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DR. STEVEN JONES- PNAC-4/14/07- NEW 9/11 EVIDENCE [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2007-04-30 23:57:52 by Critter
Poster Comment:This is incredible! I love this guy!

911 HIGH TREASON!! (By Brian Quig)
Post Date: 2007-04-30 23:00:02 by Red Jones
IN HONOR OF BRIAN DOWNING QUIG RUN DOWN IN PHOENIX, ARIZONA JUNE 16, 2003 By Virginia Lee McCullough http://www.newsmakingnews.com/vm,quig,6,23,03.htm#TITLE 911 HIGH TREASON!! by Brian Downing Quig quig@dcia.com After turning on my TV to see the burning tower after the first plane hit the WORLD TRADE CENTER my attention was arrested like all others. When the second plane hit the second tower I said to myself WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE? When the 3rd hijacked plane hit the PENTAGON, the first witnesses reported the "plane circled the PENTAGON in a sharply banked 270 degree turn that was distinctly different than any commercial plane and more like a military plane" and bypassed a ...

Freeway Collapse Bears No Relation To WTC Buildings
Post Date: 2007-04-30 13:21:42 by Mind_Virus
Freeway Collapse Bears No Relation To WTC Buildings Stop The Lie Monday, April 30, 2007 Comment: Debunkers are already using this to attack the 9/11 truth movement in claiming that this explains the collapse of the towers and WTC 7. Syndicated radio host Neil Boortz attacked Alex Jones this morning, claiming that this refutes the controlled demolition hypothesis. In reality, the freeway collapse is completely different and the comparison is ridiculous. I can already hear defenders of the official account screaming "See, fire can cause a steel structure to collapse-the bridge collapsed!" Comparing the circumstances surrounding the fire and subsequent partial collapse of this ...

Fire Causes Major Highway Collapse, 9/11 Truth
Post Date: 2007-04-30 10:15:54 by Mind_Virus
Fire Causes Major Highway Collapse, 9/11 Truth Posted by Chuck Simmins on 29 Apr 2007 In an event strikingly similar to what happened at the World Trade Center, a raging fire caused the collapse of a steel and concrete highway structure in San Francisco. Really. It got hot and collapsed. Just like the Twin Towers did. Imagine that. Contra Costa Times A speeding gasoline tanker slammed into a guard rail near the Bay Bridge this morning, sparking an intense fire that destroyed part of the MacArthur Maze freeway complex. Portions of the heavily-traveled Maze will close for weeks, if not months, likely creating traffic congestion not encountered by East Bay commuters since the 1989 Loma ...

Eyewitness Inside WTC 7 Reported Explosions Before Collapse
Post Date: 2007-04-30 10:12:11 by Mind_Virus
Eyewitness Inside WTC 7 Reported Explosions Before Collapse Prison Planet Monday, April 30, 2007 An eyewitness who evacuated WTC 7 before its collapse reported an explosion inside the building, before exiting via the lobby which had been almost completely destroyed - before either of the twin towers had collapsed nearly 400 yards away in the WTC complex. This testimony severely undermines the flawed explanation that Building 7 collapsed as a result of the damage it sustained following the collapse of the towers, since the structure was seemingly being gutted by explosives prior to 9:59AM. WTC 7 was not hit by a plane but collapsed in a perect implosion in its own footprint at 5:20PM. ...

The Mosque to Commerce [WTC Architect and Bin Laden Company connection]
Post Date: 2007-04-29 10:52:58 by honway
We all know the basic reasons why Osama Bin Laden chose to attack the World Trade Center, out of all the buildings in New York. Its towers were the two tallest in the city, synonymous with its skyline. They were richly stocked with potential victims. And as the complex's name declared, it was designed to be a center of American and global commerce. But Bin Laden may have had another, more personal motivation. The World Trade Center's architect, Minoru Yamasaki, was a favorite designer of the Binladin family's patrons—the Saudi royal family—and a leading practitioner of an architectural style that merged modernism with Islamic influences. View of the King Fahd ...

