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Post Date: 2007-11-25 21:23:40 by Itisa1mosttoolate
"SMOKING GUN" PROOF THAT ILLUMINATI PLAN TO ATTACK ON 9/11 AND BEYOND WAS WELL KNOWN AS FAR BACK AS 1995! Part 1 - Future Cataclysmic Events Accurately Foretold In 1995 Illuminati Card Game -- 9/11 Attack Foreseen. Subtitle: In nine pertinent playing cards of the "Illuminati New World Order" Game, how did the inventor know -- in 1995 -- the three events comprising the 9/11 attacks? How did he know also the correct plan in the near future? Why do his cards predict the appearance of Antichrist and the Rapture as the last two events of the Illuminati Plan? Full story Pts 1 thru 5 here:cuttingedge.org/articles/ICG.html Click for Full Text!

Memo To New York Post: The Bush Administration Was Warned About 9/11
Post Date: 2007-11-25 15:44:58 by Zipporah
Memo To New York Post: The Bush Administration Was Warned About 9/11 New York Post reporter Andy Soltis writes of the latest Scripps Howard/Ohio University poll that finds a great majority of Americans believe the government failed to heed warnings about 9/11. Soltis writes that this poll shows increasing support for 9/11 “conspiracy theories”: Nearly two-thirds of Americans believe the federal government had warnings about 9/11 but decided to ignore them, a national survey found. And that’s not the only conspiracy theory with a huge number of true believers in the United States. […] Sixty-two percent of those polled thought it was “very likely” or ...

9-11 Blacklist News & Actions
Post Date: 2007-11-25 14:49:25 by honway
Posted: November 25th, 2007 http://911blacklist.org Mission Statement In the six years since the tragic events of September 11th, 2001, the mainstream media in America has largely been a mouthpiece of the Bush administration. All of the major networks including ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and others had until recently, been silently complicit in the cover-up of the events ... http://www.911blacklist.org/

Post Date: 2007-11-24 22:10:32 by wudidiz
WTC Controlled Demolition MIT Engineer Breaks Down WTC Controlled Demolition Why Did the Trade Center Skyscrapers Collapse? 9/11 Theologian Says Controlled Demolition of World Trade Center Is Now a Fact, Not a Theory Evidence for Explosives in the Twin Towers Demo Expert Confirms WTC-7 Was "Controlled Demolition" Y. professor thinks bombs, not planes, toppled WTC NIST IMPLICITLY ADMITS: WTC TOWERS DESTROYED IN CONTROLLED DEMOLITION Eyewitness Reports Persist Of Bombs At WTC Collapse Everyone's First Reaction Was "Controlled Demolition" The Destruction of the World Trade Center: Why the Official Account Cannot Be True WTC Controlled Demolition - PROOF ...

Did RAND Corporation Pen the Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act?
Post Date: 2007-11-24 14:49:52 by Kamala
Did RAND Corporation Pen the Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act? Kurt Nimmo TruthNews November 22, 2007 According to Jessica Lee of Indypendent and Kamau Karl Franklin of the Center for Constitutional Rights, the Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act was penned with plenty of help from the RAND Corporation. “Rep. Jane Harman, Democrat from California, has had a lengthy relationship with the Rand Corporation,” Lee tells Democracy Now, although she was unable to determine if RAND wrote the bill. On the 12th anniversary of the OKC bombing, Rep. Harman, as chair of the Homeland Security Subcommittee on Intelligence, Information Sharing and Terrorism Risk Assessment, introduced the ...

Dr. Ron Paul: The 9-11 Commission Charade
Post Date: 2007-11-24 14:05:06 by robin
The 9-11 Commission report, released late last month, has disrupted the normally quiet Washington August. Various congressional committees are holding hearings on the report this week, even though Congress is not in session, in an attempt to show the government is “doing something” about terrorism in an election year. The Commission recommendations themselves have been accepted reverently and without question, as if handed down from on high. But what exactly is going on here? These hearings amount to nothing more than current government officials meeting with former government officials, many of whom now lobby government officials, and agreeing that we need more government! The current ...

Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth
Post Date: 2007-11-24 12:26:32 by robin
Paul Craig Roberts Reviews Griffin's Debunking 9/11 Debunking Former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration, Paul Craig Roberts, reviews David Ray Griffin’s new book, Debunking 9/11 Debunking... 9/11 and the Evidence By Paul Craig Roberts http://www.911blogger.com/node/7262 March 26, 2007 “The self-cleaning ovens in our home kitchens reach temperatures higher than this, and the ovens do not melt or deform...” “Contradictions in the official conspiracy theory leap off the pages and hit the reader in the face...” Professor David Ray Griffin is the nemesis of the official 9/11 conspiracy theory. In his latest book, Debunking ...

