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Chavez says it's plausible Washington orchestrated Nine-Eleven attacks
Post Date: 2006-09-12 19:22:05 by Zipporah
September 12, 2006 12:27 PM CARACAS, Venezuela Venezuela's president says it's "not absurd" to think that Washington had a hand in the Nine-Eleven attacks. The South American leader who claims the U-S launched wars in Afghanistan and Iraq only to solidify political power, now contends a building like one of the World Trade Center towers "never collapses like that" and "could have been dynamited." Hugo Chavez (OO'-goh CHAH'-vez) says a program he saw on Venezuelan state T-V included a theory about how the U-S could have carried out the attacks in order to, in his words, "justify the aggressions that immediately were unleashed" on Afghanistan and ...

Who Did 911 - OBL, Bush Or Mossad? The Evidence
Post Date: 2006-09-12 19:08:46 by Morgana le Fay
Who Did 911 - OBL, Bush Or Mossad? The Evidence By Nashid Abdul-Khaaliq 9-12-6 Another year has passed by since the September 11, 2001 attacks on the U.S. What has been gradually happening is that more and more the initial mainstream media version of what happened on that gruesome day is proving to be less true. Increasing credible and respected people such as scientists, ex-governmental officials, religious leaders, journalists and others are PUBLICLY coming out with information that refutes the mainstream media version of events. What is more interesting is that besides being called "kooks" and the information presented being called "conspiracy theories", the ...

911 WTC Collapse Video [New Video]
Post Date: 2006-09-12 18:16:57 by honway
911 WTC Collapse Video [New Video]

Theory that U.S. orchestrated Sept. 11 attacks 'not absurd': Venezuela
Post Date: 2006-09-12 16:59:15 by christine
Theory that U.S. orchestrated Sept. 11 attacks 'not absurd': Venezuela CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) - President Hugo Chavez said Tuesday that it's at least plausible that the U.S. government was involved in the Sept. 11 attacks. Chavez did not specifically accuse the U.S. government of having a hand in the Sept. 11 attacks, but rather suggested that theories of U.S. involvement bear examination. The Venezuelan leader, an outspoken critic of U.S. President George W. Bush, was reacting to a television report investigating a theory that the Twin Towers were brought down with explosives after hijacked airplanes crashed into them in 2001. "The hypothesis is not absurd . . . that those towers ...

The Sixteen-Acre Ditch
Post Date: 2006-09-12 13:46:19 by Peetie Wheatstraw
Five years after 9/11, this is what Ground Zero looks like (or will, once the NYFD removes the jerry-rigged memorial "pool" it created for Shrub's photo op): Five years after Sept. 11, 2001, ground zero remains a 16-acre, 70-foot-deep hole in the heart of Lower Manhattan. High above it, a scaffolded bank building, contaminated during the attack, hulks like a metal skeleton, waiting endlessly to be razed . . ."The problem," as John C. Whitehead, 84, the former chairman of the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, said baldly in an interview last spring, "is the 16-acre ditch." If you had told me, five years ago, that on the fifth anniversary of the worst ...

United Flight 93 "Wahhabi Muslim extremists" (WMR - 9/11)
Post Date: 2006-09-12 08:45:02 by robin
Sept. 11, 2006 -- A few tips received while the editor was in New York City today resulted in a late edition of WMR. They required some "shoe leather" investigative journalism, something that is extremely lacking today in the "news media." According to well-informed police sources in New Jersey, on the evening of September 10, 2001, the four men who would, the following morning, hijack United Flight 93 en route from Newark Liberty International Airport to San Francisco, were living it up in a Wayne, New Jersey strip club called "Lace." The four hijackers, Ziad Jarrah (Lebanese), the pilot, and three Saudis: Ahmed al-Haznawi, Ahmed al-Nami, and Saeed al-Ghamdi ...

Path to 9/11 Obscures Real Terror Network
Post Date: 2006-09-12 07:41:11 by Kamala
Path to 9/11 Obscures Real Terror Network Monday September 11th 2006, 2:38 pm Thankfully, the “docudrama,” the Path to 9/11, thought to be a documentary by some people—likely to the glee of neocons, especially former Marxist David Horowitz—has come and gone, or at least half of it has. Now we are roiling in the political aftermath. It is said a scene was excised “docudramatizing” Clinton’s National Security Adviser Sandy Berger allowing Osama bin Laden to get a do not go to jail (or Gitmo) card, although it is not reported if the “miniseries” contains a scene portraying Berger filching upward to fifty classified documents from the National ...

Fox News - 911 The Israeli Connection
Post Date: 2006-09-12 02:31:28 by RickyJ
For those that haven't seen the Carl Cameron special report on the Israeli connection to 9/11, here it is. BTW, it's amazing Fox aired this in December of 2001. I doubt they would do the same today.

