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Why does the Bush administration continue to protect Viktor Bout? (WMR)
Post Date: 2006-11-24 17:29:06 by robin
November 23-26, 2006 -- The notorious "muscle" for the global neocons, the Russian Viktor Bout, who has provided air logistics services and weapons for the Taliban, Al Qaeda, the US military occupation forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, Israeli diamond smugglers, and various African and Middle Eastern despots, was a very busy man in the years prior to the 911 attacks. According to aviation records obtained by WMR, Bout's charter companies were flying a number of suspicious flights from Ras al Khaimah and Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates. From 1998 to 2000, while Bout was supplying air services for the Taliban and Al Qaeda, including supplying Ariana Afghan Airlines and the ...

Lou Dobbs needs to grow up
Post Date: 2006-11-24 15:38:19 by tinfoil wonderballs
This article demonstrates that Lou Dobbs is an idiot or extremely naive. Look Lou, Calvin Coolidge wasn't blowing smoke up our asses when he said "The Business of America is Business". That's what the most important Americans hold as the core mantra of their raison d'etre. Don't kid yourself that politicians at any level really give a rat's ass about your job. They only care about their job and their immediate family. There is no altruistic concern for their constituents. They do care to the extent that they want to get re-elected and will say whatever it takes for that to happen. Lou's correct that the Dems and GOP don't change the economic policy. ...

Debunking the WTC1 Main Freight Fireball Myth
Post Date: 2006-11-22 20:51:38 by Kamala
Debunking the WTC1 Main Freight Fireball Myth Brian Bray (“bsbray”) of http://Studyof911.com, Oct. 31, 2006. Last updated Nov. 11, 2006. Drawn heavily from the research of http://AboveTopSecret.com forum member “Valhall”, with additional helpful feedback from “ashmok” of the same forums (Thanks, you two!). Feedback welcomed here. Several witness testimonies at least are in public domain that describe explosive events in the lower levels of WTC1 as distinct from the its plane impact, and causing severe damage in the basement floors, at the foundation of the building. It has been entertained that the reported explosions and damages to the basement levels ...

9/11 and American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out
Post Date: 2006-11-22 20:19:20 by Kamala
On Friday, November 24 at 4:00 pm and Saturday, November 25 at 3:30 am and at 10:00 pm 9/11 and American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out David Ray Griffin, Peter Dale Scott, Peter Phillips, Kevin Ryan, Ray McGovern Description: Editors and contributors to the book, "9/11 and American Empire," assess the Bush administration's responsibility for the attacks on 9/11, arguing that key administration officials either purposefully ignored the threats leading up to the attacks or were complicit in the planning them. The panelists say that the administration has used the attacks to enact long established plans to expand American empire. The participants are: David Ray Griffin ...

Twin Towers Engineered To Withstand Jet Collision
Post Date: 2006-11-22 20:05:28 by Kamala
Business: Saturday, February 27, 1993 Twin Towers Engineered To Withstand Jet Collision Eric Nalder Engineers had to consider every peril they could imagine when they designed the World Trade Center three decades ago because, at the time, the twin towers were of unprecedented size for structures made of steel and glass. "We looked at every possible thing we could think of that could happen to the buildings, even to the extent of an airplane hitting the side," said John Skilling, head structural engineer. "However, back in those days people didn't think about terrorists very much." Skilling, based in Seattle, is among the world's top structural engineers. He ...

Negroponte & Rohrabacher Betray America to Islamic Terror Backers
Post Date: 2006-11-21 19:07:58 by honway
Copyright 2006 by Patrick B. Briley PART I of a TWO PART SERIES Negroponte and Rohrabacher Had Prior Warnings of 9/11 The Basics on John Negroponte John Negroponte is currently the Director of National Intelligence who directs all 15 US civilian and military intelligence agencies in the US war on terrorism. Counterpunch published an interview Ex-State Department Security Officer Charges Pre-9/11 Cover-Up in March 2006 with Sam Karmilowicz who asserted John Negroponte gained foreknowledge of the 9/11 plot while Negroponte was US ambassador to the Philippines from 1993 to 1996. Karmilowicz was the senior US State Department security officer at the US embassy in the Philippines when ...

