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Latest Articles: Resistance

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Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes urges Americans to prepare for TOTAL WA
Post Date: 2020-12-13 11:11:15 by Horse

Jonestown Amerika- The Vaccine is the Kool Aid
Post Date: 2020-12-13 09:01:34 by Horse
Our Backs are Against the Wall This is our Jonestown moment. Renouncing the Creator, humanity has been inducted into a satanic cult. Not "The Peoples Temple," but Cabalism or illuminism i.e. Communism. If the Supreme Court lets Joe Biden steal the Presidency, the assault on society will intensify. Patriots, Conservatives and Christians will be targeted. We must take up arms in self-defence. Failure to resist implies consent. Are you prepared to be dispossessed and enslaved? Are you prepared to drink the kool aid?

Meme: The Masks Speak
Post Date: 2020-12-11 19:36:54 by Horse

meme: Covid-19 Roadmap
Post Date: 2020-12-11 19:24:41 by Horse

"10 Celebrities Who Believe In Crazy Conspiracy Theories"
Post Date: 2020-12-11 14:58:36 by NeoconsNailed
Mark Ruffalo is best known for playing The Hulk in the successful Marvel ‘Avengers’ franchise. He’s lesser known for apparently testifying to congress about medical science he has no expertise in, and, a little ways down from that, for being a conspiracy theorist. According to Mark, having seen footage of the towers collapsing, his first thought was “Buildings don’t fall down like that”, despite several thousand engineers and scientists assuring us that yes, yes they do. Claiming to have done his own research, no doubt consisting of thousands of hours of youtube videos, Mark Ruffalo is convinced that the planes could not possibly have brought the towers down. ...

Media Laughing at This Trump Tweet Discover Irony Is a Harsh Mistress
Post Date: 2020-12-11 10:02:35 by BTP Holdings
Media Laughing at This Trump Tweet Discover Irony Is a Harsh Mistress by Patriot Outlook December 9, 2020 The battle for the White House is still going hammer-and-tongs even though we are less than a week from the Electoral College meeting. Because of the slipshod and illegal way several states ran their elections, we will never know with finality who actually won the vote no matter what the Electoral College decides. Despite facing an uphill battle, President Trump is fighting the fight with the focus and energy that we would expect of anyone except a Republican politician. Just a short while ago, he set this tweet. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/133669198198101 6066? ...

States, FTC Unveil Anti-Trust Push To Break Up Facebook
Post Date: 2020-12-09 18:30:23 by Horse
“For nearly a decade, Facebook has used its dominance and monopoly power to crush smaller rivals and snuff out competition, all at the expense of everyday users,”

Pamela Anderson Tags Trump In Racy Photo Post Urging Pardon For Julian Assange
Post Date: 2020-12-09 10:17:25 by Horse
With a mere weeks to go in the Trump presidency, the clock is running out on the potential for a last-minute presidential pardon of either Edward Snowden or Julian Assange. Most see this as the last chance before Biden and his deep state national security state hawks begin their administration and slam the door on the possibility. In Snowden's case, Trump actually discussed the possibility of a pardon during an August interview with the NY Post, saying it's "certainly something I could look at". This sparked a movement and growing chorus of activists calling on the president to pardon the pair.

Tough anti-Vaxxer in Instagram comments
Post Date: 2020-12-08 10:05:22 by Horse

In An Insane World, Revolution Is The Moderate Position
Post Date: 2020-12-08 08:19:44 by Ada
It should not be considered radical or extremist to oppose mass murder for profit and power. It should not be considered radical or extremist to oppose the globe-spanning power alliance that is perpetrating most of that mass murder on the world stage today. It should not be considered radical or extremist to oppose the existence of secretive government agencies which have extensive histories of committing horrific crimes. It should not be considered radical or extremist to say that everyone ought to have a basic standard of living instead of being deprived of food, shelter and medicine if they have the wrong imaginary numbers in their bank account. It should not be considered radical ...

Top Democrats Back Down After Months of Hardball with New COVID Relief Bill in the Works
Post Date: 2020-12-07 16:36:44 by BTP Holdings
Top Democrats Back Down After Months of Hardball with New COVID Relief Bill in the Works Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer hold a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., on Nov. 6, 2020. (Nicholas Kamm / AFP via Getty Images) By The Associated Press Published December 3, 2020 at 10:05pm The likelihood of Congress delivering another coronavirus relief bill is growing after additional lawmakers voiced support for a bipartisan, middle-of-the-road plan taking shape in the Senate and as top congressional leaders ended a months-long impasse. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell spoke on the phone on ...

This young woman explains what is really going on…
Post Date: 2020-12-07 16:17:56 by Horse
This young woman explains what is really going on… https://twitter.com/i/status/1335404538606612485

Urgent message from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: Avoid the Corona vaccine at all costs
Post Date: 2020-12-07 16:16:04 by Horse
This is an urgent message from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., son of Robert F. Kennedy and nephew of former president John F. Kennedy. to all people around the world. In summary: The Covid vaccine should be avoided at all costs. Learn why below. “I would like to urgently draw your attention to important questions linked to the next vaccination against Covid-19. “For the first time in the history of vaccination, the so-called mRNA vaccines of the latest generation intervene directly in the genetic material of the patient and therefore alter his individual genetic material, which represents genetic manipulation, which was already prohibited and hitherto considered criminal. ...

