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9/11 – Listen to the Demolition Wave that caused the collapse of the WTC South Tower
Post Date: 2007-04-02 23:00:21 by robin
This footage was shown by the BBC in a programme ‘9/11:The Twin Towers’, broadcast in the UK on 7 September 2006. The sound of the ... all » demolition charges used to bring down the WTC South Tower can clearly be heard. The sound has not been enhanced in any way and accords precisely with the eye witness testimony on 9/11, including that of the FDNY fire-fighters. The building had 114 floors, but took only 10 seconds to collapse. Fourteen of the explosions can be heard in a period of 5 seconds, so the blasts cannot have been generated by collapsing floors (the so-called ‘pancake’ effect), or the collapse of the entire building would have required more than 40 ...

The 9/11 WTC Collapses: Questions the Media Won't Address
Post Date: 2007-04-02 22:56:57 by robin
The 9/11 WTC Collapses: Questions the Media Won't Address [A] = Article contains audio [V] = Article contains video Unaddressed FACTS:Is it pure coincidence that FEMA was in New York on September 10? Why did they deny this fact? http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/fematape.html [A]Why were staff in WTC 2 instructed to stay in the building following Flight 11's impact into WTC 1? http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/jackasses.htmlHow was it known that the World Trade Center was going to collapse? Why were only a select few told? http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/wtc_giuliani.html [V]Where were the 800°C infernos in the buildings? http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/wtc_fire.htm [A] ...

The curious tale of the 'other' WTC tower
Post Date: 2007-04-02 09:44:40 by christine
Now that Rosie O'Donnell is trying to table it on The View, I guess we can talk about it here. First, a news quiz: If, some time after the collapse of World Trade Center towers 1 and 2, a 47-storey office building in a major American city also came crashing to the ground, do you think you'd know about it? Of course, you would. But if I were to tell you that such an event actually did happen, could you name that building? If you are like most North Americans, I'm guessing probably not. In fact, the collapse of the Salomon Brothers Building, which was also known as WTC 7 and stood but two blocks away from ground zero, occurred late in the day on Sept. 11, 2001. It remains ...

The True Lies of 9/11
Post Date: 2007-03-31 13:01:31 by robin
The True Lies of 9/11 Part 1 Part 2 These were created by Aidan Monaghan, a member of http://ST911.org and the creator of: http://www.explosive911analysis.com/ Click for Full Text!

Bonaduce Says O'Donnell Should Be Hung On MSNBC [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2007-03-30 16:46:45 by Nostalgia
Joe Scarborough Attacks Rosie O'Donnell, Barbara Walters & ABC For debating a serious issue. Scarborough brings in the political expert Danny Bonaduce, who says that O'Donnell should be 'strung up for treason' and 'aiding and abetting the enemy'. He then goes on to seriously defend that point.

A Dangerous Worksite: The World Trade Center
Post Date: 2007-03-30 13:16:03 by honway
HOT STEEL Even as the steel cooled, there was concern that the girders had become so hot that they could crumble when lifted by overhead cranes. As a result, additional safeguards were put in place to limit the dangers associated with lifting the damaged steel and to protect the workers in the vicinity. Another danger involved the high temperature of twisted steel pulled from the rubble. Underground fires burned at temperatures up to 2,000 degrees. As the huge cranes pulled steel beams from the pile, safety experts worried about the effects of the extreme heat on the crane rigging and the hazards of contact with the hot steel. And they were concerned that applying water to cool the steel ...

Smoke Was Rising from the Base of WTC 2 Before the Collapse
Post Date: 2007-03-30 12:54:41 by honway
Click below for the video. http://11syyskuu.net/video/911.wtc.2.demolition.south.below.mpg Does anyone know if the official version of events includes an explanation for the smoke rising from the base of the South Tower prior to either collapse?

Ten Second Freefall - Three Shoes Posse
Post Date: 2007-03-30 11:29:47 by WTC7 911Smoking Cannon
Click on the image to play Alright, we're just searching for the truth Because so far we've been truthless, And I don't mean to be ruthless (I do) It was a 10 second freefall that’s what I saw that’s what you saw that’s what everybody saw 10 second freefall official story don’t make a lick o' sense at all it was a -10 second freefall (clearly the buildings were brought down by controlled demolition) It was controlled demolition concrete into fine dust that’s a hell of a transition from controlled demolition they believe in fairy tales at the 911 commission but not controlled demolition Ashes to ashes, concrete to dust Twin ...