Surprise: Surge just another cynical con job
Post Date: 2007-04-28 20:19:18 by Mekons4
« previous | Talking Points Memo Home | next » (April 28, 2007 -- 08:55 AM EDT) Don't be fooled by the subdued tone and subtle nuance of David Sanger's front page article in this morning's New York Times on the "New Way Forward" in Iraq. It is a milestone in the Bush Administration's public spin of the war, marking the first official acknowledgment that the surge and all the attendant fuss were nothing more than an elaborate stop-gap intended to buy time so that the colossal failure of the President's foreign policy can be pawned off on the next president: The Bush administration will not try to assess whether the troop increase in Iraq is ...

7/7 ‘mastermind’ is seized in Iraq (Murdoch Malarkey)
Post Date: 2007-04-28 12:37:08 by Horse
The al-Qaeda leader who is thought to have devised the plan for the July 7 suicide bombings in London and an array of terrorist plots against Britain has been captured by the Americans. Abd al-Hadi al-Iraqi, a former major in Saddam Hussein’s army, was apprehended as he tried to enter Iraq from Iran and was transferred this week to the “high-value detainee programme” at Guantanamo Bay. Abd al-Hadi was taken into CIA custody last year, it emerged from US intelligence sources yesterday, in a move which suggests that he was interrogated for months in a “ghost prison” before being transferred to the internment camp in Cuba. Abd al-Hadi, 45, was regarded as one of ...

“Conspiracy Professor” Now A Bounty Hunter Barrett Heading to Morocco to Apprehend Suicide Hijacker
Post Date: 2007-04-27 22:44:37 by Horse
“Conspiracy Professor” Now A Bounty Hunter Barrett Heading to Morocco to Apprehend Suicide Hijacker (Press Conference outside the office of Wisconsin Rep. Steve Nass, Room 12 West State Capitol, Madison, Wisconsin, Thursday, May 3rd, 10:30 a.m.) Dr. Kevin Barrett, the University of Wisconsin lecturer who was denied a tenure-track position at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, hounded by Steve Nass and 61 state legislators, and handed a death threat by Bill O’Reilly—all because of his political opinions and religious identity—has opted for a new career: Fugitive Recovery Agent specializing in the apprehension of still-living 9/11 suicide hijackers. Dr. ...

Rare TV NEWS report about WTC bombing FBI Foreknowledge
Post Date: 2007-04-26 22:29:41 by honway

The 9/11 Truther Credo
Post Date: 2007-04-26 13:03:49 by BeAChooser
The 9/11 Truther Credo a.k.a.: The 9/11 TWOOfer Credo (Inspired by (and text in blue shamelessly stolen from) The Woo-Woo Credo.) Google “9/11 truth”. Think, “Wooooo”. Keep clicking on googlebombed links. Think, “Woo” some more. Refer to your googling as “real research”. Keep thinking, “Woo”. Connect the dots. Read about “holes in the official story”. Make leaps to conclusions between one “hole” and another. Those dots just don’t connect themselves, you know. Never look for the simplest, most obvious cause of something. Refrain from mentioning Occam's Razor (it's your nemesis). Instead, use Smacco’s ...

Less than 25% of Muslims blame al-Qaeda for 9/11 attacks
Post Date: 2007-04-26 10:13:41 by christine
An in-depth poll of four major Muslim countries has found that in all of them large majorities believe that undermining Islam is a key goal of US foreign policy. Most want US military forces out of the Middle East and many approve of attacks on US troops there. Most respondents have mixed feelings about al Qaeda. Large majorities agree with many of its goals, but believe that terrorist attacks on civilians are contrary to Islam. There is strong support for enhancing the role of Islam in all of the countries polled, through such measures as the imposition of sharia (Islamic law). This does not mean that they want to isolate their societies from outside influences: Most view globalization ...

Steven Jones Answers Questions About His Research In a Reply to 'Screw Loose Change'
Post Date: 2007-04-25 07:24:10 by Kamala
Steven Jones Answers Questions About His Research In a Reply to 'Screw Loose Change' 9/11 Blogger Tuesday April 23, 2007 An Open Letter to Dr. Steven Jones by James Bennett, with replies by Steven Jones Letter also posted at http://screwloosechange.blogspot.com [Responses by Dr. Jones in Bold] Dear Dr. Jones: In a recent letter you criticized me, and Mark Roberts, for failing to notify you about questions that we had regarding your misrepresentation of a photograph of firefighters at Ground Zero searching for their fallen comrades with a flashlight. In this you expressed the hope that we would contact you in the future regarding such issues. While it is true that I had failed ...

