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Why won't it post! Help!
Post Date: 2020-08-04 19:20:40 by NeoconsNailed
Will somebody please advise me -- I do up a beautiful page and hit 'This looks good -- post it' but it simply doesn't after multiple attempts. Two shows as duds under Latest Comments. I've seen it happen with others of you. Click for Full Text!

Exciting times at the Daily Archives
Post Date: 2020-08-04 17:02:32 by NeoconsNailed
Dresden 1945: The Devil’s Tinderbox Communists Torture and Massacre Priests, Nuns, and Choir Boys in Marxist Upheavals in Spain The “Great Emancipator” and the Issue of Race: Abraham Lincoln's Program of Black Resettlement Post-War Jewish Ethnic Cleansing of Germans: Hungary, Romania, Yugoslavia In Brazil, Pastor and Congregants Pray to God to Destroy Jews Like Vermin Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:The excitement is the revelations of good and bad things the site affords -- the former for obvious reasons, the latter because it's things the world needs to know and acknowledge. I only received the above-listed stories ...

Affluent Whites Hate Racism....But They Hate Race-Mixing Much More
Post Date: 2020-08-04 09:07:07 by Ada
Wealthy suburban whites may put Black Lives Matter signs on their lawn, but that doesn’t mean they want blacks in their children’s school. The Donald Trump campaign’s naked racial appeal to white professionals to keep blacks out of their suburbs has been received with discomfort and feigned outrage by Jewish media taste makers. Polls show that affluent whites have views on race and culture to the hard left of blacks, so why would Trump think this is a good idea? The animal instinct to protect one’s children transcends education, class and ideology. On questions of racially integrating schools and neighborhoods, educated white liberals and Jews continue to fight just ...

The Atlantic Publishes Irate Female Rant Against People Who Respond to Journalists with Facts
Post Date: 2020-08-02 08:52:34 by Ada
Annie Lowrey: I’d like to check her facts, if you catch my drift. The Atlantic has published a bizarre rant by “female journalist” Annie Lowrey denouncing people who respond to the lies of journalists with facts. Click for Full Text!

Gym owner arrested for reopening tells Tucker he's 'not afraid of tyrants'
Post Date: 2020-08-01 22:10:53 by Horse

Socialist "Occupier" Clams Up As Former Soviet Citizen Reminds Che Guevara Was Homophobe and Racist
Post Date: 2020-08-01 15:08:17 by NeoconsNailed
May Day Demonstration Union Square, New York May 1, 2012 Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:This is terrific -- typical young white SJW in the middle of a big demonstration goes from a proud and vocal "WE'RE GONNA HAVE A SOCIALIST AMERICA BECAUSE CAPITALISM IS SEXIST AND RACIST" yak yak yak to "Please don't film me. I'd rather you didn't film me. Look, I can talk to you one- on-one about this --please stop that" as she's trying to slither out of view. The stonetoss guy really has the picture ;) http://stonetoss.com/comic/time-flies-into-a-building/

Death sentence for Boston Marathon “bomber” overturned
Post Date: 2020-08-01 13:25:15 by NeoconsNailed
Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has had his death sentence overturned by a federal appeals court after his lawyers successfully argued some jurors had already decided he was guilty before his trial had even started. The three-judge panel of the 1st US Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston issued the decision on Friday more than six months after arguments were heard in the case. Tsarnaev, who was 19 at the time, and his older brother Tamerlan set off a pair of homemade pressure-cooker bombs near the Boston Marathon finish line in 2013 in an attack that killed three people and injured more than 260 others. A federal jury in 2015 found Tsarnaev guilty of all 30 counts he faced and ...

If Protonmail promo is for real, could be good
Post Date: 2020-08-01 10:39:10 by NeoconsNailed
Dear Proton community, As we have recently seen, the Internet has changed how people organize and advocate for their beliefs, but it has also given governments more tools to monitor behavior and stifle freedom of expression. In this month's newsletter, in addition to sharing the latest Proton product updates, we will explore some of these important themes. In particular, we take a closer look at what is happening in Hong Kong, and why it has broad implications for freedom around the world. We also look at how tech giants are using their control of the Internet to stifle innovation, freedom, and competition, such as how Apple is censoring ProtonVPN on behalf of authoritarian ...

States where impeachment of governor is currently in progress:
Post Date: 2020-08-01 05:56:47 by Horse
PENNSYLVANIA: HR915 was introduced on June 15th in the PA General Assembly for the impeachment of Governor Wolf, with 24 co-sponsors. Everyone in PA needs to contact your state representative and senator to let them know you fully support this impeachment, and get your family and friends to do the same. You can find and contact your state representatives using this website. CALIFORNIA: California Recall Web Page – California Facebook Page – 160 days to collect signatures, starting June 10th. IDAHO: Idaho Recall Web Page – Idaho Facebook Page OREGON: Oregon Recall Web Page – Oregon Facebook Page – Approved as of June 3rd. Note: There may be multiple, active ...

