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Top 10 reasons why the NIST report is absurd
Post Date: 2006-11-08 06:48:44 by Kamala
Top 10 reasons why the NIST report is absurd: ( Home » blogs » Arabesque's blog » Top 10 reasons why... ) Submitted by Arabesque on Tue, 11/07/2006 - 5:49am. Bush Science | NIST Top 10 reasons why the NIST report is absurd: In 2005, NIST released the results of a 20 million dollar investigation that attempted to explain why the World Trade Center towers completely collapsed.[1] Many blindly point to this report (without reading a word of it) as rock solid proof that the official story is true. I am writing this list In order to help remedy this situation. All of my claims are documented—I am not making this up. Some of these claims may sound too outrageous to ...

9/11, NIST, and “Bush Science”: A New Standard For Absurdity
Post Date: 2006-11-08 06:41:18 by Kamala
9/11, NIST, and “Bush Science”: A New Standard For Absurdity ( Home » blogs » Arabesque's blog » 9/11, NIST, and... ) Submitted by Arabesque on Mon, 11/06/2006 - 3:25am. Bush Science | Kevin Ryan | NIST 9/11, NIST, and “Bush Science”: A New Standard For Absurdity Abstract 9/11 and the NIST report; the twenty million dollar “Magical Fireproofing” report that only manages to prove there was fire and relatively minor structural damage in the WTC towers. I will prove that the NIST report is an outrageous “Conspiracy Theory” that uses “Bush Science” to tell us nothing that we didn’t already know about 9/11. The ...

Oklahoma: The Axis of Evil
Post Date: 2006-11-07 06:31:11 by Kamala
Oklahoma: The Axis of Evil Infowars | May 30, 2006 by Holland Van den Nieuwenhof Oklahoma, which is normally a drive-through, fly-over state, usually only makes the national news when something, unfortunately, blows up. The Oklahoma City bombing in 1995. The suicide-bombing of late last year. Norman, Oklahoma is my hometown. You may have heard of it because it is the home of the University of Oklahoma. Growing up there I was convinced that I lived in the most boring town in the world, so it was with growing alarm that I began to discover through my own research and the diligent work of others that Norman has served as a crossroads of sorts for international terrorists for well over a ...

Wife Of Flight 175 Victim Won't Talk About Govt 911 Involvment
Post Date: 2006-11-07 05:20:41 by Kamala
Wife Of Flight 175 Victim Won't Talk About Govt 911 Involvment By Greg Szymanski Arctic http://Beacon.com 11-6-6 Joseph and Samia Iskandar believe the government version of 9/11. Linda Gay stands behind the Bush administration hook, line and sinker. Frank Calley accepted the government's version of his wife's death without blinking an eye even though an abundance of evidence shows the government version of 9/11 has proven to be blatant lie. And now Julie Sweeney this week came forward, saying she has no reason to question the Bush version of the 9/11 story, saying she'll talk about her husband death but "nothing about the government." What all these people have in common is ...

Gore Vidal Calls for New 9/11 Investigation 'Before We Find Our Leaders Dragged off to The Hague in Chains'
Post Date: 2006-11-05 17:30:28 by Zipporah
During his visit to the Texas Book Festival, author, historian and political commentator spoke with Alex Jones about the current state of the nation under the Bush Administration and what to expect in the near future. Vidal discusses the importance of due process of law, "the very basis of this country." He contends that the eradication of the Bill of Rights under the 2006 Military Commissions Act has led to a 'Bill of Wrongs.' "These are powers that have never been even thought of before by earlier Attorney Generals and Presidents and it's very scary that it all passes by so simply. Everybody yawns, 'Well, we've got to move on, you know.' Well, we've moved on into hell-- ...

WTC Collapse Video
Post Date: 2006-11-05 14:48:49 by honway
Here is some collapse footage shown by the BBC in a programme ‘9/11:The Twin Towers’, broadcast in the UK on 7 September 2006. I hadn't seen it before, so thought I'd post it in case others hadn't seen it as well. Notice how the second building flares up during the collapse of the first building: http://www.911blogger.com/node/4298

First On WNBC.com: Only Known Video Of 9/11 Terrorist
Post Date: 2006-11-03 21:02:19 by SmokinOPs
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- To millions of Americans, he's the face of evil; the only man convicted for the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. For five years, we've seen a still picture of Zacarias Moussaoui, but http://WNBC.com's Jonathan Dienst has obtained the only known video of the man found to be responsible for the thousands of deaths. The video was shot as Moussaoui was being transferred to Supermax by U.S. Marshals, a maximum-security prison in Colorado, where he will serve out his sentence of six life terms without the chance of parole. In the tape, Moussaoui calls out "allah akbar," which translates to "God is great." At his sentencing, when U.S. Judge Leonie Brinkema sent ...