The 9/11 Conspiracy Nuts: How They Let the Guilty Parties of 9/11 Slip Off the Hook
Post Date: 2006-09-12 00:14:56 by FormerLurker
September 9/10 , 2006 How They Let the Guilty Parties of 9/11 Slip Off the Hook The 9/11 Conspiracy Nuts By ALEXANDER COCKBURN You trip over one fundamental idiocy of the 9/11 conspiracy nuts -- -- the ones who say Bush and Cheney masterminded the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon -- in the first paragraph of the opening page of the book by one of their high priests, David Ray Griffin, The New Pearl Harbor. “In many respects,” Griffin writes, “the strongest evidence provided by critics of the official account involves the events of 9/11 itself… In light of standard procedures for dealing with hijacked airplanes… not one of these planes should ...

9/11 Radio Transmissions
Post Date: 2006-09-11 22:37:16 by FormerLurker
9/11 Radio Transmissionsof WTC 2 FirefightersThis wma file is an extract from the The Complete Firefighters Tape and it contains the final transmissions made by firefighters located in the aircraft impact area of WTC 2 (floors 77 and 78). Floor 78 was officially being ravaged by an 800ºC inferno at this time.The transmissions document that only isolated pockets of fire were reported by the firefighters, so where was the all-consuming inferno?Also of note is the fact that these transmissions were made seconds before WTC 2's collapse. There were supposedly massive structural failings occurring in this section of the building at this time...Video showing the WTC collapse as proposed by ...

Woman Waving From WTC 1 Impact Area
Post Date: 2006-09-11 21:48:59 by Max
Woman Waving From WTC 1 Impact Area This photograph taken from the WTC report shows the aircraft impact area of WTC 1... http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/wtc1_woman.html ...it also shows a survivor looking out from the hole made by the aircraft impact: Zoom of above image - click for full size Enhanced image - click for full size A second photograph gives a better view of the woman and the lack of fire - click for full size Video #1 of woman Video #2 of woman The woman has been tentatively identified by her husband as Edna Cintron, an administrative assistant for Marsh & McLennan. Glass melts at 700°C, therefore an 800°C+ inferno burning at the core of WTC ...

CNN TV's coverage of 9/11/01 in real time[Why the edits?}
Post Date: 2006-09-11 19:13:51 by honway
Spilled New York Times Blood Is Seen as Bond That Draws 2 Nations Closer By JAMES BENNET JERUSALEM, Sept. 11 Asked tonight what the attack meant for relations between the United States and Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, the former prime minister, replied, "It's very good." I remember it like yesterday. On CNN's 9/11 coverage on 9/11/2001, Judy Woodruff was interviewing Israel's former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. When asked what the attack meant for relations between the United States and Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, replied, "It's very good." CNN announced that on 9/11/06 they would rebroadcast on the internet CNN TV's coverage of 9/11/01 in real time.I watched for ...

Everyone's First Reaction Was "Controlled Demolition" Before the official mind control script kicked in and remains 5 years to the day
Post Date: 2006-09-11 13:05:48 by WTC7 911Smoking Cannon
Rarely highlighted footage of an NBC news anchor commenting that the collapse of the twin towers was by no means accidental and that it was a "planned" event, emphasizes the point that before the official mind control script was introduced and parroted forevermore, everybody's first reaction was "controlled demolition." The NBC anchor featured in this clip is simply reacting to the events he is witnessing with common sense in stating that the collapse of the trade towers was obviously a planned event and by no means an accident or a simple consequence of jets hitting the buildings. "This was clearly -- the way the structure is collapsing -- this was the result ...

Breaking: CNN - NORAD scrambles plane
Post Date: 2006-09-11 09:32:35 by Jethro Tull
Hilarious. A united flight from Atlanta to SF is being diverted to Dallas b/c a Blackberry was found in the luggage area. Pure theater for the ignorant.

Music Club: Fixing a hole - As I look at that gaping hole in lower Manhattan, this song came to mind.
Post Date: 2006-09-11 08:26:23 by Jethro Tull

Post Date: 2006-09-11 00:40:08 by Uncle Bill
WHAT CAUSED NOT TWO BUT THREE WORLD TRADE CENTER SKYSCRAPERS TO COMPLETELY COLLAPSE ON 9/11? Steven E. Jones Ph.D. The following PDF file are slides prepared for the Physics Department Colloquium at Idaho State University September 1, 2006, and updated September 8, 2006. Click on the following: http://worldtradecentertruth.com/volume/200609/DrJonesTalksatISUPhysicsDepartment Happy hunting. Madrid stands and the WTC falls

9/11 Impaired Firefighters' Lungs
Post Date: 2006-09-10 22:16:50 by robin
9/11 Impaired Firefighters' Lungs A study finds inhaling World Trade Center dust led to a loss of breathing capacity. By Jia-Rui Chong Times Staff Writer August 2, 2006 New York City firefighters who inhaled toxic dust after the collapse of the World Trade Center in 2001 suffered a sudden loss of lung capacity 12 times the normal rate that occurs each year as people age, according to a study of 12,000 firefighters released Tuesday. Respiratory tests taken a year after the attacks showed the average firefighter exhaled about 23 cubic inches less air in one second than before Sept. 11 — a 9% decrease, the study found. "It's pretty scary, actually," said Dr. John R. Balmes, ...

