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Oops!, BBC was half an hour too early reporting on WTC7 collapse [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2007-02-26 09:16:39 by RickyJ

Expert Goes On Record: Bin Laden 9/11 Confession Is Bogus
Post Date: 2007-02-25 12:37:35 by christine
Professor says there is no doubt infamous Bin Laden tape is fake, being used to deflect 9/11 "conspiracy theories" A leading expert on Osama Bin Laden has officially gone on the record saying that he believes the so called "9/11 Confession" tape, released shortly after the attacks, is an outright fake that has been used by US intelligence agencies to deflect attention from “conspiracy theories” about 9/11. Professor Bruce Lawrence, head of Duke University’s Religious Studies program, joined Kevin Barrett last Friday on his radio show http://(gcnlive.com, 2/16/2007, first hour) in his first public interview since comments he made last year indicating ...

The High-Fivers:More proof the Israelis were shadowing the 9/11 hijackers
Post Date: 2007-02-25 07:38:32 by Kamala
The High-Fivers:More proof the Israelis were shadowing the 9/11 hijackers February 16, 2007 by Justin Rasimondo It was the tail-end of a bleak November, 2001: a pall of shocked numbness hung over the country, and a rising war hysteria had nearly everyone cowed. Americans were just beginning to pick themselves up, dust themselves off, and focus on what had happened, and how to react. It was very early on the morning of the 23rd when, scanning the headlines, I came across a Washington Post story by John Mintz: "60 Israelis Detained on Tourist Visas Since Sept. 11." Odd, I thought, why go after the Israelis, probably the least likely suspects? The subhead was even more ...

Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaida - Basic Knowledge-Part 2
Post Date: 2007-02-25 06:06:45 by Kamala
Today I present you – Al Qaida, the world wide terror network organisation, like the hydra undefeatable, everywhere hidden, the most dangerous issue of our time. " Al Qaeda is nothing more than an extension of the operatus linked to U.S. intelligence that was allowed, by script, to remove itself as a rogue break away entity of the U.S. government; allowed to de-compartmentalize from oversight, and was run instead by Gary Best rogue black ops specialists for scripted activity outside of the U.S. government, with its funding being orchestrated through the Pakistani secret police, an entity of the U.S. government itself." --Tom Heneghan, our great heroic American Patriot, ...

Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaida - Basic Knowledge-Part 1
Post Date: 2007-02-25 05:59:29 by Kamala
*** In a November 2001 tape, bin Laden said, “We calculated in advance the number of casualties … who would be killed …. I was the most optimistic of them all. … Due to my experience in this field, I was thinking that the fire from the gas in the plane would melt the iron structure of the building and collapsethe area where the plane hit and all the floors above it only.” " *** Prize Question: We can we see from this statement alone that the Pentagon confession video is a fake? Anyone? No matter. Let us begin our journey to truth. *** Early CIA connections Bin Laden is Tim Osman, a CIA asset. Remember the saying? Once in the company, always in the ...

Meet the Director of the 9/11 Commission...Philip Zelikow.
Post Date: 2007-02-25 05:49:03 by Kamala
Meet the Director of the 9/11 Commission...Philip Zelikow. Submitted by T-Bone on Fri, 02/23/2007 - 4:09am. 9/11 Commission Members | Philip Zelikow I find the history and information about this guy fascinating. Notice his "area of academic expertise." Perfect guy for the job. Read just the bold for the juicy parts. Philip D. Zelikow From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Philip D. Zelikow is best known as the executive director of the 9/11 Commission. He also acted as the director of the Miller Center of Public Affairs at the University of Virginia until February 2005 when he was appointed Counselor of the United States Department of State. Philip Zelikow was born in 1954. ...

De-Bunkers Can't Help It
Post Date: 2007-02-25 05:43:50 by Kamala
De-Bunkers Can't Help It Submitted by williamwallace on Fri, 02/23/2007 - 11:13pm. Disinformation BBC | psychology I wrote this letter to the BBC in protest of their obvious propaganda piece against the social dis-order group known as 9/11 truth. I thought it would make for intersting discussion into the motivations and why some people can not bring themselves to question the convential wisdom of the 9/11 myth. Interestingly if you read Freakonomics, the author makes a point about convential wisdom, that also hits on the same theme, it goes something like this: Convential wisdom does not and most of the time is not the absolute truth, it is a version of true that most people can ...

The Chain of Command is Busted!
Post Date: 2007-02-25 05:39:24 by Kamala
The Chain of Command is Busted! Jim Kirwan 2-23-7 The Vice-President is on an American aircraft carrier off Japan, and the Decider has a scheduled trip that will take him out-of-the-country. He,ll probably be aboard Air Force One, but that plane is only used to collect money"as an extension of his political machine"it is doubtful that he could ever even pretend to operate the world's most sophisticated flying-combat-operations-center that Air Force One was designed to be. So what's the problem? The problem dates back to Ronnie's days in the Oval office, and to a plan that was hatched by conspirators who feared Mr. Reagan might screw up, if the nation were attacked. ...

