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The Incredibly Strange Collapse of WTC Building 7
Post Date: 2007-02-19 13:33:59 by robin
This one works (less than 4 minutes) For those of you who watch this and then For those of you who watch this and then think the FDNY could have actually thrown together a quick controlled demolition of World Trade Center Building 7 just hours after the attacks on 9/11, I suggest you watch the Naudet Brothers' documentary entitled 9/11. The firemen that day were every bit as confused and disoriented as we were. They had one concern and one concern only, and that was finding survivors that they thought were buried underneath the rubble of the north and south towers. They were NOT, I repeat NOT, planning and executing a needless controlled demolition of a building with light fire ...

9/11 Truth: What's the Real Motive for the "War on Terror"?
Post Date: 2007-02-18 14:10:17 by robin
From Halifaxion Greg Palast investigates the Bush family Greg Palast investigates the Bush family's close ties to the bin Laden family and the Saudi royal family, and takes a look beyond the rhetoric to expose the real motive behind the Bush Administration's so-called "war on terror" and its illegal invasion of Iraq.

9/11 Truth: The Complete Media Blackout of the WTC7 Collapse
Post Date: 2007-02-18 14:02:07 by robin
From Halifaxion Why won't the mainstream media show or t Why won't the mainstream media show or talk about the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7? Why don't they want people to see this obvious example of a controlled demolition using pre-planted explosives? Is it because it proves that 9/11 was planned in advance? This is a clip from "Improbable Collapse". Get the DVD at http://improbablecollapse.com

9/11 Truth: FEMA & NIST's "Pancake Theory" is a Lie
Post Date: 2007-02-18 13:47:51 by robin
The liars at FEMA and NIST (which are agencies of the U.S. federal government, and therefore are both on the Bush Administration's payroll) were given the task of explaining to the world how two 110-floor office buildings could shred themselves to dust in 10 seconds. The best they could do was the unscientific, idiotic garbage known as the "pancake theory", which is completely insufficient to explain what happened to those buildings. This is a clip from "Improbable Collapse". Get the DVD at http://improbablecollapse.com Poster Comment: Recent related thread: 9/11 Truth: NOVA's "Pancake Theory" Simulation Debunked posted 6 days ago by honway

9/11: Rudy Giuliani & the Feds Destroyed the WTC Evidence
Post Date: 2007-02-18 13:36:02 by robin
Despite the protests of the victims' families as well as many scientists and engineers, Rudy Giuliani's administration worked hand in hand with the Bush Administration to immediately ship the 200 thousand tons of twisted, melted, demolished World Trade Center steel off to India and China to be recycled as scrap before anyone had a chance to do a forensic examination of it. This is not what normally happens to evidence in a crime scene, and is a clear indication of the Guiliani Administration and the Bush Administration's involvement in the crimes of 9/11. This is a DVD extra from "Improbable Collapse". Get the DVD at http://improbablecollapse.com ( 2 minutes )

9/11 Truth: Micheal Meacher & Andreas von Bülow
Post Date: 2007-02-18 13:08:16 by robin
Two prominent European politicians, Michael Meacher and Andreas von Bülow, have gone on the record saying that 9/11 was an inside job which was planned and carried out by the Bush Administration. This is a Dutch program called "TweeVandaag" 9/11 Truth: Micheal Meacher & Andreas von Bülow (Part 1) (11 minutes) 9/11 Truth: Micheal Meacher & Andreas von Bülow (Part 2) (5 minutes)

9/11 Truth: Dr. David Griffin & David Shayler Interviewed
Post Date: 2007-02-18 12:05:16 by robin
David Ray Griffin and David Shayler go over the deeper points of the 9/11 conspiracy in this interview with Gloria Hunniford.

Ex-CIA Analyst Ray McGovern Talks About 9/11 Truth
Post Date: 2007-02-18 11:40:22 by robin
C-SPAN Camp Casey interview with Ex-CIA Analyst Ray McGovern. He talks about running into ex-Secretary of the Department of Transportation Norman Mineta and confronting him regarding his testimony before the 9/11 Commission. Mineta testified that Cheney was well aware of the location and destination of Flight 77 (or whatever it was) and forced NORAD to stand-down and allowed it to hit the Pentagon.

BBC Pressured to Air 9/11 Hit Piece?
Post Date: 2007-02-18 06:27:30 by Kamala
BBC Pressured to Air 9/11 Hit Piece? Crane claims two different versions exist, former Fox exec demanding attack dogs released to prevent harm to American market Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet Friday, February 16, 2007 The BBC has produced two versions of its documentary on 9/11, one being a balanced example of investigative journalism and the other a sophisticated hit piece. According to a leading UK 9/11 truth activist, recently appointed US chief Garth Ancier is pressuring the corporation to air the version that portrays the 9/11 truth movement as a fringe cult of mythology in a bid to protect BBC's American market. Yesterday we reported on the allegations of those interviewed ...

