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Suspected 9-11 Criminal Coconspirators
Post Date: 2007-09-15 13:34:09 by robin
George W. Bush — eldest son of Bush crime family; guilty of election fraud in 2000, 2004; guilty of war crimes, war profiteering, treason, crimes against humanity; likely signed-off on 9-11 plot Dick Cheney — former PNAC member; guilty of war profiteering, treason; was in bunker on 9-11 directing several “war games”; lied to 9-11 ...

Criminality from the ground up on 9/11/2007
Post Date: 2007-09-15 10:50:00 by robin
Criminality from the ground up on 9/11/2007By Jerry MazzaOnline Journal Associate Editor Sep 14, 2007, 01:43 Let’s start at Ground Zero itself. New York Daily News staff writer Greg B. Smith reports “seven contractors cited for everything from mob ties to tax fraud to fatal accidents are getting a slice of the $16 billion reconstruction at Ground Zero . . . “The problem firms are found every day working the bulldozers, cranes, jackhammers and pile drivers rebuilding the site of the World Trade Center . . . All of the companies work for the Port Authority, the Dormitory Authority or the Lower Manhattan Development Corp. on taxpayer-funded contracts worth millions of ...

9/11 Victims' Families Finally Get Day in Court
Post Date: 2007-09-15 09:12:06 by Zipporah
In an odd case of legal timing, pre-trial hearings begin today for lawsuits linked to the 9/11 attacks. Families of dozens of the victims of the terrorism attacks are suing United and American Airlines, Boeing and security companies and airports, claiming the parties were negligent in allowing the hijackers to carry out their deadly plot. The lawsuits allege the defendants should have anticipated the terrorist attacks and "failed to take reasonable action to protect passengers from harm." The suits also charge the defendants with lax security procedures that "failed to detect dangerous and deadly weapons." The families involved in the lawsuits have chosen not to ...

Missing Plane calculations
Post Date: 2007-09-15 04:11:27 by titorite
http://www.youtube.com/v/eLAMoHUtct8"> name="wmode" value="transparent"> Check this out

Researcher: Bin Laden's beard is real, video is not
Post Date: 2007-09-14 17:13:25 by Kamala
Posts tagged 'digital forensics' September 12, 2007 11:11 AM PDT Researcher: Bin Laden's beard is real, video is not Posted by Robert Vamosi | 29 comments On the Friday before the sixth anniversary of 9/11, Osama bin Laden appeared in a new video, his first since prior to the U.S. presidential elections in 2004. In analyzing the video, Neal Krawetz of Hactor Factor, an expert on digital image forensics, said in his latest blogs that the video contained many visual and audio splices, and that all of the modifications were of very low quality. Most striking is bin Laden's beard, which has been gray in recent images. For this video it is black. "As far as my tools can ...

New details of 9/11 Mystery plane over D.C.
Post Date: 2007-09-14 16:12:17 by Peetie Wheatstraw
The morning of 9/11, CNN reported a mystery jet plane flying above Washington, DC. At 9:54 a.m., correspondent John King, who was standing near the White House, reported that about ten minutes earlier (hence, around 9:44 a.m.), there was "a white jet circling overhead." He added: "Now, you generally don't see planes in the area over the White House. That is restricted air space. No reason to believe that this jet was there for any nefarious purposes, but the Secret Service was very concerned, pointing up at the jet in the sky. It is out of sight now, best we can tell." [1] Shortly after, another CNN correspondent, Kate Snow, also reported having seen a plane, ...

9/11 Explains the Impotence of the Antiwar Movement
Post Date: 2007-09-14 14:18:40 by Peetie Wheatstraw
The anti-war movement has proven impotent to stop the war in Iraq despite the fact that the war was initiated on the basis of lies and deception. The anti-war movement stands helpless to prevent President Bush from attacking Iran or any other country that he might demonize for harboring a future 9/11 threat. September 11 enabled Bush to take America to war and to keep America at war even though the government’s explanation of the events of September 11 is mired in controversy and disbelieved by a large percentage of the population. Although the news media’s investigative arm has withered, other entities and individuals continue to struggle with unanswered questions. In the six ...

9/11 - the big cover-up?
Post Date: 2007-09-13 13:34:43 by Indrid Cold
Six years after 9/11, the American public have still not been provided with a full and truthful account of the single greatest terror attack in US history. What they got was a turkey. The 9/11 Commission was hamstrung by official obstruction. It never managed to ascertain the whole truth of what happened on September 11 2001. The chair and vice chair of the 9/11 Commission, respectively Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton, assert in their book, Without Precedent, that they were "set up to fail" and were starved of funds to do a proper investigation. They also confirm that they were denied access to the truth and misled by senior officials in the Pentagon and the federal aviation ...