The 9/11 Heroin Connection
Post Date: 2006-09-10 17:56:57 by Zipporah
“If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don’t have to worry about answers.” --Thomas Pynchon WORLD EXCLUSIVE September 6, 2006--Venice,FL. by Daniel Hopsicker In the days after the 9.11 attack, virtually every television newscast in America was filled with disclaimers from the owners of the Florida flight schools which trained the hijacker pilots, hammering home the message that they only taught how to fly light planes, which in no way prepared anyone to fly jetliners, and were thus innocent of any wrongdoing. But based on a newly-discovered brochure for a flight school owned by Rudi Dekkers and Wally Hilliard (right), whose school taught both ...

Wayne Madsen: 9/11 FBI John O'Neill was invesigating Israeli
Post Date: 2006-09-10 17:37:17 by Zipporah
Sept. 8/9/10, 2006 -- According to a source who knew the late FBI John O'Neill, the head of the Joint Terrorism Task Force in New York and the man who fought bureaucratic meddling in his investigation of the October 2000 USS Cole bombing and the Saudi connection to the funding of Al Qaeda, was also investigating Israeli "art students" and "movers" engaged in suspicious activity around sensitive facilities prior to the 911 attacks. O'Neill, who accepted the job as head of World Trade Center security just prior to 911 and after his retirement from the Bureau, was killed when the South Tower collapsed. It is known that O'Neill was extremely upset at what he considered interference ...

Post Date: 2006-09-10 16:52:46 by SKYDRIFTER
On the eve of the anniversary of 9-11, with the Bush administration becoming increasingly desperate for control of the American will to commit War Crimes, it is necessary to once again illustrate the "science" of Mind Control. In the studies of Hitler's rise to power, it was discovered that the underlying "power" issue wasn't the power of the leadership, versus the "will" of the people to not only move as directed, but also that the populace - when provided with the necessary motivation - became self-empowering. That is to say that the common person, being "re-educated," played a powerful 'local' role in highly directed psychological/emotional chain ...

From the NZ broadcast!! The Path to 911 distortions, lies, slanders and falsehoods.
Post Date: 2006-09-10 16:41:05 by Zipporah
Well, it's 3:30 AM New Zealand time. I've done all I can to rip what I felt were the most important distortions, lies, slanders and falsehoods from the NZ broadcast of P911 part one. Follow me inside to find links to the videos I've put together; you won't be dissappointed. If you are dissappointed, then please keep it to yourself because I have just spent the last 8 hours working on this. xynz's diary :: :: I've supplied what I hope is appropriate (and correctly spelled) annotations to the clips. Some of the clips take scenes from different parts of the movie and put them together for a better narrative. The production values of the movie are pretty damn good, which is going to make it ...

Jim Hoffman 9/11 Rebuttal
Post Date: 2006-09-10 15:44:26 by RickyJ
Jim Hoffman - Booby Trap For 9/11 Truth SeekersBy Joe Quinn9-11 researchers seem to be a dime a dozen these days. After investigating Mike Ruppert and Daniel Hopsicker's motives and methods, we happened to come across an article by another 9-11 researcher, Jim Hoffman. Like Hopsicker, Hoffman seems to believe that the "no 757 at the Pentagon" crowd are disinfo artists.We found Hoffman's arguments and conclusions in the following article to be based on anything but facts or reason. In fact, in making his case, Hoffman even resorts to using the same twisted logic employed by the Bush administration to justify the war on terror. From magical disintegrating airplanes to mysterious ...

Video Clips of Path to 9//11 Part 1 broadcast in New Zealand last night
Post Date: 2006-09-10 14:17:33 by Itisa1mosttoolate
Not going to waste time posting go here http://mparent7777.livejournal.com/12223693.html Click for Full Text!

9/11 Created by Fine Products of US Education
Post Date: 2006-09-10 13:58:27 by Brian S
TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- An Iranian MP said that the tragedy of September 11th had been caused by such elements as Bin Laden who is a product of the military and political trainings of the US administration. Speaking in an exclusive interview with FNA, member of the Parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Alaoddin Boroujerdi said that 9/11 had been created to serve as a pretext for the US administration to exercise its premeditated policies. "There are still many fundamental questions and ambiguities about the root causes of the incident specially considering that several years after the US invasion of Afghanistan, as the home to Taliban and Al-Qaeda, Bin ...

The 9/11 tinfoil hat brigade [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2006-09-10 11:00:20 by Jethro Tull
http://www.michellemalkin.com/ The 9/11 tinfoil hat brigade BY MICHELLE MALKIN • SEPTEMBER 10, 2006 10:01 AM I've got a book review of Popular Mechanics' excellent book, "Debunking 9/11 Myths," in today's New York Post. Here's an excerpt: I GET several e-mails from 9/11 conspiracy theorists every week, usually typed in all capital letters with minimal punctuation and maximum sputter. Here's a typical message I received last Tuesday: "It appears you are not a believer. So, I have only one question, perhaps, but doubtfully, you can answer. WHY DID BUILDING SEVEN COME DOWN?" As it happens, Popular Mechanics magazine's new book, "Debunking 9/11 Myths," ...

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