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The Who - Heaven And Hell
Post Date: 2008-05-03 20:53:58 by Dakmar

4/27/2008: Al-Qaeda in Spain, 9/11 Commission's Investigation of NSA, Torture - Additions as of April 27, 2008
Post Date: 2008-04-30 13:32:52 by FOH
Home » Projects » Complete 911 Timeline » News » 4/27/2008: Al-Qaeda in Spain, 9/11 Commission's Investigation of NSA, Torture - Additions as of April 27, 2008Complete 911 Timeline Open-Content investigative project managed by matt, Paul, KJFThis is a news item pertaining to the Complete 911 Timeline investigative project, one of several grassroots investigations being hosted on the History Commons website. The data published as part of this investigation has been collected, organized, and published by members of the public who are registered users of this website. 4/27/2008: Al-Qaeda in Spain, 9/11 Commission's Investigation of NSA, Torture - Additions as ...

Quiz: Which of these three people made seven billion dollars on 911?
Post Date: 2008-04-28 22:13:45 by Itisa1mosttoolate
Quiz: Which of these three people made seven billion dollars on 911? americanjourney.blogspot.com/2008/02/que-bono.html

Who Made The AA 'Put' Options The Days Prior To 911?
Post Date: 2008-04-27 22:12:21 by TwentyTwelve
Who Made The AA 'Put' Options The Days Prior To 911? Can You Amplify On This Comment, Please? By Walter J. Burien, Jr. 12-30-3 Question from: John Kaminski skylax@comcast.net 12-30-3 Gentlemen: Can we all unite on a single task: finding out who placed the orders for the "put" options in the days immediately before 9/11? Discussions I've had in the enclosed e-mail seem to indicate this information is available and not protected by financial disclosure restrictions. Please examine the enclosed and brainstorm how we can get this information into the public sphere. It could be the thread to unravel the mystery. Discovering the names of those who apparently had ...

Next 9/11 scheduled for week of May 1-8, with Martial Law as a bonus
Post Date: 2008-04-27 16:50:29 by robin
Next 9/11 scheduled for week of May 1-8, with Martial Law as a bonus April 27, 2008 - 3:20pm With the next new moon arriving May 5, 2008, which is usually the time the Pentagon War Mongers love to attack countries Israel wants bombed, this next terror drill, coming up next week, could be more than interesting. Especially the part about invoking "Continuity Plans and Capabilities." That's bureaucrat speak for Martial Law. Bet the "Dick", Cheney, has already slithered into his bunker in an undisclosed location. The overall exercise scenario unfolds as a Category 4 hurricane threatens the National Capitol Region (NCR) while events in the Pacific Northwest include ...

BBC Anchor Who Reported on WTC7 Collapse Early Agrees There May Be a 'Conspiracy'
Post Date: 2008-04-27 01:09:33 by Horse
Members of We Are Change UK questioned ex-BBC reporter Phil Hayton about the early reporting of WTC 7's collapse during a speaking appearance. Hayton failed to recollect even being in the studio on the day of 9/11-- at first-- but then recalls the situation when it is described in detail, including the actions of Jane Standley, who reported the collapse some 26 minutes in advance with WTC Building 7 still visible in the background. "A lot of eyebrows were raised," We Are Change reporters point out in summary, because many saw it as a clear controlled demolition, including a number of engineers. Hayton responded, pointing out that he was not aware of the situation with WTC ...

Offering prize to 9/11 proof /Section: Hidden articles/ Category: 911 articles and documents
Post Date: 2008-04-26 12:49:38 by Horse
I hereby offer a prize of 10,000 pounds sterling to anyone who can produce a definite proof that Muslims committed the mass murder of 11 September 2001 in the United States. In order to qualify for the prize, an applicant must fulfil the following conditions: 1. Apply by writing to me, Elias Davidsson, webmaster of this website (see Contact) 2. In the application you will state Your full name, address, age and email address Your readiness to submit within 6 weeks of the date of your letter a "definite proof" that Muslims committed the mass murder of 11 September Your readiness to publish - should you not fulfill the requirements of section 3 below - at your own costs, in a ...

