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The Sustainability of the Controlled Demolition Hypothesis
Post Date: 2007-05-16 17:45:28 by Kamala
The Sustainability of the Controlled Demolition Hypothesis for the Destruction of the Twin Towers Tony Szamboti, mechanical engineer May 10, 2007 Abstract: In the past year there has been an exponential growth in the number of people questioning the explanations we have been given, by official U.S. government bodies, concerning the collapses of the three WTC buildings in NYC on 9/11/2001. It is probably safe to say that much of this growth can be attributed to the Internet publishing of a paper by Physics Professor Steven Jones in November 2005, which put forth the hypothesis that the Twin Towers and WTC7 were actually demolished with prepositioned cutter charges.3 This hypothesis is in ...

The 9/11 – 7/7 Connection and other 911 Videos [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2007-05-15 19:44:08 by Itisa1mosttoolate
The 9/11 – 7/7 Connection and other 911 VideosThe 9/11 – 7/7 Connection and other 911 Videos On Friday 22nd July 2005, Ian Crane opened the Glastonbury Symposium with an analysis of the sinister geopolitical webs that have been ... all » spun, resulting in the tragic events of 9/11 and 7/7. Just two weeks after 7/7, Ian's research already indicated that the official version of the supposed 'terror' attacks in London cannot stand up to the scrutiny of research. The subsequent failed attacks on 21/7, the assassination of Jean-Charles Menezes the folowing day and the bombing at Sharm-El-Sheik in Egypt on July 23rd raise even more painful and very disturbing ...

Post Date: 2007-05-15 06:25:36 by noone222
Rosie O'Donnell has returned 9/11 truth to prominence by laying out the facts for the controlled demolition of the twin towers and Building 7 on ABC's The View this morning. The subject of Giuliani receiving criticism on Fox News for having had the New York emergency command bunker stationed in WTC 7 cropped up and Rosie used the opportunity to educate the audience about Building 7 and the pools of molten steel found under all three buildings that collapsed on 9/11. Resident Neo-Con Stepford Wife Elizabeth Hasselbeck was on hand to attempt to debunk the facts but sat in silence when Rosie asked her to explain how the towers fell in seconds at the speed of almost no resistance. We ...

Claim: Silverstein Warned Not To Come To Work On 9/11
Post Date: 2007-05-14 20:23:31 by Mind_Virus
Claim: Silverstein Warned Not To Come To Work On 9/11 9/11 truth activist says security guards spilled beans, while one gets fired for calling in a false bomb threat to frame demonstrators Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet Monday, May 14, 2007 New York 9/11 truth activist Luke Rudkowski claims WTC complex leaseholder Larry Silverstein and his daughter got a warning on the morning of 9/11 not to come to work that day - his source? - Silverstein's own security guards. Rudkowski and his protest group We Are Change protested Silverstein outside the new WTC 7 building last month and were confronted by Silverstein's security entourage who proceeded to harass the group before calling ...

New Footage Re-Ignites BBC Building 7 Controversy
Post Date: 2007-05-14 20:17:51 by Mind_Virus
New Footage Re-Ignites BBC Building 7 Controversy Reporter's audio feed interrupted again as she discusses WTC 7, earlier window shot proves footage not "blue screen" as ludicrous debunkers maintained despite BBC admission Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet Monday, May 14, 2007 More 9/11 archive footage has been unearthed of BBC correspondent Jane Standley, this time from the evening of September 11, in which her audio cuts out again - for the second time that day - when she begins to discuss Building 7. View the clip from You Tube below - as soon as the discussion moves to the collapse of other buildings besides the twin towers, Standley's audio feed is interrupted. A ...

Slip of the tongue? Rumsfeld admits that "Flight 93" was shot down
Post Date: 2007-05-13 23:43:23 by robin
Slip of the tongue? Rumsfeld admits that "Flight 93" was shot down VIDEO Footage and transcriptsBy Prof Michel ChossudovskyGlobal Research, May 12, 2007[text revised on May 13, 2007]Was it a slip of the tongue on the part of the former Secretary of Defense? Rumsfeld stated in a speech to US troops in Iraq (24 December 2004) that United Airlines Flight 93 was "shot down" on 9/11:And I think all of us have a sense if we imagine the kind of world we would face if the people who bombed the mess hall in Mosul, or the people who did the bombing in Spain, or the people who attacked the United States in New York, shot down the plane over Pennsylvania and attacked the ...