Giuliani faces questions about Sept. 11
Post Date: 2007-03-30 08:10:32 by angle
NEW YORK - Rudy Giuliani's White House aspirations are inescapably tied to Sept. 11, 2001 — for better and for worse. While the former mayor of the nation's largest city was widely lionized for his post-9/11 leadership — "Churchillian" was one adjective, "America's mayor" was Oprah Winfrey's assessment — city firefighters and their families are renewing their attacks on him for his performance before and after the terrorist attack. "If Rudolph Giuliani was running on anything but 9/11, I would not speak out," said Sally Regenhard, whose firefighter son was among the 343 FDNY members killed in the terrorist attack. "If he ...

Explosions Heard in the Twin Towers BEFORE They Collapsed
Post Date: 2007-03-30 07:03:48 by Kamala
Explosions Heard in the Twin Towers BEFORE They Collapsed Submitted by GeorgeWashington on Thu, 03/29/2007 - 1:58pm. essay Totally re-written and new arguments added since yesterday. http://georgewashington.blogspot.com/2006/06/bombs-heard-in-twin-towers.html Forget all of the videos and photos of the collapse of the World Trade Centers for a minute. Let's talk about an aspect of 9/11 that we've all glossed over: sound. Remember that sound travels slower than light, and so witnesses who described hearing explosive sounds before seeing the collapse of the building cannot have been fooled about the sequence. The following earwitness testimony indicates controlled demolition of ...

Breaking my silence on 9/11 Truth [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2007-03-30 06:54:01 by Kamala
OpEdNews Original Content at http://www.opednews.com/articles/opedne_john_kus_070328_breaking_my_silence_.htm March 28, 2007 Breaking my silence on 9/11 Truth By John Kusumi Initially I preferred to keep silent about the 9/11 Truth Movement, to not be diverted from my issue. I've been associated with the China Support Network, being its founder, and in recent years, I give my speeches in that vein exclusively. That means, I have a cause and I don't need a spare cause, nor a soapbox, nor a reason to be known in the public discourse, where I've contributed since 1980. My 9/11 article is written, not oral; in any public appearance, I remain on the China issue. The article ...

The 9/11 Truth Domino Effect: More and more going public everyday with vital information and valuable expertise
Post Date: 2007-03-30 06:48:46 by Kamala
The 9/11 Truth Domino Effect: More and more going public everyday with vital information and valuable expertise Steve Watson http://Infowars.net Thursday, March 29, 2007 The leaking of the until now withheld WTC blueprints this week represents a growing trend of truth seeking individuals putting aside politics and coming forth in an attempt to set the record straight on the defining event of the 21st century. Below is a by no means extensive list with links that represents how this 9/11 truth domino effect is gathering pace in all walks of life. 100 Senior Military, Intelligence, Law Enforcement, and Government Officials Question the 9/11 Commission Report - ...

Cuban Resolute Against Neo-Con Intimidation (Loose Change)
Post Date: 2007-03-30 01:41:12 by robin
Cuban Resolute Against Neo-Con Intimidation Billionaire remains determined to bring Loose Change to big screen in face of threats Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet Thursday, March 29, 2007 Despite several attempts on behalf Neo-Con and thugs and their mindless cheerleaders to threaten billionaire Mark Cuban into backing away from a project to mass distribute Loose Change, Cuban has remained resolute in his determination to bring the film to the big screen. During a radio interview last Friday, Fox bully Bill O'Reilly warned Cuban as well as Charlie Sheen who is set to narrate the movie, that he would be "looking out" for them and that Sheen's career would be ...

9/11stealth WTC FEMA TRIPOD Terror Drills Choppers were Used
Post Date: 2007-03-30 01:27:49 by robin
This compilation of video-clips exposes the Black Operation 9/11 and the participation of multiple choppers on it, starting with the one piloted by Detectives Hayes and Walsh, present at the moment of the attack to WTC2 and at the moment of the destruction of WTC2: 1 From "911 Eyewitness" we see the conversation between Dan Rather and Kenney talking about the TRIPOD Terror Drill plotted at Pier 92 headquarters (the FEMA involvement on 9/11) 2 Then, from "WTC, The First 24 Hours" we see the chopper that appears just at the moment of the attack to WTC2. Here, at 1:10 you can see for a second an advanced and fast stealth vehicle camouflaged as a "double winged bird," a frequent feature ...

Totovader ignores evidence of exotic weaponry used on 911
Post Date: 2007-03-30 01:07:10 by robin
Totovader ignores evidence of exotic weaponry used on 911 Exotic weapons caused the damage we can see. Click for Full Text! Poster Comment:What Melted Cop Cars 7 Blocks From WTC On 911?

