"? How could they conduct key hijacking events simultaneously all within 10 minutes? Who controlled the planes?

On 9/11 A Small Pool Of Kerosene Did What?
Post Date: 2012-03-14 22:13:54 by Horse
n 11-ft cube is roughly the size of one of the tens of thousands of office cubicles contained within the Twin Towers. I.e., the volume of kerosene (jet fuel) involved, relatively speaking, was infinitesimally small -- a mere pinprick vis-à-vis the Sixty-million-cubic-foot volume of each tower. An 11-foot-cube converts to 1,300 cu. ft. 11 Million cu-ft of concrete [converted to 50-micron dust] 43,600 windows 22" x 78" 5 million square feet gypsum board with metal studs 32 football fields covered with façade panels 32 escalators 44 generators from all the mechanical rooms 19,000 trusses 23 miles core columns 245 acres of metal decking [6800 floor pans] 245 ...

I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I'm an Air Force pilot.
Post Date: 2012-03-13 12:07:56 by bluegrass

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