Honest Search for the Truth or Yet Another Conspiracy Theory?
Post Date: 2006-11-03 06:00:23 by Kamala
911 call on 9/11 response Honest search for the truth or yet another conspiracy theory? October 31, 2006 By Emma Vaughn At a Friday screening of the documentary “9/11: Press for Truth” at Gunn High School, Stanford grad Paul Thompson and Berkeley English Prof. Peter Dale Scott charged the Bush administration of failing to make Americans safer and pointed to a governmental cover-up at the film’s Palo Alto debut. Much of the content, which traces the events and government actions leading up to the terrorist attacks, is based on Thompson’s book, “The Complete 9/11 Timeline.” In addition to news clips and government evidence, the film uses survivor statements ...

Doubletree Video Release to 'Shock & Awe' Before Election?
Post Date: 2006-11-03 05:49:17 by Kamala
November 2, 2006 Doubletree video release to 'shock & awe' before election? The much anticipated release of the Doubletree Hotel security video that has been speculated it will show a Boeing 757 hitting the Pentagon is due to be released by one week from today the latest: “The FBI has agreed to release to Judicial Watch a videotape obtained from the Doubletree Hotel near the Pentagon by November 9, 2006.” - Judicial Watch View from Doubletree Hotel restaurant showing the Pentagon (red arrow). Source. This is thought to be the same security video that Doubletree employees watched in "shock and horror" over and over again before the FBI came and ...

The Scene at the Trade Towers
Post Date: 2006-11-03 05:14:50 by Kamala
September 11, 2001 The scene at the Trade Towers NEW YORK (AP)- It was the scene of a nightmare: people on fire jumping in terror from the Trade Towers just before the buildings collapsed. "Everyone was screaming, crying, running - cops, people, firefighters, everyone," said Mike Smith, a fire marshal from Queens, as he sat by the fountain outside a state courthouse, shortly after the second tower collapsed. "A couple of marshals just picked me up and dragged me down the street. It's like a war zone." Others compared it to Pearl Harbor as thousands of people poured off the Brooklyn Bridge, fleeing Manhattan covered in gray dust and debris. Many wore respiratory ...

The Absurdity Of The Official 9-11 Account
Post Date: 2006-10-31 19:48:08 by robin
Comparable Examples of Fictional Media Reports In a complex and well-coordinated heist, combining speed and stealth with an uncanny knowledge of automobile security systems, four tots hotwired a Toyota Land Rover and cruised along fabled Deco Drive in South Beach Miami. The merry group spent the evening crashing top night spots and easily eluding waitresses, bartenders and bouncers. Credit card receipts, obviously signed by one of the tots, showed thousands in charges for table dances, champagne and limo service. A crayon drawing left by one of the tots lent conclusive proof of their guilt, according to local law enforcement officials. A trio of nuns broke into a North Dakota missile ...

Review of "A New Standard For Deception: The NIST WTC Report": A Presentation by Kevin Ryan
Post Date: 2006-10-31 19:39:29 by Kamala
Review of "A New Standard For Deception: The NIST WTC Report": A Presentation by Kevin Ryan by Jim Hoffman Version 1 10/15/06 On June 4, 2006, Kevin Ryan delivered a one-hour talk in Chicago examining the official investigations and explanations of the total collapses of the World Trade Center skyscrapers. SnowshoeFilms later created a DVD containing Ryan's presentation along with one by Professor Steven Jones. This review describes the content of Ryan's talk in chronological order and in some detail, and presents extensive text excerpts of Ryan's slides. However, it is by no means complete, and is not nearly as enjoyable to read as it is to watch the DVD of the original talk. ...

