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Chris Farrell: Judicial Watch Has MULTIPLE Investigations over Election Integrity across the Country
Post Date: 2020-11-10 15:47:29 by Horse

Working White Families are Done with the System — All Faith is Lost
Post Date: 2020-11-10 10:10:55 by Horse
The exasperation contained in this mother’s editorial below poignantly illustrates the three things that really motivate me to keep on fighting: Justice, Decency, and Revenge. Those responsible for the death of the country need to pay the ultimate price for it. — Dissident Millennial I AM DONE, I’LL NOT VOTE AGAIN by OH Mama I WAS BORN at the end of Gen X and the beginning of the Millennial Generation, and grew up in a middle class town. Life was good. Our home was modest but birthdays and Christmas were always generous, we went on yearly vacations, had two cars, and there was enough money for me to take dance classes and art lessons and be in Girl Scouts. My 1940s born ...

The Deep State vs the Deep Country
Post Date: 2020-11-10 08:04:18 by Ada
I need to begin with the obvious: in spite of all the deep state, propaganda and “deep empire” (transnational) resources being used to declare that “Biden” (i.e. Harris) has won, as of right now nobody knows who got most votes and where. I would even suggest that we will never really find out who won, because who won depends on a large number of local laws and regulations and because it will probably never be possible to separate the fake votes from the legal ones. Finally, neither side will ever gracefully admit to having lost the contest. So now the country will enter a profound crisis. That is the bad news. But there is also very good news. First, it has now ...

Civil War 2 And Genocide Are Features Not Bugs
Post Date: 2020-11-10 05:32:02 by Horse
Catherine Austin Fitts said two things of importance for 2021 and after. She had been managing partner at Dillon Read Investment Bank. She was Housing Commissioner under HUD Secretary Jack Kemp in in the Bush I admin. 1) The Bankers and other criminals who run our government stole $50 trillion from US taxpayers. 2) She said in 1995 after examining the situation that Wall Street would never make restitution. She concluded that so much of our pensions assets had been stolen and replaced with worthless paper that the only exit Wall Street can see is genocidal extinction of Americans. All Depressions are periods in which Unpayable Debts are cancelled en masse. Bankers have saddled us with ...

Shove unity where the sun doesn't shine
Post Date: 2020-11-09 12:01:51 by X-15
Before I take off for my day of rest on Sunday, let me respond to Biden's hypocritical call for national unity. By unity he means conformity. Shove it. A real leader who cared about the country would have called for unity 4 years ago when his side was throwing tantrums. Instead this money-laundering mooch from Wilmington cheered the resistance from the get-go. A real man would have told Obama, unh, unh. Donald John Trump won fair and square. Treat him with the same respect Dubya treated you. Instead this crooked, corrupt coward aided and abetted an attempted coup that planted false documents on President Donald John Trump to initiate a witch hunt. A real man would have called ...

Coronavirus Viral Videos Feature Truck Drivers Discussing Nationwide Strike
Post Date: 2020-11-09 09:22:27 by Horse
Viral videos are being posted to social media featuring truckers in the United States discussing the possibility of a nationwide strike on November 29th in protest against coronavirus lockdown measures and the election. “As of now the word is November 29th,” states one trucker. “November 29th, we park and we don’t move…November 29th is the day we take this country back. Spread the word. It’s our time. We say what happens,” he adds, before warning, “Shit’s about to get real.” VeBee @VeBo1991 Truckers going on strike ! “November 29th , we park and don’t move . It’s the day we take this country back . It’s our time . We ...

UNmarked Helicopters
Post Date: 2020-11-08 05:09:44 by noone222
Poster Comment:Unmarked Helicopters - hovering soon ... The Lord is coming soon !

"Meet The New Resistance"
Post Date: 2020-11-07 16:59:07 by Horse
Richard Andrew Cloward and Francis Fox Piven are two names that are largely unfamiliar to the average American, but, as Mark Levin raged last night during an appearance on Fox's Hannity show, their historical relevance is being seen all over the country today. Outspoken conservative Mark Levin fumed at the violation of the Constitution in various states' ballot collection procedures, blasting that "there's more evidence of voter fraud than there was ever evidence of Russia collusion... so those that keep saying, let's see the evidence, where the hell were you for the last four years?" The Democrats "believed in flooding the system, create chaos, grab power, ...

Rioting BACKFIRES On ANTIFA As Countless GET FIRED For Riot Related Criminal Records!
Post Date: 2020-11-07 05:25:03 by NeoconsNailed
MERCH: teespring.com/store s/liberalhivemind www.subscribestar.com/l iberal... twitter.com/LiberalHivemind Subscribe for MORE EPIC VIDEOS!! Motion Graphics ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ No Copyright Motion Graphics Motion Graphics provided by www.youtubestock.com YouTube Channel: goo.gl/aayJRf ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 6,462 Comments Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:A jew brought this Youtuber to my attention in an effort to water down ...