Rosie O'Donnell Speaks Out On Iran and 911 on The View (Youtube)
Post Date: 2007-03-29 23:51:32 by christine

WTC Blueprints Leaked by Whistleblower: Unseen documents show official investigations used flawed construction details
Post Date: 2007-03-29 06:20:51 by Kamala
WTC Blueprints Leaked by Whistleblower: Unseen documents show official investigations used flawed construction details Steve Watson http://Infowars.net Wednesday, March 28, 2007 A whistleblower that was on a team working for Silverstein Group in 2002 has made public an extensive set of detailed architectural drawings of the World Trade Center, that prove beyond any doubt that the official reports into the collapse of the towers misrepresented their construction. The documents were passed to physics Professor Steven Jones, formerly of Brigham Young University, who has done extensive research into the collapse of the buildings and contends that explosives were used to bring them down. ...

Tower Blueprints
Post Date: 2007-03-29 02:43:54 by robin
Tower Blueprints Surviving Evidence of the World Trade Center Attack The blueprints to the Twin Towers and Building 7 remained off-limits to the public for more than five years after the attack, despite the fact that the buildings were built with public money and that the engineering drawings of public buildings are supposed to be public information. 1 Incredibly, the team of engineers from the ASCE that conducted the only investigation of the building "collapses" before Ground Zero had been cleaned up lacked access to the buildings' blueprints -- at least until they signed waivers that they would not use the evidence in a lawsuit against the Port Authority of New York ...

Independent Investigators Release Suppressed Blueprints of Destroyed World Trade Center Tower
Post Date: 2007-03-28 10:05:43 by angle
Independent Investigators Release Suppressed Blueprints of Destroyed World Trade Center Tower Scans of original drawings of the North Tower of the World Trade Center have been published online by a coalition of independent 9/11 researchers and journalists. Berkeley, CA (PRWEB) March 27, 2007 -- A coalition of independent 9/11 investigators and journalists today announced the online publication of a set of original blueprints of the North Tower of the World Trade Center. The set is composed of over 200 never-before-published drawings, including plans, elevations, and details, given to physicist Dr. Steven E. Jones by an individual interested in a more complete analysis. Groups presenting the ...

2nd Debris Field Found 6 miles from United 93 Crash Site [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2007-03-27 18:54:41 by honway

9/11 and the Evidence [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2007-03-27 12:26:54 by Peetie Wheatstraw
Professor David Ray Griffin is the nemesis of the official 9/11 conspiracy theory. In his latest book, Debunking 9/11 Debunking, Griffin destroys the credibility of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and Popular Mechanics reports, annihilates his critics, and proves himself to be a better scientist and engineer than the defenders of the official story. Griffin’s book is 385 pages divided into four chapters and containing 1,209 footnotes. Without question, the book is the most thorough presentation and examination of all known facts about the 9/11 attacks. Griffin is a person who is sensitive to evidence, logic, and scientific reasoning. There is no counterpart ...

Former Fed analyst questions M1 currency component spike prior to 9/11
Post Date: 2007-03-27 04:50:46 by Eoghan
William Bergman worked at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago from July 1990 until early 2004. He served as an economist for eight years, and then moved to a senior analyst position in a new department researching financial market and payment system risk policy issues. In late 2003, he was asked to consider an assignment in the money laundering area. Bergman accepted the assignment, underwent a background check, received credentials affording access to confidential banking information, and began working in the area. He was told that he was “part of the fight against terrorism” and that he “had been asking good questions.” One aspect of the assignment to the money ...

New high quality footage of WTC7 burning
Post Date: 2007-03-26 18:38:25 by honway
found these clips in the 9/11 archive that was published by http://archive.org. These videos were taken from the high quality MPEGs that were available for download for some time. Links are provided to high quality copies of this footage as well as links to the streaming versions on http://archive.org Showing the South side of WTC7, broadcasted by NBC at 1:45 PM. http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=6186921835292416413 high quality XVID (640x480 de-interlaced) : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CV4PU0IQ link to http://archive.org (@ 22 minutes): http://www.archive.org/details/abc200109111323-1404 What is that black marking? It looks like a hole, but it seems much too smooth for being ...

Wtc7 Burning Before South Tower Collapse, breaking news!
Post Date: 2007-03-26 18:27:50 by honway
There you have it. Proof that the fires in building 7 were not started by falling debris from the south tower. FOX5 11:47 PM on september 11th Streaming video: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1jx96_f2347wtc7onfirebeforewtccollapse

Operation Northwoods
Post Date: 2007-03-26 15:12:25 by intotheabyss
Operation Northwoods Information Center Follow the links provided below to declassified Pentagon documents and an ABC News article on Operation Northwoods. Approved by the top Pentagon chiefs, Operation Northwoods proposed fabricating terrorism in US cities and killing innocent citizens to trick the public into supporting a war against Cuba in the early 1960s. Operation Northwoods even proposed blowing up a US ship and hijacking planes as a false pretext for war. First coming to light in the year 2000 through a Freedom of Information Act request, key excerpts from the Operation Northwoods documents are provided below. Operation Northwoods on the ABC News website: ...

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