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9/11 Mysteries: "The best of the 9/11 movies"
Post Date: 2006-09-25 13:09:41 by honway
Click here for 9/11 Mysteries. This is the very best of the documentaries concerning 9/11 The first of a series - now being called the "9/11 Matrix"! "Excellent. The best of the 9/11 movies." --David Ray Griffin, author of The New Pearl Harbor "WOW! is my reaction to this movie. Great insight into demolitions and what really happened on 9/11/2001." --Steven E. Jones, physics professor, Brigham Young University "An outstanding contribution to understanding 9/11. Simply superb." --James H. Fetzer, founder, Scholars for 911 Truth 90 minutes of pure demolition evidence and analysis, laced with staggering witness testimonials. Moving from "the ...

The 9/11 Credibility Gap, Why We Still Don't Know What Really Happened
Post Date: 2006-09-25 10:45:56 by WTC7 911Smoking Cannon
Interview with David Ray Griffin by Abigail Lewis Do you remember where you were September 11, 2001? Can any of us forget? We carry on, of course, but something has shifted in our collective worldview. Beyond the obvious repercussions in our daily lives, the White House has been able to achieve some major objectives as a direct result of 9/11: oil pipeline through Afghanistan, control of Iraqi oil fields, fearful citizens who acquiesced to the Patriot Act, billions in no-bid contracts to Bush-supporting corporations like Halliburton. What if the conspiracy theory we accept—that 19 Arab Muslims inspired by a guy in a cave in Afghanistan defeated the most powerful military machine in ...

Sergeant Lauro "LJ" Chavez, 9/11 Whistle Blower Speaks Out to the Editor of the Cincinnati Post
Post Date: 2006-09-24 17:46:43 by Horse
Greetings Mr. White, I felt it necessary to follow up to a recent story that was published in Cincinnati Post. It was the 1 in 3 believe 9-11 conspiracy theory. I must admit that at first I was overwhelmed with joy that our local paper was actually starting to have real journalism and talk about real issues. Then I read the story and it was a total debunk to make the actual people around the world who feel there was something not right about 9-11, to look like over reacting conspiracy theorists. Im utterly outraged. My 9 year old daughter could have done more research in this, as opposed to just trying to throw the publics ideas and feelings out. Is this not what journalism is supposed to ...

Dentist Whistleblower Who Met 9/11 Hijackers Poisoned To Death
Post Date: 2006-09-24 12:24:58 by Eoghan
Comment: This guy obviously paid the price for his efforts to warn the U.S. government that their agents were about to act as the fall guys for a terror attack. This kind of witness elimination mirrors what happened after the JFK assassination. Alternate Windows Media link if You Tube remove the above video is http://clipeditor.shadowtv.com/videos/clipeditor/client14744 /stv_ktbs_20060921_060521_1158843238608.wmv The Google Video Link is http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=8357150577175856460&hl=en-GB He claimed he met three of the Sept. 11 hijackers in Shreveport a year before the attacks. Now, that man, Shreveport dentist Dr. David Graham, is dead. His family says he was ...

Another Pentagon Video Released - Showing Nothing
Post Date: 2006-09-23 20:50:05 by Eoghan
After numerous FOIA requests and lawsuits were filed against the FBI, it relented by releasing one more of the 85 videos it confiscated relating to the 9/11 Pentagon crash. This time it was the CITGO Pentagon gas station video. It did not show the attack due to the high position of the outdoor camera, which was pointed downward to view cars at the pumps. That may well be the reason the FBI released it and not any of the others. Still unanswered is the smoking gun question, "How did the FBI show up 'within minutes' of the attack to confiscate the CITGO video evidence unless it had prior knowledge of that attack?" Another video in question is thought to have a high probability of ...

