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New Seismic Data Refutes Official Version (WTC Collapse)
Post Date: 2007-03-03 18:59:01 by angle
New Seismic Data Refutes Official Version (WTC Collapse) Two unexplained “spikes” in the seismic record from Sept. 11 indicate huge bursts of energy shook the ground beneath the World Trade Center’s twin towers immediately prior to the collapse. American Free Press has learned of pools of “molten steel” found at the base of the collapsed twin towers weeks after the collapse. Although the energy source for these incredibly hot areas has yet to be explained, New York seismometers recorded huge bursts of energy, which caused unexplained seismic “spikes” at the beginning of each collapse. These spikes suggest that massive underground explosions may have ...

New autopilot will make another 9/11 impossible
Post Date: 2007-03-03 17:24:28 by Eoghan
A hijack-proof piloting system for airliners is being developed to prevent terrorists repeating the 9/11 outrages. The mechanism is designed to make it impossible to crash the aircraft into air or land targets - and enable the plane to be flown by remote control from the ground in the event of an emergency. Scientists at aircraft giant Boeing are testing the tamper-proof autopilot system which uses state-of-the-art computer and satellite technology. It will be activated by the pilot flicking a simple switch or by pressure sensors fitted to the cockpit door that will respond to any excessive force as terrorists try to break into the flight deck. Once triggered, no one on board will ...

The 911 Script and the Age of Terror
Post Date: 2007-03-03 05:30:14 by Kamala
The 911 Script and the Age of Terror Whitley Striber Friday, March 2, 2007 I must admit that I have been deeply shocked by a story that appeared today on my website, to the effect that the BBC reported the collapse of WTC Building 7 23 minutes before it actually took place. Previously, the BBC claimed that it had lost all of its 9/11 coverage, but this video has now surfaced. I watched it myself, and sat there with my blood literally running cold as I saw their reporter saying that Building 7 had collapsed while it was still visible behind her, perfectly intact. Now, why wasn't this just a simple mistake? CNN was reporting rumors that Building 7 might be about to collapse an hour ...

9/11 in Perspective – Flight 93 & WTC7
Post Date: 2007-03-03 05:24:07 by Kamala
9/11 in Perspective – Flight 93 & WTC7 http://TVnewslies.org Friday, March 2, 2007 I wrote about this several years ago and I was lambasted by the 9/11 truth community. Finally yesterday I noticed one person who made the same observation (Mike Rivero of http://Whatreallyhappened.com, a good friend of ours and not one of the people who criticized me.) Maybe now we can see the full picture of how the 9/11 events were supposed to unfold. – Jesse Richard, Editor, http://TvNewsLIES.org Disclaimer: The following is the “opinion” of the author. However this “opinion” is based on four years of research into the events of 9/11 and four years of full time ...

9/11 Conspiracy Theorist Heads for the Tall Grass
Post Date: 2007-03-02 20:28:43 by BeAChooser
9/11 Conspiracy Theorist Heads for the Tall Grass By J.R. Dunn Readers who recall last fall's 9/11 debate in American Thinker between Professor James Fetzer, founder of the 9/11 Scholars for Truth, and me will be interested to learn that an actual confrontation was scheduled this Sunday on Irish National Radio . It's a bitter disappointment to report that it didn't come off. The eminent professor (Distinguished McKnight University Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota, Duluth) failed to answer his phone when the station called, leaving the conspiracy hound's end to be held up by a man who believes that the ship sunk by the iceberg in 1912 was not the Titanic ...

Gems, al-Qaida and murder. Mystery over killing of Osama Bin Laden's friend
Post Date: 2007-03-02 17:16:43 by Eoghan
· Saudi man's death was political, say his family · US secret service was monitoring his activities When Muhammad Jamal Khalifa was found dead at a remote gemstone mine in south-eastern Madagascar at the end of January, local police quickly put the murder down to a business deal gone wrong. The Saudi businessman, 49, had had to call in local police to evict a gang who had taken over the mine during the owner's six-year absence. All the evidence pointed towards another of the many killings that dominate the notoriously violent Madagascar gem mining business. Khalifa had been shot twice, stabbed and hacked at with an axe. His laptop, notebooks and money were missing, ...

Why was there Molten Metal Under Ground Zero for Months after 9/11?
Post Date: 2007-03-02 05:28:59 by Kamala
Tuesday, December 06, 2005 Why was there Molten Metal Under Ground Zero for Months after 9/11? Molten metal flowed underneath ground zero for months after the Twin Towers collapsed: New York firefighters recalled in a documentary film, "heat so intense they encountered rivers of molten steel." A NY firefighter described molten steel flowing at ground zero, and said it was like a "foundry" or like "lava". A public health advisor who arrived at Ground Zero on September 12, said that "feeling the heat" and "seeing the molten steel" there reminded him of a volcano. An employee of New Jersey's Task Force One Urban Search and Rescue ...

