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Key Witness to WTC 7 Explosions Dead at 53
Post Date: 2008-12-21 00:16:21 by Rotara
Key Witness to WTC 7 Explosions Dead at 53 Emergency coordinator and 9/11 witness Barry Jennings has passed away with controversy about WTC7 still hot– as the BBC hit piece and NIST report have been released to counter Jennings’ exclusive testimony of explosions inside Building 7 Aaron DykesInfowars.com September 16, 2008 UPDATED SEPT 17 4:05 PM CST: NYC Housing Authority spokesman Howard Marder has now officially confirmed that Barry Jennings indeed passed away approximately a month ago after several days in the hospital, matching confirmations from several other employees at the Housing Authority. Marder commented that Jennings was a great man, well liked by everyone at the ...

Newly Found Archived Footage: New: Fox News 5 reports WTC 7 collapse BEFORE it happens
Post Date: 2008-12-20 23:37:35 by Artisan
They report building 7 has fallen, tryin to figure out which building it was, and then while they are talking it falls down live on camera. "We are seeing video today that only Hollywood could produce," the male anchor remarks. Click for Full Text! Poster Comment:i had never seen this clip before. anyone else?

Funniest Bumper Sticker Turtle Has Seen All Year
Post Date: 2008-12-20 09:43:18 by Turtle
Iraqis Involved in 9.11: Zero Saudi Arabians: 15. Click for Full Text! Poster Comment:But did we attack Saudi Arabia? No....

“The Americans will learn what it is to live with terrorists after the planes hit the twins in September.”
Post Date: 2008-12-19 15:36:22 by Itisa1mosttoolate
In October 2000, at the Gomel Chesed Cemetery, a former IDF member and veteran of the Yom Kippur War overheard, in Hebrew:“The Americans will learn what it is to live with terrorists after the planes hit the twins in September.” Click for Full Text!

The Simpsons 9/11 Conspiracy: Did The Simpsons Know About The September 11 Attacks Before It Happened?
Post Date: 2008-12-19 01:50:14 by wudidiz
The Simpsons 9/11 Conspiracy: Did The Simpsons Know About The September 11 Attacks Before It Happened? Notice the price of the bus fare to NY looks like "9/11". The image also looks almost exactly like the '9/11 truth' tee shirts. Of course, this is the episode where homer runs between both of the WTC towers. I actually remember watching this episode long time ago but never noticed the "911" magazine cover. The episode was aired THREE YEARS BEFORE 9/11 in 9/27/1997. This episode was banned after 9/11. Click for Full Text! Poster Comment:Neo's Passport expired on 9/11/2001 just like our Freedom

Legal minds respond to landmark 9/11 civil suit against Rumsfeld, Cheney
Post Date: 2008-12-19 01:24:41 by wudidiz
Legal minds respond to landmark 9/11 civil suit against Rumsfeld, Cheney Stephen C. Webster Published: Thursday December 18, 2008 April Gallop 'will be very disappointed,' lawyer tells RAW STORY.April Gallop, whom the Army News Service called a "hero" after she was awarded the Purple Heart for injuries sustained at the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001, will not likely be triggering another such response from internal government media. On behalf of Spc. April Gallop, who served in the Network Infrastructure Services Agency as an administrative specialist, California attorney William Veale on Monday filed a civil suit against former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Vice ...

Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth: John Shanahan Interview
Post Date: 2008-12-18 15:58:00 by Artisan
John Shanahan, licensed engineer and member of Richard Gage's Architects & Engineers for 911 Truth [ ae911truth.org ] is interviewed by Christie Czajkowski of TruthBrigade.org. Part 2 of 4. Recorded 4/16/08 Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth: John Shanahan - Part 2/4 from Dissident on Vimeo. part 4/4: Architects & Engineers for 911 Truth: John Shanahan- Part 4/4 from Dissident on Vimeo. Click for Full Text! Poster Comment:Engineer member of Richard Gage's group interviewed on truthbrigade radio. If you're tired of the leftist professors and socialists who permeate the 'truth' movement, this will be a refreshing change.

911 Passenger and Crew Lists
Post Date: 2008-12-18 15:39:00 by Horse
I have until recently been challenging people to find the 19 Arabs on the passenger and crew lists at CNN. I have just today discovered that CNN scrubbed the compelete lists but have retained articles on individuals. So I used the Internet Wayback Machine located at http://www.Archive.org and found these results To look at those passenger and flight crew lists for the allegedly hijacked planes please go here. If you bookmark this page, you can click on the links and get the other 3 memorial lists. I have provided all the other lists directly below as well. http://web.archive.org/web/20010...victims/AA77.victims.html The above URL is for Flight 77 only. Please go here for Flight 11: ...

9/11 Cheney Connection
Post Date: 2008-12-17 21:02:26 by wudidiz
9/11 Cheney Connection Click for Full Text!