Why the FBI failed to stop 9/11
Post Date: 2007-11-24 07:10:19 by Kamala
Rant: Unconnected Dots Why the FBI failed to stop 9/11 Jeff Taylor | December 2007 Print Edition For years federal authorities have argued that antiquated laws kept the cops from stopping 9/11. They said the failure to prevent the terrorist attacks demonstrated the need for the PATRIOT Act and every other proposed expansion of the government’s surveillance powers. But in testimony before Congress in September, Director of National Intelligence Michael McConnell changed tack, saying “9/11 should have and could have been prevented” after all; the authorities simply “didn’t connect the dots.” McConnell did not draw the obvious conclusion: If greater federal ...

The New Inquisition Against 9/11 Truth
Post Date: 2007-11-24 07:08:22 by Kamala
Thursday, November 22, 2007 The New Inquisition Against 9/11 Truth On November 6, CSPAN aired a hearing of the Homeland Security Subcommittee's "Terrorism and the Internet" which stated purpose was to attempt to identify and focus on the use of the internet by "home grown terrorist recruiters." The hearing was chaired by California democrat Jane Harman, sponsor of the infamous HR 1955, "Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007", and ranking Republican, Rep. Dave Reichert. This event generated quite an uproar in the 9/11 Truth and civil liberties communities because of testimony by panelists conflating two very distinct and ...

The empires operatives exposed: The Krongards, 9/11, and Blackwater/Iraq
Post Date: 2007-11-21 19:48:41 by Kamala
Analysis Last Updated: Nov 19th, 2007 - 01:22:04 The empire’s operatives exposed: The Krongards, 9/11, and Blackwater/Iraq By Larry Chin Online Journal Associate Editor Nov 19, 2007, 01:18 New bombshell testimony before Congress has revealed that Alvin B. “Buzzy” Krongard, the former CIA executive director connected to 9/11 insider trading, is a consultant and advisory board member of Blackwater USA, the New World Order’s leading intelligence-related corporate mercenary death squad now under investigation for war crimes, murder, arms smuggling, and fraud in Iraq. “Buzzy” Krongard’s Blackwater role was confirmed by “Buzzy”’s ...

Top Intelligence Professionals Question 9/11
Post Date: 2007-11-21 19:44:15 by Kamala
Wednesday, December 20, 2006 Top Intelligence Professionals Question 9/11 Top intelligence professionals from across the political spectrum question the government's version of 9/11: Former military analyst and famed whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg recently said that the case of a certain 9/11 whistleblower is "far more explosive than the Pentagon Papers". He also said that the government is ordering the media to cover up her allegations about 9/11. And he said that some of the claims concerning government involvement in 9/11 are credible, that "very serious questions have been raised about what they [U.S. government officials] knew beforehand and how much involvement ...

The Breakdown of the FBI Anti-Terror Team on 9/11
Post Date: 2007-11-20 21:18:34 by Zipporah
A brief but important NBC News report broadcast during the morning of 9/11 indicated how the FBI was rendered useless in its ability to respond to the kind of attacks that were taking place. Shortly after 10:00 a.m., correspondent Andrea Mitchell reported: "This very interesting information ... from the FBI: They have been operating a massive exercise from their hostage rescue unit. All of their top teams, about 50 personnel, helicopters, equipment, were in Monterey, California for the last two days, scheduled to fly back today commercially. So all of those people are out of place." She continued: "You've got all of their special experts on this stuck in Monterey, ...

Debunking the Truthers Again
Post Date: 2007-11-18 15:21:04 by longnose gar
We've all read the Popular Mechanics study on the collapse of the Twin Towers, they painstakingly explained in plain English how the towers fell floor upon floor. That's not been enough for the "Truthers" who still are fixated on the collapse of both towers and WT 7. Another magazine--Structure (link in PDF)-- has joined in the debunking and shows in perfect detail the "kinking" of the penthouse on the north side and the subsequent dropping of the penthouse that started the entire collapse. I'm no engineer but the explanation makes sense as to why the buildings collapsed inward and down and didn't fall over or fall in some other manner. Of course the ...

Conspiracy Files: 9/11
Post Date: 2007-11-17 15:13:18 by Zipporah

House Subcommittee Presentation Equates 9/11 Truth With Terrorism
Post Date: 2007-11-17 00:57:54 by Zipporah
House Subcommittee Presentation Equates 9/11 Truth With Terrorism Represents the internet, sites such as myspace and youtube as a virtual terror training camps by Steve Watson and Paul Watson Global Research, November 16, 2007 Infowars.net Email this article to a friend Print this article A House Homeland Security Subcommittee hearing on "Terrorism and the Internet" held last week, and broadcast on C-Span, featured a panel of "experts", including representatives formerly of the RAND Corporation and the Simon Wiesenthal Center who presented 9/11 truth websites sites alongside sites that celebrate the attacks and offer training in terrorist tactics. The hearing was ...