Why the Towers Fell: Two theories
Post Date: 2007-03-02 05:24:17 by Kamala
Why the towers fell: Two theories By William Rice Posted March 1, 2007 Having worked on structural steel buildings as a civil engineer in the era when the Twin Towers were designed and constructed, I found some disturbing discrepancies and omissions concerning their collapse on 9/11. I was particularly interested in the two PBS documentaries that explained the prevailing theories as determined by two government agencies, FEMA and NIST (National Institute of Science and Technology). The first (2002) PBS documentary, Why the Towers Fell, discussed how the floor truss connectors failed and caused a “progressive pancake collapse.” The subsequent 2006 repackaged documentary ...

Media Blacklists BBC Fiasco; Google, Digg Censor 9/11 Truth
Post Date: 2007-03-02 00:42:59 by robin
News 24 'timestamp' video disappears from Google Video, despite the fact it's under 30 seconds in length and clearly constitutes fair use, Digg lets small minority of morons decide its contentThe crowned kings of censorship Google have "pulled" the News 24 "timestamp" video that shows the BBC reporting the collapse of Building 7 26 minutes before it happened. Meanwhile, the establishment media continues to ignore the WTC 7 farce as a whole, including the inconceivable notion that BBC World have mysteriously lost all their 9/11 footage.Despite the fact that the clip is under 30 seconds in length and clearly constitutes fair use, Google yanked the video last ...

New WTC 7 Blockbuster One Of The Biggest Stories Of All Time
Post Date: 2007-03-02 00:30:51 by robin
And it all started with one person...Chris | Information LiberationThe new WTC 7 revelations, in which BBC and CNN reporters tell of WTC 7's collapse as the building still stands, has sent shock waves throughout the internet and has become one of the biggest stories of all time. In just 2 days the footage has been seen by an absolute minimum of 270,000 people. The version on YouTube has over 140,000 views, and the version on Live Leak has over 130,000. The amount of other versions, as well as the original version which was deleted, are innumerable. All the videos are still growing at tremendous rates and will no doubt continue to spread like wildfire over the coming weeks. One of the ...

Why No One Could Have Predicted The Collapse Of WTC 7
Post Date: 2007-03-02 00:24:50 by robin
Why No One Could Have Predicted The Collapse Of WTC 7Building was specifically designed to have floors removed without collapsingSteve Watson Infowars.net Thursday, March 1, 2007 This week has seen a cornucopia of news come pouring forth with regards to what happened to World Trade Center building 7 on September 11th 2001. The catalyst for this has been the discovery that the BBC reported the building had collapsed a full thirty minutes before it actually fell on 9/11. The BBC, instead of attempting to explain how it could have reported this, has attempted to both evade and cloud the issue. The truth is that no one could have possibly predicted the building would collapse and ...

WTC7-Larry Silverstein
Post Date: 2007-03-01 11:25:53 by honway

911 Made to happen
Post Date: 2007-03-01 10:03:35 by Itisa1mosttoolate
We're all going to build this post. (actually we've been doing it already) Reply with what ever you feel like replying with. Click for Full Text!

Time Stamp Confirms BBC Reported WTC 7 Collapse 26 Minutes In Advance
Post Date: 2007-02-28 11:11:51 by honway
Time Stamp Confirms BBC Reported WTC 7 Collapse 26 Minutes In Advance Debunkers' claims about blue screens, inconclusive time frame of Jane Standley footage eviscerated Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet Wednesday, February 28, 2007 If there was any remaining doubt that the BBC reported the collapse of Building 7 over 20 minutes before it fell then it has now evaporated with the discovery of footage from the BBC's News 24 channel that shows the time stamp at 21:54 (4:54PM EST) when news of the Salomon Brothers Building is first broadcast, a full 26 minutes in advance of its collapse. Watch the clip below. According to FEMA, WTC 7 collapsed at 5:20pm on the afternoon of 9/11. ...

What Did The Justice Department Hide From The 9/11 Commission?
Post Date: 2007-02-28 01:00:38 by robin
Tuesday, February 27th, 2007 What Did The Justice Department Hide From The 9/11 Commission? Tom Fitton When the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee released a report in January providing new details of Sandy Berger’s theft and destruction of classified documents from the National Archives, among those outraged by the revelations were members of the 9/11 Commission. Why? Because at the time of the incident, which took place during the 9/11 Commission hearings, the Justice Department failed to provide the full breadth of evidence against Berger. (You will likely recall that Berger, Clinton’s former National Security Advisor, was “preparing” for his testimony ...

Neocon Imperialism, 9/11, and the Attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq
Post Date: 2007-02-28 00:56:46 by robin
Tuesday, February 27th, 2007 Neocon Imperialism, 9/11, and the Attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq David Ray Griffin One way to understand the effect of 9/11, in most general terms, is to see that it allowed the agenda developed in the 1990s by neoconservatives - often called simply “neocons” — to be implemented. There is agreement on this point across the political spectrum. From the right, for example, Stefan Halper and Jonathan Clarke say that 9/11 allowed the “preexisting ideological agenda” of the neoconservatives to be “taken off the shelf . . . and relabeled as the response to terror.”1 Stephen Sniegoski, writing from the left, says that “it was ...