Pentagon Releases Audio of Khalid Sheik Mohammad Testimony
Post Date: 2007-09-13 12:29:24 by honway
Pentagon Releases Audio of Khalid Sheik Mohammad Testimony Thursday , September 13, 2007 Audio portions of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's testimony from his Combatant Status Review Tribunal were released by the Pentagon Thursday. The audio clips contain admissions by the suspected mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks that he plotted to kill President Clinton and Pope John Paul II. "I was responsible for the assassination attempt against President Clinton during his visit to the Philippines in 1994 or 1995," Mohammed says in English during his testimony before the tribunal. "I was responsible for the assassination attempt against Pope John Paul the second while he was ...

9/11 First Responder Heard WTC 7 Demolition Countdown
Post Date: 2007-09-13 11:16:49 by honway
9/11 First Responder Heard WTC 7 Demolition Countdown="" air="Air" and="and" attempt="attempt" conceal="conceal" demolition="demolition" expert="expert" for="for" force="Force" former="Former" joseph="Joseph" nature="nature" of="of" officials="officials" operations="Operations" paul="Paul" planned="planned" rescue="Rescue" search="Search" special="Special" to="to" watson Prison Planet Thursday, September 13, 2007 A 9/11 first responder has gone on the record to describe how he heard a demolition-style countdown precede the collapse of WTC 7, eyewitness testimony that dovetails with other EMT's and rescue personnel who were also told that Building 7 was going to be "brought ...

9/11 - the big cover-up?
Post Date: 2007-09-13 06:32:37 by Kamala
9/11 - the big cover-up? Even the chair of the 9/11 Commission now admits that the official evidence they were given was 'far from the truth'. Peter Tatchell Articles Latest Show all Profile All Peter Tatchell articles About Webfeeds September 12, 2007 10:30 AM | Printable version Six years after 9/11, the American public have still not been provided with a full and truthful account of the single greatest terror attack in US history. What they got was a turkey. The 9/11 Commission was hamstrung by official obstruction. It never managed to ascertain the whole truth of what happened on September 11 2001. The chair and vice chair of the 9/11 Commission, respectively Thomas Kean ...

Study: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Gain Ground
Post Date: 2007-09-12 13:28:27 by Peetie Wheatstraw
The idea that the Bush administration participated in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks is not limited to fringe Web sites and conspiracy theorists, according to a poll commissioned by a Web site that promotes alternative explanations for the events of September 11. The poll, conducted by Zogby International for http://911Truth.org and released last week, found that 31 percent of Americans do not accept the official explanation for September 11 -- that "19 Arab fundamentalists executed a surprise attack which caught U.S. intelligence and military forces off guard." Among that 31 percent, around 26 percent agreed that the American government "knew the attacks were ...

Castro says US lied about 9/11 attacks
Post Date: 2007-09-12 10:23:33 by Artisan
Castro says US lied about 9/11 attacks Mark Tran and agencies Wednesday September 12, 2007 Guardian Unlimited Fidel Castro has accused America of spreading disinformation about an explosion at the Pentagon on September 11 2001. Photograph: AP Fidel Castro today joined the band of September 11 conspiracy theorists by accusing the US of spreading disinformation about the attacks that took place six years ago. In a 4,256-word article read by a Cuban television presenter last night, the country's leader asserted that the Pentagon was hit by a rocket, not a plane, because no traces were found of its passengers. "Only a projectile could have created the geometrically round ...

9-11, Six Years Later (PCR at his finest!)
Post Date: 2007-09-11 19:06:06 by Arator
9-11, Six Years Later By Paul Craig Roberts 09/11/07 "ICH" -- -- On Sept. 7, National Public Radio reported that Muslims in the Middle East were beginning to believe that the 9-11 attacks on the WTC and Pentagon were false flag operations committed by some part of the U.S. and/ or Israeli government. It was beyond the imagination of the NPR reporter and producer that there could be any substance to these beliefs, which were attributed to the influence of books by U.S. and European authors sold in bookstores in Egypt. NPR's concern was that books by Western authors questioning the origin of the 9-11 attack have the undesirable result of removing guilt from Muslims' ...

Fox News: Debunking 9/11 myths Part 1
Post Date: 2007-09-11 18:42:00 by Zipporah
Watch Poster Comment:What a load ..

