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Jim Fetzer on O'Reilly
Post Date: 2011-03-04 00:36:40 by wudidiz
Jim Fetzer on O'Reilly Poster Comment:Please pass this around...

Overwhelming Evidence Pentagon Aircraft Data Is Not From An American Airlines 757
Post Date: 2011-03-03 22:32:08 by Critter
03/03/11 - (PilotsFor911Truth.org) When Pilots For 9/11 Truth was founded in the late summer of 2006, the objective was to find evidence supporting what we have been told by the 9/11 Commission as many theories were rumored that elements within the US Government might have had something to do with 9/11. Co-Founder Rob Balsamo explains how he was puzzled and motivated to pursue further research into the events of 9/11 in his citation at PatriotsQuestion911.com, which lead to the formation of Pilots For 9/11 Truth. More than four years of solid research through Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) requests, numerous interviews and expert analysis has revealed no hard evidence supporting or ...

All Hell Breaks Loose on The View After 9/11 Truther Cuts Loose
Post Date: 2011-03-01 08:27:36 by Itistoolate
All Hell Breaks Loose on The View After 9/11 Truther Cuts Loose Controversy: View hosts walked out on Bill O’Reilly for Muslim comments but not Alex Jones for ‘conspiracy theories’ Alex Jones, a 9/11 truther and promoter of other conspiracy theories, appeared on ABC’s The View Monday to defend his friend Charlie Sheen, but diverted the interview into slamming George W. Bush for turning American into “a police state.” Veteran journalist Barbara Walters did not denounce the radio host when he referenced the theory that the government was behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Co-hosts Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg, who walked out when they objected to a comment ...

WOW!! I've Never Seen this WTC7 Video!!
Post Date: 2011-02-22 01:35:40 by Eric Stratton
Click for Full Text! Poster Comment:They're talking about it coming down, prematurely.

9/11/01 - WTC Hard Drives Show $100 Million In Criminal Credit Transfers Before Towers Fell
Post Date: 2011-02-17 15:14:11 by Horse

FBI Translator Submitted Report Entitled “Kamikaze Pilots” 5 Months Before 9/11 Warning of Al Qaeda Attacks on U.S. Cities
Post Date: 2011-02-17 09:15:51 by bush_is_a_moonie
According to newly-declassified documents, an FBI translator filed a report with the Bureau entitled "Kamikaze Pilots", warning of an al-Qaeda plot to attack America in a suicide mission involving planes within the near future. As Sibel Edmonds (herself a former FBI translator) wrote last month: The memorandum [prepared by the 9/11 Commission], after establishing [Former FBI translator Behrooz Sarshar's] credibility and vaguely referring to his documented and witnessed testimony regarding specific tip(s) provided to the FBI in April and June 2001 regarding planned imminent "Kamikaze Pilots" attacks targeting major cities in the United States, leaves out the entire ...

9-11 ISRAEL CONNECTION: Gordon Duff Interviews Russian Intelligence Operative
Post Date: 2011-02-09 23:03:32 by Horse
Poster Comment:The Deputy Director of Israeli Mossad, Mike Harari, invited this Russian firmer intelligence agent to celebratory breakfast on 9-12-2001. Mt Harari was very happy about how well 9-11 went.

Two jews screw Michael Moore (alternate title)
Post Date: 2011-02-08 17:38:57 by X-15
Michael Moore claims movie mogul Harvey Weinstein and brother Robert cheated him out of millions of dollars in profits for the movie, "Fahrenheit 9/11," by secretly diverting profits ... even using Michael's money to fly one of the Weinstein bros. to Europe by private jet. In a lawsuit filed today in L.A. County Superior Court and obtained by TMZ, Moore's company, Westside Productions, claims Moore had a deal with the Weinsteins' company -- The Fellowship Adventure Group -- to split profits 50/50 for the flick. In legal docs filed by Moore's celebrity lawyer, Larry Stein, he alleges the Weinsteins used "bogus accounting methods to hide the true amounts due ...

Egyptian General says enemy agents in the White House, That Israel carried out 9/11
Post Date: 2011-02-07 21:59:49 by Horse
Poster Comment:I nominate thus guy to become President of Egypt. Hell. He can replace the illegal alien in the White House.

WikiLeaks: FBI hunts the 9/11 gang that got away
Post Date: 2011-02-01 19:41:37 by Ada
The FBI has launched a manhunt for a previously unknown team of men suspected to be part of the 9/11 attacks, the Daily Telegraph can disclose. Secret documents reveal that the three Qatari men conducted surveillance on the targets, provided “support” to the plotters and had tickets for a flight to Washington on the eve of the atrocities. The suspected terrorists flew from London to New York on a British Airways flight three weeks before the attacks. They allegedly carried out surveillance at the World Trade Centre, the White House and in Virginia, the US state where the Pentagon and CIA headquarters are located. Ten days later they flew to Los Angeles, where they stationed ...

War by Deception 2011 trailer
Post Date: 2011-01-24 21:33:09 by Horse
Poster Comment:This is a short trailer. For some reason this will not be shown in theaters. Not a lot of content. Just a message letting us know what is coming.

Poll in Germany: 89.5 doubt official version of 9/11
Post Date: 2011-01-22 00:52:34 by randge
Poll in Germany: 89.5 doubt official version of 9/11 * 9/11 Opinion Poll A recent poll in the german magazine "Welt der Wunder" conducted by the well known Emnid Institute results in astonishing 89% of the german respondents not believing the official line 9/11. The magazine in 2010 already published the story of NATOs "secret nuclear war", where the consequences of the widespread use of depleted uranium ammunitions were explained. http://war-is-illegal.livejournal.com/117639.html here a Bauer Press release: Poll by magazine "Welt der Wunder" : Who do the germans still believe? Almots 40% of german citizens believe that there is some sort of secret ...

