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Saudi Flights on Mob, CIA-Linked Air Charters
Post Date: 2007-07-15 20:48:19 by Zipporah
WORLD EXCLUSIVE July 12 2007 by Daniel Hopsicker The owner of one of the air charter companies involved in the airlift of Saudi Royals and bin Laden family members out of the U.S. after the 9/11 attack has been identified in numerous published reports as a business partner and “close associate” of New England Mob Boss Raymond J. (Junior) Patriarca, the MadCowMorningNews has learned. Frank Zammiello's Northstar Aviation in Warrick R. I. flew four Saudis, including a Saudi Sheikh (name unfortunately redacted) on a flight which left Providence R.I. September 14, 2001 and flew to Paris. FBI documents refer to it as the “Northstar Aviation flight.” ...

Micheal Moore Breakes His Silence [911]
Post Date: 2007-07-15 09:09:28 by Itisa1mosttoolate

9/11 Ripple Effect Full Length Film
Post Date: 2007-07-14 06:43:32 by Zipporah

Firefighters undercut Giuliani's 'urban legend'
Post Date: 2007-07-12 01:47:15 by robin
Nearly everyone has seen the footage of Rudy Giuliani on 9/11 and in the days immediately afterwards, acting decisive, examining the wreckage, calming a city and a nation. Giuliani has done everything in his power to brandish his reputation as "America's Mayor," and he's cashed in on the persona, politically and financially. New York firefighters who were at the World Trade Center when it collapsed and family members of those who didn't make it out released a video aimed at shattering what they're calling Giuliani's "urban legend." "He's running on his 9/11 leadership, and it was lacking and there was none," FDNY Deputy Chief Jim ...

Masonic Whistleblower Says Next False Flag Terror Event Will Be August 23rd (When Sirius Aligns With the Sun, in the Dog Days of August)
Post Date: 2007-07-12 00:01:25 by Arator
Alex said he'd have this fellow as a guest on soon.

I thought I'd post this, in light of "The 911 Truth Movement Has Peaked"
Post Date: 2007-07-11 20:14:09 by Itisa1mosttoolate
The 911SolutionThe big clue everybody missed. http://www.brasschecktv.com 9 min 43 sec - 01-Mar-2007 Two major 9/11 anomalies have been thoroughly documented, specifically: 1) The stand down of US air defense on the morning of 9/11 that ... all permitted commercial jet aircraft to fly erratically and in restricted air space without challenge 2) Overwhelming physical evidence that World Trade Center buildings #1, #2, and #7 were brought down by controlled demolition A third significant anomaly has not been discussed, let alone acknowledged: the reporting by the major US TV news networks in the first few hours immediately after the attacks. Specifically: 1. MSNBC presented an ...

Minister in Sarkozy's Government: Bush might be behind 9/11 Attacks
Post Date: 2007-07-09 21:53:30 by robin
Minister in Sarkozy's Government: Bush might be behind 9/11 AttacksGlobal Research, July 7, 2007Reuters French official suggested Bush was behind September 11 PARIS Sat Jul 7, 7:34 AM ET A senior French politician, now a minister in President Nicolas Sarkozy's government, suggested last year that U.S. President George W. Bush might have been behind the September 11, 2001 attacks, according to a website. The www.ReOpen911.info website, which promotes September 11 conspiracy theories, has posted a video clip of French Housing Minister Christine Boutin appearing to question that Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda group orchestrated the attacks. Boutin's office sought to play down the ...

Prof Jones Accepts Validity Of Forensic Fusion Evidence Testing For Ed Ward, MD's WTC Micro Nuke Theory
Post Date: 2007-07-08 10:15:10 by robin
By Ed Ward, MD 7-5-7 The information is out there now. Prof Jones has lent his credentials to my basic neutron activation isotope ratio sample testing theory. We disagreed significantly on what should be tested. I will definitely rib/rip him with pointed humor when he states some credentialed BS since I'm not a "Muon Nuclear Physisict". Jones efforts on thermate are commendable and legendary as breakthrough confirmation of 911 was an inside job. The world could see thermate and squibs on film so they weren't really a surprise with knowledge of basic demolition. Forensic evidence of thermate was a key turning point in the 911 movement. But even a legend must consider ...

