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Evidence Refutes the Official 9/11 Investigation: The Scientific Forensic Facts
Post Date: 2010-10-15 12:46:42 by Horse
Ed. – This is the actual 10-minute statement read by Richard Gage, AIA, to the media at the AE911Truth press conference at the National Press Club in Washington DC on September 9, 2010. Good afternoon, my name is Richard Gage, AIA. I’m a member of the American Institute of Architects; I’ve been a licensed architect for 22 years; And I’m the founder of the non-profit organization, Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth). As a group, we now have more than 1,270 architect and engineer petition signers. Collectively, we have more than 25,000 years of building and technical experience. This press conference is being given by our petition signers and ...

CBS Report On 9/11: Ground Level Explosion Caused WTC To Collapse [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2010-10-15 12:38:41 by Horse
Yet another 9/11 video that NIST tried to block from being released has emerged discussing bombs in the World Trade Center that led to the collapse of the twin towers, indicating once more that the organization attempted to preside over a cover-up to hide evidence of secondary explosives. Every single video that we have been able to study following a lawsuit brought by the International Center for 9/11 Studies, which forced the National Institute of Standards and Technology to release 3 terabytes of material, has contained either direct or eyewitness evidence of controlled demolition, suggesting that NIST’s refusal to release the footage after a FOIA request was a deliberate ploy to ...

Too Big to Allow: Some Unmentioned Ramifications of 911 Truth [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2010-10-10 14:19:53 by GreyLmist
Does anyone ever think about a world where the unofficial story of 911 actually turns out to be true? What would happen if an alternative 911 theory was proven as fact? Well, maybe people have thought about it, but seems like nobody ever says anything. Why? Sadly, it is for the very reason of the resulting disturbing scenario that any 911 truth may never be told, as it involves a wrench thrown into the system beyond anything most anyone would ever want to imagine.. For several years I have followed the 911 Truth Movement. I read, watched, and learned more than my share, heard opinions and counter-opinions, and like many, have sorrowfully concluded that there was definitely some sort of ...

Byteshredder really screwed up Bill D Berger's post [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2010-10-07 16:16:41 by Itistoolate
Video: 9/11 Firefighters Reveal Huge Explosions Before Towers Collapsed libertypost.org/cgi-bin/r...gi?ArtNum=296736&Disp=All

NEW VIDEO: 9/11 Firemen Secondary Explosion Testimony
Post Date: 2010-10-06 12:20:06 by TwentyTwelve
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IO1ps1mzU8o&feature=player_embedded NEW VIDEO: 9/11 Firemen Secondary Explosion Testimony IC 9/11 Studies Oct 6, 2010 Newly released footage obtained from NIST by the International Center for 9/11 Studies shows firefighters describing secondary explosions shortly before the collapse of the twin towers. Click for Full Text!

Cleveland Show 911 was an Inside Job
Post Date: 2010-10-05 13:01:11 by Horse
Poster Comment:This is a short cartoon.

Witnesses in Defense Dept. Report Suggest Cover-Up of 9/11 Findings
Post Date: 2010-10-05 09:21:37 by Ada
A document obtained and witnesses interviewed by Fox News raise new questions over whether there was an effort by the Defense Department to cover up a pre-9/11 military intelligence program known as "Able Danger." At least five witnesses questioned by the Defense Department's Inspector General told Fox News that their statements were distorted by investigators in the final IG's report -- or it left out key information, backing up assertions that lead hijacker Mohammed Atta was identified a year before 9/11. Atta is believed to have been the ringleader of the Sept. 11 hijackers who piloted American Airlines Flight 11 into the World Trade Center. Claims about how early ...

What We Saw [video]
Post Date: 2010-09-30 06:22:32 by Eric Stratton
Poster Comment:Note the "hiccup" in the film footage at about the 11:45 mark, the time of the hit of the second tower. Otherwise a very interesting perspective that I'd not seen.

9/11 Websites
Post Date: 2010-09-28 23:10:18 by wudidiz
Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth Complete 9/11 Timeline Firefighters for 9/11 TruthJournal of 9/11 StudiesLawyers for 9/11 TruthPatriots Question 9/11Pilots for 9/11 TruthPolitical Leaders for 9/11 TruthReligious Leaders for 9/11 Truth Scholars for 9/11 Truth & JusticeScientific Panel Investigating Nine-ElevenVeterans for 9/11 Truth911Truth.org

9/11 Related Quotes Ready for Email - Version 1
Post Date: 2010-09-28 15:42:49 by Original_Intent
9/11 Related Quotes Ready for Email - Version 1 Submitted by David Fura on Sun, 09/26/2010 - 5:31pm In looking for a way to write down facts that I can use to educate people I know about 9/11, I pretty much gave up trying to use my own words. Instead, this is what I've come up with. From 'experiments' I've run on friends and engineering co-workers, using quotes seems to be a good way to go. Feel free to use as you see fit. I encourage everyone to email to everyone they have any influence over. Comments appreciated. Cheers, David Fura Please read, distribute, and act. For companion graphics: www.ae911truth.org/downloads/AEstreet_2.5beams.pdf 1. “September 11, 200 ...

Listening to Michael Rivero--a caller said that Ahmahdinejad just said that the US did 9/11. I believe he also mentioned Israel. Fox immediately cut the feed.
Post Date: 2010-09-23 16:02:34 by christine
I missed from where or to whom Ahmahdinejad was speaking.