The Spanish Connection ;What the 9/11 Commission didn't consider.
Post Date: 2007-02-25 05:21:22 by Kamala
AT WAR The Spanish Connection ;What the 9/11 Commission didn't consider. BY EDWARD JAY EPSTEIN Thursday, February 22, 2007 12:01 a.m. EST The 9/11 Commission relied on information derived from two captured al Qaeda perpetrators for much of its picture of the conspiracy leading up to the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The interrogations of these men--Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, or "KSM," who masterminded the plot and got Osama bin Laden to finance it, and Ramzi Binalshibh, who acted as KSM's liaison with lead suicide terrorist Mohamed Atta--were performed by the CIA at secret locations. KSM claimed that he left almost all the tactical details to Atta, ...

Will America Face the Truth About 9/11? Part II ;Yes, Generals Do Lie
Post Date: 2007-02-25 05:16:32 by Kamala
Will America Face the Truth About 9/11? Part II By Mark H. Gaffney – February 21, 2007 Yes, Generals Do Lie I have shown that pentagon hawks and neo cons share a grand strategy that is inimical to the greater good. For which reason their global agenda was, from a political standpoint, virtually unobtainable through functioning democratic institutions. This establishes a powerful motive. But does it follow that they conspired to subvert democracy to achieve their sweeping goals? Were they complicit in 9/11? Or, worse: did they stage the attack? Such a conclusion, of course, would not necessarily follow–––were it not for the incriminating fact that Generals Eberhart ...

Will America Face the Truth About 9/11? Part I
Post Date: 2007-02-25 05:11:23 by Kamala
Will America Face the Truth About 9/11? Part I By Mark H. Gaffney – February 21, 2007 On June 1, 2001 the US Joint Chiefs of Staff issued a new order regarding cases of aircraft piracy, i.e., hijackings. The new order (CJCSI 3610.01A), signed by Vice Admiral S. A. Fry, Director of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, canceled the existing order (CJCSI 3610.01) that had been in effect since July 1997. When I learned about this, recently, I became intrigued. The date of the new order, just three months prior to 9/11, seemed too near that fateful day to be mere coincidence. I should mention that I have always been skeptical of the official 9/11 narrative. The June 2001 order was like a red flag ...

Reasons to Doubt the Official Story about the 9/11 Attacks
Post Date: 2007-02-25 05:05:58 by Kamala
OpEdNews Original Content at http://www.opednews.com/articles/opedne_andrew_m_070222_reasons_to_doubt_the.htm February 23, 2007 Reasons to Doubt the Official Story about the 9/11 Attacks By Andrew Mills Reasons to Doubt the Official Story about the 9/11 Attacks by Andrew Mills The more you study the facts and the circumstantial evidence surrounding the 9/11 attacks, the more you doubt the official explanation of the attacks given in the 9/11 Commission Report. Most all the necessary information is, or has been, available through the major media. It's just a matter of pulling it all together and organizing the data. When you do that, you are left with major doubts about the ...

New documentary film suggests 9/11 was a staged Neo-conservative psychological attack against the American people
Post Date: 2007-02-25 05:02:24 by Kamala
New documentary film suggests 9/11 was a staged Neo-conservative psychological attack against the American people Compiled by Susan Lee Capitalism is Not Democracy is a book for further reading on this subject. It began as a tiny internet film attacking the 'lies' surrounding 9/11. Now, millions of people have heard its message. Like it or loathe it, you can't ignore Loose Change, says Ed Pilkington in the British Guardian Newspaper. Dylan Avery is the director and creator of Loose Change, the most successful movie to emerge from what followers call the 9/11 Truth Movement. The film alleges with presented evidence that the attacks in New York and Washington on September ...

9/11: The Conspiracy Files,” The BBC Joins the Ranks of the Untrustworthy United States Media
Post Date: 2007-02-25 04:59:14 by Kamala
9/11: The Conspiracy Files,” The BBC Joins the Ranks of the Untrustworthy United States Media Review article By Debbie Lewis Global Research, February 24, 2007 More than five years after the disaster of September 11, 2001, England’s BBC stepped into the ring of media outlets airing programs about the tragedy that is now referred to as “9/11” on February 18, 2007. The program, entitled “9/11: The Conspiracy Files,” took the time to interview some well-known Americans on both sides of the 9/11 argument. The hour-long program looked as if it might reveal something worthwhile, for about nine minutes. Guests like the outspoken Alex Jones, 911 Scholars for ...

911 Truthers - Time Is On Our Side
Post Date: 2007-02-24 14:34:35 by robin
911 Truthers - Time Is On Our Side By Douglas Herman Exclusive to http://Rense.com 2-21-7 "911 fantasists pose a mortal danger to popular oppositional campaigns." -George Monbiot The Left gatekeepers are at it again. Attempting to "debunk" scientific facts, outright fraud, and the transparent government complicity with the alleged 911 plot and plotters, some influential Leftists (and former critics of the official 911 story) have adopted the official version. When backed against the wall about their change of heart, they resort to sweeping personal attacks and a blatant disregard of the mountains of evidence and testimony involving the greatest unsolved crime of the ...

