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Filmmaker Urges International Tribunal to Probe 9/11
Post Date: 2008-09-10 06:57:36 by angle
Italian film-maker Giulietto Chiesa, who was in Berlin for a screening of his documentary which questions the official US version of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, has called for an international tribunal to probe events. Chiesa was in Berlin at the weekend for a screening of his film which features, among others, novelist Gore Vidal and playwright Dario Fo as well as retired American professor of philosophy David Ray Griffin who advances conspiracy theories that contradict mainstream accounts of events of 11 September, 2001. Federal Aviation Administration controllers, US Air Force pilots, military commanders and physicists also appear in the critical documentary, which the director hopes ...

Jesse Ventura Questions 9/11 at Ron Paul Rally
Post Date: 2008-09-08 05:13:07 by Artisan
Jesse starts out: "Now- I'm gonna go on to another subject that a lot of people don't want to discuss today.... and that's something called 9/11." ----------- Ron Paul Rally For The Republic Jesse Ventura 9/2/08 Part 3 VENTURA 2012! Jesse Ventura suggests he may run in 2012 in this final part of his speech at Ron Paul's Rally For The Republic. http://campaignforliberty.com/

This Picture's Worth A Million Words
Post Date: 2008-09-04 20:28:57 by wudidiz
911 Memorial Service at Grace Cathedral Poster Comment:

9/11 Truth Debunker Embarrasses Himself
Post Date: 2008-09-04 04:50:30 by wudidiz
September 03, 2008 9/11 Truth Debunker Embarrasses Himself On August 31st 2008 members of Calgary 9/11 Truth were met by a "Debunker" at City Hall. He admits that he has not read the entire 9/11 Commission report because he "gets the gist of it" Click for Full Text! Poster Comment:

Please Comment- NIST Report Defender
Post Date: 2008-09-03 22:48:19 by Horse
Arthur Scheuerman The NIST investigation was mainly interested in what caused the WTC collapses. They have discovered that the long span open area high rise design and construction with week connections was unable to withstand the effects of a large out of control fire over several floors and that this fire was sufficient to demolish both the towers and building 7. NIST is saying is that explosives were not necessary and were not used in the destruction of the WTC buildings. If you still believe controlled demolition caused the collapses keep reading. Reports of Controlled Demolition, Molten Steel, Thermite, etc. I would like to know who is paying Richard Gage to go all around the ...

This is interesting...
Post Date: 2008-09-02 06:28:49 by wudidiz
Click for Full Text! Poster Comment:First I've seen this. From the movie, 'The Matrix'. Neo's passport expiry date is Sept 11, 2001.

The Elephant In The Room - no smoke without fire
Post Date: 2008-09-02 03:45:14 by wudidiz
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Cheney Waits Until Last Minute Again To Buy Sept. 11 Gifts
Post Date: 2008-09-02 03:33:56 by wudidiz
Cheney Waits Until Last Minute Again To Buy Sept. 11 Gifts September 1, 2008 WASHINGTON—Busy dealing with important paperwork and other vice presidential duties in recent weeks, Dick Cheney was forced to put off until the last minute a cherished annual tradition: gift-shopping for his favorite holiday, 9/11. "I looked at the calendar yesterday, and I couldn't believe my eyes—9/11 is almost here!" a rosy-cheeked Cheney said upon returning to the White House Sunday with two giant bags overflowing with gift-wrapped boxes and big red bows. "It's the most wonderful time of the year." Enlarge Image The vice president strolls happily down New York's ...

Fabled Enemies: New 9/11 film explores ties of Bin Laden to the 9/11 attacks
Post Date: 2008-09-01 13:26:49 by Tax Pro Tester 2
Newly released film from Jason Bermas, creator of Loose Change. Fabled Enemies explores whether Bin Laden was responsible for the attachs on 9/11. Watch it on Google Video now!

THE TOP 40 REASONS TO DOUBT THE OFFICIAL STORY OF SEPTEMBER 11th, 2001 ... An outline in simple talking points ...
Post Date: 2008-08-30 02:53:13 by wudidiz
THE TOP 40 REASONS TO DOUBT THE OFFICIAL STORY OF SEPTEMBER 11th, 2001 ... An outline in simple talking points ... We are continuing to compile the best documentation links for every single point on this page, and intend to post the updated version as soon as possible, and create teaching tools and more from the info. This is a significant and time-consuming process--if you have useful links, please send them to janice[at]911truth[dot]org. Thanks for your help! If you use the search function with title key words, you will discover that 911Truth.org is home to articles backing virtually every point made below. Much of the basic research is available at the Complete 9/11 Timeline (hosted by ...