BBC News 24 (UK domestic channel) ALSO reports WTC7 collapse early
Post Date: 2007-02-27 20:17:16 by honway
Comments by the poster that provided the link to the video. "I found a very short video clip (which I have saved) of the domestic BBC news channel from 9/11, with the voice-over factually reporting another 'collapse', identifying it as the Salomon Brothers building, with an on-screen clock time of 21.54 (this is British Summer Time, an hour ahead of GMT, five hours ahead of Eastern Daylight Time, i.e. 4:54 pm EDT) I made a screen shot, but don't know how to insert it in this post. You can download the 10 MB AVI file here (as of this writing) if you want:" http://mega-file.net/video/videos/f2a5d9e19b6d4343ec9b086b3a0d05f8/bbc24...

Carpenter Marlene Cruz Proves Pre-planted Explosives in WTC Basement
Post Date: 2007-02-27 19:53:08 by honway
http://www.911blogger.com/node/6488 Click the link above for the video of the interview. On September 12, 2001, Peter Jennings interviews Marlene Cruz, a carpenter injured in one of the pre-collapse explosions in the WTC sub-basement level B before the planes hit the towers. She was the first casualty of 9/11 admitted at Bellevue Hospital. Cruz is a living witness whose testimony proves that pre-planted explosives were used to weaken the foundations of the towers as part of a well-planned controlled demolition.

BBC Responds to Building 7 Controversy; Claim 9/11 Tapes Lost
Post Date: 2007-02-27 17:41:11 by christine
Pathetic five paragraph blog rebuttal does not answer questions as to source of report that Salomon Building was coming down, BBC claims tapes lost due to "cock-up" not conspiracy The BBC has been forced to respond to footage showing their correspondent reporting the collapse of WTC 7 before it fell on 9/11, claiming tapes from the day are somehow missing, and refusing to identify the source for their bizarre act of "clairvoyance" in accurately pre-empting the fall of Building 7. Here is the BBC's response to the questions about the footage that was unearthed yesterday, with my comments after each statement. 1. We're not part of a conspiracy. Nobody told us ...

WTC 7 Foreknowledge-LIVE CNN Coverage
Post Date: 2007-02-27 14:33:14 by honway

Meet Jerome Hauer, 9/11 Suspect Awaiting Indictment
Post Date: 2007-02-27 07:05:59 by Eoghan
Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Jerome Hauer, director of the Office of Public Health Preparedness. On September 11, 2001, Jerome Hauer was a national security advisor with the National Institute of Health, a managing director with Kroll Associates, and a guest on national television. His background in counter-terror and his specialized knowledge of biological warfare served him well on that day. Perhaps a little too well. Anthrax Attacks On September 11, 2001, Jerome Hauer advised the White House to begin taking Cipro, an antibiotic which is effective against anthrax. Mr. Hauer's advice was not made public. Its value may have been underestimated at the time, but it was clearly ...

Post Date: 2007-02-27 05:08:28 by Kamala
Tuesday, May 16 2006 THE TOP 40 THE TOP 40 REASONS TO DOUBT THE OFFICIAL STORY OF SEPTEMBER 11th, 2001 ... An outline in simple talking points ... Version of May 22, 2006: This overview is in development. If you use the search function with key words, you will discover that http://911Truth.org is home to articles backing virtually every point made below. Much of the basic research is available at the Complete 9/11 Timeline (hosted by http://cooperativeresearch.org), the 9/11 Reading Room http://(911readingroom.org), and the Spitzer petition and complaint http://(Justicefor911.org). For physical evidence discussion, see Point 7. THE DAY ITSELF - EVIDENCE OF COMPLICITY 1) AWOL Chain ...

Writer Claims bin Laden Confession Video Offers Evidence of Criminal Conspiracy To Go to War on Part of US and Britain, And Possible Foreknowledge of the 9/11 Attacks
Post Date: 2007-02-27 05:00:51 by Kamala
Monday, February 26 2007 Writer Claims bin Laden Confession Video Offers Evidence of Criminal Conspiracy To Go to War on Part of US and Britain, And Possible Foreknowledge of the 9/11 Attacks by Bryan Sacks "If independent reporters ever want to gain evidence that proves that elements within the U.S. government had prior knowledge of the 9/11 attacks but failed to defend against them, or even anticipated and then enhanced the impact of the events for future effect, then transcripts of bin Laden’s U.S. intercepted communications between January – September 2001 would most likely make the case." --Ed Haas, Muckraker Report, September 21, 2006 ...

Proof thermate was used on 911
Post Date: 2007-02-27 01:33:55 by robin
From itchyandscratchy This is a short clip taken from Alex Jones' new film Terror Storm. It is of Stephen Jones explaining his findings pertaining to thermate being used in the trade centers. Excellent clip.

MIT Engineer Jeff King on WTC Collapse
Post Date: 2007-02-27 01:23:47 by robin
From 2004: http://belowgroundsurface.org Jeff King MIT Engineer on 911 Part 2

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