Giuliani Caught In Bizarre Building 7 Lie
Post Date: 2007-04-25 07:19:05 by Kamala
Giuliani Caught In Bizarre Building 7 Lie Claims WTC 7 collapsed in stages Kerry Building 7 admission explodes on You Tube popularity charts Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet Tuesday, April 24, 2007 Rudy Giuliani has been caught in a bizarre lie about WTC 7, in which he claims the building collapsed in stages over a sustained period of time, when in reality the structure fell in under seven seconds. Giuliani also reveals that he expected the twin towers to collapse but "not in the way they did." Giuliani was a speaker along with former Oklahoma City Mayor Ron Norick at an April 19th event held at the Oklahoma City Museum and National Memorial in Ahoma City, Oklahoma. The ...

The Seventh Tower
Post Date: 2007-04-25 07:08:34 by Kamala
The seventh tower By Niels Harrit [Back to list of articles] Niels Harrit has been Associate Professor at the Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen, for 37 years. This is a translation of a feature article printed in the Danish Newspaper, Information, on 31 March 2007 (requires subscription). Images have been added below to support the text. ... "WTC7 collapsed exactly like a house of cards. If the fires or damage in one corner had played a decisive role, the building would have fallen in that direction. You don't have to be a woodcutter to grasp this."... How, not why, did World War Three start? We are not talking about conspiracy theories, absolutely not. We ...

Where Were the F-15s on 9/11?
Post Date: 2007-04-25 07:01:52 by Kamala
Where Were the F-15s on 9/11? Submitted by Shoestring on Tue, 04/24/2007 - 10:19am. 9/11 | NORAD September 11, 2001 was an extraordinary day for many reasons. It was a day when hijackers who were amateur pilots and had never before flown jet planes suddenly gained remarkable flying skills. It was a day when scientific laws apparently changed, so that relatively small fires supposedly could cause three massive skyscrapers to disintegrate into dust, each in the space of just a few seconds. And it was also a day when two F-15s appear to have made possibly the slowest journey by military fighter jets in all history. A new entry in the Complete 9/11 Timeline summarizes the testimonies of ...

William Rodriguez Hits the Mainstream
Post Date: 2007-04-25 06:48:06 by Kamala
William Rodriguez Hits the Mainstream Submitted by GeorgeWashington on Tue, 04/24/2007 - 12:57pm. William Rodriguez Email from Kevin Barrett of Mujca. William Rodriguez's real story - the story of the explosions he witnessed that day - was never reported in the US mainstream media...until now. Thanks to the dozens of people who kicked in with time, energy and money to bring William Rodriguez on his first Midwest speaking tour, William is now on the record, in the US mainstream media, describing the explosions he witnessed while performing heroic rescue work on September 11th, 2001. http://www.leadertelegram.com/story.asp?id=82015 http://www.weau.com/news/headlines ...

Scientists Debunk 9/11 Myths
Post Date: 2007-04-25 06:41:05 by Kamala
Scientists Debunk 9/11 Myths Submitted by GeorgeWashington on Tue, 04/24/2007 - 3:35pm. essay Here's the original This essay is written to draw in people who don't know that many credible scientists believe the trade centers were demolished. It SOUNDS like its going to attack controlled demolition, but the theory which the scientists debunk is actually the GOVERNMENT's myth. Numerous credible scientists have recently disproven some of the most commonly-held theories about the collapse of the World Trade Centers on September 11, 2001: A prominent physicist with 33 years of service for the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, DC, said that the official theory for why the ...

Architect Richard Gage video part 1 from Sonoma State Univ. April 20.
Post Date: 2007-04-24 12:56:16 by honway
Click the link below for the video.http://www.911blogger.com/node/8079 Architect, Richard Gage explores the flawed conclusions of the 911 Commission report and the conclusions of NIST, in this new presentation on evidence supporting controlled demolition for World Trade 1, 2 and 7. Newly produced architectural blueprints of the north tower augment Richard's analysis. http://ae911truth.org Produced by John Parulis of brightpathvideo The presentation at Sonoma State Univ, Project Censored, is divided in 3 parts, this is part 1

If You're a Truther, Go and See Shooter
Post Date: 2007-04-24 10:35:29 by robin
If You're a Truther, Go and See Shooter 9/11, JFK parallel movie is packed with strong anti-government sentiment, feeds into mass awakening cultural zeitgeist Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet Tuesday, April 24, 2007Shooter, starring Mark Wahlberg, is the latest in a burgeoning trend of recent movies that carry a strong anti-government sentiment - the film is both political commentary and a damning expose of how the state stages black-ops in order to achieve political agendas. The film centers around a character called Bob Lee Swagger, played by Mark Wahlberg, a Marine sniper who retires from the military after his friend is killed while fighting in Ethiopia. The first ...

