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BGPuppetShot (Bill Gates Cartoon)
Post Date: 2020-06-10 13:48:23 by Horse

Yes, You Can Be Against ‘Police Brutality’ & ‘Looting And Rioting’ At The Same Time
Post Date: 2020-06-10 13:39:33 by BTP Holdings
Yes, You Can Be Against ‘Police Brutality’ & ‘Looting And Rioting’ At The Same Time June 10, 2020 Authored by Mac Slavo via SHTFplan.com, It is possible to condemn all violence. Just because someone says they don’t support the looting and rioting, does not mean they support police brutality. Just because someone says that the police shouldn’t kill people with qualified immunity, doesn’t mean they support looting and rioting. The mainstream media and those who still are stuck in the left/right paradigm want you to choose a side. Police brutality, or looting. It is possible to side with neither at the same time because they are both wrong. What a ...

Weimar 2020
Post Date: 2020-06-10 07:13:09 by Ada
Have you noticed the peculiar fact that despite the lockdown, the economic crisis, tens of millions unemployed and multiple corporations filing for bankruptcy, Wall Street is having a ball? CNBC‘s Jim Cramer examined this anomaly earlier a few days ago, his verdict: “we’re looking at a V-shaped recovery in the stock market, and that has almost nothing to do with a V-shaped recovery in the economy. What is going on is one of the greatest wealth transfers in history.” Jim Cramer: The pandemic led to ‘one of the greatest wealth transfers in history’ How can the market rebound when the economy has not? Cramer’s answer is so simple. “Because the market ...

Jewish Professor Exposes ADL’s ‘Heinous’ Lie That ‘White Supremacists’ Are A Serious Threat To Jews
Post Date: 2020-06-09 11:19:33 by NeoconsNailed
Dr. Andrew Bostom, an Associate Professor of Family Medicine at Brown University, has written an in-depth essay demonstrating how the jewish watchdog Anti-Defamation League is intentionally misleading the public by creating a false impression that so-called “White supremacists” are far more of a danger to Jews than Muslim or Leftist extremists: Absent significant cognitive dissonance, anyone keeping abreast of the ongoing global jihad carnage—from Afghanistan to India to Yemen— even Germany—would not be surprised that “white supremacist” killings remain a marginal epiphenomenon. Just in the past 30 calendar days through November 2, 2019, there were (at ...

"It's a war crime": Thousands rally in Tel Aviv against Netanyahu annexation bid
Post Date: 2020-06-09 11:09:05 by NeoconsNailed
Thousands of Israelis gathered in Tel Aviv Saturday evening to protest Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s pledge to begin annexing parts of the West Bank next month. Police initially sought to block the rally but backtracked Friday after meeting with organizers, who urged participants to wear masks and adhere to social distancing guidelines. Dozens of officers were securing the demonstration after police said attendance would be capped at 2,000, though the Haaretz daily put turnout at 6,000 people in what appeared to be the largest protest in the country since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. The demonstration was organized by the left-wing Meretz party and the communist ...

Pentagon War Game Includes Scenario for Military Response to Domestic Gen Z Rebellion
Post Date: 2020-06-08 11:55:36 by Horse
In the face of protests composed largely of young people, the presence of America’s military on the streets of major cities has been a controversial development. But this isn’t the first time that Generation Z — those born after 1996 — has popped up on the Pentagon’s radar. Documents obtained by The Intercept via the Freedom of Information Act reveal that a Pentagon war game, called the 2018 Joint Land, Air and Sea Strategic Special Program, or JLASS, offered a scenario in which members of Generation Z, driven by malaise and discontent, launch a “Zbellion” in America in the mid-2020s. The Zbellion plot was a small part of JLASS 2018, which also ...