Banned From The Classroom 911 Physics Scientist Who Proved Thermite Involved In WTC Demolitions
Post Date: 2006-09-23 18:51:20 by robin
Like a modern-day Galileo or Socrates, the highly respected physicist, who has challenged with logic and scientific evidence the official explanation for the "collapse" of the World Trade Center, has been banned from teaching classes at his university. On September 7, the third day of the new fall semester at Brigham Young University (BYU) in Provo, Utah, Steven E. Jones, professor of physics and 9/11 researcher, was suddenly banned by university authorities from teaching the physics classes he has taught for the past 21 years. Jones was unexpectedly suspended with pay after participating in a radio show in which he had been cunningly lured to comment on a subject outside of his ...

Local Terrorist Whistle-Blower Dead After Poisoning
Post Date: 2006-09-23 16:28:53 by j.sulli
Local Terrorist Whistle-Blower Dead After Poisoning Video He claimed he met three of the Sept. 11 hijackers in Shreveport a year before the attacks. Now, that man, Shreveport dentist Dr. David Graham, is dead. His family says he was poisoned more than two years ago. At the time, Graham was trying to publish a manuscript about meeting three middle easterners in Shreveport, men he feared were plotting to bomb Barksdale Air Force Base. Graham wrote that he warned the FBI. Then after Sept. 11, he saw their pictures among the hijackers. Before Graham was poisoned, he was supposed to testify at a deportation hearing against a Pakistani man, Jamal Khan, who hosted the men Graham believed to be ...

George W. Bush and Administration Join The 9/11 Truth Movement [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2006-09-23 07:13:10 by Uncle Bill
High Quality Full Version of "9-11 Mysteries: Demolitions" WHAT I WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT 9-11 FBI HAS 85 VIDEOS OF PENTAGON ATTACK: "Hotel employees sat watching the film in shock and horror several times before the FBI confiscated the video " Senior Military, Intelligence, and Government Critics of 9/11 Commission Report Conspiracy Theorist #1: George W. Bush: Video "Khalid Sheikh Mohammed described the design of planned attacks of buildings inside the U.S. and how operatives were directed to carry them out. That is valuable information for those of us who have the responsibility to protect the American people. He told us the operatives had been ...

September 11th and the Israelization of America
Post Date: 2006-09-22 21:48:12 by Max
September 11th and the Israelization of America by Genevieve Cora Fraser Just in time for the 5th anniversary of al Qaeda’s September 11th attack, Hollywood’s master conspiracy theory director Oliver Stone produced “World Trade Center,” which conspiracy theorists hoped would be equal to his provocative movie about the Kennedy assassination, “JFK.” Goodness knows there have been lots of questions surrounding the attacks on the Twin Towers, the Pentagon and the downing of United 93, which is the title of another 5th anniversary film. I wondered if Stone’s movie would go back to the lead-up to the attacks. Some have compared 9/11 to the Reichstag fire ...

Brand new 'New World Order' movie
Post Date: 2006-09-22 18:59:57 by Itisa1mosttoolate
Click for Google Video!

9/11 Truth: Scott Forbes describes power-downs in WTC
Post Date: 2006-09-22 17:15:37 by Itisa1mosttoolate
9/11 Truth: Scott Forbes describes power-downs in WTC

Do American Christians Condone Torture?
Post Date: 2006-09-22 14:31:28 by bluedogtxn
Abu Ghraib, Afghanistan & Guantanamo: Do American 'Christians' Condone Torture? by jo swift at 09:40PM (CEST) on September 27, 2005 | Permanent Link | Cosmos Where do American religious leaders stand on torture? Their deafening silence evokes memories of the unconscionable behavior of German church leaders in the 1930s and early 1940s. Despite the hate whipped up by administration propagandists against those it brands "terrorists," most Americans agree that torture should not be permitted. Few seem aware, though, that although President George W. Bush says he is against torture, he has openly declared that our military and other interrogators may engage in torture ...