Video: Edwards Promises 9/11 Truther He’ll Look Into Collapse of WTC 7
Post Date: 2007-05-10 18:35:07 by Mind_Virus
Video: Edwards Promises 9/11 Truther He’ll Look Into Collapse of WTC 7 Here you go — the pride of the nutroots, politely declining to tell a 9/11 conspiracy theorist to go to hell. How can he? His base is filthy with them. Chilling takeaway: the applause at the end.

THEY KNEW: Tenet's Book Reveals 9-11 Perjury
Post Date: 2007-05-08 12:35:40 by christine
George Tenet's new book, At the Center of the Storm, reveals something extremely important about events in the final weeks before 9/11. For the first time, the former CIA Director admits he flew to Crawford in late August, just weeks before the attack by al-Qaeda cells known to be in the U.S., and briefed President George W. Bush personally about the threat. This briefing followed a CIA PDB read to the President on August 6 in a meeting with Harriet Miers, then the President's lawyer, and an emergency meeting between Tenet and Condi Rice on July 10 on the same subject. It also reveals that in order to cover up the last meeting, Tenet committed perjury before the 9/11 Commission ...

Radiation & Another One Of Those Endless 911 'Coincidences'...(brit 911 cleanup 'firm' now leaving US)
Post Date: 2007-05-08 09:19:22 by gengis gandhi
Radiation & Another One Of Those Endless 911 'Coincidences'... By Christopher Bollyn 5-8-7 "AMEC Construction Management, a subsidiary of the British engineering firm AMEC, renovated Wedge One of the Pentagon before 9-11 and cleaned it up afterward. AMEC had also renovated Silverstein's WTC 7, which collapsed mysteriously on 9-11, and then headed the cleanup of the WTC site afterward. The AMEC construction firm is currently in the process of closing all its offices in the United States." Radiation Shows 9-11 Pentagon Hit Not By 757: Something With DU? By Christopher Bollyn More damning fuel for the funeral pyre of the 9-11 'official story' that is ...

911 contradicting evidence
Post Date: 2007-05-08 07:08:24 by Itisa1mosttoolate
911 contradicting evidence President knew of WTC crash before leaving hotel 9/11 news report with John Cochran in Sarasota Florida reporting that the president knew about the plane crash before leaving for the elementary school… he got up out of his hotel suite this morning was about to leave, reporters saw The White House chief of staff Andy Card whisper into his ear, reporters said to the president, “Do you know what is going on in New York”, he said he did, and said he will have something to say about it later which contradicts what he later said twice which is that he first knew about the plane hitting the WTC outside the classroom.

Psychiatrists and Psychologists: Government's 9/11 Story is Crazy--" many of these mental health experts have concluded that the government's account is so obviously false that people who believe the government's version are in psychological denial"
Post Date: 2007-05-06 09:57:04 by gengis gandhi
http://georgewashington.blogspot.com/ Psychiatrists and Psychologists: Government's 9/11 Story is Crazy Should people who question the government's version of the events of 9/11 have their heads examined? Well, the following psychiatrists and psychologists have concluded that the official version of 9/11 is false. Moreover, many of these mental health experts have concluded that the government's account is so obviously false that people who believe the government's version are in psychological denial: Psychiatrist Carol S. Wolman, MD Psychiatrist E. Martin Schotz Professor of Psychology at University of New Hampshire William Woodward Professor of Psychology at ...

"Seven is exploding" [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2007-05-05 10:55:52 by honway
From: http://www.911blogger.com/node/8267 On April 16, 2007, a major Italian network (Canale 5) has aired some conclusive evidence that Building 7 did not collapse on its own, but was deliberately taken down with the use of explosives. The piece was part of a larger presentation we provided to the network as an update on the ongoing research on 9/11. In particular, we included a clip we had all seen many times before, but possibly never listened to with the full attention it deserved. Here is the 6 min. segment (please ignore yellow subtitles):

Truth Believers: Some of the least-likely conspiracy theorists fervently preach the gospel of 9/11 accountability
Post Date: 2007-05-05 08:21:22 by Kamala
This article was printed from the News&features section of the Chico News & Review, originally published May 3, 2007. This article may be read online at: http://www.newsreview.com/chico/Content?oid=318832 Copyright ©2007 Chico Community Publishing, Inc. Printed on 2007-05-05 04:51:33. Truth Believers: Some of the least-likely conspiracy theorists fervently preach the gospel of 9/11 accountability By Christine G.K. LaPado AT THE CORE The core 9/11 Truth group gathers for dinner at Becky Hart's home with guest Ken Jenkins. From left, the group is: Bill Donnelly, Hart, Samuel Ready, Marla Crites, Rob Hanford, Joe Henegar and Jenkins (from behind). Photo By Meredith ...