Ideas Have Consequences
Post Date: 2020-06-08 09:25:25 by Ada
The Saker writes that “the systemic collapse of the US Society has begun.” Actually, US societal collapse has been underway for a long time. What The Saker means is that now it is obvious. Organized violence and looting in many American cities with pre-deliveries of bricks as weapons of destruction. Police and government officials kneeling in submission to the rioters, thus encouraging the rioters in their actions. The police unsupported and standing down. Destroyed businesses. Looters emptying even the big box stores. Enormous economic loss. As I wrote, “the external cost of one Minnesota cop is very high.” I should have said, “the external cost of American ...

George Floyd 'Execution Was Staged Event' Claims Texas Politician Cynthia Brehm
Post Date: 2020-06-08 03:08:26 by NeoconsNailed
She also believes COVID-19 is a Democratic hoax. George Floyd's public execution was staged to create civil unrest, according to one Texas politician. Cynthia Brehm — Republican Party Chair of Bexar County, one of the state's largest — posted a conspiracy theory on Facebook, claiming the killing was premeditated and set up, with the intention of stymieing Donald Trump's "rising approval rating." In her post, entitled "George Floyd — A Staged Event?" she called on her followers to "Tell me what you think". Gilbert Garcia @gilgamesh470 The Bexar County Republican Party chair has a new conspiracy theory. #satx #txelex View image on ...

Post Date: 2020-06-08 03:03:36 by NeoconsNailed
New! Ilhan Omar Wants to Abolish Police, See Tucker Carlson's Response Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:The great tragedy is that every good, sane, normal person that touches this feels obligated to say "now I want justice on Office Chauvin" or "I want justice for the Floyd family!" It's total nonsense when all Chauvin and company did was clear the sidewalks of some annoying trash -- granting for the moment the idea he's actually dead.

Resistance in Idaho!
Post Date: 2020-06-07 22:26:58 by NeoconsNailed
This is how folks from North Idaho prepare for the riots and looting taking place across the state line. These are actual photos taken of the guys ready for Antifa right here in downtown Coeur d'Alene. Poster Comment:Alas, there's no link or article -- got an email from a Peach State compatriot full of pictures of armed guys guarding main arteries and store entrances. My reply: //////////Fantastic, Charles. And look at this -- the DC Post tries to deny Antifa's existence https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/protests-armed-white- vigilantes/2020/06/04/09e17610-a5bb-11ea-b619-3f9133bbb482_story.html ....while linking to a page that shows Antifa starting fires! ...

Can You Survive a Wildfire? (Part 1)
Post Date: 2020-06-07 21:22:32 by BTP Holdings
Can You Survive a Wildfire? (Part 1) Surviving a wildfire is not easy or for the faint hearted. But it can be done. So far I have never faced a fire I couldn’t handle. There is one reason for that. I prepare. For everything. Start with the Basics Everyone should have smoke detectors and fire extinguishers. If you live where wildfires are a high risk, invest in the best smoke detectors on the market. Your family’s safety is worth the extra change. I got fire extinguishers for almost every room of my house. Teach everyone how to use the fire extinguishers. Have a fire plan ready and conduct regular drills. Assess Your Property Homes in wildfire high risk areas often have some ...

Michigan Supreme Court Unanimously Sides with 77-Year-Old Barber over Gov. Gretchen Whitmer
Post Date: 2020-06-06 10:01:57 by Ada
Judge Rules Barber in WI Can Open In a unanimous 7-0 decision, the Michigan Supreme Court sided with 77-year-old barber Karl Manke over Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on Friday. Whitmer and Attorney General Dana Nessel have been relentlessly pursuing Manke, attempting to force the closure of his shop during the coronavirus pandemic. Great Lakes News reported on Facebook late Friday that the Court ruled unanimously in favor of the Owosso barber — a stunning decision, given the narrow 4-3 ideological split in favor of conservatives. According to Great Lakes News, Manke’s attorney, David Kallman, called it the “biggest, most lopsided victory of his career.” Whitmer and Nessel ...