The 9/11 B. S. Movement: Blatant Insanity = Intentional DIS-information
Post Date: 2007-07-07 13:23:06 by Kamala
The 9/11 B. S. Movement The 9/11 B. S. Movement: Blatant Insanity = Intentional DIS-information Crimes of the State Blog "If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." -Thomas Pynchon, Gravity's Rainbow It's a sad day for me, as I have to wade hip deep through this sewage. But, it's come to this. We are drowning in DIS-information, that is deliberate gibberish passed off as a "9/11 conspiracy theory," which is intended to associate all of the 9/11 skeptics with "whack job" ideas about that day. The rational public will then see the "whack job" ideas dutifully printed in the ...

New witness confirms Scholars previous findings
Post Date: 2007-07-07 13:06:44 by Kamala
New witness confirms Scholars previous findings James Fetzer – http://OpEdNews.com July 2, 2007 The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) appears to be moving in the direction of a "conspiracy theory" about the destruction of WTC-7 on 9/11 just as a new witness has emerged reporting extensive destruction inside the building many hours before it would be demolished. According to James Fetzer, the founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, these turns of events provide further confirmation for the conclusion that WTC-7 was brought down by a controlled demolition at 5:20 PM/ET. "Anyone who googles WTC-7 will see an event that looks exactly like a controlled ...

Open Letter to Purdue President France Córdova
Post Date: 2007-07-07 12:24:59 by Kamala
Open Letter to Purdue President France Córdova Submitted by Kevin Ryan on Fri, 07/06/2007 - 9:00am. Purdue Simulation | wtc Dear President Córdova, Congratulations on your recent appointment at Purdue University. As a long time citizen of the state of Indiana, I welcome you to what I know to be an outstanding institution of higher learning. At the same time, I hope to help you see an immediate opportunity to make a great positive difference in the lives of the people of our state and, in fact, a great difference in the lives of people everywhere. Through your appointment you have been given this opportunity to speak out and denounce what can be called, at best, criminally ...

President Bush at the Florida School: New Conflicting Testimonies
Post Date: 2007-07-07 12:18:12 by Kamala
President Bush at the Florida School: New Conflicting Testimonies Submitted by Reprehensor on Sat, 07/07/2007 - 9:12am. Elizabeth Woodworth (Elizabeth Woodworth is a colleague of David Ray Griffin. In this piece, Woodworth examines media reports about Bush's non-action at the Booker Elementary, and warns about URLs that seem to change like the wind. Please distribute widely. -r.) President Bush at the Florida School: New Conflicting Testimonies by Elizabeth Woodworth July 6, 2007 http://www.911blogger.com There is a completely overlooked report in the September 1, 2002 Tampa Tribune which strongly suggests an early coverup over how long President Bush remained in the Saratoga ...

In France, a senior pol dares to question the 9/11 tale
Post Date: 2007-07-06 20:28:45 by Ada
Today, nearly six years after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, does anyone doubt the Bush administration and the mass media's grand narrative about just who was responsible for those shocking, sudden, well-coordinated and super-destructive events? Well, yes. For starters, on the strength of irrefutable evidence, the whole world has rejected George W. Bush, Jr. and Dick Cheney's repeated insinuations - which they used as a excuse to start the U.S.-led Iraq war - that the government of former dictator Saddam Hussein was somehow behind the attacks. That claim didn't square with the evidence that Al-Qaeda was responsible, since the terrorist organization led by Osama ...

9/11 Ultimate Conspiracy
Post Date: 2007-07-06 05:44:30 by wudidiz
9/11 Ultimate Conspiracy Click for Full Text!