9-11 WTC Attacks Israel Mossad - Susan Lindauer Ex-CIA/DIA
Post Date: 2011-01-12 11:13:28 by Horse
Poster Comment:This is an interview you must listen to. Susan Lindauer was campaigning against the Iraqi sanctions when she was asked by the CIA and later the DIA to be a back channel for peace. She was later arrested under the Patriot Act to silence her despite being the cousin of Andy Card, Bush's chief of staff. She has proof of the Bush administration's pre-knowledge of 911.

BBC Interview Reveals Israel Has Been Dictating US War Policy Since 9/11
Post Date: 2011-01-11 14:26:10 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
BBC Interview Reveals Israel Has Been Dictating US War Policy Since 9/11

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Bureaucracy (Paul Jacob is glad that a former homeless man got to visit his mom despite the ministrations of Homeland Security)
Post Date: 2011-01-07 09:50:41 by Eric Stratton
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Bureaucracy Ted Williams — not the late baseball great, but a formerly homeless, recovering drug and alcohol addict of the same name — received a second chance at life thanks to his announcer-quality voice. A video displaying his talent — first posted at the Columbus Dispatch site — won him that chance. Soon he was headed to New York to appear on television and visit his mom, whom he had not seen in many years. But, not so fast. Williams wasn’t allowed to fly. The hold-up? Government control of airport security protocols. You see, those who cannot “prove” their identity by displaying a government-issued ID are treated as ...

In Plane Sight - Sept 11 - 911 Conspiracy
Post Date: 2011-01-03 07:31:37 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
In Plane Sight - Sept 11 - 911 Conspiracy

BBC Correspondent says MOSSAD did 9/11
Post Date: 2010-12-30 01:17:17 by wakeup

How the WTC Demolitions Were Set Up
Post Date: 2010-12-28 16:08:23 by Horse
Guest: Evelien Gilbert (check out her blog!), SFX engineer/modelmaker. "My interest in 3d software was based on having to make models and move objects in the real world to be filmed and used in a virtual world." Evelien recently sent Richard Gage and me a paper, still in the beta stage, entitled "Demolition sequences and the willful suspension of disbelief: Analyzing the 911 storyboard." Below are some excerpts: Introduction: When the events of 911 took place I was working as a Special Effects model maker and engineer in Europe. Together with my husband I owned a small Special Effects company with max. 15 employees at times and as such was very involved with the ...

Those on DHS 'terror watch lists ' disqualified from 9/11 first responder medical help
Post Date: 2010-12-23 23:14:03 by Artisan
Congress finally passed the 9/11 first responders bill, officially called the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, H.R. 847, on December 22nd. Nearly half the Congress abstained from voting on the bill, perhaps because they had already gone on Christmas vacation. Supporters weren't sure the bill would ever see the light of day. Republicans, always the first to constantly invoke 9/11 under the guise of advancing the police state and launching pre-emptive wars, strongly opposed the bill, with only 31 Republicans in Congress voting for it. There were seven versions of the bill prior to the final version being approved by the House and Senate. It will now be sent to the ...

Exposing 9-11 Israeli Operation and Destruction of WTC Steel Christopher Bollyn
Post Date: 2010-12-23 17:53:46 by Horse
Poster Comment:This is an in depth interview. Guess what? Mark Rich is connected to the cover up of 911.

Another 9/11 Passenger Found? Is Mike Rivero John Wenckus of Flight 11?
Post Date: 2010-12-22 17:02:29 by Artisan
Whats in a “Carefully Prepared Alias?” Is Mike Rivero, John Wenckus from Flight 11? by; Phil Jayhan Mike Rivero worked for NASA for 25 years as a photo analyst. The passengers from the 4 flights on 9/11 disappeared while in custody of NASA & the FAA, not where we were told they died on 9/11. See here for the documentation of this; Mike Rivero also believes, and attacks all others who don’t believe as he does; 1.Rivero believes a commercial plane with passengers hit the pentagon, and those who say otherwise are disinformation. 2.Rivero believes commercial airliners with passengers & hijackers hit the WTC, and those who say otherwise are disinformation. Obviously ...

Australian labor joining call for 9/11 investigation
Post Date: 2010-12-22 08:54:32 by Tatarewicz
Kevin Bracken stands tall against the political and media oppression of 9/11 Truth On October 20, Kevin Bracken, the president of Australia’s Victorian Trades Hall Council and Secretary of the Maritime Union, stirred up national controversy in the Land Down Under when he publicly questioned the official account of the destruction of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers. His impromptu discussion with Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) radio talk show host Jon Faine garnered so much attention that even leaders in the Australian Parliament and the prime minister herself weighed in on the issue. Little did they know that one of the catalysts for this unexpected event was the ...

Who Destroyed the 9/11 Evidence?
Post Date: 2010-12-18 18:50:04 by Horse
During the past two months I have been involved in research about the Rothschild/Mossad network behind the criminal destruction of the steel from the World Trade Center. I have found that the network that arranged for the destruction of the steel - critical evidence from the crime scene - was actually organized by Israel's Mossad and their Zionist agents, the real culprits behind the false-flag terrorism that changed the world. This article will be the final and conclusive chapter of my book, Solving 9/11 - The Deception that Changed the World. On 19 November 2010 I sent photographs of two of the main people involved in the "recycling" of the 300,000 tons of steel from the ...

Joe Lieberman: WTC 7 Collapse Did Not Occur, Will Not Support A New Investigation
Post Date: 2010-12-18 18:10:47 by Horse

9-11 WTC Biggest Gold Heist in History: $300 Billion in Bars
Post Date: 2010-12-17 12:56:16 by Horse

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