Potential Terror Jurors Cite 9/11 Doubts
Post Date: 2007-05-03 20:56:57 by Kamala
Potential terror jurors cite 9/11 doubts By CURT ANDERSON Associated Press Writer MIAMI --Many potential jurors in the Jose Padilla terrorism-support case say they aren't sure who directed the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks because they don't trust reporters or the federal government. "There are too many ifs, too many things going on," one male juror said. "I don't know the whole story." Others say they just don't pay close enough attention to world events to be certain. "I'm oblivious to that stuff," one prospective female juror said during questioning this week. "I don't watch the news much. I try to avoid it." The doubts were ...

Hours after 9/11 attacks, Rumsfeld allegedly said, 'My interest is to hit Saddam'
Post Date: 2007-05-03 11:57:40 by robin
Hours after 9/11 attacks, Rumsfeld allegedly said, 'My interest is to hit Saddam'05/02/2007 @ 12:09 pm Filed by RAW STORY According to NBC's chief Pentagon correspondent, former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said that his "interest is to hit Saddam Hussein" just hours after the attacks on September 11, 2001, "even though all indications pointed at al-Qaida as the guilty party," a Rhode Island newspaper reports.Advertisement At the annual Business Expo at the Rhode Island Convention Center Tuesday, NBC's Jim Miklaszewski "advanced a theme garnering attention since former CIA director George J. Tenet made his public revelations last week," ...

When did Bush know we were under attack?
Post Date: 2007-05-02 23:09:52 by honway
Not surprising then, is this report by ABC’s John Cochrane, travelling with the President, here speaking to Peter Jennings not long after the President left his hotel: “Peter, as you know, the President’s down in Florida talking about education. He got out of his hotel suite this morning, was about to leave, reporters saw the White House Chief of Staff, Andy Card, whisper into his ear. The reporter said to the President, “Do you know what’s going on in New York?” He said he did, and he said he will have something about it later. His first event is in about half an hour at an elementary school in Sarasota, Florida.”

Virgin Atlantic Airways to Show Loose Change 2 In-Flight
Post Date: 2007-05-02 18:38:26 by Kamala
Virgin Atlantic Airways to Show Loose Change 2 In-Flight ( Home » Virgin Atlantic... ) Submitted by GeorgeWashington on Tue, 05/01/2007 - 2:27pm. loose change UPDATE: Confirmed by Virgin Atlantic's in flight entertainment web page. Its listed, however, under "tv" and not under "movies". So is it one of the in-flight options, but not the official turn-off-the-lights in-flight movie? Patricia Hickey of Mercury Media has confirmed this story to me by email, copying Dylan Avery with her response. Tim Sparke of Mercury Media also confirmed the story to me, and said that the story should get some press tomorrow. Sparke said that the film will run during the month ...

No Airfones on Flight 77 - DRG on Jack Blood
Post Date: 2007-05-02 18:31:14 by Kamala
No Airfones on Flight 77 - DRG on Jack Blood ( Home » No Airfones on... ) Submitted by Reprehensor on Tue, 05/01/2007 - 3:49pm. airfones | David Ray Griffin | Flight 77 | Jack Blood (Edited for clarity.) Jack http://Blood.com You can D/L the April 24 Jack Blood show at http://nw0.info - follow the "radio" link. File is .ogg which is the http://www.videolan.org format - (VLC player). This excerpt starts at the 54:27 mark. Transcript by "ratcat" at http://LibertyForum.org; Jack Blood Radio Show Apr. 24, 2007 Interview with Prof. David Ray Griffin Excerpt Discussion of Prof. David Ray Griffin’s latest book on 9/11: Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer ...

