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Post Date: 2011-07-20 19:57:45 by Horse

Alan Sabrosky, US Marine Corps veteran-The Autograph-07-13-2011
Post Date: 2011-07-16 19:49:46 by Horse
Poster Comment:Dr Sabrosky says Israel did 911.

Post Date: 2011-07-15 14:06:11 by christine
By Susan Lindauer, 9/11 Whistleblower and author of Extreme Prejudice: The Terrifying Story of the Patriot Act and the Cover Ups of 9/11 and Iraq Dedicated to TJ Bronco and Eddie Sengola—Semper fi When I recall the summer of 2001 and our last days of innocence before the 9/11 attack, I often think of Guy Clark's old song, "Like Desperadoes Waiting for a Train." I remember the heartbreak of it vividly. That's because our team gave advance warnings about the 9/11 attack in precision detail. On command of my CIA handler, I also delivered threats to Iraqi diplomats at the United Nations of the consequence of War should Baghdad withhold actionable intelligence ...

The "Jumpers" of 9/11 are all FAKES?
Post Date: 2011-07-10 01:59:37 by wudidiz
youtu.be/CkvIV5CeLJ0 "These jumper photos all appear to be fakes to me--all cut & pastes. ALL THAT IS NEEDED IS A SINGLE EXAMPLE OF FRAUD--YOU DON'T HAVE TO PROVE EVERY SHOT. They were obviously pre-made, and were included into to the storyline of the 9/11 to increase the "shock and awe" effect to steer us to giving up our rights to the real terrorists of 9/11, not some visa photos of Saudi citizens that we were conveniently provided to blame less than 24-hours later. Osama Bin Ladin's name was provided to us only 45-minutes after the first tower exploaded. " Poster Comment:"9/11 was a psy-op."

WTC7: The "Smoking Gun" of 9/11
Post Date: 2011-07-01 09:22:45 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
The collapse of a third building at the World Trade Center (WTC) on 9/11 in what is visibly a controlled demolition, negates the official US interpretation in the "9/11 Commission Report", and thus the rationale for America's ongoing wars & the so-called "Patriot Act." Visible proof rather than verbal assertion that whatever 19 Arabs on 4 planes did or did not do on 9/11, neither they nor their supporters elsewhere had the expertise, access & local support to wire even one WTC building for a controlled demolition, much less three of them. Re-posted with comments disabled to permit unimpeded viewing or downloading.

~Bush Insider Says 911 Was An Inside Job~
Post Date: 2011-06-28 11:45:52 by abraxas
~Bush Insider Says 911 Was An Inside Job~

Demolition Goes Wrong
Post Date: 2011-06-22 12:12:16 by RickyJ

9/11 and the Orwellian Redefinition of “Conspiracy Theory”
Post Date: 2011-06-20 19:47:38 by christine
While we were not watching, conspiracy theory has undergone Orwellian redefinition. A “conspiracy theory” no longer means an event explained by a conspiracy. Instead, it now means any explanation, or even a fact, that is out of step with the government’s explanation and that of its media pimps. For example, online news broadcasts of RT have been equated with conspiracy theories by the New York Times simply because RT reports news and opinions that the New York Times does not report and the US government does not endorse. In other words, as truth becomes uncomfortable for government and its Ministry of Propaganda, truth is redefined as conspiracy theory, by which is meant ...

Ellsberg: Government orders media not to reopen 9/11
Post Date: 2011-06-18 02:50:51 by Tatarewicz
It's big news that the Pentagon Papers have finally been released by the government. But the statements from Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg about 9/11 have not been covered by the corporate media. As Fire Dog Lake's Jeff Kaye writes today: The entire 9/11 field of inquiry has been vilified, poisoned over the years by ridicule, sometimes fantastic conspiracy mongering, and fearfulness by journalists of approaching the material, lest they be branded as irresponsible or some kind of conspiracy freak. As a result, little work has been done to investigate, except by a small group of people, some of whom have raised some real questions ... Similarly, Air Force Colonel ...

9/11 Didn't Change Anything, Did it?
Post Date: 2011-06-17 21:29:41 by christine
We've been told that 9/11 changed everything. Is it true? Let's look at the facts: The Afghanistan war was planned before 9/11 (see this and this) The decision to launch the Iraq war was made before 9/11. Indeed, former CIA director George Tenet said that the White House wanted to invade Iraq long before 9/11, and inserted "crap" in its justifications for invading Iraq. Former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill - who sat on the National Security Council - also says that Bush planned the Iraq war before 9/11. Top British officials say that the U.S. discussed Iraq regime change even before Bush took office. And in 2000, Cheney said a Bush administration might ...

9/11 Truth ~ Hollywood Speaks Out - Full Movie
Post Date: 2011-06-13 15:30:15 by wakeup

Ted Gunderson Former FBI Chief - Most Terror Attacks Are Committed By Our CIA And FBI
Post Date: 2011-06-12 20:37:35 by abraxas
Ted Gunderson Former FBI Chief - Most Terror Attacks Are Committed By Our CIA And FBI Interesting...I hadn't viewed this one before, but it might be old news to some of you. : )

BBC Correspondent says MOSSAD did 9/11 and Iran doesn't want Nukes
Post Date: 2011-06-07 15:52:38 by wakeup

Did Bombs Destroy the WTC Towers on 9/11?
Post Date: 2011-06-06 22:44:46 by FormerLurker
Poster Comment:I found this video in a InfoWars article written by Steve Watson back in 2007. Here's a link to that article; The Mystery Of The 9/11 Car Bombs Strange how it still works, I thought Google Video was no longer operational.