Need a few stories to back up your 911 Conspiracy arguments?
Post Date: 2006-11-20 21:51:29 by Itisa1mosttoolate
Need a few stories to back up your 911 Conspiracy arguments? http://www.exodus2006.com/9_11-links.htm Click for Full Text!

CNN: 9/11 Cover Up ?
Post Date: 2006-11-20 19:11:40 by honway

General Ivashov: “International terrorism does not exist”
Post Date: 2006-11-20 16:35:51 by Eoghan
General Leonid Ivashov was the Chief of Staff of the Russian armed forces when the September 11, 2001, attacks took place. This military man, who lived the events from the inside, offers an analysis which is very different to that of his American colleagues. As he did during the Axis for Peace 2005 conference, he now explains that international terrorism does not exist and that the September 11 attacks were the result of a set-up. What we are seeing is a manipulation by the big powers; this terrorism would not exist without them. He affirms that, instead of faking a “world war on terror”, the best way to reduce that kind of attacks is through respect for international law and ...

9/11: Conspiracy of Incompetence [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2006-11-19 07:16:17 by Kamala
November 16, 2006 at 09:45:58 9/11: Conspiracy of Incompetence by Rory OConnor http://www.opednews.com What if I told you that a member of Osama bin Laden's inner circle operated with impunity within the United States for years before September 11? That despite being an ardent and avowed jihadi, he managed to become a naturalized citizen, to join the US Army, to get posted to the Special Warfare Center where Green Berets and Delta Force train, and to work with both the CIA and the FBI? And all the while he was a top al Qaeda operative, hosting its second-in-command Ayman al-Zawahiri when he traveled to the US in the 1990's to raise money, and training both bin Laden's personal ...

Kiribati seeks Australian help to counter terrorism
Post Date: 2006-11-18 18:04:41 by honway
TONY EASTLEY: The tiny Pacific nation of Kiribati wants Australia's help to counter terrorism after US authorities uncovered a bizarre plot to a set up a flight training school on one of its remote islands. The FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigations) suspects the man behind it, Wolfgang Bohringer, may have had links with 9/11 mastermind Mohammed Atta, and has confirmed that Bohringer is "a person of interest". Bohringer has fled Kiribati aboard his yacht, leaving questions about his real intent. New Zealand Correspondent Peter Lewis reports. PETER LEWIS: The mysterious Wolfgang Bohringer sailed into Kiribati a year ago, talking up plans for a tourist resort and a flight ...

Questioning the identity of the alleged hijackers
Post Date: 2006-11-16 06:58:39 by Kamala
Questioning the identity of the alleged hijackers Author John Doe II Mon Sep 18 2006, 02:44PM In the center of every criminal investigation is the question “Who did it?”. This question comes first then the question who ordered the criminal act. For very strange reason many OCTlers and also many Ctlers aren’t interested at all in this question. Threads about the alleged hijackers are rarely answered. It’s a sideshow and people prefer to insult each other over photos that have already been posted a 1000 times. I’ll try to change that. So, please bare with me as I’ve a few questions to ask you. At the very end a poll is waiting for your opinion. HOW WAS THE ...

Seismic Proof – 9/11 Was An Inside Job: (Updated Version II)
Post Date: 2006-11-16 05:52:34 by Kamala
Seismic Proof – 9/11 Was An Inside Job (Updated Version II) by Craig T. Furlong & Gordon Ross (Member, Scholars for 9/11 Truth) There is an appointed time for everything And there is a time for every event under heaven Ecclesiastes 3:1 SUMMARY On September 11, 2001, the seismic stations grouped around New York City recorded seismic events from the WTC site, two of which occurred immediately prior to the aircraft impacts upon the Twin Towers. Because these seismic events preceded the collisions, it is clear they were not associated with the impacts and must therefore be associated with some other occurrence. None of the authorities charged with the responsibility for the ...