Oklahoma City Bombing
Post Date: 2007-02-24 14:01:30 by robin
From thetruthwillout Rare footage from the day of the Okla... Rare footage from the day of the Oklahoma City Bombing that reveals that there were 3 explosive devices planted INSIDE the building. How did Timothy McVeigh pull that one off? Poster Comment:We don't have an OKC Bombing category or ping list, maybe we need one. Or maybe it is really part of 9/11.

9/11 Questions Follow Obama Campaign Trail to Austin
Post Date: 2007-02-24 12:35:51 by Eoghan
Presidential Hopeful Barack Obama was surrounded by the "Investigate 9/11" Question during an otherwise energetic-- and, for a "grassroots" campaign, curiously well-coordinated-- campaign rally in Austin, Texas. Members of the University of Texas student group The Project for a New American Century brought the large sign seen in photographs and video hoping to remind Obama that he-- and any other Presidential candidates in 2008-- will continue to be confronted on a new investigation for the largest crime on U.S. soil in history. While his over-looking such non-politically correct issues is not surprising, we continue to hope that candidates will listen to ...

NIST scientist on the hot seat (video)
Post Date: 2007-02-22 16:08:21 by RickyJ
God has a way to make the guilty reveal themselves. They are putty in God's hands.

"Controversial 9/11 Film Draws Curious Crowd"
Post Date: 2007-02-22 14:07:51 by angle
Controversial 9/11 film draws curious crowd Director Mike Berger and writer Rebecca Cerese, a resident of Chapel Hill, spoke Tuesday night in Richard White Lecture Hall and presented their film, "Improbable Collapse," which presents a controversial take on the events of Sept. 11. The documentary retraced the events of the attacks on the World Trade Center, analyzed evidence, interviewed experts and reviewed government records to present an argument pinning the collapse of the World Trade Center on the U.S. government. Opening with footage of the Twin Towers' collapse, the film claimed that Americans' rights and freedoms have been curtailed by the government's ...

9-11 fantasists post a mortal danger
Post Date: 2007-02-20 05:28:06 by YertleTurtle
'You did this hit piece because your corporate masters instructed you to. You are a controlled asset of the new world order ... bought and paid for." "Everyone has some skeleton in the cupboard. How else would MI5 and special branch recruit agents?" "Shill, traitor, sleeper", "leftwing gatekeeper", "accessory after the fact", "political whore of the biggest conspiracy of them all". These are a few of the measured responses to my article, a fortnight ago, about the film Loose Change, which maintains that the United States government destroyed the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon. Having spent years building up my leftwing ...

9/11 Truth: Structural Failures vs. Controlled Demolitions
Post Date: 2007-02-20 01:08:54 by robin
From Halifaxion Clip from 9/11 Mysteries: Compare and contrast what buildings look like when they collapse because a few joints weaken and break (which is the U.S. government's explanation for the WTC collapse) vs. what buildings look like when they are taken down with explosives in controlled demolitions. (8 minutes)

9/11 Truth: Steven Jones on WTC 7 and Controlled Demolition [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2007-02-20 00:41:08 by robin
From Halifaxion Steven Jones speaks at the Chicago 9/11 Steven Jones speaks at the Chicago 9/11 Truth conference (June 2006) about World Trade Center Building 7 and the case for controlled demolition of all three towers. This is just ten minutes from a longer lecture that you can find in its entirety on Google Video here: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2436472348579687382

BBC Hit Piece a Tissue of Lies, Bias and Emotional Manipulation
Post Date: 2007-02-19 17:36:11 by Red Jones
BBC Hit Piece a Tissue of Lies, Bias and Emotional Manipulation Outraged truth community demands answers from Guy Smith, immediate retractions and apologies urged, savage agenda driven yellow journalism an insult to the truth Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet Monday, February 19, 2007 The BBC's Conspiracy Files documentary about 9/11 was a tissue of lies, bias and emotional manipulation from beginning to end. Producer Guy Smith should be ashamed of himself for inflicting this travesty of yellow journalism upon the 9/11 truth movement and he is assured to encounter a vociferous and outraged response in its aftermath. You can watch the one hour show below via Google Video. ...

9/11 First Draft: PNAC and the Wolfowitz Doctrine
Post Date: 2007-02-19 13:42:17 by robin
From Halifaxion The Project for the New American Century The Project for the New American Century lays out the blueprints for the 9/11 attacks following the guidlines set forth by the Wolfowitz Doctrine. (less than 4 minutes) Poster Comment:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_for_the_New_American_Century http://www.crisispapers.org/Editorials/PNAC-Primer.htm 3. In 1998, PNAC unsuccessfully lobbied President Clinton to attack Iraq and remove Saddam Hussein from power. The January letter from PNAC urged America to initiate that war even if the U.S. could not muster full support from the Security Council at the United Nations. Sound familiar? (President Clinton replied that he was ...

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