The Israeli Military Aircraft Company Tied To 9-11 [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-04-26 11:04:32 by Dakmar
Facts Not Fairies We must not abandon 9/11 until this 'crime of the century' is solved. A little-known and privately-held aircraft leasing company created by the Israeli military intelligence is connected to the Mossad-run airport security and passenger screening company at the center of the "false flag" terror network of 9-11. SOLVING 9-11 I am not like those who claimed to be 9-11 researchers, but who now say they have "moved beyond 9/11." How can anyone abandon the pursuit of the truth about 9-11 before the crime has been solved? Six years after the terrorist attacks in which some 3,000 innocent people died, not one victim's lawsuit has yet gone to ...

Outspoken Arizona Senator Questions 9/11 Official Version Of Events
Post Date: 2008-04-25 14:31:25 by wudidiz
Outspoken Arizona Senator Questions 9/11 Official Version Of Events Republican attacked for expressing opinion on September 11th cover-up Steve Watson Infowars.net Friday, April 25, 2008 State Sen. Karen Johnson, R-Mesa, has come under fierce criticism for going on record with her doubts over the government's version of events surrounding the 9/11 attacks. Following a vote in the Senate Appropriations Committee on Arizona's 9/11 Memorial, Johnson told Capitol reporters "There are many of us that believe there's been a cover-up." Details of Johnson's comments come in an vicious hit piece article in the Arizona Republic entitled Drinking the 9/11 Kool-Aid: ...

David Ray Griffin: 9/11 Contradictions: When Did Cheney Enter the Underground Bunker?
Post Date: 2008-04-25 02:09:20 by robin
9/11 Contradictions: When Did Cheney Enter the Underground Bunker? By David Ray GriffinGlobal Research, April 24, 2008 The Canadian With regard to the morning of 9/11, everyone agrees that at some time after 9:03 (when the South Tower of the World Trade Center was struck) and before 10:00, Vice President Dick Cheney went down to the Presidential Emergency Operations Center (PEOC), sometimes simply called the “bunker,” under the east wing of the White House. Everyone also agrees that, once there, Cheney was in charge---that he was either making decisions or relaying decisions from President Bush. But there is enormous disagreement as to exactly when Cheney entered the PEOC. ...

911 Conspiracy Theories Are Ridiculous
Post Date: 2008-04-23 14:48:04 by Red Jones
9/11 Conspiracy Theories 'Ridiculous,' Al Qaeda Says Poster Comment:Even TERRORISTS! know that the 911 conspiracy theories are ridiculous.

9/11 Truth: The Moles, the Patsies, & Government Terrorism
Post Date: 2008-04-23 00:17:47 by wudidiz
9/11 Truth: The Moles, the Patsies, & Government Terrorism Click for Full Text! Poster Comment:Election Shmelection.

Al-CIAda Sock Puppet Zawahiri Claims Iran Behind 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
Post Date: 2008-04-22 14:36:46 by TwentyTwelve
Al-CIAda Sock Puppet Zawahiri Claims Iran Behind 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Intelligence stooge unleashes another PR stunt on behalf of Neo-Cons, AP unable to verify tape, past examples faked Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet Tuesday, April 22, 2008 Al-CIAda sock puppet Ayman al-Zawahiri was quoted in an audiotape released today accusing Iran of behind behind 9/11 conspiracy theories, in another crude public relations stunt designed to generate hostile opinion towards the 9/11 Truth Movement. The tape had been promised three weeks ago by monitoring group IntelCenter, who have been caught in the past putting out fake and misleading "Al-Qaeda" material via the alleged media arm ...