Cash payoffs, bonds and murder linked to White House 911 finance
Post Date: 2006-11-14 10:47:35 by richard9151
http://tomflocco.com/ Topic: Bush Corruption Beware, the Lord is about to take firm hold of you and hurl you away, O you mighty man. He will roll you up tightly like a ball and throw you into a large country. There you will die and there your splendid chariots will remain -- you disgrace to your master’s house! I will depose you from your office, and you will be ousted from your position. Isaiah 22: 17-19 Cash payoffs, bonds and murder linked to White House 911 finance Documents point to attack on America by White House crime families by Tom Flocco ["Quis custodiet ipsos custodes." The Latin words from high school days past began to take on different meaning as the ...

Fitzgerald probe: Sen. Clinton withdrew stolen funds from Grenada bank
Post Date: 2006-11-14 10:21:10 by richard9151
http://tomflocco.com/ Fitzgerald probe: Sen. Clinton withdrew stolen funds from Grenada bank Date: Thursday, March 13 Fitzgerald probe: Sen. Clinton withdrew stolen funds from Grenada bank Prosecutor in possession of documents, numbered bank accounts, trusts—and alleged film evidence of Senator Hillary Clinton withdrawing stolen U.S. Treasury funds from bank in Grenada as Fitzgerald probe expands to $742 billion theft by Tom Flocco Washington—April 13, http://2006—TomFlocco.com—Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald is in possession of filmed evidence allegedly showing Senator Hillary Clinton entering Bank Crozier in the British territory of Grenada during early 2003 ...

Arguments For A 911 Inquiry
Post Date: 2006-11-14 08:22:29 by Kamala
Arguments For A 911 Inquiry By Ted Lang Exclusive to http://Rense.com 11-11-6 Recovering from the stupor initiated by the shock and awe of witnessing the total and deliberate paper-signing destruction of this former government of, by and for the people, my sabbatical of excruciating anguish has been rudely terminated by the voice of the people on Election Tuesday. Seeing the greatest nation of bounty and freedom destroyed by a chief executive and his captive collaborators, mockingly categorized as "representatives of the people" of the United States, made me just want to pull the blankets up to my eyes and sleep off my depression. But in spite a vote-recording system less than ...

Here's the 9/11 smoking gun
Post Date: 2006-11-12 19:22:13 by Itisa1mosttoolate
Here's the 9/11 smoking gun Oh, the twist in this: the US Government…incriminated by its own facts—so ironic and yet so perfect. The perfect evidence, because it is from the US Government. Please send this far and wide, now, before it's too late. God bless America. No one has debunked this yet…and it's not a "theory"—just the facts. "Plane Impact" Times: Incriminating Evidence of 9/11 Coverup & Complicity "Seismic Proof – 9/11 Was An Inside Job (Updated Version II)" Link>http://www.scholarsfor911truth.org/Seismic_Proof___9.11_Was_An_Inside_Job.doc By Craig T. Furlong & Gordon Ross, Scholars for 9/11 ...

Elementary Student Threatened With Psychiatric Evaluation After Visiting 9/11 Websi
Post Date: 2006-11-12 15:14:34 by Red Jones
UPDATE: Elementary Student Threatened With Psychiatric Evaluation After Visiting 9/11 Websites The fifth grade student who was recently disciplined for accessing 9/11 websites at school, such as http://Infowars.com , may now be forced to undergo psychiatric evaluation. 10 year-old Mark was not punished, the discipline report shows, for breaking school rules or being "off task," but rather because his principal says the webpages in his cache were "inappropriate." Sites listed in the report include '9/11 Cover-Up', 'Alex Jones' Martial Law' and 'NY 9/11 Truth', among others. According to the Steiner Ranch Elementary Student & Parent Handbook , students are ...

Call For New 911 Investigation (My Title)
Post Date: 2006-11-12 08:13:37 by Kamala
November 11, 2006 In honor of our veterans, we call for truth Anniversaries cause us to instinctively pause and reflect, just as our leg jolts forward after a well-positioned tap on the knee. In honor of our veterans — to whom we owe a debt we can never repay — the least we can do on this Veteran's Day is look back at the decisions made that sent our troops into battle, and the roles we played in those decisions. Perhaps upon reflection, our reaction may change. The fifth anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001 served as the reflex hammer touch to the knee of American conscience. As the country attended memorials and revisited painful memories of 9/11, the reflection also opened our ...