Burning Questions
Post Date: 2007-05-02 18:23:02 by Kamala
05/01/2007 Burning Questions Christian Menno Staff Writer Conspiracy videos like Loose Change have been recieving a lot of attention on the internet and other media - is it freedom of speech or harmful propaganda In America we have become accustomed to a life of privilege. Liberties that we consider to be the intrinsic rights of every human are not seen as such in other nations. Here we have the privilege to basically speak, write, believe or do whatever we wish. This is what makes our country so beautiful. However, these freedoms can easily shrivel and decay if they are neglected or taken for granted. These rights, outlined in our constitution, become nothing more than words on paper ...

David Ray Griffin debunks the official 9/11 story
Post Date: 2007-05-02 18:19:16 by Kamala
David Ray Griffin debunks the official 9/11 story by Elizabeth Woodworth David Ray Griffin is a professor of philosophy of religion and theology and a proponent of 9/11 conspiracy theories that implicate members of the US government in the attacks. His just-released book is Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory (Interlink Publishing). Griffin’s 9/11 books include The New Pearl Harbor (2003) and The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions (2004). New testimony from on-the-job first responders provides proof positive that 9/11 was an inside job. Eminent, world-renowned, Whitehead philosopher Dr. David ...

Goldi-lox heard about OPERATION NORTHWOODS, for the first time ever, today. 5-1-07.
Post Date: 2007-05-01 20:54:28 by Artisan
Is it any wonder she doesn't understand government sponsored terrorism, and scoffs at documented, proven conspiracy research?? See post 437 here: http://libertypost.org/cgi-bin/readart.cgi?ArtNum=185742&Disp=432 Okay. Here I have to elaborate. There are many conspiracies, and many issues that are posted here in great detail. some of them I am conversant in. some I've never heard of. some I'm aware of...but only just barely. Between my job, my home, my healthcare, and my housework...LP gets about 12-15 hours of my time a week. Some weeks more. Some less. And when I am on LP, most of that time is spent as referee, note taker, poster reviewer, cleanup crew, email ...

DR. STEVEN JONES- PNAC-4/14/07- NEW 9/11 EVIDENCE [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2007-04-30 23:57:52 by Critter
Poster Comment:This is incredible! I love this guy!

911 HIGH TREASON!! (By Brian Quig)
Post Date: 2007-04-30 23:00:02 by Red Jones
IN HONOR OF BRIAN DOWNING QUIG RUN DOWN IN PHOENIX, ARIZONA JUNE 16, 2003 By Virginia Lee McCullough http://www.newsmakingnews.com/vm,quig,6,23,03.htm#TITLE 911 HIGH TREASON!! by Brian Downing Quig quig@dcia.com After turning on my TV to see the burning tower after the first plane hit the WORLD TRADE CENTER my attention was arrested like all others. When the second plane hit the second tower I said to myself WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE? When the 3rd hijacked plane hit the PENTAGON, the first witnesses reported the "plane circled the PENTAGON in a sharply banked 270 degree turn that was distinctly different than any commercial plane and more like a military plane" and bypassed a ...

Freeway Collapse Bears No Relation To WTC Buildings
Post Date: 2007-04-30 13:21:42 by Mind_Virus
Freeway Collapse Bears No Relation To WTC Buildings Stop The Lie Monday, April 30, 2007 Comment: Debunkers are already using this to attack the 9/11 truth movement in claiming that this explains the collapse of the towers and WTC 7. Syndicated radio host Neil Boortz attacked Alex Jones this morning, claiming that this refutes the controlled demolition hypothesis. In reality, the freeway collapse is completely different and the comparison is ridiculous. I can already hear defenders of the official account screaming "See, fire can cause a steel structure to collapse-the bridge collapsed!" Comparing the circumstances surrounding the fire and subsequent partial collapse of this ...

Fire Causes Major Highway Collapse, 9/11 Truth
Post Date: 2007-04-30 10:15:54 by Mind_Virus
Fire Causes Major Highway Collapse, 9/11 Truth Posted by Chuck Simmins on 29 Apr 2007 In an event strikingly similar to what happened at the World Trade Center, a raging fire caused the collapse of a steel and concrete highway structure in San Francisco. Really. It got hot and collapsed. Just like the Twin Towers did. Imagine that. Contra Costa Times A speeding gasoline tanker slammed into a guard rail near the Bay Bridge this morning, sparking an intense fire that destroyed part of the MacArthur Maze freeway complex. Portions of the heavily-traveled Maze will close for weeks, if not months, likely creating traffic congestion not encountered by East Bay commuters since the 1989 Loma ...

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