FBI HAS 85 VIDEOS OF PENTAGON ATTACK: "Hotel employees sat watching the film in shock and horror several times before the FBI confiscated the video "
Post Date: 2006-09-21 19:12:18 by Uncle Bill
PENTAGON RESEARCH VIDEO EVIDENCEThe purpose of this page is to demonstrate the existence of video and the likelihood that somewhere in the 85 videos the FBI admits to having, there should be an image of a 757-200. One of the greatest mysteries of the Pentagon incident is that in a town full of media that was already aware of the attacks in New York, there is not one single still photo or video of an AA 757 anywhere near the Pentagon that morning. This void of information is what has spurred the variety of theories to account for the damage at the Pentagon. The U.S Government originally claimed to have no video. The Pentagon even told broadcast news reporters that its security cameras did ...

Who Controls the United States, Part 2
Post Date: 2006-09-21 12:34:09 by richard9151
Who Controls the United States, Part 2 Wait…. How can we discuss this subject, unless we understand exactly what is the United States? Do you know? Or, are you simply accepting what you were told in the government’s schools? Have you studied the subject? No? Well, when did the United States begin as a legal entity? With the Constitution, right? Wrong. And no, it did not start with the Declaration of Independence either. IN CONGRESS, JULY 4, 1776 The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America Please note the small u in united; united being a verb describing the States of America. Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union … The Stile of this ...

Post Date: 2006-09-21 00:05:13 by Uncle Bill
WHAT I WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT 9-11 NewsWithViews.com By Devvy Kidd September 18, 2006 My last column on 9/11 brought some angry denials from Americans who believe anyone who asks reasonable questions about what really happened that day is mentally ill - including widows, widowers, moms and dads who lost their loved ones on 911. We're all "whack jobs." There has been a concerted effort by the Bush Administration and it's Ministry of Propaganda ("mainstream" and cable media) to reinforce their version as the truth, written on nothing more than shifting sand. Two columnists for Worldnetdaily.com recently made their feelings quite clear: "The world you grew up in, ...

Who Controls the United States?
Post Date: 2006-09-19 18:49:45 by richard9151
Understanding 911 is understanding who controls the United Status Who are the NeoCons? http://zfacts.com/p/253.html How the neoconservatives maneuvered the U.S. into the Iraq War: Neocons began promoting the Iraq "detour" in 1996 through a report explaining why Israel needed Saddam removed from power. Richard Perle delivered this report to Netanyahu, then the new Prime Minister of Israel. Perle later became a key advisor to Rumsfeld. Wurmser, another author, became Cheney’s advisor on Mid-East affairs, while a third author, Feith, was appointed second in command under Wolfowitz. Did you get that? … why Israel needed Saddam removed from power. … The Iraq War is and ...

Torture Bush Style
Post Date: 2006-09-19 14:31:18 by richard9151
Tuesday, September 19, 2006 6:54 AM Subject: [infowarsnews] Bush Desperate To Legislate Mengele Style Torture Bush Desperate To Legislate Mengele Style Torture Phony intelligence from false confessions needed to maintain Al-Qaeda myth, sexual mutilation of children advocated by White House legal architect Paul Joseph Watson/Prison http://Planet.com | September 19 2006 The Bush administration' s desperation to legitimize and legislate torture in the face of revolt from Congress, the Senate and even Colin Powell, is an attempt to rescue the need to have a constant supply of phony intelligence obtained from torture to justify the war on terror - while the real horror of how the ...

High Quality Full Version of "9-11 Mysteries: Demolitions" Now Posted to Google Video
Post Date: 2006-09-18 23:29:20 by Arator
Just click the link above. Send it to your friends. It's much easier to access than the lower quality divided-into-three-parts version.

WTC Agency Won't Move Into Freedom Tower
Post Date: 2006-09-18 21:00:22 by Dakmar
NEW YORK (AP) -- The chairman of the agency that owned the World Trade Center on Monday defended his decision not to ask employees to move into the proposed Freedom Tower at ground zero because of the two attacks on the twin towers. Anthony Coscia, chairman of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, discussed the decision in an interview with The Record of Bergen County (N.J.). His comments were published Monday. "Twice these people were the subject of that attack, and I am not going to ask them to move into that building," Coscia said. "I'll resign, but I won't ask them to move into that building." The Port Authority is negotiating a deal to move into another ...

