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WTC 7 Emergency Head Was Building Collapse Specialist
Post Date: 2008-07-11 04:42:20 by wudidiz
The former New York City chief emergency manager Jerome Hauer, whose office was on the 23d floor of WTC 7, was also a building collapse specialist, according to a recently uncovered New York Times article. Hauer has attracted suspicion from the 9/11 truth movement because of his zeal to push the official story in the hours after the attack when details were still sketchy. Hauer was also Managing Director of Kroll Associates - the company that provided security for the WTC complex on 9/11 - and he also betrayed advance knowledge of the anthrax attacks a week before they happened. Click for Full Text! Poster Comment:- Maybe it was an inside job...

Ex-Army scientist to get $5.8M in anthrax lawsuit
Post Date: 2008-07-08 22:25:47 by honway
Ex-Army scientist to get $5.8M in anthrax lawsuit By MATT APUZZO – Jun 27, 2008 WASHINGTON (AP) — A former Army scientist who was named as a person of interest in the 2001 anthrax attacks will receive $5.8 million to settle his lawsuit against the Justice Department. Steven Hatfill claimed the Justice Department violated his privacy rights by speaking with reporters about the case. Settlement documents were filed in federal court Friday. Both sides have agreed to the deal, according to the documents, and as soon as they are signed, the case will be dismissed. The deal requires the Justice Department to pay $2.825 million up front and buy Hatfill a $3 million annuity that will ...

The JFK Assassination and 9/11: the Designated Suspects in Both Cases
Post Date: 2008-07-08 08:59:12 by Zoroaster
The JFK Assassination and 9/11: the Designated Suspects in Both Cases by Peter Dale Scott Global Research, July 5, 2008 Email this article to a friend Print this article Global Research recently published my essay entitled 9/11, Deep State Violence and the Hope of Internet Politics In this article, I argue that 9/11 should be analyzed as a deep event (an event not fully aired or understood because of its intelligence connections) and above all as one of a series of deep events which from time to time have frustrated peace initiatives or become pretexts for war. In support of this overall thesis I pointed to features of 9/11 which recalled similar deep events: the still not ...

Slideshow - Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth
Post Date: 2008-07-07 23:37:28 by wudidiz
Click for Full Text! Poster Comment:Betcha this guy's on the red list.

If I was a terrorist
Post Date: 2008-07-07 22:46:54 by Hmmmmm

Cheney and the Oil Bigs Planned U.S. War Policy Before 9/11
Post Date: 2008-07-06 05:33:39 by wudidiz
Click for Full Text!

9/11 Chronicles: Truth Rising (Now on google video)
Post Date: 2008-07-04 18:10:07 by Artisan
Poster Comment:happy independence day

Chuck Baldwin would support a new investigation into 9/11
Post Date: 2008-07-02 19:43:18 by Artisan
Poster Comment:at least not all candidates are cowards...

Lieberman Latest To Pitch For New Terror Attack
Post Date: 2008-06-30 15:22:34 by TwentyTwelve
Lieberman Latest To Pitch For New Terror Attack Senator says new president will be welcomed by “test” Paul Joseph Watson / Prison Planet | June 30, 2008 Senator Joe Lieberman has echoed a national talking point by promising that the new president will be welcomed by a terror attack in 2009, continuing a disturbing trend of talking heads anxiously relishing a catastrophic pretext to reinvigorate the Neo-Con agenda. “Our enemies will test the new president early,” Lieberman, I-Conn., told Face The Nation host Bob Schieffer. “Remember that the truck bombing of the World Trade Center happened in the first year of the Clinton administration. 9/11 happened in the ...

Tony Gosling Arrested by Police on Mossad Case (Tony = Bilderberg.org)
Post Date: 2008-06-26 23:16:54 by Rotara
9/11 Forum Thursday, June 26, 2008 Tuesday 24th June approx. 1400 Tony Gosling and fiancee were stopped in their vehicle on the M32 motorway in Bristol by ten police officers under the authority of the Northumbria Police Major Incident Unit. Gosling and fiancee were held at Trinity Road police station in Bristol until 1200 the next day, 25th June. Both were heavily questioned. They were each arrested three times, a total of six arrests. The arrests in order were, Obstructing a Recovery Order, Theft of a Credit Card and then again for Obstructing a Recovery Order. The two later arrests were made in the police station where they were still being detained for the first arrest. The ...

Alex Jones Show interview with Kevin Ryan and Richard Gage.
Post Date: 2008-06-26 10:32:39 by TwentyTwelve
Wow! Yesterday, (Wed. June 25th) on the Alex Jones show was an interview with Kevin Ryan and Richard Gage. Kevin explains how the characteristics from the analysis of thermite samples connects to the companies involved with the NIST coverup. It is pretty dynamic. Here is a short synopsis: During the process of analyzing the nano-particle flakes of unexploded thermite very unique characteristics were found. There are only a few specialized companies which delve into this type of advanced technology. And guess what?!! People and companies involved with the NIST report and aspects of the government coverup are also involved in this very unique, superthermite technology!! The Dallas 9/11 ...