Police Militarization Has Fostered a Culture that Sees Protesters as ‘The Enemy’
Post Date: 2020-06-06 09:06:20 by Ada
I served 27 years as a police officer, I have observed this militarization firsthand, and studied how it affects confrontations. The unrest sparked by the death of George Floyd after being pinned to the ground by the knee of a Minneapolis police officer has left parts of U.S. cities looking like a battle zone. Night after night, angry protesters have taken to the street. So too have police officers dressed in full riot gear and backed by an arsenal that any small military force would be proud of: armored vehicles, military-grade aircraft, rubber and wooden bullets, stun grenades, sound cannons and tear gas canisters. The militarization of police departments has been a feature of U.S. ...

Civil Unrest Ignites on Schedule
Post Date: 2020-06-05 20:48:32 by Ada
George Floyd’s death has sparked civil unrest throughout the world. In Athens, Greece, protestors flung firebombs at the US embassy. In France, President Macron urged citizens not to compare France with the US as he does not feel police brutality, racism, or government control is an issue there. French citizens seem to disagree as 2,500 people attended a rally in Lille, 1,800 in Marseille, and 1,200 in Lyon. Germany, Denmark, Italy, Britain, Brazil, Ireland, Canada, New Zealand, Syria, and countless other countries are experiencing a surge of protests standing in solidarity with the US. But the unrest runs even deeper than yet another murder by armed government workers. After weeks ...

Gutfeld on the media's role in the riots
Post Date: 2020-06-04 21:20:12 by NeoconsNailed
Media rips President Trump over civil unrest in America. Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:I've never had any use for this clown, but he's making a surprising amount of sense here. He mentions his own home -- "They were throwing hammers at my residential windows". So he's getting personally 'mugged by reality' and terrified of exiting his own front door. That'll do it in all of 3 cases per hundred journos!

As US Protests Show, the Challenge Is How to Rise Above the Violence Inherent in State Power
Post Date: 2020-06-04 07:15:19 by Ada
Here is one thing I can write with an unusual degree of certainty and confidence: Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin would not have been charged with the (third-degree) murder of George Floyd had the United States not been teetering on a knife edge of open revolt. Had demonstrators not turned out in massive numbers on the streets and refused to be corralled back home by the threat of police violence, the US legal system would have simply turned a blind eye to Chauvin’s act of extreme brutality, as it has done before over countless similar acts. Without the mass protests, it would have made no difference that Floyd’s murder was caught on camera, that it was predicted by ...

"They're Getting The Sh*t Kicked Out Of Them": Antifa Attempt To Riot In California Suburb Goes Awry
Post Date: 2020-06-03 20:15:09 by Horse
A group of Antifa 'protesters' were met with instant justice at the hands of angry residents in the suburban town of Yucaipa, California, located approximately 10 miles East of San Bernardino. In a video posted to Twitter Tuesday afternoon, a large scuffle can be seen breaking out at an ARCO gas station while a man narrates: "It ain't goin' good at all. They just beat the ever-loving snot out of three or four guys, and it's goin' again. God damn, the antifa guys are not doing well here - they're all getting the shit kicked out of them." One of the protesters can be heard shouting "Justice for Floyd" - right before the man filming says ...

Remembering William Norman Grigg and Questioning the Narrative of the Riots
Post Date: 2020-06-03 08:51:35 by Ada
I do not know how many people who visit LewRockwell.com look for the writings of authors who are no longer with us; one of the contributors of some of the most powerful articles to LewRockwell.com was the late William Norman Grigg who wrote frequently on police violence and also the reprehensible and corrupt behavior of law enforcement and government. However, although black, he did not limit his outrage only to those victims who were black; he wrote about all victims, for example Brittany Irish in “We Have a ‘Duty’ to Submit; They Have No Duty to Protect”, or the story of an unacknowledged hero, David Santoro—not a police officer—in “Your ...

Nolte: We Should Thank the Rioters for Exposing Lockdowns as Purely Political
Post Date: 2020-06-02 17:10:31 by Ada
The establishment media and Democrats are encouraging Americans to go out and riot, which proves the coronavirus lockdowns are purely political. Item: You can’t social distance when you riot. Item: You can’t social distance when you protest. So we now know these lockdowns and all this crap about social distancing was a lie, because what you have here are the media encouraging their own viewers to riot and protest, and Democrats encouraging their own voters to riot and protest… And I think it’s safe to assume if the media and Democrats believed the coronavirus would kill their viewers and voters, they would not encourage such a thing. Here are some perfect ...