HHS Sitting On 150 Million Doses of HCQ
Post Date: 2020-07-30 19:43:43 by Horse
On June 6th the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) sued the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and HHS (Health and Human Services) to remove restrictions on the use of Hydroxychloroquine which combined with the natural anti-viral zinc has cured patients when they first show symptoms. Pharmacists still are being pressured to refuse to fill prescriptions for HCQ. Fake science studies have been conducted with toxic level doses and have produced toxic results. 2,400 milligrams of HCQ on the first day. You only need 200 milligrams of HCQ twice a week and zinc daily for prophylaxis. HCQ has been on the WHO list of safe medications for years. It is available over the counter ...

The HighWire with Del Bigtree
Post Date: 2020-07-30 17:02:35 by Horse
About This website is one of my projects for preserving and sharing truth videos with others. On the channels-list.com homepage you'll find a bunch of channels that I found over the last 3 years. You'll find channels that have been terminated and this website has the videos backed up and available for you to copy and share with others. Please use this website to spread awareness, to watch and share and download videos to have your own copies. This is a backup of Del Bigtree's YT channel. Poster Comment:Facebook and YouTube are after Del Bigtree.

Trader Joe's Reverses Course, Refuses To Kowtow To Outrage Mob
Post Date: 2020-07-30 16:41:33 by Horse
"...we disagree that any of these labels are racist. We do not make decisions based on petitions..."

Zuckerberg Admits Facebook Suppresses ‘Hate Speech’ Before It’s Seen By Anyone
Post Date: 2020-07-30 13:33:27 by BTP Holdings
Zuckerberg Admits Facebook Suppresses ‘Hate Speech’ Before It’s Seen By Anyone July 30, 2020 Zuckerberg Admits Facebook Suppresses ‘Hate Speech’ Before It’s Seen By Anyone - rawconservativeopinions Facebook censors almost 90 percent of ‘hate speech’ before it’s allowed to circulate, CEO Mark Zuckerberg told Congress at Wednesday’s Big Tech hearing, responding to pressure from Democrats to submit to the advertiser boycott. “We’re able to proactively identify 89 percent of the hate speech that we take down before, I think, it’s even seen by other people,” Zuckerberg told the Antitrust Subcommittee of the US House of ...

Our Work
Post Date: 2020-07-30 09:45:16 by Ada
There is something sick about the first person who said “Humans just don’t follow orders very well. I wish I had a creature that would follow my orders perfectly. How do I train such a creature?” In time, another person realized no such creature exists. Many share this want. Some seek to help empower the individual. All too often, in this want, is the dismissal of a human’s individuality. Great effort has gone into denying the human his individuality. Correspondingly, great effort has gone into making him, as much as possible, into a well-behaved and predictable input and output mechanism: Behavioral psychology, management, marketing, education are but a few of the ...

Starve Portland Out! and Back the Blue—with A Cold Eye
Post Date: 2020-07-30 08:25:20 by Ada
[Excerpted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively through VDARE.com] Our nation’s Constitution is getting something of a stress test up in the Northwest, especially in the city of Portland. Anarchist rioters have been assaulting the federal courthouse there, along with of course some vandalizing and looting of private property on the side. (No, I don’t mean to imply that these rioters are inspired by the writings of Peter Kropotkin, Michael Bakunin, and Max Stirner. I’d be very surprised to learn that any of them are inspired by anything more erudite than Marvel Comics and Teen Vogue. We need some way to refer to them collectively, though, and a ...

AAPS Sues FDA for Access to HCQ,
Post Date: 2020-07-30 02:50:51 by Horse
Poster Comment:Starts at 1:10. American Association of Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), The US though HHS is sitting on 100 million doses of HCQ. The US Government (Deep State, Big Pharma and Democrats with the help of the media) is restricting access to HCQ. Telling Pharmacists to not fill prescriptions. They are killing people. This has to stop.

Violence and Anarchy Reign in Portland
Post Date: 2020-07-29 13:24:46 by BTP Holdings
Violence and Anarchy Reign in Portland No end in sight as rioters call for ‘revolution’ and feds struggle to contain violence BY BOWEN XIAO July 28, 2020 Updated: July 29, 2020 Print PORTLAND, Ore.—Each night, as the last scatters of sunlight fade away, hundreds, sometimes thousands, of protesters and rioters begin to emerge. Their target: the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse located in downtown Portland, Oregon. What awaits them inside the courthouse is a mix of agents from the Federal Protective Service, the U.S. Marshals Service, and U.S. Customs and Border Protection. They were sent to the city as reinforcements to protect federal buildings. Amid banging drums and ...