Taking to the streets on 9/11
Post Date: 2006-09-18 20:01:57 by robin
Taking to the streets on 9/11By Jerry MazzaOnline Journal Associate Editor Sep 18, 2006, 02:19 On the morning of 9/11, I couldn’t watch the reading of names on NY1.Not five years in a row. I clicked off the ritual of bereaved families, somber politicos and media scripters and went to work on the computer. Before I knew it, it was 1 o’clock. Something gnawed. I needed to go down to Ground Zero, at least to pay my respects to the gone. Yet what I found was very alive. Thousands of 9/11 Truth Movement members shouting,, "9/11 was an inside job, 9/11 was an inside job.” This interspersed with the raspy voice of Alex Jones booming the facts of the Towers’ demise on a ...

9/11 Live or Fabricated: Do the NORAD Tapes Verify The 9/11 Commission Report?
Post Date: 2006-09-18 17:46:07 by Kamala
9/11 Live or Fabricated: Do the NORAD Tapes Verify The 9/11 Commission Report? David Ray Griffin September 4, 2006 Part I of II Conclusion of article at: http://www.911truth.org/article.php?story=2006091418303369 A significant stir was created by the publication in Vanity Fair of “9/11 Live: The NORAD Tapes” by Michael Bronner, the first journalist to be given access to these audiotapes--which NORAD had provided, upon demand, to the 9/11 Commission in 2004. The public impact of Bronner’s essay was increased greatly by the availability of snippets from these tapes (which could be accessed from the online version of the article) to be played on TV and radio news reports ...

Bush Tacitly Implies WTC Controlled Demolition? [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2006-09-18 14:51:14 by Kamala
Bush Tacitly Implies WTC Controlled Demolition? Makes strange 'explosives in U.S. buildings' reference during torture speech Friday Paul Joseph Watson/Prison http://Planet.com | September 18 2006 During his speech Friday in which the President argued for the gutting of the Geneva convention and the legal classification of torture, Bush made a strange comment about explosives and their placement in U.S. buildings. Was this a tacit admission of 9/11 controlled demolition? Here's the quote in full from the White House website. "For example, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed described the design of planned attacks of buildings inside the U.S. and how operatives were directed to carry them ...

9/11 Whistleblower: Richard Andrew Grove (Transcript); Corporate US Up To Its Neck In 911 Guilt - Whistleblower
Post Date: 2006-09-17 22:19:20 by Zipporah
9/11 Whistleblower: Richard Andrew Grove (Transcript) Richard Andrew Grove on Meria Heller Show details here This transmission originated on April 23, 2006; and is addressed to the Future of America: A Grand Master Chess Player can think 20 or more moves deep- in essence calculating a Googol of possibilities in his or her mind before making a move. Now, if I were to contend that I could sit down with 8 of the world’s master chess players, and using the aid of only a pencil and paper- or less- play them simultaneously, guaranteeing that I could win at least 4 out of the 8 games, and that I could repeat this feat at will, anytime… Would you bet for me, or against me? Keep ...

The Pentagon After 9/11 : If You Have Eyes, You Can See There Was No Jetliner
Post Date: 2006-09-17 13:39:58 by Mind_Virus
The Pentagon After 9/11 If You Have Eyes, You Can See There Was No Jetliner A picture I bet you've never seen before Where's the plane? No video this time, no long article either. None needed. When you see the Pentagon from this angle (a vantage I bet you've never seen before), the reality of the situation is undeniable. Whatever caused this section of the Pentagon to explode and catch fire was not a passenger jetliner. That's why you've seen photos of the Pentagon from every conceivable angle - except this one which lets you see what actually happened, and what didn't happen.

911 Mysteries - DEMOLITIONS Video Part 1-3. No one could watch these and not be convinced that the WTC towers were brought down with EXPLOSIVES and that 911 is an INSIDE JOB [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2006-09-17 11:06:49 by christine
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Poster Comment: The DVD can be purchased in quantity for low bulk rates here: http://www.911weknow.com/

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