Bodies in WTC 7: Jennings Interview Demolishes Official Version [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-06-23 12:15:32 by TwentyTwelve
Bodies in WTC 7: Jennings Interview Demolishes Official Version Kurt Nimmo Infowars June 23, 2008 It is obvious watching the BBC’s trailer of its "The Conspiracy Files: 9/11 - The Third Tower," set to air on Sunday, 6 July, that "Auntie Beeb" will attempt to make it appear Building 7 at the WTC complex came down as a result of fire (see trailer below). In other words, it appears the BBC will push — and defend — the government explanation hastily cooked up after attention was focused on the mysterious collapse by researchers, a collapse diligently ignored by the 9/11 Commission in its final report, or that is to say its final whitewash. The Barry ...

Ron Paul Tells CNN's Glen Beck Show: "I Haven't Accepted The 9/11 Investigation".
Post Date: 2008-06-20 22:21:10 by Artisan
Ron Paul on CNN's Glen Beck show: Host: So many of your supporters I meet are also part of the 911 truth movement; you've appeared in a movie END GAME that talks about the bilderbergers, etc. Why do you think there is such an attraction from that part of the political discourse, to your movement? Ron Paul: "Well, I'm not sure, and one of the reasons is that though I don't endorse those concerns, I probably have .. ya know. uh.. encouraged it in, uh, ironically because I haven't accepted the uh, 911, uh, investigation. Host: You haven't? Paul: "No because. I think they hid things from us , and they didn't want to blame anybody. Nobody was ...

Gov't says FBI agents can't testify about 9/11
Post Date: 2008-06-19 17:22:49 by Rotara
Government lawyers say the ongoing investigation into the Sept. 11 attacks could be compromised if the airline industry is allowed to seek more information from the FBI to defend itself against lawsuits brought by terrorism victims. In papers filed late Tuesday, the government urged a judge to block aviation companies from interviewing five FBI employees who the companies say will help them prove the government withheld key information before the 2001 attacks. The lawyers said it would be impossible to interview the employees without disclosing classified or privileged material that could "cause serious damage to national security and interfere with pending law enforcement ...

Critics Demand Resignation of U.N. Official Who Wants Probe of 9/11 'Inside Job' Theories [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-06-19 16:01:21 by Jethro Tull
Critics are calling for the resignation of a U.N. official who publicly supports investigating theories that the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were an "inside job." Richard Falk, the special rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian territories, investigates alleged Israeli violations of human rights law for the U.N.'s Human Rights Council. But the former Princeton professor would also like to investigate whether "some sort of controlled explosion from within" destroyed the Twin Towers, he told FOXNews.com. "I do think there are questions that haven't been answered, questions about the way the buildings collapsed and ...

Michael Reagan’s “Apology”: Weak, Perfunctory & Disingenuous
Post Date: 2008-06-17 13:31:32 by TwentyTwelve
Michael Reagan’s “Apology”: Weak, Perfunctory & Disingenuous Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet Tuesday, June 17, 2008 Radio talk show host Michael Reagan’s weak, perfunctory and disingenuous "apology" to Mark Dice for encouraging the activist be murdered for sending 9/11 truth material to U.S. troops only further necessitates the case for legal action to be taken in order to end the spiraling cycle of Neo-Con intimidation and smear. Furthermore, it now appears that Radio America representatives have failed to inform the President of Radio America about Reagan’s comments in an attempt to protect him from any potential discipline. According to Mark ...

Mark Dice on the Michael Reagan Show (Listen to June 17, 2008 Radio Show)
Post Date: 2008-06-17 12:00:06 by TwentyTwelve
Mark Dice on the Michael Reagan Show (Listen to June 17, 2008 Radio Show) Infowars June 17, 2008 Michael Reagan offers a lukewarm apology for threatening to have Mark Dice killed on nationally syndicated radio. Dice refuses to accept the apology and begins the interview by recalling other threats Reagan has made, most notably calling for the hanging on John Dean and killing of Muslim babies. He then reads California Penal Code 422, concerning death threats, and Reagan attempts to blunt this by stating Dice’s “people” have issued their own death threats against him, an obvious attempt to minimize his call to have Dice murdered. “Despite your apology,” Mark tells ...

Media Blackout Shattered: Clearchannel's KFI Los Angeles Breaks Reagan Death Threat Story, Mocking And Laughing
Post Date: 2008-06-17 01:05:44 by TwentyTwelve
June 16, 2008 at 22:14:42 Media Blackout Shattered: Clearchannel's KFI Los Angeles Breaks Reagan Death Threat Story, Mocking And Laughing Diary Entry by Martin Hill The 2nd most listened to talk radio station in America finally carried the story of Michael Reagan making death threats and being investigated by the FBI. They thought it was a real laugh riot. :::::::: Media Blackout Shattered: Clearchannel's KFI Los Angeles Breaks Reagan Death Threat Story, Mocking And Laughing By Martin Hill Inland Empire 911 Truth June 16, 2008 9-11.meetup.com/380/messages/boards/thread/4901707 I called KFI this morning at 5:42 and talked with Bill Handel's screener about the death ...

