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Mass-Tracking COVI-PASS Immunity Passports Slated to Roll Out in 15 Countries
Post Date: 2020-06-29 07:30:35 by Ada
COVI-PASS will determine whether you can go to a restaurant, if you need a medical test, or are due for a talking-to by authorities in a post-COVID world. Consent is voluntary, but enforcement will be compulsory. Through the magic of Internet meme culture, most Millennials will be familiar with the famous opening scene of the 1942 film, “Casablanca,” where two policemen stop a civilian in the “old Moorish section” of Nazi-occupied French Morocco and ask him for his “papers.” The subject is taken away at once after failing to produce the required documents. The cinematic exchange has been used ever since as a popular reference to the ever-encroaching hand of ...

US Circuit Court Judge Orders ICE to Release Invasive Zergling Spawn “Because of Corona”
Post Date: 2020-06-29 06:40:36 by Ada
They’re the Americans now, whitey. You just have to die. The Supreme Court won’t see this anytime soon, and who even knows how they’d rule on it anyway. Breitbart: A U.S District Court judge in the Central District of California ordered the federal government to release migrant children being held in detention for more than 20 days. The order calls for the children to be released by July 17 due to concerns over the coronavirus pandemic. U.S. District Judge Dolly Gee, appointed to the Central District of California by President Barack Obama in 2009, ruled on Friday that the federal government cannot hold children in U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) ...

Portland Police Rush in and Manhandle Antifa Militants Trying to Barricade Central Precinct – Police Knock Rioters to the Ground
Post Date: 2020-06-28 09:38:21 by Horse
Andy Ngô @MrAndyNgo .@PortlandPolice rushed in after #antifa rioters began trying to barricade the Central Precinct (they did that last night to North Precinct & set it in fire). Police knock rioters to the ground, angering their comrades. #BlackLivesMatter https://twitter.com/i/status/1276801933596962818 Poster Comment:Great video. Liberal city fights back after years of abuse.

The Old America Is Dead. Where Do We Go from Here?
Post Date: 2020-06-28 09:19:21 by Ada
“Then who do we shoot?” Like Muley Graves the sharecropper, John Steinbeck’s evocative Okie everyman in John Ford’s 1940 film, many Americans are bewildered by a tidal wave of forces that seem beyond their control. The answer is not easy. But increasingly it seems likely to involve geographical partition. Facing eviction from his dust-bowl farm, Muley confronts a man on a bulldozer who has come to demolish the shack Muley and his family live in. The sharecropper is determined not to give in and threatens the bulldozer operator with a shotgun—only to discover he is a local man, one of Muley’s own people. The bulldozer driver explains it’s not his fault, ...

Hot BLM memes and chat! THE IRISH SAVANT
Post Date: 2020-06-28 05:39:31 by NeoconsNailed
Black Lives Do Matter Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:This site is very basic in form but crammed with good material including the vast array of feedback each page of it gets from readers. I'd put the comments on the rich, tangy level of like VNN Forum -- often in a British and Irish vein, too. Commenters aren't all equally good typists but they can THINK. Click the article -- a bit deceptive since the memes appear on the homepage, but it's just a teaser. One commenter sees what I do about the universe -- it's a failed or capricious project by the bratty child of some lesser god, something like that. The commenter's droll version: //////////This world is a ...

The Great Reset: “You Have Less Than One Year”
Post Date: 2020-06-27 21:50:23 by Bill D Berger
The Great Reset is scheduled for 2021 according to YouTube creator, Richie from Boston. So far, he’s been spot on about the coronavirus hoax and why the elites are using it, but the Great Reset will be devastating for humanity’s freedom. It’s important that we do no consent or use their currency when they do the Great Reset.  We have to start standing up for ourselves.  The elites DO NOT own this Earth and we DO NOT need their permission to be on it. They will not stop until we are all completely dependent on the government making accepting their tyranny easy.  Unless you break free from the system and stop using their money, you will be stuck in a position of ...

Disgusting: U.S. Sailors in Bahrain Caught Pimping Out Hostage Thai Women
Post Date: 2020-06-27 12:40:38 by BTP Holdings
Disgusting: U.S. Sailors in Bahrain Caught Pimping Out Hostage Thai Women A shocking report came out concerning some U.S. Sailors stationed in Bahrain. The sailors, in their efforts to earn a little extra spending money, figured out how to accomplish this from the very comfort of their tax-payer rented apartments. Their chosen method created one of the largest sex-scandals of the decade. Seeing no harm with their actions, the sailors developed a prostitution ring with Thai women, converting their apartments into houses of ill-repute. Boys will be boys. After deep investigations by agents from the Navy Criminal Investigative Services, widespread abuse was discovered. The agents also ...