Al-Qaida No. 2 says 9/11 theory propagated by Iran
Post Date: 2008-04-22 14:02:59 by Horse
CAIRO, Egypt - Osama bin Laden's chief deputy in an audiotape Tuesday accused Shiite Iran of trying to discredit the Sunni al-Qaida terror network by spreading the conspiracy theory that Israel was behind the Sept. 11 attacks. The comments reflected al-Qaida's No. 2 leader Ayman al-Zawahri's increasing criticism of Iran. Al-Zawahri has accused Iran in recent messages of seeking to extend its power in the Middle East, particularly in Iraq and through its Hezbollah allies in Lebanon. The authenticity of the two-hour audio recording posted on an Islamic Web site could not be independently confirmed. But the voice sounded like past audiotapes from the terror leader, and the ...

Tom Brokaw speaks with WeAreChangeLA about bringing Truth to Mainstream Media.
Post Date: 2008-04-21 22:32:35 by robin
WeAreChangeLA set out to get a word or two with American Media icon Tom Brokaw, at an April 17th "Presidents Lecture Series" event at USC. Though well embedded in the arena of corporate structure and agenda, Mr. Brokaw has long brought no small degree of integrity and high professional standards to bear upon his craft, and thus to America and the world. Jeremy Rothe-Kuschel and I were intent to find his position on the challenge of bringing solutions to the breakdown of honest news reporting in our troubled world. I firmly believe, as JFK stated, that our Nation's chances for survival "in it's final analysis, will depend on an informed citizenry." With this in ...

Daniele Ganser: All of the theories about 9/11 are conspiracy theories
Post Date: 2008-04-21 22:30:11 by robin
Daniele Ganser All of the theories about 9/11 are conspiracy theories11.9- The truth movement is often laughed at for criticizing the Bush government's answer to what happened on 11th September 2001. Now however, the recognized historian, Daniele Ganser gives legitimacy to the sceptics. (Originally published in Norway's Stavanger Aftenblad) by Kristin Aalen - April 21, 2008. CONSPIRACY: Ganser has caused debate following the presentation of his view in an interview with the Swiss TV-channel, U1. There he repeated his arguments from an article he wrote in the Swiss newspaper, Tages-Anzeiger in Zürich in September 2006. Ganser's premise is that conspiracies are nothing ...

WE ARE CHANGE L.A. holds up 9/11 sign, CHP tells them it's illegal. (Video)
Post Date: 2008-04-20 06:09:50 by Artisan
PART 1: WeAreChangeLA 4-11-08 freeway blogging Added: April 15, 2008 We reached out to hundreds of rush hour drivers with our beautiful brand new banner (5' x 21' CHECK IT OUT!!), until the CHP showed up an hour into our truth action. The CHP officer violated our First Amendment rights by insisting that we leave the bridge. We reluctantly complied, but that's not the end of the story... Stay tuned for what happens next in PART 2! Poster Comment:Cop keeps telling the cameraman 'put the camera down', and when asked what law forbids them from holding signs, he tells the sign holders they will be charged with PC 148 if they don't comply, completely bogus: ...

Fourteen Points of Agreement with Official Government Reports on the World Trade Center Destruction (New Peer-reviewed paper)
Post Date: 2008-04-20 04:50:10 by Artisan
From: The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2008, 2, 35-40 Fourteen Points of Agreement with Official Government Reports on the World Trade Center Destruction Steven E. Jones, Frank M. Legge, Kevin R. Ryan, Anthony F. Szamboti, and James R. Gourley Abstract: Reports by FEMA and NIST lay out the official account of the destruction of the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001. In this Letter, we wish to set a foundation for productive discussion and understanding by focusing on those areas where we find common ground with FEMA and NIST, while at the same time countering several popular myths about the WTC collapses. INTRODUCTION On September 11, 2001, the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center ...

NYC mayor: Govt should cover 9/11 health costs
Post Date: 2008-04-17 20:46:30 by robin
By Edith Honan and Joan Gralla NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg on Thursday called on the U.S. government to pay $150 million a year to cover medical bills for workers and residents whose health suffered due to the September 11, 2001, attacks. The federal government created a $1 billion insurance fund to help ground zero workers sickened by the toxic fumes and dust released when the World Trade Center was destroyed. The fund, however, has been hobbled by lawsuits and criticized for a lack of payments to sick workers. The request for the health payments was among the top priorities for the mayor, who provided an update on Thursday for his second and last term ...