Conyers Toes Party Line: No Impeachment
Post Date: 2006-11-10 21:18:39 by Horse
Something Is Extremely 'Rotten In The State Of Denmark' The latest Democrat "saviour" to flip flop 180 degrees in light of their victory is Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich. Presumed to become chairman of the House Judiciary Committee in January, Conyers today said that impeachment of President Bush "is off the table." "In this campaign, there was an orchestrated right-wing effort to distort my position on impeachment," Conyers said in a statement released by his Judiciary Committee spokesman. "The incoming speaker (Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.) has said that impeachment is off the table. I am in total agreement with her on this issue: Impeachment is off the ...

9/11 Truth Remains The Critical Issue
Post Date: 2006-11-10 17:14:17 by Kamala
9/11 Truth Remains The Critical Issue Democrat leadership treacherously joins forces with Neo-Cons to take wind out of sails, massive effort to keep 9/11 truth at the forefront of public thinking needs to be re-doubled Alex Jones & Paul Watson Prison Planet Friday, November 10, 2006 9/11 truth is the make or break issue that will define freedom in America for future generations. The steam-valve effect that the election of the co-opted Democratic leadership which has already capitulated to Bush has had on some areas of the 9/11truth movement is extremely dangerous. We need to re-double our efforts to expose the 9/11 inside job! Our previous article, 9/11 Truth Is Dying Inside the ...

9/11 Truth Is Dying Inside the Liberal and Progressive Movements While Exploding World-Wide
Post Date: 2006-11-10 17:10:30 by Kamala
9/11 Truth Is Dying Inside the Liberal and Progressive Movements While Exploding World-Wide Many in liberal, progressive, truth community pacified by sham re-arranging of the deck chairs, desert movement, dilute focus, as Dean and Pelosi promise to protect Bush from impeachment Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones Prison Planet Thursday, November 9, 2006 RELATED: 9/11 Truth Remains The Critical Issue Democrat leadership treacherously joins forces with Neo-Cons to take wind out of sails, massive effort to keep 9/11 truth at the forefront of public thinking needs to be re-doubled Related: Conyers Toes Party Line: No Impeachment Comment by Alex Jones Free humans worldwide who have ...

Post Date: 2006-11-10 06:14:18 by Kamala
JEB BUSH'S EXECUTIVE ORDER AND 9-11 PART 1 of 2 By: Devvy Kidd November 6, 2006 © 2006 - http://NewsWithViews.com The massive effort to expose the truth about 911 and what really happened leading up to and the day of horror continues by very dedicated Americans. Regular readers of my column know I have done a couple of different series on specific issues dealing with 911; Enron, Cheney, anthrax, dead microbiologists, live hijackers, Thomas E. White & Buckets of Money. All of those columns are archived here. Of one thing, I am certain: 9/11 is multi faceted, like a gigantic octopus with numerous, incestuous tentacles that reach far and wide. 9/11 is the Achilles Heel for all ...

The Great Conspiracy : THE BEST VIDEO ON 911 YOU EVER SEEN
Post Date: 2006-11-10 04:27:12 by Max
The Great Conspiracy THE BEST VIDEO ON 911 YOU EVER SEEN By Barrie Zwicker THE NEW 911 VIDEO YOU NEVER SAW: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6529813972926262623&q=conspiracy

Lifting The Fog:
Post Date: 2006-11-08 22:51:56 by Horse
On 11-11-2006 Lifting the Fog will present an all day conference that applies the Scientific Method to the Disaster at the World Trade Center. DIRECTIONS The conference will be held in room 2050, the Chan Shun Auditorium, of the Valley Life Science Building on the University of California Berkeley campus. The conference will run from 10 am to 10 pm. PRESENTERS Jim Hoffman, M.F.A. Former research scientist, published in Science and Macromolecules for research in polymer physics, and Communications of the ACM for visualization software, and creator of 9-11 Research, the highest-ranking website challenging the core tenets of the official story of 9/11. Mickey S. Huff, M.A. Adjunct Faculty, ...

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