Advancing the Truth
Post Date: 2020-06-27 00:10:57 by X-15
This time around is going to be a rather one-sided affair. The Right has no real political representation, zero ability to organize any resistance, and no means to make financial transactions even if it did. It doesn’t even possess the ability to honestly discuss existential problems in the MSM and struggles just to stay online. Moreover, any mainstream figure purporting to represent Heritage America is simply astroturf to make sure discourse never addresses the underlying premise. Have you ever clicked on the news and seen anyone just come out and say the idea that white people aren’t bad, and the notion that black people are being brutalized and murdered is a demonstrably ...

The Second Civil War
Post Date: 2020-06-26 20:24:07 by Horse
We are headed to a Civil War. The the triggering event will be the lack of affordable food. I expect Nationwide Food Riots. In the 1930s 3 million Americans starved to death. In 1910 agents of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Warburgs created a Banking System that allowed Bankers to charge us interest on money they created out of nothing. This transfers wealth from us to them. The Bankers were not satisfied with that. Dr Mark Skidmore told us that $21 trillion had gone "Missing" from DOD and HUD between 1998 and 2015. In an updated interview he said that the Treasury Department has been printing up trillions in Treasury bonds and selling them off the books. That means our ...

Armed MILITIA GROUPS are SURGING Across the Nation and COPS are JOINING THEM!!!
Post Date: 2020-06-26 15:52:56 by Esso
Poster Comment:The grown-ups are getting restless.

Conservatives urge move to 'free speech' platform Parler in protest over Twitter censorship
Post Date: 2020-06-26 13:57:09 by Horse
Prominent conservatives have launched a campaign on Twitter urging users to switch to Parler, a competing platform marketed as a "free speech social network."

Seattle Mayor Announces the Fate of CHOP
Post Date: 2020-06-25 21:01:20 by BTP Holdings
Seattle Mayor Announces the Fate of CHOP By Erin Coates Published June 23, 2020 at 11:06am Seattle’s Mayor announced Monday that officials plan to dismantle the six-block “police-free zone” in the city’s Capitol Hill neighborhood following multiple shootings in the area over the weekend. “It’s time for people to go home,” Mayor Jenny Durkan said. The area now known as CHOP, which stands for “Capitol Hill Organized Protest,” has been occupied by demonstrators since June 8, when Seattle police left the East Precinct in Capitol Hill. On Saturday, a 19-year-old man and a 33-year-old man were shot within the area. The 19-year-old died from his ...

URGENT! What are the best video downloaders, and how to get them?
Post Date: 2020-06-25 18:27:00 by NeoconsNailed
Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:This is entirely for the cause. We should be downloading every video of interest to hard drive in case it all does get banned some day -- and because the individual bannings happen so fast when major revelations come out via Youtube. Do any of you download videos from the net onto hard drive? If so, what are the best, safest, steadiest, easiest, cheapest utilities for this, please? There's an explosive video in particular I want to share you with but not before it's stowed safely away. I know it seems far-fetched that the fedgoons watch this site and act on tips they get here, but it often seems like it -- and of course they're basically ...

Trump Asks When 'James Comey and His Band of Dirty Cops' Will Apologize to Flynn
Post Date: 2020-06-25 03:06:08 by Horse
Poster Comment:Video at source.

How BCG Vaccination Trials Might Finally Unlock the Many Mysteries of ‘COVID-19’
Post Date: 2020-06-24 09:19:08 by Ada
An “urgent notice” from the Wuhan. China Health Commission warning of “successive cases of unknown pneumonia” was also leaked and posted online on 30 December 2019. The statement ordered hospitals to “strengthen responsible leadership” and ensure that no one “disclose information to the public without authorization.” Under growing pressure regarding this “unknown pneumonia”, the following day the Health Commission said researchers were investigating 27 cases of viral pneumonia, its first official notice. How did they know it was a virus? They didn’t. The BCG vaccine has been used for nearly 100 years in the battle against ...