250+ 9/11 'Smoking Guns'
Post Date: 2006-10-31 15:36:16 by Kamala
250+ 9/11 'Smoking Guns' Found in the Mainstream Media Connecting the dots. Where do they point? (last updated: 10/31/2006) PLANNED BEFORE / FUTURE IDEAS 1962 - US military drafted 'Operation Northwoods', a plan to commit terror acts in US cities, kill innocent people, hijack airplanes, and plant evidence as a way to trick the public into thinking Cuba committed an unprovoked attack against the US in order to support a war against Cuba. (ABC, Natl Security Archives) March '00 - Filming begins for The Lone Gunmen's 'Pilot' episode that depicts a US plot to crash an electronically hijacked Boeing 727 into WTC and blame foreign terrorists to provoke war and increase military's ...

Post Date: 2006-10-31 14:46:04 by Kamala
THE TOP 40 REASONS TO DOUBT THE OFFICIAL STORY OF SEPTEMBER 11th, 2001 ... An outline in simple talking points ... Version of May 22, 2006: This overview is in development. If you use the search function with key words, you will discover that http://911Truth.org is home to articles backing virtually every point made below. Much of the basic research is available at the Complete 9/11 Timeline (hosted by http://cooperativeresearch.org), the 9/11 Reading Room http://(911readingroom.org), and the Spitzer petition and complaint http://(Justicefor911.org). For physical evidence discussion, see Point 7. THE DAY ITSELF - EVIDENCE OF COMPLICITY 1) AWOL Chain of Command a. It is well documented ...

Devil Face in Smoke of the WTC (NOW with EVEN MORE pictures)
Post Date: 2006-10-31 10:45:36 by Destro
Devil Face in Smoke of the WTC (NOW with EVEN MORE pictures) You may have heard of the pictures taken of the World Trade Center while it was burning, in which the smoke formed the face of Satan. Some of these photos can be seen on videos of the blast. I have included an animation from another website that shows the same demon face. Then the second set of photos are yellow and red and the shape indicates that it is from exploding/burning jet fuel. You can also see lots of debri falling from the result of the impact and explosions. The two in the middle I got from a video; I paused it and did a screen-capture to make the jpg photo, and the one on the right is enlarged. So I know for a fact ...

UA 93: A Compilation of All Important Analyses
Post Date: 2006-10-30 16:57:25 by Kamala
UA 93: A compilation of all important analyses Author Post John Doe II Thu Sep 22 2005, 08:10PM Joined: Sat Mar 05 2005, 08:40PM : posts: 370 Compilation on all aspects of UA 93: Here now a compilation of all important articles and threads that deal in detail with the different issues of UA 93. The passengers: The oddities of UA 93 already start with the boarding process. ?Something Strange about Flight 93 Were any of the passengers supposed to be on the flight?? (by Frankl) http://www.team8plus.org/content.php?article.8 ?Flight 93 last minute passengers and crew? http://www.team8plus.org/forum_viewtopic.php?6.834 Basically the complete crew and many passengers decided the day ...

Found: The 911 "Stand Down Order"?
Post Date: 2006-10-30 16:41:01 by Kamala
Found: The 911 "Stand Down Order"? Jerry Russell | March 31 2004 Jim Hoffman has discovered a document which I believe may be very important to the 911 skeptic movement. This document superseded earlier DOD procedures for dealing with hijacked aircraft, and it requires that Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld is personally responsible for issuing intercept orders. Commanders in the field are stripped of all authority to act. This amazing order came from S.A. Fry (Vice Admiral, US Navy and Director, Joint Staff) so it appears to me that responsibility for the US armed forces "Failure to Respond" rests directly with Fry for issuing this instruction, as well as with Donald ...

DC Envoy Says Bush Ordered Flight 93 Shot Down
Post Date: 2006-10-30 16:36:44 by Kamala
DC Envoy Says Bush Ordered Flight 93 Shot Down http://Infowars.com | February 24, 2005 Reversing all previous statements, The Washington Envoy to Canada, Paul Cellucci told his Canadian audience that a Canadian general at NORAD scrambled military jets under orders from Bush to shoot down flight 93 Read into the article below for the following section: "He compared the situation to one that occurred during the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the U.S. He noted that it was a Canadian general at Norad who scrambled military jets under orders from Bush to shoot down a hijacked commercial aircraft headed for Washington." Cellucci's statement thus reverses all of Washington's previous ...