THE TRUE STORY OF 9-11--Part 3
Post Date: 2007-07-05 14:25:53 by Nostalgia
"The next 15 years may well be the age of superterrorism, when they gain access to weapons of mass destruction and show a new willingness to use them. . . . Terrorists in the early years of the twenty-first century will reflect the causes that excite passion and move people to violence . . . conflict will increase until a new stasis or 'world order' is established." --Futurist magazine: November-December 1994 [1] "The war against terrorism is a war with an unlimited number of battles, none of them decisive. . . . People will have to accept longer lines before entering buildings, longer delays at airports, more intrusive searches of belongings and our persons, and ...

Anthrax Coverup: A Government Insider Speaks Out
Post Date: 2007-07-04 14:16:30 by Arator
Anthrax Coverup: A Government Insider Speaks Out By Steve Watson Is it possible that the anthrax attacks were launched from within our own government? A former Bush 1 advisor thinks it is. Francis A. Boyle, an international law expert who worked under the first Bush Administration as a bioweapons advisor in the 1980s, has said that he is convinced the October 2001 anthrax attacks that killed five people were perpetrated and covered up by criminal elements of the U.S. government. The motive: to foment a police state by killing off and intimidating opposition to post-9/11 legislation such as the USA PATRIOT Act and the later Military Commissions Act. "After the September 11, 2001, ...

Sheiks on a Plane: FBI Docs Expose Anatomy of a Cover-Up
Post Date: 2007-06-30 09:02:36 by Zipporah
Sheiks on a Plane: FBI Docs Expose Anatomy of a Cover-Up WORLD EXCLUSIVE June 28 2007 by Daniel Hopsicker The MadCowMorningNews has obtained the first photo ever published (at right) of the never-before-seen Learjet that flew the so-called Saudi “phantom flight” from Tampa Florida... a flight FBI and Bush Administration officials for more than three years denied ever took place.Last week’s newly-released FBI documents on flights out of the U.S. after the 9/11 attack by Saudi Princes and bin Laden family members generated headlines about the FBI’s admission that Osama bin Laden may himself have chartered one of the planes. But the documents ...

Could Barbara Olson Have Made Those Calls?
Post Date: 2007-06-27 16:52:34 by christine
An Analysis of New Evidence about Onboard Phones David Ray Griffin and Rob Balsamo Prefatory Note: When we, in this jointly authored article, need to refer to only one of us, the appropriate initials---DRG or RB--are used. 06/26/07 - Did American Airlines 77---the flight that, according to the official conspiracy theory about 9/11, struck the Pentagon---have onboard phones? This question is relevant to the possible truth of the official theory, because Ted Olson, who was then the US Solicitor General, claimed that his wife, Barbara Olson, called him twice from this flight using an onboard phone. He did, to be sure, waver on this point. CNN, which mentioned in a story posted just before ...

Post Date: 2007-06-27 10:28:01 by wudidiz
THE DAY AMERICA DIED Regardless of what so many have come to believe, death is more than the simple fact of someone having died, the realization that a living breathing entity has ceased to function, that a lifeless form has become that of "just another cadaver," the stark realization that a human being's time on earth has finally come to an end. Even though one's body has been "laid to rest," something of much greater significance has occurred. Much more to the point is the death of one's soul, the departure of the spirit from an individual's body; an acknowledgement that an imponderable, a vital living force having once empowered an individual through ...

Bandar Bush the Black Ops Bagman (SAUDI ARABIA AND THE PAYOFFS BEHIND 9/11)
Post Date: 2007-06-27 10:22:04 by aristeides
Bandar Bush the Black Ops Bagman by LondonYank [Subscribe] Wed Jun 13, 2007 at 09:36:56 AM PDT Old CIA hands like Bush 41 and Robert Gates had a problem in the early 1980s. Congress had outlawed CIA funded deathsquads, assassinations, false flag operations and other methods beloved of black ops specialists. What to do? Go to your closest ally, Britain, whose like-minded leader, Thatcher, will help you set up an arrangement for plausible deniability. Go to your favorite like-minded Saudi intelligence thug Prince Bandar to act as procurement agent and bagman for the terrorist cells, assassinations, deathsquads, false flag operations and coups you want engineered. Wrap the project up as ...