Civil Rights Icon Dick Gregory: The Social Engineers are Here to Divide and Conquer Us 1/4
Post Date: 2010-09-22 13:45:29 by Horse

Why The Military Knows Israel Did 9/11
Post Date: 2010-09-21 23:29:15 by RickyJ

[My title] Another 9/11 "coincidence"? 1971 Dustin Hoffman movie: Who Is Harry Kellerman ...
Post Date: 2010-09-21 11:01:42 by GreyLmist
Who Is Harry Kellerman and Why Is He Saying Those Terrible Things About Me? Directed by Ulu Grosbard Produced by Ulu Grosbard, Herb Gardner Written by Ulu Grosbard, Herb Gardner Starring Dustin Hoffman Dom DeLuise Barbara Harris Jack Warden David Burns Gabriel Dell Music by Shel Silverstein Cinematography Victor J. Kemper Editing by Barry Malkin Distributed by National General Pictures for Cinema Center FilmsRelease date(s) June 15, 1971 [My note: WTC 1 North Tower completed Dec. 1970. WTC 2 South Tower completed July 1971] Running time 108 minutes Country United States Language English Who Is Harry Kellerman and Why Is He Saying Those Terrible Things About Me? is an American comedy ...

New Scientific Evidence Undermines Afghanistan War
Post Date: 2010-09-20 06:48:07 by Ada
NEW YORK and LOS ANGELES, Sept. 9 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- On the eve of the 9th anniversary of 9/11, support for the war in Afghanistan took a serious blow today. Simultaneous press conferences were held in New York and Los Angeles to present startling new information refuting the official 9/11 narrative, used to justify the war. Also announced were three major professional groups which have joined the worldwide, and ever-growing, "9/11 Truth Movement." In a striking show of unity, representatives of "Scientists for 9/11 Truth," "U.S. Military Officers for 9/11 Truth" and "Actors & Artists for 9/11 Truth" presented their findings and unveiled ...

Evidence of media complicity in 9/11 coverup
Post Date: 2010-09-19 13:53:38 by Critter
Poster Comment:I was surfing the Internet Archive's collection of 9/11 news footage, looking for sounds of explosions upon onset of collapse of the WTC towers. I happened across a piece with Peter Jennings and was shocked at what I heard as I watched it. The reporter on the ground, Dan Dahler, completely changed his story after about 2 minutes. He went from seeing an explosive demolition to being a structural engineer proclaiming that fire and the weight of the upper portion of the building initiated and drove the global collapse of the south tower. I was "jumping up and down" pissed off at what I just watched. I wanted to choke this MFer who was obviously helping push what ...

Post Date: 2010-09-18 14:42:13 by Eric Stratton
Anyone know what the damages to the Verizon Building or the Old PO Building were? On top of all else, seems odd that the damages to those two weren't nearly what they were to a building partially buried behind them. WTC Complex Map [click to enlarge the image] Click for Full Text!

Pentagon Surveillance Video Comparison
Post Date: 2010-09-15 14:51:45 by FormerLurker
Just stumbled upon this animation of what a REAL 757 would have looked like in the Pentagon surveillence camera video on 911.. Now here's the "official" video;

Get your planes here
Post Date: 2010-09-15 01:48:24 by RickyJ
See the plane hit the big tall building. See it go boom! Too bad no planers can't see it. They are blind to planes and think video editing doesn't leave signs behind that any expert can easily see.

Get Your No Planes Here
Post Date: 2010-09-15 01:30:08 by wudidiz
Okay. You jokers are gonna have to get on board with the no planes. It's just that simple. There's no turning your head away and pretending it's not so. The truth will haunt you. Like a skeleton in your closet.... ....okay, I won't get poetic. You can run but you can't hide. No planes. On September 11th, 2001, not one airplane hit a building. None. Talk about a Psyop. I thought the Santa Claus story was bad. Think about it. Consider the implications. Before you do that, read this: Killtown - No Planes

I'm Starting My Own Controlled Demolition Company
Post Date: 2010-09-14 23:08:11 by Critter
I'm going to revolutionize the industry. First, I am going to gather lots of old furniture, couches, chairs, loveseats, whatever, then I'll mix in whole bunches of old news papers, magazines etc. Since all of that is stuff people generally throw away, my material expenses will be minimal, don't you think? Why waste all that money on fancy explosives right? Once I get my first client, I'll just hire a bunch of illegals to carry all this crap into the empty building, pay a few Pedros to take a sawzall to a dozen or so columns and beams, then toss around a few thousand gallons of kerosene, strike a match and go have lunch. By the time we get back from chowing on a few ...

Dick Gregory Announces Hunger Strike for 9/11 Truth
Post Date: 2010-09-13 12:45:15 by christine
WTC 1 and 2: Justice and 9/11 Demands Accountability. Forensic Evidence Indicates Presence of Controlled Demolition Material It was so painful for me as my wife Lil and I watched the events of September 11, 2001 on television. Seeing a plane hit the World Trade Center (WTC) North Tower at 8:46, then a second plane hit the South Tower at 9:02. Shortly, we saw the firefighters and other first responders courageously going into the buildings hoping to extinguish the fires, but it was impossible to foresee what followed. Then we watched in shock as nearly a dozen people were jumping from the upper floors to their deaths. We felt profound horror at 9:59 as the South Tower cascaded in freefall ...

April Gallup - Was there a bomb in the Pentagon?
Post Date: 2010-09-12 19:34:22 by Horse
Poster Comment:This woman is a third generation soldier who accuses government leaders of treason.

Post Date: 2010-09-12 17:28:43 by Horse

Mark Dankof on Truth about 9/11 VIDEO
Post Date: 2010-09-11 22:43:01 by Max
Mark Dankof on Truth abut 9/11 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q...s&feature=player_embedded

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