Flight 93; (Skydrifter's Site)
Post Date: 2006-10-30 16:25:52 by Kamala
9-11 and the IMPOSSIBLE Flight 93 “When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains – however improbable – must be the truth!" - Doyle Part Two of An Online Journal of 9-11 An Obvious Ordnance Blast (Flight 93) Ordnance Blast (Iraq) Another purported 9-11 airliner crash site, lacking viable evidence of the acclaimed event. This time, there was no immediate arrival of emergency crews. What people eventually arrived were the “official claimants,” and volunteers who scratched their head at all the mysterious small pieces of aircraft wreckage, versus tangible proof of an actual aircraft. The ‘proof’ was a 75-foot gouge in the ...

Did Flight 93 Crash in Shanksville?
Post Date: 2006-10-30 16:18:56 by Kamala
Last updated: 10/06/2006 Did Flight 93 Crash in Shanksville? Crash Site: FOX: Any large pieces of debris at all? Konicki: Na, there was nothing, nothing that you could distinguish that a plane had crashed there. Strange Finds: "It was practically intact," Richard's sister, Lori, said of the credentials, which were returned in their wallet. "It just looked like it wasn't damaged or hadn't gone through much of anything at all, which is so bizarre and ironic." Mysterious White Jet: The plane I saw was heading right to the point where Flight 93 crashed and must have been there at the very moment it came down...It was white with no markings but it was definitely ...

Post Date: 2006-10-30 15:57:51 by robin
FLIGHT 93 SHOT DOWN Eyewitness Reports at Odds With Official Scenario rss202 By Christopher Bollyn INDIAN LAKE, Pennsylvania—Eyewitness testimonies have generally been excluded from the official version of 9-11. In the Shanksville area, where many residents believe Flight 93 was shot down, there are scores of eyewitnesses whose testimonies contradict the government’s claim that courageous passengers fought hijackers, forcing the jetliner to crash rather than be flown into a building. Some local residents here are deeply offended by the official explanation of what supposedly happened to United Airlines Flight 93, calling it a patriotic pack of lies. Fearful of ...

Flight 93
Post Date: 2006-10-30 15:57:12 by Kamala
Flight 93 United Airlines Flight 93 is the plane that that crashed in Pennsylvania on September 11th, 2001. Flight 93, with 38 passengers and a flight crew of five flight attendants and two pilots was a 757-200 on a scheduled flight from Newark to San Francisco. It took off at 8:42 AM, 41 minutes after its scheduled departure time. Flight 93 flew about as far as Cleveland Ohio before turning around and flying in the direction of the capital. Flight 93's Phone Calls Flight 93 was unique among the four flights commandeered on 9/11/01 in the number of cell phone calls allegedly made from it. News reports document at least 13 cell phone calls allegedly made from passengers on Flight 93. The ...

Rumsfeld said Flight 93 shot down (video) [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2006-10-30 12:28:18 by RickyJ

Mohamed Atta loved pork chops, and 49 other things you may not know
Post Date: 2006-10-30 06:41:05 by Kamala
Mohamed Atta loved pork chops, and 49 other things you may not know http://BreakForNews.com, 10th June, 2004 by Minstrel Boy Democratic Underground 21st July, 2004 Amended by http://BreakForNews.com I just finished Daniel Hopsicker's Welcome to Terrorland. He exposes the cover story of the Florida flight schools, and the ongoing cover-up. The whole thing stinks of Iran/Contra and CIA drugs. It's the same, bloody game. Though his style can be annoyingly breezy, I highly recommend the book. There's original research you won't find anywhere else but here and on his website: http://www.madcowprod.com. FYI, here are some notes I kept while reading the book: • 1. In Venice Florida, ...

Scientific Method versus Political Method: The US administration and its interpretation of the events of 9/11.
Post Date: 2006-10-29 17:42:29 by Kamala
Scientific Method versus Political Method: The US administration and its interpretation of the events of 9/11. ( Home » blogs » Arabesque's blog » Scientific Method... ) Submitted by Arabesque on Sat, 10/28/2006 - 6:39pm. Kevin Ryan | NIST | Steven Jones Scientific Method versus Political Method: The US administration and its interpretation of the events of 9/11. 9/11 was a terrorist attack—or was it? The US administration released several documents that claim that 9/11 was a terrorist attack. The NIST report[1], 9/11 commission report[2], FEMA report and the EPA report on air quality[3] were made by government scientists and high ranking government officials. ...

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