How Did They Know Building 7 Was Going to Collapse?
Post Date: 2007-02-18 06:14:26 by Kamala
How Did They Know Building 7 Was Going to Collapse? Submitted by Shoestring on Tue, 02/13/2007 - 3:50pm. How Did They Know Building 7 Was Going to Collapse? "That building is never coming down, that didn't get hit by a plane, why isn't somebody in there putting the fire out?" - Comment by a firefighter, September 11, 2001. World Trade Center Building 7 was a 47-story skyscraper, located a few hundred feet from the twin towers. No plane hit it, yet at 5:20 p.m. on September 11, 2001 it collapsed entirely to the ground in the space of just 6.6 seconds. No building like it, a modern, steel-framed high-rise, had ever collapsed because of fire before. In fact, photos ...

There's NEVER Been A Real 9/11 Investigation
Post Date: 2007-02-18 06:06:16 by Kamala
There's NEVER Been A Real 9/11 Investigation Submitted by GeorgeWashington on Tue, 02/13/2007 - 8:26pm. essay http://politics.wikia.com/index.php?title=There%27s_NEVER_Been_a_Real_9/11_Investigation The founder of Wikipedia has launched a new website called Wikia. Wikia is already ranked the 1,734th most popular website by Alexa. 9/11 truth is starting to bust through at Wikia. The following post is an example. Vote to support this post, and Slipgrid's post, and post your own 9/11 truth posts at Wikia!. There's NEVER Been A Real 9/11 Investigation A quick look at the government's investigations into 9/11 reveals that -- not only has there never been a real investigation ...

Noam Chomsky joins 9/11 “Jersey” widows in calling for release of 9/11 documents
Post Date: 2007-02-18 05:59:49 by Kamala
Noam Chomsky joins 9/11 “Jersey” widows in calling for release of 9/11 documents February 14, 2007 -- Noam Chomsky has signed a petition written by the 9/11 “Jersey” widows calling for the release of classified documents relating to the 9/11 attacks. The Muckraker Report has contacted him by e-mail and verified that the individual listed on the petition is indeed Noam Chomsky. Chomsky’s name is #6432: That said, now that Chomsky has agreed to sign the widows’ petition, the Muckraker Report would like to see the following people sign too: Alexander Cockburn and crew at Counterpunch, the editorial staff at the Nation, Michael Moore, Barbara Ehrenreich, Amy ...

Cheney Upset That NSA Intercept Made Public
Post Date: 2007-02-18 05:55:20 by Kamala
Cheney Upset That NSA Intercept Made Public Submitted by GeorgeWashington on Thu, 02/15/2007 - 3:40pm. Cheney | NSA http://news.nationaljournal.com/articles/0215nj1.htm The National Journal has a story in today's paper that shows how upset Cheney was that the September 10th NSA intercepts were made public. It also shows that the administration was looking for any possible excuse to shut down the inquiries into 9/11. Early on the morning of June 20, 2002, then-Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Bob Graham, D-Fla., received a telephone call at home from a highly agitated Dick Cheney. Graham, who was in the middle of shaving, held a razor in one hand as he took the phone in the ...

BBC Implies 9/11 Truth Movement a Cult of Mythology
Post Date: 2007-02-18 05:49:30 by Kamala
BBC Implies 9/11 Truth Movement a Cult of Mythology Believing that a mass murdering psychopathic state controls the world makes us feel comfortable, according to the "experts" Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones Prison Planet Thursday, February 15, 2007 The BBC's promotional material for its upcoming documentary on the 9/11 truth movement, widely expected to be a sophisticated hit piece, attempts to dismiss serious questions about 9/11 by implying that anyone who distrusts the official version has a borderline psychological illness and is a member of a mythological cult. An article and an accompanying multiple choice test by a University of London psychologist tries to ...

The 9/11 conspiracy: secrets, lies and a global campaign
Post Date: 2007-02-18 05:45:33 by Kamala
The 9/11 conspiracy: secrets, lies and a global campaign ELEANOR COWIE February 16 2007 Comment | Read Comments (115) SEEKING TRUTH: William Rodriguez, below, survived the 9/11 disaster. Pics - Gordon Terris/AP THE annals of American history had already reserved a place for William Rodriguez, but he was not content with a mere footnote. The 43-year-old former New York janitor claims to have been the last man out of the north tower of the World Trade Centre before it imploded on September 11, 2001. Just moments before the tower's final destruction, Rodriguez assisted firemen and rescue crew in saving hundreds of lives. But for the Puerto Rican, the experience also marked the ...