NY hog caller blows another one and someone dies
Post Date: 2008-12-16 16:22:15 by PSUSA
NEW YORK (CNN) -- Brittany Zimmerman, a 21-year-old college student who wanted to be a doctor, called 911 as she was being attacked by a stranger, police say. Brittany Zimmerman's screams and struggle for her life were captured by a 911 tape. Brittany Zimmerman's screams and struggle for her life were captured by a 911 tape. But the police did not come for 48 minutes. By that time, Zimmerman was dead. Her fiance found her body. Although the dispatcher claimed later to have heard nothing, the 911 tape captured screams, gasps and what sounds like a struggle, according to the court documents. Spring was in the air when college student Zimmerman returned April 2 from classes at the ...

Operation Northwoods Exposed (False Flag Terror by US GOVERNMENT)
Post Date: 2008-12-11 12:51:12 by Rotara
Youtube Thursday, Dec 11, 2008 Operation Northwoods Exposed - Starring Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura, and James Bamford. Note: The official “Operation Northwoods” document was originally obtained by George Washington University’s National Security Archive through the Freedom of Information Act and can be viewed online here: http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/news/200… Poster Comment:

Post Date: 2008-12-10 09:22:43 by Jethro Tull
Before After Mayor Bloomberg congratulated Larry Silverstein on the "continued success" of 7 World Trade Center last week - an overdue acknowledgment from Bloomberg, who once needled Silverstein for supposedly asking for too high a rent. In 2005, with the tower not quite finished, Silverstein had the nerve to ask $50 a square foot or more, even though other downtown buildings would have been happy with $35. The fact that the new 7 WTC was a vastly superior product to buildings 25 years and more older didn't seem to impress Bloomberg at the time. On Friday, Silverstein and Bloomberg announced that German investment bank WestLB will move from Midtown to 7 WTC, ...

(Bishop) Catholic Church-9/11 Was An Inside Job
Post Date: 2008-12-10 03:06:50 by Horse
Click for Full Text!

Tortured Patsies “Confess” To 9/11
Post Date: 2008-12-09 21:34:21 by TwentyTwelve
Tortured Patsies “Confess” To 9/11 Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Tuesday, December 9, 2008 The government is set to wheel out five more tortured detainees in a desperate effort to prop up the thoroughly discredited official 9/11 story, including another appearance for the ultimate patsy - Khalid Sheik Mohammed. “Five detainees at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, say they want to confess to conspiracy charges for planning the September 11, 2001, attacks, a Pentagon spokeswoman said Monday,” reports CNN. “Khalid Sheikh Mohammed — the confessed architect of the attacks, who was captured two years later in Pakistan — and four other alleged co-conspirators ...

FBI was told to blame Anthrax scare on Al Qaeda by White House officials
Post Date: 2008-12-08 21:40:11 by Ada
Click for Full Text! WASHINGTON - In the immediate aftermath of the 2001 anthrax attacks, White House officials repeatedly pressed FBI Director Robert Mueller to prove it was a second-wave assault by Al Qaeda, but investigators ruled that out, the Daily News has learned. After the Oct. 5, 2001, death from anthrax exposure of Sun photo editor Robert Stevens, Mueller was "beaten up" during President Bush's morning intelligence briefings for not producing proof the killer spores were the handiwork of terrorist mastermind Osama Bin Laden, according to a former aide. "They really wanted to blame somebody in the Middle East," the retired senior FBI official told The ...

Former ISI Chief: Mumbai And 9/11 Both “Inside Jobs”
Post Date: 2008-12-08 12:40:16 by TwentyTwelve
Former ISI Chief: Mumbai And 9/11 Both “Inside Jobs” Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Monday, December 8, 2008 General Hamid Gul, the former head of the Pakistani ISI, told CNN yesterday that both the Mumbai attacks and 9/11 were “inside jobs,” much to the chagrin of host and CFR luminary Fareed Zakaria, who told viewers that Gul’s opinions were “absolutely wrong and thoroughly discredited”. “When you look at the full spectrum of possibilities, who could have done it, then one knows that Samjhauta Express was a similar case, in which Pakistan ISI was accused. But it turned out that it was the militant Hindus themselves who had killed 68 ...

1 DAY BEFORE 911 WTC attack! DO u know what happened?WATCH!
Post Date: 2008-12-05 10:29:53 by PSUSA
Click for Full Text! Poster Comment:Why keep feeding the beast.