UPDATE: Abby Martin's Lawsuit Over Israel Loyalty Oath Mandate in US
Post Date: 2020-12-07 15:54:53 by Horse
Poster Comment:I wrote this: Israel Killed JFK And Has Ruled America Ever Since. https://vidrebel.wordpress.com/2014/11/22/israel-killed-jfk-and-has-ruled-america-ever-since/ And this: Israel Did 911. All the Proof In The World https://vidrebel.wordpress.com/2013/09/16/resurrecting-israel-did-911-all-the-proof-in-the-world/

Justin Timberlake Says America's Founders 'Believed in' Racism, Calls for Statue Removals
Post Date: 2020-12-07 12:26:59 by BTP Holdings
Justin Timberlake Says America's Founders 'Believed in' Racism, Calls for Statue Removals By Andrew J. Sciascia Published July 8, 2020 at 1:59pm With professional athletics and box office films on hold amid the ongoing health crisis, Americans are more strapped for amusement than they have been in a generation. Yet, as civil unrest persists following the officer-involved deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, folks left of center certainly seem to have found all the entertainment value they could possibly ask for, cheering the nationwide razing of monuments to figures from American history. This week, however, a real “expert” weighed in from Hollywood. His ...

MI GOP Activists Kristina Karamo, Dr. Linda Lee Tarver Demand Investigation Into Sec of State Benson
Post Date: 2020-12-07 10:30:26 by Horse

Opposition Builds To Great Reset In Argentina, Who's Next?
Post Date: 2020-12-06 19:21:41 by Horse
Obedience is not acquiescence. No one really loves Big Brother no matter how much you torture them. The longer you suppress the anger the worse it gets... Until it explodes...

Are you going to get vaccinated? (Satrie)
Post Date: 2020-12-06 13:01:44 by Horse

CALL to ACTION: #SaveChristmas Rally
Post Date: 2020-12-06 10:25:44 by Horse
Poster Comment:Rallies to save Christmas from lockdown fascists. Started in Europe. This rally is against Witless Whitmer of Michigan.

Sidney Powell: I Have Huge Bag of Shredded Ballots - Raffensperger & Sterling Should Be Investigated
Post Date: 2020-12-06 03:02:09 by Horse

German Lawyers Initiate Class-Action Coronavirus Litigation
Post Date: 2020-12-05 16:39:06 by Horse
The German Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee, founded July 10, 2020, is leading an international effort to hold accountable those responsible for using fraudulent testing to engineer the appearance of a dangerous pandemic to implement economically devastating lockdowns Pandemic measures have caused tremendous harm, killing more people than the virus itself by restricting routine medical care to people with acute and chronic health conditions that have nothing to do with COVID-19 While the governments of many nations have the same separation of power as the U.S., where you have separate legislative, judiciary and executive branches, we are now finding that this separation has ...

Top Democrats Back Down After Months of Hardball with New COVID Relief Bill in the Works
Post Date: 2020-12-05 03:48:27 by BTP Holdings
Top Democrats Back Down After Months of Hardball with New COVID Relief Bill in the Works Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer hold a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., on Nov. 6, 2020. (Nicholas Kamm / AFP via Getty Images) By The Associated Press Published December 3, 2020 at 10:05pm The likelihood of Congress delivering another coronavirus relief bill is growing after additional lawmakers voiced support for a bipartisan, middle-of-the-road plan taking shape in the Senate and as top congressional leaders ended a months-long impasse. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell spoke on the phone on ...

Rudy Giuliani THROWING lightning BOLTS in Michigan House Oversight Hearing! Facts are STUBBORN
Post Date: 2020-12-04 20:11:22 by Horse

Food for Thought
Post Date: 2020-12-04 19:38:38 by Horse
"They aren't after me they are after you, I'm just in their way " Donald J Trump Poster Comment:The quote came from sonny. I think we should undertand the implications. There are coming for us. The Great Reset could be thought of as the genocidal killing of billion people.

Great advice by Rob Schneider to all Californians
Post Date: 2020-12-04 14:16:37 by Horse
Rob Schneider @RobSchneider Hey, Californians! You got this... instead of being stuck at home with Governor Newsom’s “Stay at Home Order,” just DRESS UP LIKE A HOMELESS PERSON and your FREE TO GO OR PISS WHEREVER YOU PLEASE! Gavin Newsom @GavinNewsom Replying to @GavinNewsom Sectors that will remain open when a region is placed into the Regional Stay-At-Home, include: - Schools that are already open - Critical infrastructure - Retail (20% capacity to reduce exposure) - Restaurants (take-out and delivery)

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