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Wants To Put Together An Enemies List.
Post Date: 2020-11-06 17:47:50 by TommyTheMadArtist
It Begins – Representative Ocasio-Cortez Requests Immediate Enemies List for Targeting After Biden Takes Office… Posted on November 6, 2020 by sundance New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has requested the immediate assembly of a political enemies list so the far-left can target Trump supporters for elimination. Not surprisingly former President Obama’s data-assembly lead, Michael Simon, affirms the list is already being assembled. Historically, the elimination of political opposition is a consistent approach by far-leftists who prefer to use ostracization, internment and ultimately extermination to avoid any further impediments upon their quest for ultimate ...

"Stand back, Stand by" - Stand Up Straight!
Post Date: 2020-11-06 09:44:45 by Screen Name
This is it, now or never. Either stand up, or lose it all. Forever. Everyone seemingly is against us. Trump has proven he won't back down to these outrageous high crimes commited repeatedly in broad daylight. If Trump in facts makes his biggest move against the forces arrayed, we have to STAND UP and see this through to the conclusion that leaves some semblance of the Republic standing. We either run the reset ourselves, with Trump, or the Corporatist Satan-lovers bury all freedom lovers. Trump said he won't allow the Socialist takeover on his watch. I believe him. Most of you broken glass Trumpians seem to be resigned to allowing this coup to be carried out. Don't be a ...

Responses not appearing under latest comments
Post Date: 2020-11-06 08:45:43 by noone222
#7. To: Every Red White and Blue blooded American (#5) I'm predicting that if Trump wins through recounts, large parts of D.C. will be an inferno. The irony for me is that I'd have joined them in destroying D.C. if the motive was to restore freedom in America. I used to pray for a nuke to drop on D.C. every year at the State of the Union Address. I loathe the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT as it has existed since my military service, until Trump was in office for a year or so. I am not completely in "Lock Step" with Trump but he is the best President in my lifetime despite some minor differences in opinion. I have watched our freedom disappear incrementally year after year, the ...

Trump Voters in Michigan Fight Back Against the State’s Voter Fraud
Post Date: 2020-11-06 07:18:28 by BTP Holdings
Trump Voters in Michigan Fight Back Against the State’s Voter Fraud Trump was expecting mass-scale fraud on election night, as most of us were. We just didn’t understand the scope and scale and brazenness with which it would occur. Democrats cheated across the country and pulled out every dirty trick they could imagine to try to steal this election. President Trump still has a real shot to win in spite of all of that cheating, but the cheating clearly happened, and we have to deal with the consequences of that truth. One of the places of extraordinary cheating is Michigan. We knew the state was important and would have a tight race. That’s why the Dems targeted it so hard. ...

Alex Jones in Arizona Protesting With Patriots
Post Date: 2020-11-06 07:03:05 by noone222
www.infowars.com/posts/wa...hoenix-to-stop-the-steal/Poster Comment:I have yet to figure out how to post this video so I posted the URL and hope someone with more expertise can get it up !

Wearing a Mask Can Harm Your Health
Post Date: 2020-11-05 04:07:57 by NeoconsNailed
in CUTTING-EDGE SCIENCE· HEALTH & WELLNESS Wearing a Mask Can Harm Your Health Wearing a mask can harm your health. woman wearing a mask courtesy of Ani Kolleshi via Unsplash. | Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D. “I just don’t get it. Why don’t you want to wear a mask?” It’s not just that masks most likely don’t work to stop the spread of coronavirus. Wearing a mask can harm your health. Earlier this month an Australian news outlet reported that two 14- year-old Chinese boys collapsed and died six days apart while exercising wearing masks. “It happened within two to three minutes during his physical training class. He was wearing a mask while lapping ...

Why The Defender by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Post Date: 2020-11-04 19:02:16 by Horse
Poster Comment:Short but powerful video.

OxyContin Maker Pleads Guilty and Shuts Down
Post Date: 2020-11-04 17:13:14 by NeoconsNailed
In March 2019, facing an estimated 2,600 lawsuits1,2 relating to its role in creating the opioid epidemic, Purdue Pharma — the maker of OxyContin — announced the company was considering filing for bankruptcy protection. Around that same time, New York expanded its lawsuit against the company to include allegations that company funds had been fraudulently transferred into trusts and offshore accounts owned by members of the Sackler family in an effort to shield assets from litigation.3,4 In all, court documents reveal the Sacklers transferred more than $10 billion of the company's funds into family trusts.5 How this does not fall under the fraudulent conveyance statutes, ...