9/11 Five Years Later - Facing the Fallout
Post Date: 2007-02-17 16:01:52 by robin
A segment on 9/11 truth that delves further into the coverup than any other television report I've ever seen. Listen as Lee Hamilton, co-chair of the 9/11 Commission, says they were "set up to fail."

9/11 Truth: What Happened to WTC Building 7
Post Date: 2007-02-17 15:45:08 by robin
Clip from 9/11 Mysteries: The WTC 7 collapse was clearly a case of a well-planned controlled demolition. Are we supposed to believe they were able to wire the building with explosives WHILE IT WAS ON FIRE, and before they had even begun picking through the rubble of tower 1 and 2 for survivors? Didn't they have more important things to be doing that day besides demolishing another building for no reason? Moreover, doesn't it take a full demolition crew at least several weeks to plan a controlled demolition of a 47-floor office building and wire it with the appropriate amount of explosives? It's not something that happens in one afternoon.

9/11 - Denial Is Over
Post Date: 2007-02-17 14:10:13 by robin
Exposing the Criminals Behind 9/11 Currently 162 9/11 videos at this one link. Each video is less than 10 minutes. Click for Full Text!

9/11: Airtraffic Controller Describes Flight 175 Anomalies
Post Date: 2007-02-17 14:00:58 by robin
Was this type of piloting possible for a hijacker who had trained (and was deemed poor) only on Cessnas? Can people really talk on their cell phones during an accelerated 10,000 ft. per minute descent toward the earth? Was a guy who had only trained on Cessnas really capable of hitting a pinpoint target by sight with a Boeing 757 traveling at more than 400 mph? The WTC is a sliver in space not much wider than the plane itself. The air traffic controller interviewed in this clip is named Dave Bottiglia. Poster Comment:As mentioned at the video here: http://freedom4um.com/cgi-bin/readart.cgi?ArtNum=46096&Disp Gerhard Wisnewski suggests drones were used.

9/11 Truth: The Moles, the Patsies, & State-Sponsored Terror (Webster Tarpley)
Post Date: 2007-02-17 13:52:28 by robin
March 2004: Webster Tarpley talks about the role moles and patsies played in 9/11 and other high-profile false-flag terrorist attacks, and outlines the logical fallacy that guided the so-called "9/11 Commission" to produce their falsified report.

Defense Secretary: "Lots of Warnings" Prior to 9/11 ("the missile to damage this building")
Post Date: 2007-02-17 13:49:35 by robin
Defense Secretary: "Lots of Warnings" Prior to 9/11 >>> Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was interviewed on 12 October 2001 by Lyric Wallwork Winik (yes, that's her real name), a columnist for Parade, the magazine that comes in many Sunday newspapers across the US. Although Parade is one of the most mainstream magazines imaginable (think People meets the Saturday Evening Post), Winik blindsided Rumsfeld with a question that few reporters/interviewers have the guts to ask: "This is a question that's been asked by many Americans, but especially by the widows of September 11th. How were we so asleep at the switch? How did a war targeting civilians arrive ...

9/11 Truth: An Orgy of Evidence Points to an "Inside Job"
Post Date: 2007-02-17 13:42:17 by robin
Webster Tarpley gives a presentation on the smorgasbord of evidence you get to choose from and all the various aspects you get to examine when you're building the case that 9/11 was an inside job that was planned and executed by the Bush Administration.

9/11 Truth: Scott Forbes describes power-downs in WTC
Post Date: 2007-02-17 13:38:10 by robin
Clip from 9/11 Mysteries: This video highlights the financial and environmental consequences of the controlled demolition that brought down the World Trade Center towers. Also: What did the president's brother, Marvin Bush, have to do with security for the World Trade Center Complex and Dulles International Airport on 9/11? Why were there so many power-downs and evacuations in the WTC just prior to 9/11?

9/11: Does this look like "structural failure" to you?
Post Date: 2007-02-17 13:35:25 by robin
Joe Casaliggi, NYC firefighter: "You have two 110-story office buildings. You don't find a desk, you don't find a chair, you don't find a telephone, a computer. The biggest piece of a telephone I found was half of the keypad, and it was about this big. The building collapsed to dust." This is very clearly a case of controlled demolition. When a building collapses due to structural failure, like when a building collapses because of an earthquake, it doesn't just disappear to dust.

9/11 Truth: Even More Video Proof of Controlled Demolitions
Post Date: 2007-02-17 13:27:40 by robin
Close-up video from ground zero on the afternoon of 9/11. Watch this, and activate the logic section of your brain. What you're seeing is not the result of structural failure (like what happens when a building falls over in an earthquake), it's the result of a controlled demolition using pre-planted explosives to pulverize the structures to dust and pools of molten steel. THIS is what structural failure looks like: http://www.painetworks.com/ http://www.schulich.ucalgar http://www.schulich.ucalgar http://www.schulich.ucalgar

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