Riots---Not Fun or Profit for the Rest of Us
Post Date: 2020-06-02 09:59:42 by Ada
Last Monday, November 25, George Floyd died in police custody after an arrest in Minneapolis. Floyd had moved to Minneapolis trying to “start a new life” after a long prison sentence. According to one account, “Floyd was charged in 2007 with armed robbery in a home invasion in Houston and in 2009 was sentenced to five years in prison as part of a plea deal, according to court documents.” On the night of his death, Floyd was arrested after a complaint he had tried to pass a counterfeit $20 bill. He struggled with the police and, after he was put in a patrol car, he fell out of the car onto the pavement. At that point, Derek Chauvin, one of the arresting officers, left ...

TUCKER TELLS IT -- complete episode
Post Date: 2020-06-01 22:39:12 by NeoconsNailed
Tucker: Our leaders dither as our cities burn (GRAPHIC VIDEO) Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:He really does the truth as usual -- at considerable risk to his Washingtonian self.

A Simple Cure For Police Brutality And Murder
Post Date: 2020-06-01 08:47:55 by Ada
The death of George Floyd in Minneapolis at the hands or rather the knee of a uniformed thug has been used as a pretext for rioting, looting, and protests against the Trump Administration. This insanity has even spread to the other side of the Atlantic where there have been protests and where the BBC has been pushing the ludicrous Black Lives Matter/racism narrative. What are the true facts? As Conservatives point out, the American police actually kill more whites than blacks, mostly by shooting them. Happy now? This sophisticated tabulated map for 2016 reveals that a total of 1,093 people were killed in the US (by law enforcement), a truly staggering number. And that was down from 1,145 ...

Even Right Abandoning Accused Minneapolis Cop—But They Shouldn't [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2020-05-30 19:47:18 by Ada
So, there we have it, Con, Inc., AltRight, Civic Nationalists, and the NRA spokesmouth Dana Loesch are attacking hero white cop Derek Chauvin, he who bravely found, fought with, and successfully arrested violent Black career criminal George Floyd. Whether it is one of the most censored men on the internet, Jared Taylor, who called Chauvin a psychopath on his latest podcast, to Rush Limbaugh calling Chauvin a killer, to normally levelheaded vlogger Donut Operator, a former cop who usually defends cops based on evidence, but who blasted Chauvin and blamed him for the rioting based on nothing more than panic, to Mike Penovich of The Daily Shoah who called Chauvin a killer, the right has lost ...

Why You Might Rent Yourself A Mustang This Weekend
Post Date: 2020-05-30 02:45:00 by Bill D Berger
I don’t know you, but if I did, I would wish you a lot of rumble and chrome. I don’t know you, but if I did, I would wish you a muscle car and the bravado of classic rock. I don’t know you, but if I did, I would wish you a long road with no radars for ages — no authority other than you, nature, and the big guy. You’ve got male energy and you’ve got female energy. Every human has both. The lockdowns, in their insular, protective way, have come, to some extent, out of a plethora of caring female energy. Cradle-to-grave government tends to be that. More time at home lowers the testosterone. More time on Netflix. More time on the couch. More time eating carbs. It ...

Minneapolis burning
Post Date: 2020-05-29 00:54:44 by Esso
Poster Comment:I see a cop killing a man. And his "brother in arms" standing by while he does it. Racism? Maybe, I didn't want to see this to begin with, but it's pretty clearly murder, the pics don't lie. The audio would be damned interesting (incriminating). It looked like his partner tried to intervene, but backed off for some reason. Why? Why didn't the photog intervene? Are they an accessory? I say yes, but I'm not a judge. Was this worth burning a city down for. Yeah, maybe it is. All I see is two bad cops that need to be hung, and one photog that needs about 20 yrs in prison. Racist? Doubtful, just cops (goob) out of control.

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