Madonna supports COVID-19 conspiracy theory video after it was removed by social media platforms and supports doctor who made bizarre claims
Post Date: 2020-07-29 09:43:55 by Horse
Madonna twice posted a video of doctors supporting the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine as a 'cure' for the novel coronavirus after it was retweeted by President Trump before being removed for 'misinformation' by Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube. The pop star seemed to ignore the warnings of falsehoods in the video and was slammed by fans on Tuesday. Madonna, 61, showed support for the doctors shown in the video, including Dr. Stella Immanuel who has a history of believing in satanic plots and that endometriosis is caused by 'sex demons' among other outlandish claims. She shared the videos of doctors describing the malaria drug as a 'cure' for COVID-19 to her ...

Police Departments Benefit From Police Militarization Program, but at What Cost to Communities?
Post Date: 2020-07-29 07:55:59 by Ada
Local sheriffs claim they need military vehicles and firearms to protect communities, but experts caution against police militarization. On June 18, the Moundsville Police Department rolled their brand new mine-resistant vehicle, or MRAP, out of a massive garage. The vehicle was enormous, loud, and painted the color of desert sand. It looked like it belonged in a warzone in Afghanistan rather than in a parking lot in rural West Virginia. As the MRAP rolled at the pace of a few miles per hour, a local TV reporter recorded the scene. She immediately took to Twitter, captioning a video of the massive MRAP: “The Moundsville Police Department has added a vehicle to the fleet!” The ...

Video: Doctor's Banned by YouTube and Twitter
Post Date: 2020-07-29 01:12:06 by Horse
America’s Frontline Doctors SCOTUS Press Conference https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/americas-frontline-doctors-scotus-press-conference-transcript

New Jersey Gym Owners Fighting Governor’s Lockdown
Post Date: 2020-07-28 17:28:42 by BTP Holdings
New Jersey Gym Owners Fighting Governor’s Lockdown "Belmar, New Jersey" (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) by PMillera4 As much of the country has started to reopen, there are still certain businesses that remain under lockdown orders. These orders are deeply problematic for owners and workers with families to feed and livelihoods to preserve. The serious toll that shutdowns are having on various Americans has prompted some to fight back. Many businesses across the nation are reopening their doors, even in defiance of shutdown orders. In doing so, these Americans remain committed to resisting tyranny and government overreach. “Rolling Back Regulations to Help All Ame” (Public ...

How to shut up a marxist (Jordan Peterson speech)
Post Date: 2020-07-28 09:50:30 by Horse

‘F*ck Black Lives Matter’: Black Men Revolt Against Seattle BLM, Attack Barricade Made Of Trash
Post Date: 2020-07-28 09:41:04 by Horse
Antifa and Black Lives Matter terrorists have taken over another section of downtown Seattle, and a couple of black residents are livid about it. Footage from Sunday shows an irate black man cursing at the Black Lives Matter rioters, chanting “All Lives Matter” and kicking over their impromptu barricade made of municipal trash receptacles. “All lives matter! Fuck Black Lives Matter!” he yelled. Katie Daviscourt 🇺🇸 @KatieDaviscourt Black Seattlite kicks over the barricade that Antifa Militants and BLM protesters set up and yells, “All Lives Matter. Fu*k Black Lives Matter.” #seattleriots #seattleprotests ...

They’re Going to Come to Your House: You Need to Stop Entertaining Uprising Fantasies and Get Serious
Post Date: 2020-07-28 09:27:04 by Ada
Leftists are winning by such an unfathomable margin because they are so good at bringing down pain on their enemies. Chad Wolf is basically the single person in the federal government who has tried to do something about the riots tearing down our entire country. He sent a bunch of people from the Customs and Border Patrol to fight Antifa in the streets of Portland. This was a really creative solution, given that the President does not have the ability to order the FBI to do anything. Of course, the CBP agents in Portland don’t have the ability to do anything but fight Antifa in the streets. They can arrest them, but can only hold them for a few hours. So it has turned into an ...

Violent Crime Explosion Forces Minneapolis Residents to Form Militias
Post Date: 2020-07-28 09:24:12 by Horse
“Minneapolis residents in some areas still recovering from rioting and unrest are forming community watch and security groups, some bearing firearms, to fight a surge of crime,” reports the Wall Street Journal. While no one can blame the residents — in fact they should be applauded for doing what it takes to protect their own – this is, in ways I’ll explain below, not good. It is, however, a sign of things to come in countless Democrat-run cities: In late June, residents near a commercial strip that had been looted, and the 3rd Precinct station that was abandoned and burned, were seeing a surge of shooting and drug-related crime on their block. “It got to ...

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