Japan 'should develop nuclear weapons'
Post Date: 2008-12-04 04:52:11 by Rotara
Last Updated: 11:57AM GMT 01 Dec 2008 Former head of the Japanese air force, General Toshio Tamogami, says Japan should consider developing nuclear weapons Photo: AP And if the country had atomic weapons in 1945, it should have used them against the Allies, General Toshio Tamogami added.Sacked as chief of staff of the Air Self-Defence Force in late October for writing an essay in which he claimed Japan was tricked into the war and that Japan was not the aggressor, Gen Tamogami has continued to embarrass the government by going further with his demands.Those demands now include instilling nationalistic pride in Japanese schoolchildren, giving a freer hand to the military and revising ...

Shocking! Israel Did 911 - The Irrefutable Evidence!
Post Date: 2008-11-28 11:01:17 by richard9151
Shocking! Israel Did 911 - The Irrefutable Evidence! homepage.mac.com/ardeshir/9-11.html IF YOU BUY THE OFFICIAL STORY ON 9-11... ...the Next Thing you will be Buying will Likely be the Brooklyn Bridge. One thing's for sure: every theory about 9-11 must be a conspiracy theory. (The events of 9-11 couldn't have happened entirely by chance, without a conspiracy behind them, now could they have?) The only question is, which conspiracy theory you are going to believe? Please, please, please read the following, written by a person who wishes to remain anonymous, apparently because he fears for his own safety. (Heck, I don't even know if he's actually a she!) But all the ...

Coordinated Carnage in Mumbai; 80 Dead BREAKING NEWS
Post Date: 2008-11-26 20:50:00 by tom007
Coordinated Carnage in Mumbai; 80 Dead (Updated) By Noah Shachtman November 26, 2008 | 3:48:36 PMCategories: T is for Terror Something horrible is happening in Mumbai. 80 people are dead and 250 injured in a coordinated series of attacks on luxury hotels, train stations, and tourist attractions in India's financial capital. At least seven sites were struck, the Times of India reports. And the death toll could easily climb much higher. 60 lifeless bodies and over 200 injured people were brought to a single hospital, according to DNA Mumbai. "A little-known group, the Deccan Mujahideen, has claimed responsibility," the AP reports. The strikes "come after a series of ...

The 9/11 Chronicles Part One: Truth Rising (Video)
Post Date: 2008-11-24 22:29:54 by TwentyTwelve
The 9/11 Chronicles Part One: Truth Rising (Video) Seven years after the attacks of September the Eleventh, a global awakening has taken place, the likes of which the world has never seen. As the corporate-controlled media dwindles into extinction, a new breed of journalists and activists has emerged. Join Alex Jones, Luke Rudkowski and others as they set out on a mission determined to expose the ruthless global elite, and alert the masses to the truth about 9/11. Truth Rising is an activist tool dedicated to educating people about the plight of the 9/11 heroes and the growing influence of the 9/11 truth movement. Click for Full Text!

Loose Change 2nd Edition
Post Date: 2008-11-24 21:41:22 by TwentyTwelve
Loose Change 2nd Edition "Loose Change 2nd Edition" is the follow-up to the most provocative 9-11 documentary on the market today. This film shows direct connection between the attacks of September 11, 2001 and the United States government. Evidence is derived from news footage, scientific fact, and most important, Americans who suffered through that tragic day. IT IS THE DUTY OF EVERY AMERICAN TO VIEW THIS FILM! Click for Full Text!

Fabled Enemies: A New Film By Loose Change Filmmaker Jason Bermas
Post Date: 2008-11-24 21:15:49 by TwentyTwelve
Fabled Enemies: A New Film By Loose Change Filmmaker Jason Bermas Click for Full Text!

911 Mysteries Part 1 - Demolitions (Full - 1ed.) -
Post Date: 2008-11-23 16:33:05 by wudidiz
When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. - Arthur Conan Doyle, Sr., creator of Sherlock Holmes If it's important to you to believe that Western society is structured such that "good" always triumphs - at least in 'big' matters, that Kojak always 'gets the bad guy', and that the evildoers are a small minority of bad eggs eagerly exposed by the valiant press, this a critical principle to keep in mind. 911 Mysteries demolishes the 'official' 911 conspiracy theory more graphically than any movie previously released. See for yourself what really happened in the 3 demolished buildings in the weeks before ...

Zinn: 9/11 Truth Is For "Fanatics", Has "No Practical Political Significance"
Post Date: 2008-11-22 02:22:22 by wudidiz
What really happened on 9/11 is not a distraction, it is the key to everything:Without 9/11 there would be no "war on terror". Without 9/11 there would be no "clash of civilizations" Without 9/11 there would be no war in Afghanistan. Without 9/11 there would be no war in Iraq. Without 9/11 there would be no war in Iran. Without 9/11 there would be no war in... (insert any country classified as part of the "axis of evil" or defined as being "with the terrorists") Without 9/11 thousands of U.S. troops would not have been sent to their deaths. Without 9/11 hundreds of thousands of citizens of Iraq and Afghanistan would not have been sentenced to their ...

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