Radio host called for Mark Dice to be murdered
Post Date: 2008-06-16 17:42:41 by TwentyTwelve
Radio host called for Mark Dice to be murdered Radio America has said that they will NOT fire Reagan for his comments. They think his apology made everything OK. Please call the President of Radio America and urge him to fire Reagan IMMEDIATELY. The communications director refused to answer whether the president of the company was aware of Regan's comments, leading us to believe that they are keeping this information from him, in order to protect Reagan. Jim Roberts 703-302-1000 ext 215. jroberts@radioamerica.org jroberts@americanveteranscenter.org PRESS RELEASE FROM MARK DICE File a formal complaint with the FCC Click for Full Text!

Video: “Kill the mothers and the babies, stick grenades up their butt.” - Mike Reagan
Post Date: 2008-06-16 16:59:14 by TwentyTwelve
Mike Reagan desperate to stay out of jail - invites Mark Dice on show June 14th, 2008 Mark Dice to be Mike Reagan’s guest Monday morning at 6:30 AM - EST, according to talk radio hosts website. Dice is the subject of Reagan’s death threats last Tuesday, when he suggested that anyone who disagrees with the Neo - Con Party line is a traitor and should be killed. In recent polls 35% of Americans believe the events on September 11th were and inside job and 85% would like to see the events of that day investigated further. If Reagan got his wish he would be one of the most successful mass murderers in history rivaling Stalin, Ghengis Kahn and Mao Tse -Tung. A nationwide campaign to ...

Mark Dice, don't bother.
Post Date: 2008-06-15 20:08:40 by Artisan
Submitted by Reprehensor on Sun, 06/15/2008 - 5:01pm http://www.911blogger.com/ Mark Dice, don't bother. A number of FCC complaints have already been filed, the die has been cast. If you go on Reagan's show tomorrow, you will legitimize him, and possibly jade the judgment of the FCC, who must decide if they will act against Reagan. We couldn't do anything about Geraldo's conflation of 9/11 Truthers with terrorists, because FOX News is primarily a cable broadcast, it doesn't go out over public airwaves, and the FCC normally doesn't do anything about cable broadcasts. Reagan is different. Let him be hoisted by his own petard, his big mouth. Don't set a ...

2/14/2008: Newly Released FBI Timeline Reveals New Information about 9/11 Hijackers that Was Ignored by 9/11 Commission
Post Date: 2008-06-15 17:25:02 by Rotara
2/14/2008: Newly Released FBI Timeline Reveals New Information about 9/11 Hijackers that Was Ignored by 9/11 Commission Latest Findings Raise New Questions about Hijackers and Suggest Incomplete Investigation A contributor to the History Commons has obtained a 298-page document entitled Hijackers Timeline (Redacted) from the FBI, subsequent to a Freedom of Information Act request. The document was a major source of information for the 9/11 Commission’s final report. Though the commission cited the timeline 52 times in its report, it failed to include some of the document’s most important material. The printed document is dated November 14, 2003, but appears to have been compiled ...

Osama Bin Laden and September 11
Post Date: 2008-06-15 07:13:20 by Itisa1mosttoolate
Osama Bin Laden and September 11 Wednesday, 28 May 2008 Not many people know that, after September 11, 2001, Osama bin Laden issued a statement on tape that he had nothing to do with the attacks on America and that such actions were against the teachings of Islam. Americans were prevented from accessing this information because we were told that Osama could possibly have an embedded "secret code" in the tape that would alert other terrorists cells to "activate" and target other American cities. Here is the transcript of what you were not allowed to hear from Osama bin Laden's own mouth " I was not involved in the September 11 attacks in the United States nor ...

Get Mike Reagan Fired for Threatening Mark Dice
Post Date: 2008-06-14 01:44:13 by TwentyTwelve
Get Mike Reagan Fired for Threatening Mark Dice Kurt Nimmo Truth News June 13, 2008 On Friday’s Alex Jones Show, San Diego 9/11 truth activist Mark Dice related additional details on the death threat issued against him by nationally-syndicated radio talk show host and the adopted son of former president Ronald Reagan, Michael Reagan. Dice has filed a report with the FBI and is considering legal action against Reagan, who called for Dice to be shot as a traitor for daring to launch a campaign to send DVDs and materials about the September 11, 2001, inside job to the troops in Iraq, activity protected under the First Amendment, which Reagan obviously has nothing but contempt for. ...

Neocon Talkshow Host Michael Reagan Wants to Kill Mark Dice (and 911 Truthers)
Post Date: 2008-06-13 13:09:37 by TwentyTwelve
Neocon Talkshow Host Michael Reagan Wants to Kill Mark Dice YouTube June 13, 2008 Michael Reagan on his Tuesday June 10th show, during the 2nd hour, called for the murder of political activist Mark Dice and wants to pay for the bullets. Said all people who believe 9/11 attacks were aided by elements within U.S. government should be killed also. Click for Full Text!

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