A Proper Way To Cellebrate 911
Post Date: 2007-09-11 16:30:10 by intotheabyss

September 11, 2007
Post Date: 2007-09-11 12:40:26 by robin

New bin Laden video to mark 9-11 attacks
Post Date: 2007-09-11 02:55:53 by Diana
CAIRO, Egypt - Osama bin Laden will appear for the second time in a week in a new video to mark the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, presenting the last will and testament of one of the suicide hijackers, al-Qaida announced Monday. Each year, al-Qaida has released videos of last statements by hijackers on the anniversary of the 2001 attacks, using the occasion to rally its sympathizers. But this year's releases underline how bin Laden is re-emerging to tout his leadership — whether symbolic or effective — of the jihad movement. While past anniversary videos featured old footage of bin Laden, the latest appears likely to include a newly made speech. Bin Laden had not ...

BREAKING NEWS - New bin Laden video surfaces
Post Date: 2007-09-11 02:28:49 by Diana
(CNN) -- A new video purportedly featuring an introduction from al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden appeared on the Internet Tuesday, the sixth anniversary of the September 11, 2001, attacks on New York and Washington. In the video's introduction, a voice identified as bin Laden's praises 9/11 hijacker Waleed al-Shehri, from Saudi Arabia. He sat in seat 2B on American Airlines Flight 11, which crashed into World Trade Center's north tower. The authenticity of the video was not immediately confirmed.

This Saturday watch a speech by William Rodriguez
Post Date: 2007-09-10 20:18:22 by wudidiz
This Saturday watch a speech by William Rodriguez, the janitor at the World Trade Center who rescued others on September 11. He is critical of the 9/11 Commission's report and shares his reasons for being skeptical. Then, former mayors Rudy Guiliani (R-NY) and Ronald Norick (R-OK) talk about how they dealt with the events of 9/11 and the Oklahoma City bombings. 9/8/2007: WASHINGTON, DC: : C-SPAN Click for Full Text!

Osama Bin Laden's hair care tips for men
Post Date: 2007-09-10 20:00:46 by Zipporah
Osama Bin Laden's hair care tips for men Posted by Xeni Jardin, September 10, 2007 7:42 AM | # | Wired's Danger Room blog points us to the oddest headline of the week, spotted in The Times of India -- "Osama Bin Laden is Dyed and Alive," referencing OBL's newly darkened beard-do on his latest vlog. Link. And here's the video, on YouTube, right next to skateboarding pugs and phonecammed booty dances. Man, the internet is weird. Tomorrow is 9/11

9/11: Still Killing
Post Date: 2007-09-10 19:54:06 by Zipporah
On September 11, 2001, Arab Islamist terrorists hijacked airplanes and crashed them into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, causing the buildings to collapse. Although almost 3,000 people died on that terrible day, many first responders, recovery workers, and area residents have been getting very sick and even dying because of all of the toxic substances released into the environment. Sadly, quite a few of those once hailed as heroes are finding that government agencies are now ignoring them. They are the hidden victims of 9/11 and this is their story. click here for the victims stories and photos 2006, Allan Tannenbaum. Photojournalist Allan Tannenbaum was at ...

Geraldo Gives 9/11 Truthers the Finger
Post Date: 2007-09-10 19:39:52 by Horse
=<> Poster Comment:On The Scene News” was there when Geraldo Rivera gave 9/11 Truthers the Finger. That middle finger is a clear sign of what Geraldo Rivera and FoxNews think of all who don’t conform to their twisted way of thinking concerning the official cover-up story of 9/11.

Sibel Edmonds case: The real culprits of 911
Post Date: 2007-09-10 19:16:07 by Zipporah
Sibel Edmonds case: The real culprits of 911by lukery Mon Sep 10, 2007 at 02:07:18 PM PDTFormer FBI translator Sibel Edmonds has made a number of disturbing claims about the 911 attacks, but perhaps the most disconcerting is her oft-repeated statement that the US authorities have covered up an entire organizational layer within al-Qaeda. In the documentary, Kill The Messenger, Sibel says: "They haven’t mentioned anybody who actually is connected to Al Qaida, in mid or higher level." Similarly, Sibel often says: "And I would like to give an analogy - if you take the War on Drugs, imagine if they only went after street dealers and they refused to investigate the ...

America's Number One Collapse Expert Thought WTC Bombed
Post Date: 2007-09-10 18:11:45 by christine
FDNY commander said south tower implosion "too even" to be caused by jet fuel A man described as "the premiere collapse expert in the country" thought the collapse of the south tower of the WTC was caused by explosives and not jet fuel, before the implosion of the north tower killed him on 9/11. Deputy Chief Ray Downey, the head of the FDNY's Special Operations Command, was also described by colleagues as "the most knowledgeable person on building collapses there was," and 9/11 Commissioner Timothy Roemer referred to Downey as a "very, very respected expert on building collapse." According to a World Trade Center Task Force interview with ...

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