Washington 'speechless' after Ahmadinejad 9/11 comment
Post Date: 2008-04-16 23:51:55 by richard9151
Wed Apr 16, 2:43 PM ET news.yahoo.com/s/afp/2008...=A0WTUe7UUwZIDU0BZjO8oKov WASHINGTON (AFP) - The United States said Wednesday it was "speechless" after Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad voiced doubts about the accepted version of the September 11, 2001 attacks on New York and Washington. "I am not sure what you say about a statement like that. It leaves one speechless," said State Department spokesman Sean McCormack. "It is just misguided, misinformed rhetoric," McCormack said. "I cannot tell whether or not it is something that he truly believes or if this is just an attempt to try to shake up public opinion in Iran or elsewhere," ...

Ahmadinejad casts doubt over 9/11
Post Date: 2008-04-16 23:49:35 by richard9151
Last Modified: 16 Apr 2008 Iran's hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has cast doubt over the US version of the September 11 attacks, calling it a pretext to invade Afghanistan and Iraq. He said: "Four or five years ago, a suspicious event occurred in New York. "A building collapsed and they said that 3,000 people had been killed but never published their names." Click for Full Text!

9/11: Conflicting Data, Hardcore Questions and the Media Blackout
Post Date: 2008-04-15 15:54:02 by wudidiz
Media Blackout of American 77 and United 93 Flight Data Recorder/Black Box. :::::::: by Rob Balsamo, Pilots For 9/11 Truth It almost goes without saying that when a major aviation accident occurs, just the fact that "Black Box" data has been released to the public makes mainstream news, not to mention content and analysis. Recently, the Flight Data Recorder information claimed to be from American 77 (AA77, Pentagon) and United 93 (UA93, Shanksville, PA) has been released to the public via the Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA). Mainstream Media (and some alternative media) has not reported even the release of this information for such a high profile event. Why? It is interesting ...

Post Date: 2008-04-12 21:48:11 by richard9151
February 19, 2008 at 17:44:07 Eventually, hopefully during our lifetime, Pandora's Box will be fully opened regarding the 9/11 cover-up and the world will reel in shock and awe ~ when the monstrous truth is known to one and all : Allen L Roland Every six months I return to the 9/11 scene, not to fan the flames but, instead, to review apparent truths ~ particularly in light of the growing awareness of the ongoing deceptions and lies of the Cheney/Bush Administration. Americans are not quite ready to look into the Pandora's Box of 9/11 because the implications are truly breathtaking and staggering but as each shocking abuse of power of the Cheney/Bush regime is revealed to America ...

"The US Air Force Shot Down Flight 93"
Post Date: 2008-04-12 08:44:44 by honway
Friday, April 11, 2008 "The US Air Force Shot Down Flight 93" The following comment was posted to my blog today (I do not know who the author is -- he posted semi-anonymously; so decide for yourself whether or not you believe him): "I am an Air Force veteran. I was serving at Langley AFB, Virginia on Sept. 11. (not to be confused with CIA headquarters at Langley, VA). The "Alert Squadron" of 4 F-16 Falcons also stationed at Langley AFB was scrambled AFTER the "plane" crashed into the Pentagon. Because of my position as a ground equipment mechanic, I had access to the flightline operations that day. My friends were Crew Cheifs and Weapons Loaders, among ...

Dr. Steven Jones views on 9/11, as it relates to Mormon prophesy
Post Date: 2008-04-12 00:12:40 by Artisan
BYU Professor Steven E. Jones 9/11 Update April 6 2006 from 911TruthSeekers.org I found this clip mentioned here >>And of further interest to 9/11 Truth from an LDS perspective... (12) Dr. Jones explained at length during an April 2006 discussion about the connection between the Book of Mormon and the events of 9/11. Included in the discussion was how the Book's text prophesized the 9/11 tragedy and described the revelation of the "truth" by those that would go on to create the 9/11 Truth Movement - http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6023596331085044923 . He also discusses that while it's obvious that the Book of Mormon foretold these "things", ...

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