Stormer gives up on sheeples -- documents their feeble-mindedness
Post Date: 2020-11-04 11:25:00 by NeoconsNailed
Ruling Elite Continue to Live It Up as You’re Driven Into Poverty and Despair by the Coronavirus Hoax It’s actually frankly hilarious the extent to which the ruling class abuses the masses of people, and how the masses just beg for more. This is why you have to have an aristocracy: the masses of people really can be convinced of anything, and they don’t understand their own interests. As I age, the more I understand that the divine right of kings is actually a totally real thing: God did give certain great men a duty to protect the masses of people. With those divine protectors gone, you have a parasite elite. You notice the new elite pushes this democracy gibberish, and ...

Kamala CHASED OUT Of Texas By Trump Supporters! Leftists LIE About What Happened, Here's The TRUTH (YT)
Post Date: 2020-11-04 10:36:59 by NeoconsNailed
Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:With such obviously strong Republican passions raging from coast to coast, you know these Dummacrat vote totals are a massive fraud.

Post Date: 2020-11-02 08:52:07 by BTP Holdings
JUDGE REINSTATES TAX EVASION CASE AGAINST CLINTON FOUNDATION admin October 30, 2020 A former DEA official and corporate tax expert blew the whistle on Bill and Hillary last year. Now they face tax evasion charges despite the best efforts from deep state Democrats to have the allegations dismissed. It’s a long-standing open secret that Bill and Hillary Clinton used their so-called charitable foundation like a personal slush fund. Hillary also misused her position as Secretary of State to prompt foreign entities and special interests groups to make large donations to the Clinton Foundation. They included a $1 million gift from Qatar and upwards of $21 million raised in conjunction ...

"We're Not Guinea Pigs!" - Brazilians Protest São Paulo Governor's Mandatory Vaccination Push
Post Date: 2020-11-02 07:27:09 by Horse
Western media outlets like the NYT would have their readers believe that Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro is a madman reviled by his own people, while attributing his historic electorial victory to some kind of fluke, or (even worse) judicial 'meddling' to keep corrupt ex-president Lula from winning another term. The reality, of course, is that Bolsonaro, like President Trump, has a devoted core following who would back him over virtually any challenger. And despite all those reports about Brazil's 'collapsing' health-care system, more than 300 demonstrators gathered on the main commercial throughway in São Paulo to protest State Governor João ...

Charlie Brown
Post Date: 2020-11-01 13:29:46 by Horse

All But the Lamest RINOs Are Getting Conserva-Woke Now
Post Date: 2020-11-01 12:07:37 by Ada
One of the many glories of Donald Trump is his remarkable ability to clarify the truths than have been hidden, or that weak and stupid people have just preferred not to see. Our garbage institutions are teetering, victims of age, technology, and the utter corruption and incompetence of our allegedly elite ruling caste, and for years the soft conservatives have refused to see what is right in front of their dumb, pasty faces. Thanks to Trump breaking them in mind, body, and spirit, there’s no denying it anymore. The Establishment is a boil that must be lanced. So many people used to wishcast good faith upon the Establishment even in these chaotic times. How often have you seen ...

Savage Corp To Shield High-Value Targets With AI-Drone Killing Missiles
Post Date: 2020-11-01 11:13:43 by Screen Name
Weaponized drone swarms could easily take out oil refiners, nuclear power plants, airports, government buildings, electrical grids, or even cause unfathomable loss of life at sports stadiums. A recent paper titled "Are Drone Swarms Weapons of Mass Destructions?," argues such attacks like those mentioned above could be viewed as "weapons of mass destruction." For example, a massive swarm of drones blew up oil production facilities in Saudi Arabia in 2019. As we recently noted, another incident was unearthed via Freedom of Information Act documents that showed mysterious drone swarms had breached airspace over America's largest nuclear power plant last year. The ...

Missouri Officers Rescue Over a Dozen Victims, Arrest 5 Human Trafficking Suspects
Post Date: 2020-10-31 18:01:54 by BTP Holdings
Missouri Officers Rescue Over a Dozen Victims, Arrest 5 Human Trafficking Suspects BY JANITA KAN October 31, 2020 Updated: October 31, 2020 Oak Grove Police Department officers rescued 10 women and three children as part of a human trafficking operation in Missouri. The police department said during the operation, which was also conducted by the Missouri Attorney General’s Office Human Trafficking Task Force and Missouri State Highway Patrol on Oct. 23, the 10 women were contacted and offered victim services, while the three children, all under 5 years of age, were taken into protective custody and released to the Missouri Department of Social Services. The investigation also ...

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