Was The 9/11 Commission Bribed?
Post Date: 2008-08-27 22:11:37 by wudidiz
Was The 9/11 Commission Bribed? Allegations of bribery.::::::::Jon Gold 8/27/2008 Recently, Mike Berger from 911Truth.org was interviewed by the "Conscience of Kansas" Conservative Paul Ibbetson. During the interview, Mike mentioned the alleged bribery of the 9/11 Commission by Pakistan to omit any incriminating information about them. I figured a lot of people weren't familiar with this story, so I was inspired to write this "recap." Over the years, there have been many allegations of Pakistani involvement in the 9/11 attacks. Apparently, Lt. General Mahmood Ahmed, the head of the Pakistani ISI, someone who met with U.S. elected and appointed officials in the ...

World Trade Center 7 and the NIST Report
Post Date: 2008-08-24 07:42:55 by Kamala
Tag(s): Anthrax; Engineering; Fiction; Invasion; Investigations; Iraq; NIST; Science Add to My Group August 23, 2008 at 17:27:51 World Trade Center 7 and the NIST Report by William Helbig Page 1 of 1 page(s) www.opednews.com World Trade Center 7 and the NIST Report By William H. Helbig I recently wrote an article for OpEdNews on August 2, 2008, in which I discussed the Anthrax attacks and the purported villain in these attacks of late October 2001. I predicted that Bush would need to resolve some unfinished business before he leaves office in January of 2009. I have included one paragraph from the article below, titled Anthrax Redux, which appeared on the OpEdNews website on August ...

NIST Concludes "Fire" Caused WTC 7 “Collapse” when FEMA Report Concluded Fuel Tank Explosion had "low probability” of Knocking Down Tower
Post Date: 2008-08-24 07:35:19 by Kamala
Arabesque: 9/11 Truth "We're an empire now, and when we act we create our own reality." August 23, 2008 NIST Concludes "Fire" Caused WTC 7 “Collapse” when FEMA Report Concluded Fuel Tank Explosion had "low probability” of Knocking Down Tower NIST Concludes "Fire" Caused WTC 7 “Collapse” when FEMA Report Concluded Fuel Tank Explosion had "low probability” of Knocking Down Tower NIST claims "fire" had better chance of knocking down tower than planted explosives in bizarre response to interview question By Arabesque NIST has finally released their final report into the collapse of Building 7, which ...

A "Pull No Punches" Interview with Dr. Shyam Sunder, the lead WTC investigator for NIST on No Lies Radio.
Post Date: 2008-08-24 07:31:14 by Kamala
A "Pull No Punches" Interview with Dr. Shyam Sunder, the lead WTC investigator for NIST on No Lies Radio. ( Home » blogs » noliesradio's blog » A "Pull No... ) Submitted by noliesradio on Sat, 08/23/2008 - 3:28pm. Building 7 | final report | N.I.S.T. | Shyam Sunder | WTC collapse Click Here To Listen -- noliesradio.org Building 7 Collapse Interview with Dr. Shyam Sunder of N.I.S.T. Coming up Sunday, August 24th at 1:30pm Pacific - 4:30pm Eastern - 20:30 GMT Repeated Monday, August 25th at 1:30pm Pacific - 4:30pm Eastern - 20:30 GMT Will be archived here after the broadcasts. noliesradio.org/ Last Thursday, August 21st, No Lies Radio News brought ...

NIST WTC 7 Report: Shameful, Embarrassing And Completely Flawed
Post Date: 2008-08-22 17:55:10 by Kamala
NIST WTC 7 Report: Shameful, Embarrassing And Completely Flawed NIST Claims “New Phenomenon” Occurred For First Time Ever In Collapse Of WTC 7 Yet fails to address why ground zero workers and media outlets had prior knowledge of an “extraordinary event” never before observed an hour in advance, plus myriad of other ignored issues Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet Friday, August 22, 2008 In its final report on the collapse of WTC 7 that news outlets are reporting “puts 9/11 conspiracy theories to bed,” NIST claims that the never before observed “new phenomenon” of “thermal expansion” was to blame for the destruction of the building, a ...

Bad Faith: WTC 7 and the Official Lies
Post Date: 2008-08-22 17:33:55 by Kamala
Bad Faith: WTC 7 and the Official Lies Bad Faith: WTC 7 and the Official Lies Crimes of the State With the release of the NIST final report on Building 7 we can safely say that the government remains committed to the ongoing cover-up, and that crucial evidence was simply ignored, fairy tales were manufactured, and that's good enough for a lot of media. Perhaps a super-majority of media. As media, "the press," will not perform its function as society's government watchdog, and will not pursue the gaping holes in this wizard's curtain, it's basically left to us -- you and me -- to clear up this matter for our fellow citizens. We are at a serious ...