Mossad Truck Bombs- The Truth About September 11
Post Date: 2011-06-06 15:46:37 by FormerLurker
Mossad Truck Bombs- The Truth About September 11 & the Dancing Israeli's Why would anyone have a mural of a jet plane crashing into the World Trade Center Twin Towers on the actual day of the attacks unless they expected the van filled with explosives to be completely destroyed upon detonation? I'd bet there were a whole fleet of these vans on 9-11-01 considering all the explosions there were that day at street level before and after the "planes" hit the buildings... Various sources proving Mossad was behind Sept. 911. These are the same guys who were arrested in the white van which both CNN and the arresting officers said have explosives in it. ...

Collateral Damage: U.S. Covert Operations and the Terrorist Attacks on 9/11
Post Date: 2011-06-05 02:40:37 by Horse
The September 11th attacks were likely meant as a cover-up for financial crimes being investigated by the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), whose offices in the Pentagon were destroyed on September 11th. [1] The attacks ... were intended to cover-up the clearing of $240 billion dollars in securities covertly created in September 1991 to fund a covert economic war against the Soviet Union, during which ‘unknown’ western investors bought up much of the Soviet industry, with a focus on oil and gas. The 9/11 attacks also served to derail multiple Federal investigations of crimes associated with the 1991 covert operation. Hundreds of billions of dollars of government securities had ...

Plane returns after fistfight over reclined seat
Post Date: 2011-06-02 10:46:30 by christine
WASHINGTON (AP) — Government and airline officials say a United Airlines plane with 144 people aboard returned to Washington-Dulles International Airport for an emergency landing escorted by two F-16 fighter jets after a fight broke out between passengers. Federal Aviation Administration spokeswoman Laura Brown says Flight 990 bound for Accra, Ghana, returned to Dulles in Chantilly, Virginia, just after midnight Sunday after a fistfight in the cabin. Government officials confirmed that fighter jets were scrambled from Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland. United spokesman Mike Trevino said Tuesday that the Boeing 767 dumped fuel as a safety precaution to lighten its weight on landing. ...

Whistelblower Susan Lindauer on The Ugly Truth (must listen. catch the beeps occurring from who knows who during the broadcast)
Post Date: 2011-05-27 11:20:12 by christine

The Last Word on Osama Bin Laden
Post Date: 2011-05-26 18:26:15 by Horse

Arguments Regarding the Collapse of the World Trade Center Evaporate Upon Inspection
Post Date: 2011-05-26 10:56:19 by christine
Preface: Now that Bin Laden has been confirmed to be dead, it has been established that Saddam Hussein was not behind 9/11 (one of the main reasons for the Iraq war), and Iran has been accused of having a hand in 9/11 - potentially forming the basis for a war against Iran - it is time to revisit some important, unanswered questions. This essay does not argue that bombs brought down the Twin Towers or World Trade Building 7, even though many top structural engineers believe that is what happened, and people could easily have planted bombs in the trade centers without anyone noticing and without the conspiracy being discovered. It simply addresses the frequent argument that fires caused the ...

HERO Alert! [Paranoid Psycho Pig JBT Alert] [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2011-05-23 14:33:43 by Eric Stratton
Poster Comment:Yeah, you can really see how he assaulted the pigs and was a big threat to this pair of HEEROES! Keep it up fellas, and when TSHTF and you guys get strung up by your balls, just think back a little and go look in the mirror.

EXCLUSIVE: New Details Emerge of Radical Imam's Lunch at the Pentagon
Post Date: 2011-05-20 16:44:58 by noone222
With the recent death of Usama bin Laden, the life of another Al Qaeda-linked radical Muslim cleric is taking on greater significance, and documents obtained exclusively by Fox News and its Specials Unit shed new light on his stint as a guest speaker at the Pentagon just months after the Sept. 11 terror attacks. American cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, the first American on the CIA’s kill or capture list, is still considered a grave threat to U.S. national security. He now is hiding out in Yemen, where earlier this month a U.S. missile attack tried to kill him and his followers. The scene was much different on February 5, 2002, when the radical imam was invited to and attended the Pentagon ...

84-year-old man allegedly beaten by police officer after calling 911
Post Date: 2011-05-19 11:01:55 by abraxas
84-year-old man allegedly beaten by police officer after calling 911 By Eric W. Dolan Wednesday, May 18th, 2011 -- 7:21 pm An Alabama police officer allegedly hospitalized an elderly man who called 911 to report an accident across the street from his house while his wife watched the entire beating from her wheelchair. The Courthouse News Service reported that 84-year-old Dorsey Henderson of Fairhope, Alabama called 911 after investigating the car accident and discovering that the driver of the vehicle was severely intoxicated. Henderson told the driver of the car he was under citizens arrest and needed to wait near his car until police arrived. When Officer Trent Scott arrived on the ...

New Al Qaeda Leader Claims He Has Nothing To Do With Al Qaeda, Calls 9/11 A “Fabrication”
Post Date: 2011-05-18 17:50:01 by christine
Amidst reports that Saif al-Adel, otherwise known as Muhammad Ibrahim Makkawi, has been appointed the new al Qaeda leader, a man claiming to be the real Makkawi insists that he has nothing to do with al Qaeda and describes 9/11 as a “fabrication”. The source for the reports that al-Adel has become the al Qaeda number one, in the wake of the demise of Osama Bin Laden, is one time Libyan militant Noman Benotman, a former jihadi who renounced the ideology in 2002 and has since often been cited as a reliable source on al Qaeda activity by Western media and governments. The case of al-Adel/Makkawi, however, raises significant questions and will only serve to create more mythology and ...

Coast to Coast am Where did the towers go Dr. Judy Wood [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2011-05-07 23:52:29 by wudidiz

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