Whitman on hot seat over 9/11 aftermath
Post Date: 2007-06-25 22:17:38 by richard9151
WASHINGTON - Ex-EPA chief Christie Whitman was bombarded by boos and a host of accusations Monday at a hearing into her assurances that it had been safe to breathe the air around the fallen World Trade Center. The confrontation between the former head of the Environmental Protection Agency and her critics grew heated at times. Some members of the audience shouted in anger, only to be gaveled down by Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., who chaired the hearing. For three hours Whitman faced charges from Nadler and others that the Environmental Protection Agency's public statements after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks gave people a false sense of safety. Whitman maintained the government warned ...

Thousands of 9/11 First Responders are Now Sick and Dying (Whitman and Guiliani Must Answer Damning Questions)
Post Date: 2007-06-25 10:36:49 by Vitamin Z
In the week after 9/11, Christie Whitman, the former head of the federal Environmental Protection Agency, assured New Yorkers that "their air is safe to breathe and their water is safe to drink." Today, Whitman will finally face tough questions about those fateful words at a congressional hearing headed by U.S. Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-Manhattan). We now know the collapse of the twin towers and the fires which burned for months at Ground Zero triggered the worst toxic release our nation has seen: thousands of tons of asbestos, lead, chromium, benzene, PCBs, dioxins, highly-caustic cement dust and hundreds of other dangerous substances. Nearly six years later, thousands of first ...

New study from Pilots for 9/11 Truth: No Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2007-06-24 22:16:28 by robin
New study from Pilots for 9/11 Truth: No Boeing 757 hit the PentagonBy Scholars for 9/11 TruthGlobal Research, June 24, 2007 Pilots for 9/11 Truth obtained black box data from the government under the Freedom of Information Act for AA Flight 77, which The 9/11 Report claims hit the Pentagon. Analysis of the data contradicts the official account in direction, approach, and altitude. The plane was too high to hit lamp posts and would have flown over the Pentagon, not impacted with its ground floor. This result confirms and strengthens the previous findings of Scholars for 9/11 Truth that no Boeing 757 hit the buillding.Madison, WI (PRWEB) June 21, 2007 - A study of the black box data ...

Number of Americans who believe Saddam-9/11 tie rises to 41 percent
Post Date: 2007-06-24 22:11:03 by robin
Number of Americans who believe Saddam-9/11 tie rises to 41 percent06/24/2007 @ 3:17 pm Filed by Josh Catone A new Newsweek poll out this weekend exposed "gaps" in America's knowledge of history and current events. Perhaps most alarmingly, 41% of Americans answered 'Yes' to the question "Do you think Saddam Hussein’s regime in Iraq was directly involved in planning, financing, or carrying out the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001?" That total is actually up 5 points since September 2004. Further, a majority of people couldn't identify Saudia Arabia as the country of origin of most of the 9/11 hijackers, even given the question in ...

South Tower Flight UA175 Dropped WRONG Engine In NYC Street
Post Date: 2007-06-23 13:08:59 by richard9151
In a Nutshell alleged Flight UA175, a Boeing 767-200, with four napalm bombs attached struck World Trade Center work areas as shown in this photo with full force igniting one napalm bomb inside a work area, shooting another napalm bomb and an engine through such a work area and out the back wall. That napalm bomb exploded past the wall and the engine landed in a NYC street. There are more than 12 excellent pictures posted with this story that you need to see. Go here; >http://home.att.net/~south.tower/STengine1.htm To get up to speed on the South Tower 'Event', VIEW: The South Tower Crash Videos: COMMON ELEMENTS http://home.att.net/~carlson.jon/STCommonElements1.htm This ...

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