The Mystery Of The 9/11 Car Bombs
Post Date: 2007-04-24 10:28:28 by robin
The Mystery Of The 9/11 Car Bombs Evidence points to multiple roaming backup teams with vans full of explosives Steve Watson, Infowars.net Monday, April 23, 2007 The Mystery Of The 9/11 Car Bombs A much underreported aspect of the 9/11 attacks is one that concerns transmissions, sightings, reports and statements alluding to multiple mysterious suspects in different vans packed with explosives that were stopped and detained in New York while the towers were burning and in the aftermath of the attacks. A much underreported aspect of the 9/11 attacks is one that concerns transmissions, sightings, reports and statements alluding to multiple mysterious suspects in different vans packed with ...

DoD News Briefing- Pentagon- September 12,2001:The Pentagon fire was still burning
Post Date: 2007-04-23 13:47:36 by honway
Presenter: Victoria Clarke, ASD PA September 12, 2001 DoD News Briefing - Victoria Clarke, ASD PA Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2001 - 10:16 a.m. (Also participating are David Chu, under secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness; Meg Falk, director of the Office of Family Policy; Maj. Gen. Jim Jackson, commander of the Military District of Washington; and Ed Plaugher, fire chief of Arlington County.) Clarke: Thanks very much, you all. I've just got a brief statement and then a few people who have got some important information we want to get out today. I'd just like to say a couple of things. First and foremost, the Department of Defense is open for business. We're here, ...

Between 9:03 and 9:37 a.m. September 11, 2001: Defense Official at Pentagon Says, ‘We’re Next’
Post Date: 2007-04-23 10:55:21 by honway
Between 9:03 and 9:37 a.m. September 11, 2001: Defense Official at Pentagon Says, ‘We’re Next’ After the second WTC tower is hit, NBC News correspondent Jim Miklaszewski is heading down a hall inside the Pentagon when he runs into a Defense Department official. The official says he doesn’t yet know anything specific about the attack. But, he says, it is so coordinated that “[i]f I were you I would stay off the E-ring [the outermost corridor of the Pentagon] today, because we’re next.” According to Miklaszewski, the official had no specific information, “that was just his gut instinct.” [Gilbert et al., 2002, pp. ...

John Kerry: Building 7 Was Deliberately Demolished, Massachusetts Senator's conclusion directly contradicts 9/11 official story, multi-billion dollar insurance lawsuit (YouTube included)
Post Date: 2007-04-23 09:16:48 by christine
At a recent speaking engagement in Austin Texas, Senator John Kerry responded to a question about WTC Building 7 by concluding that according to his information, the building was brought down as a result of a controlled demolition, directly contradicting the official line that the structure fell as a result of fire and debris damage. WTC Building 7 was a 47-story building in the WTC complex that collapsed at 5:20pm on September 11. The building had been structurally reinforced and was not hit by a plane yet collapsed in a uniform implosion within its own footprint in a matter of seconds after sustaining relatively light debris and fire damage following the collapse of the twin towers. ...

U.L. Truth Is Not a Matter of Popularity
Post Date: 2007-04-23 07:03:33 by Kamala
UL Truth Is Not a Matter of Popularity Submitted by Kevin Ryan on Sun, 04/22/2007 - 6:45pm. Kevin Ryan “In fact, Underwriter Laboratories does not certify structural steel.” David Dunbar, executive editor of Popular Mechanics [1] We now know that US Government scientists were not able to produce evidence for "widely dislodged" fireproofing within the World Trade Center towers on 9/11. Because of this, the distinction between the fire-based hypothesis of collapse and the demolition hypothesis centers on one question. Were the steel assemblies used to construct those buildings tested for fire resistance as required by the New York City code?. As I have stated many ...

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