Sibel Edmonds Case: New (and old) revelations of spying at the FBI
Post Date: 2007-11-16 18:51:01 by Zipporah
Sibel Edmonds Case: New (and old) revelations of spying at the FBIby lukery Fri Nov 16, 2007 at 05:31:53 AM PSTNews outlets are abuzz with the news of the guilty plea of Nada Nadim Prouty. Despite fraudulently acquiring her citizenship and having close familial ties to Hezbollah, Prouty was able to pass background checks for both the CIA and the FBI. Prouty pled guilty to improperly accessing the internal computer systems, apparently to get a status-check on investigations into Hezbollah, as well as herself and her family members. The agencies appear to be playing down the incident with anonymous sources saying that there aren't any counter-terrorism or counter-intelligence ...

What motivated the 9/11 hijackers? See testimony most didn't
Post Date: 2007-11-16 18:11:40 by irontank

Unleashing a Terrorist
Post Date: 2007-11-16 17:47:40 by irontank
FBI Special Agent Jack Cloonan, a lead investigator in the bureau’s “bin Laden Unit,” was in Yemen on September 11, 2001 when airliners began crashing into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. As soon as he could get a flight, Cloonan flew back to New York. His first order of business upon his return was to go see a very special inmate who was being held in the secret section of a federal prison. The prisoner was Ali Mohamed, who, for at least a decade and a half, had been Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri’s top spy inside the U.S. government. Cloonan had reason to believe Ali Mohamed could provide details about the 9/11 terror attacks. “I walked in and I ...

C.H.A.N.G.E. confronts Larry Silverstein
Post Date: 2007-11-15 23:25:16 by honway

Brooklyn reporter booted after asking about 'foreknowledge' of 9/11 {files complaint}
Post Date: 2007-11-15 18:41:19 by Zipporah
Publisher thanks cops for not beating him during Giuliani incident, but files complaint Brooklyn reporter booted after asking about 'foreknowledge' of 9/11 When GOP presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani stopped off for a little retail politicking at a Colorado coffee house last Saturday, he came prepared to hammer home his commitment to the war on terror, make a jab or two at Hillary Clinton, and field some tough questions about recently indicted pal Bernard Kerik -- but he apparently wasn't ready for Sander Hicks. Hicks, a Brooklyn-based journalist, publisher and all-around multimedia maverick, is also a self-described member of the "9/11 Truth" movement, a group ...

This Is How 9/11 Was Done: Thru Ptech, A Very Dark Web Spanning The Globe ( More Open Source Paper Trails)
Post Date: 2007-11-15 16:29:21 by Kamala
This Is How 9/11 Was Done: Thru Ptech, A Very Dark Web Spanning The Globe By 8bitagent. Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to present to you how 9/11 was carried out. JREF debunkers need not make a grumpy face...there's no controlled demolition, fake planes, etc. This thread will show that the backbone of 9/11 was CIA balkans drug running This thread will PROVE 9/11 was: the US government, corporations, British MI6, Saudi intelligence/elites, Dubai UAE, Pakistani ISI, Mossad, and drug running groups...all brought together through covert webs and channels. A "meta group". I want to show you a snapshot in time, a few days before 9/11...the very company that was used to help ...

Loose Change Final Cut
Post Date: 2007-11-12 22:38:41 by Critter

Ron Pauls immoral foreign policy
Post Date: 2007-11-12 18:51:03 by longnose gar
This is the first in a 5-part series critically examining the platform of Ron Paul, the much in-vogue Republican candidate for President. In this installment, I plan to make the case against Paul’s foreign policy platform, which I intend to show is 1)immoral, 2)unrealistic/outdated, and ultimately 3)bad for America and its allies. (As a sub-point, I would also note that, despite claims to the contrary, it is also isolationist). Were Ron Paul to be elected, I posit, his foreign-policy positions alone would mean a world that was significantly less safe and hostile to the United States– even more so than today. Before I begin addressing the 3-point criticism of his actual ...

Millions undergo background checks under post-9/11 laws
Post Date: 2007-11-12 11:35:31 by Alan Chapman
Already this year, 25 million Americans have had background checks by the federal government, a number that's risen every year since the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Amid the rise, a notable shift has occurred: More civilians are now checked each year than criminals. And checks on the vast majority come back clean, even as states allot more money for their growing screening operations. And, in rare cases, predators still slip through the cracks. Take Timothy Stephen Keil, an Ohio church camp counselor recently convicted of molesting two young boys. Or Ralph Fiscale, a New Hampshire soccer coach, and Stephen Unger Jr., a Texas schoolteacher, both of whom committed similar offenses in the ...

Twin Towers + United 93
Post Date: 2007-11-10 15:32:45 by Zipporah
Part 4 - Twin Towers + United 93 a) Scott Forbes' testimony is presented as a possible answer to the ever-recurring question, "How would it have been possible to place 'tons' of explosives in the Towers with everybody watching?" By doing it exactly "under everyone's eyes," the answer seems to be. b) Debunkers are shown scrambling through the dictionary in their desperate attempt to refute the tons of testimony about "explosions" in the Towers, prior and during the collapses: If you translate "scoppio" ("pop") into English -- they maintain -- you will get "explosion." Therefore it was only "pops" what all ...

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