Feds Say They've Solved 9/11 Mystery
Post Date: 2008-08-22 07:16:57 by Disgusted
Feds Say They've Solved 9/11 Mystery By DEVLIN BARRETT, AP GAITHERSBURG, Md. (Aug. 21) - Federal investigators said Thursday they have solved a mystery of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks: the collapse of World Trade Center building 7, a source of long-running conspiracy theories. The 47-story trapezoid-shaped building sat north of the World Trade Center towers, across Vesey Street in lower Manhattan. On Sept. 11, it was set on fire by falling debris from the burning towers, but skeptics have long argued that fire and debris alone should not have brought down such a big steel-and-concrete structure. What Brought Down World Trade Center 7?Roberto Borea, APFederal investigators said ...

Barack Obama calls a 9/11 truther who wants Bush impeached part of "the Bush/Cheney Attack Machine"
Post Date: 2008-08-16 02:30:30 by wudidiz
Barack Obama calls a 9/11 truther who wants Bush impeached part of "the Bush/Cheney Attack Machine"Surprisingly enough, he didn't say "Bush/Cheney/McCain," but whatever Posted by: Jeff EmanuelFriday, August 15, 2008 at 08:53PM7 Comments As my friend and colleague streiff detailed Friday morning, the Obama campaign was apparently so spooked by the case Jerome Corsi makes against The One in his book "Obama Nation" that they released a 40 page rebuttal to the work. Streiff wrote: Even if everything in Corsi's book is correct, it certainly isn't something that a politician who sees himself as less than a deity, if not The Deity, should concern ...

Hole In The Ground ( Shanksville Town )
Post Date: 2008-08-14 17:26:31 by Artisan
GARKO Song - Hole In The Ground ( Shanksville Town ) Poster Comment:This is a catchy song, about flight 93. the guy, a member of we are change L.A. sounds like a cross between bruce spingsteen and elvis. his site is http://meetthetruthers.com

High Resolution Fabled Enemies Trailers (A new Jason Burmas Film)
Post Date: 2008-08-13 23:51:42 by TwentyTwelve
High Resolution Fabled Enemies Trailers Infowars August 13, 2008 7 years after 911 the supposed mastermind behind the attacks is still at large, and the nation is entrenched in multiple Wars in the Middle East. Is Bin Laden the Evil behind the attack or a mere front man in a larger picture, a Bogeyman? We are told we are fighting a War on Terror, and that the Terrorists hate us for our freedom. If that is the case, why do our leaders take more and more of those freedoms away every day? Click for Full Text!

WeAreChangeLA questions Dennis Kucinich about 9/11
Post Date: 2008-08-13 02:10:21 by WTF?
WeAreChangeLA questions Dennis Kucinich about 9/11 Interesting reference to Carl Jung and the collective mind at 3:45. Dennis Kucinich rocks. Well, way more than McCain or Obama anyway. Click for Full Text!

Tape: Top CIA official confesses order to forge Iraq-9/11 letter came on White House stationery
Post Date: 2008-08-09 03:40:15 by wudidiz
Tape: Top CIA official confesses order to forge Iraq-9/11 letter came on White House stationery John Byrne Published: Friday August 8, 2008 In damning transcript, ex-CIA official says Cheney likely ordered letter linking Hussein to 9/11 attacks A forged letter linking Saddam Hussein to the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks was ordered on White House stationery and probably came from the office of Vice President Dick Cheney, according to a new transcript of a conversation with the Central Intelligence Agency's former Deputy Chief of Clandestine Operations Robert Richer. The transcript was posted Friday by author Ron Suskind of an interview conducted in June. It comes on the heels of denials by ...

American Conservative: It was Feith’s office, not CIA, that forged the Habbush letter
Post Date: 2008-08-08 01:54:13 by wudidiz
American Conservative: It was Feith’s office, not CIA, that forged the Habbush letter. Ron Suskind’s new book alleges that the White House ordered the CIA to forge a letter from the head of Iraqi intelligence to Saddam Hussein linking the dictator to the 9/11 terrorists. The American Conservative’s Philip Giraldi argues today that “an extremely reliable and well placed source in the intelligence community” told him Suskind’s overall claim “is correct,” but that it was Douglas Feith’s Office of Special Plans — not the CIA — that forged the letter: My source also notes that Dick Cheney, who was behind the forgery, hated and mistrusted ...

The Onion: '9/11 Conspiracy Theories Ridiculous' - Al Qaeda
Post Date: 2008-08-07 18:26:26 by wudidiz
The Onion: '9/11 Conspiracy Theories Ridiculous' - Al Qaeda

Chemical Traces of High Explosives in WTC Debris
Post Date: 2008-08-05 23:17:32 by rack42
The standard way to demolish a steel-framed building is to apply cutter charges to the supporting beams. The cutter charges consist of finely-powdered aluminum mixed with iron oxide, with added sulfur. This mixture contains both fuel and oxidant – it needs no air – and it burns hot enough to melt steel. The trade name for this product is “Thermate.” There is a science to placing the charges in such a way that the building falls inward. It requires a great deal of expertise to keep a tall building from toppling over sideways. Many scientists and engineers have looked at the way the WTC towers fell and remarked that it had the appearance of controlled demolition. The ...

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