Join Tommy On Parler - A Free Speech Alternative To Twitter
Post Date: 2020-06-24 08:02:46 by Horse

Behind the Veil of the Protest Movement, the War on the American People Is Gaining Pace
Post Date: 2020-06-24 07:47:00 by Ada
“This is not a momentary civil disturbance. This is a serious, and highly organized political movement…It is deep and profound and has vast political ambitions. It is insidious, it will grow. It’s goal is to end liberal democracy and challenge western civilization itself. This is an ideological movement… Even now, many of us pretend this is about police brutality. …We think we can fix it by regulating chokeholds or spending more on de-escalation training. We’re too literal and good-hearted to understand what’s happening. …But we have no idea what we are up against. ..These are not protests. This is a totalitarian political movement and someone ...

The CIA Can't Protect Its Own Hacking Tools. Why Should We Trust Government Privacy and Security Proposals?
Post Date: 2020-06-24 07:27:48 by Ada
The very idea that our intelligence agencies could keep encryption bypasses secret is absurd. We are often told that law enforcement must have a way to get around strong encryption technologies in order to catch bad guys. Such a "backdoor" into security techniques would only be used when necessary and would be closely guarded so it would not fall into the wrong hands, the story goes. The intelligence community does not yet have a known custom-built backdoor into encryption. But intelligence agencies do hold a trove of publicly unknown vulnerabilities, called "zero days," they use to obtain hard-to-get data. One would hope that government agencies, especially those ...

TX2Guns: My One and Only Rant about this Bullshit
Post Date: 2020-06-22 13:52:57 by X-15
I have not been writing a lot on what has been happening in this country (and around the world) for the simple fact I have been too busy with more important things: Like gearing up, training my family and tuning my rifles and sidearms. Besides, the time for TALK is over IMO. These goons have made that clear. I know this song and dance, in fact I know the playbook these goons are reading from. But just for shits and giggles, here it goes: Marxist, Gender confused soy-boy gangs running with black power thugs on an Anti-White crusade all in the name of another “Justice for another black thug” looting extravaganza at Target while spineless elitist liberal cucks in all areas of ...

Post Date: 2020-06-21 13:28:23 by Horse

Over A Third Of Americans Think Civil War Is Likely
Post Date: 2020-06-20 20:17:58 by Horse
Younger voters worry most about another civil war...

Texas Stopped an Enormous Protest Plot With Five Serious Words of Warning
Post Date: 2020-06-20 19:48:22 by NeoconsNailed
Texas isn’t about to let the rioters destroy their historic monuments. And they aren’t messing around. Texas stopped an enormous protest plot with five serious words of warning. The protesters are interested in tearing apart the heritage of the American nation because the men and women of the past were flawed human beings. There’s a degree of arrogance to that attitude. In America today, over a million unborn children are killed every year legally and yet Americans are ready to tear down statues of people who dehumanized others. The saying goes, “people who don’t learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.” Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, who came ...

Trump Claims He’s Doing Something, Tags Tucker Carlson to Report That He’s Doing Something
Post Date: 2020-06-20 17:24:07 by Ada
Tucker Carlson has become a kind of last man, the only person speaking out against the insanity that is happening around us. While he has been showing the insanity of the Black Lives movement and the Democrats and corporations that support it, he has primarily been targeting the actual cause of this revolution, which is the refusal of the Republicans to stop it from happening. He has been scathing in attacking the entirety of the GOP, condemning them as totally inept, useless and dangerous. On Friday, he said it was time to find new leaders. Shockingly, President Trump apparently watches the Tucker Carlson show. Or at least he did on Friday. After watching it, he tweeted out that he is ...

I Have A Dream—That This Is the Darkness Before the Race-Realist Dawn John Derbyshire
Post Date: 2020-06-20 16:50:41 by Ada
[Excerpted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively through VDARE.com] It is allegedly always darkest before the dawn. Here’s some darkness: the symphony orchestra of Austin, Texas has fired their lead trombonist. This is a white lady named Brenda Sansig Salas, 51 years old and a U.S. Army veteran. Austin Symphony Trombonist Fired Over Racist Comments, The Violin Channel, June 1, 2020 She’d been posting comments on social media. The comment that precipitated her firing was apparently this one: Click for Full Text!

Hooray for me ;)
Post Date: 2020-06-20 16:46:17 by NeoconsNailed
NN, This last week has been a whirlwind. I’ve told you in the past how the establishment made me their number one target due to my exposure of corruption occurring within the walls of the capitol building. The establishment leadership kicked me out of their caucus and recruited candidates to run against me. I didn’t take it sitting down, and neither did you. Thanks to your help, we had our biggest fundraising quarter EVER. We raised over $32,000 - funds that were desperately needed to combat the forces rallying against my candidacy. We had 250 NEW donors pitching in to help! It was an absolute godsend. And because of your support and contributions, we were able to secure ...

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